The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 125 It seems that my situation is too small

Chapter 125 It seems that my situation is too small
Lu Ning: "Then I wish you extraordinary performance, and that you will be able to do well in the exams and get everything right?"

"Okay!" Lu Shi'an smiled and patted her on the head: "Don't worry, brother will definitely not let you down."

Lu Ning wanted to say that whether he did well in the exam was all his own ability, why should he be disappointed?But looking at the other party's beautiful mood, forget it, let him do whatever he wants, as long as he is happy!
The three-day exam passed quickly.

Lu Shi'an came out of the examination room after handing in his exam papers. He felt that he had done well in the exam and was in a happy mood.

During this period of time, the review of sleeping and eating is still a bit useful.

Anyway, he feels that he has done all the above questions, not to say that he is sure of it, but at least half of it.

The ones who thought they had good answers were Shen Yu and the others.

Every time I took an exam in the past, after getting the test paper, I always had the mentality of counting the ones I could get right.

This time, everyone was full of confidence because they read the notes of top students before the exam.I didn't even think about getting high scores in the exam, I just wanted to go home without getting beaten.

After coming out of the examination room, everyone was as light as a swallow and their eyebrows were dancing.Even when Shen Yu saw Song Tingzhi coming out of the next door, he ran up to him and patted him on the shoulder gratefully: "Believe in the God of Learning and you will have eternal life. It is true that Chinese people do not lie to Chinese people. Thanks to the God of Learning this time Notes, you can be regarded as saving your brother’s life, let’s go out to play together another day.”

Song Tingzhi recognized the other person as a classmate who had a good relationship with Lu Ning. Thinking that Lu Ning had said that he wanted it for a friend, he thought it was Shen Yu. However, he was always cold and had no enthusiasm for others. He nodded and said, "I hope I can help you."

Shen Yu didn't care at all. They all had a carefree temperament. Moreover, they knew the other person's temperament and would not care about it.

He just came over to say hello to the other party, and then left after saying hello.

He also made an appointment to tell them that they would go to an Internet cafe for a few afternoons to have fun.

The third brother didn't even play the game for the first month because he had to review. They had no one to lead them, and they were harvested all the time when playing black, and their ranks dropped a lot.The exam has finally been completed, and everyone has agreed to go to the Internet cafe all night long. Whoever doesn't go will be the grandson.

Lu Ning, who came out of the examination room, also received a call from Ms. Tang Li.

In addition to caring about how she did in the exam, he invited her to the Song family for dinner.

"I heard that you guys have finished your exam today. Your uncle Song specially asked Aunt Zhang to cook a lot of dishes. He said that you two have worked hard during the review period and he wanted to make up for you two. After school, you and Ting Come here together!"

"Got it!" Lu Ning had just finished hanging up the phone when she saw Song Tingzhi walking over.

The latter walked up to her. Just as Lu Ning was about to say something, the other party had already spoken first: "My dad has already called me. Let's go!"

Lu Ning nodded towards the other party and said, "By the way, thank you for the notes. Your notes were very good and helped my friend a lot." Even if Lu Shi'an didn't say anything, she would tell Jian Nian and Shen Yu They learned from their mouths that almost half of the example questions in the other party's notes appeared in the test paper.Although the questions are not exactly the same, the types of questions are similar, and the answers can be solved by changing the numbers.

Song Tingzhi said calmly: "It's nothing, and he already said thank you just now!"

Lu Ning was stunned for a moment. He had always thought that Lu Shian didn't like Song Tingzhi, and even though he borrowed his notes, he was unwilling to do so. He didn't expect that the other party would personally thank him.

Lu Ning was quite surprised.

It seems that my own situation is too small.

(End of this chapter)

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