The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 129 Not everyone can be a friend

Chapter 129 Not everyone can be a friend

"I talked to the head teacher on the phone last night and decided to join the competition class." Song Tingzhi looked at her and said slowly.

"Well, then let's work together." Lu Ning was not surprised that he would make a decision so quickly. After all, joining the competition class is not a bad thing.At most, it's just a waste of time.

Soon, it was the day when the competition class started.

The final results this time were also released the day before.

Lu Ning's score was similar to her estimate. This time she still got second place, and Song Tingzhi was still first in grade.

Looking at the difference in scores between the two on the score list, Lu Ning secretly frowned.

Looks like I have to work harder.However, as far as she knew, Song Ting chose science.

In the next exam, their rankings will no longer appear on the same list.

After reading his results, Lu Ning started to read down again. When he saw Lu Shi'an ranked 159th, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

That guy did better than she expected, which showed that all the hard work during this period was not in vain.

In addition, Jian Nian, Shen Yu and others also did well in the exam. Although they did not enter the top two hundred like Lu Shi'an, everyone has made significant progress. At least they are good enough to cope with parents.

Holiday life shouldn’t be too bleak.

Lu Ning has been staying at the Song family these days, so she went to the competition class with Song Tingzhi.

There are a total of twelve people in their competition class. Some have been participating in competitions since junior high school, and some, like Lu Ning, only met after high school. Everyone is from different classes. Although they may have met each other in school before, None of them are familiar. At first glance, they all look unfamiliar.

As soon as Lu Ning and Song Tingzhi appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of others.

One of these two people was first and the other second in the final exam this time, and the boy was handsome and the girl was pretty. No matter where they went alone, they were attractive, let alone the two of them together.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on the two of them.

The teacher in charge of the competition class hadn't arrived yet, so the two of them found a place to sit down.

Because there are so few people, it doesn’t matter where you sit.

At this time, I saw the girl in the front row turning her head.

The girl's eyes first glanced at Lu Ning, then looked at Song Tingzhi beside her, and took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, my name is Yu Shu, I used to be in Class 1, Grade [-]. I heard that you chose science in different classes, which happened to be , me too, there is a high probability that we will become classmates next semester."

"Hello." Song Tingzhi just nodded towards the other party, not very enthusiastic about this girl who might become his classmate in the future.

Lu Ning had heard of the girl's name. Before Song Tingzhi transferred to another school, she and Lu Ning had always competed for the first and second place in the grade.

However, in the recent exams, my performance has declined slightly. It cannot be said that it is not good, but it is just a little bit worse than before. Overall, I have remained in the top five in my grade.

This time, the final ranking was only behind Lu Ning, only three points lower than Lu Ning.

The girl probably knew Song Tingzhi's character before, so she didn't feel embarrassed and turned her head away naturally.

As for Lu Ning, the other party had no intention of saying hello at all.

Of course, Lu Ning didn't care either.

She just came to participate in the training camp, not to have a relationship with classmates.

She doesn't care how other people treat her. In this world, not everyone can be friends.

"Lu Ning." At this moment, a boy's excited voice was heard from the other side of her.

(End of this chapter)

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