Chapter 138 I Said I Like You
Lu Shian touched his nose.

This girl really refused without leaving any room.

"Then, what if it were Song Tingzhi?" Lu Shi'an raised his eyebrows, as if he was getting into trouble with the topic of eating soft rice.

Lu Ning: "Your assumption is not valid. If it were him, it would be impossible for him to eat soft rice."

Is it possible to co-write with him?

Lu Shi'an said angrily: "Are you so optimistic about that kid?"

Has this girl forgotten who is the one who protects her and grows up with her?
What does it mean that she is focused on protecting that boy now?
Do you really think of me as an older brother?

Lu Ning: "Please be reasonable. It's your question. I'm just answering your question based on reality."

"You also said this was a hypothesis, but you just said what if someone is willing? Would you agree?" Lu Shi'an continued to ask without giving up, with an attitude that he must get a result.

Lu Ning narrowed her eyes and looked at the other party suspiciously: "Lu Shi'an, I really think you have a problem recently. Why do you have to involve Song Tingzhi in everything? I'm very surprised. Why do you keep targeting him?"

Lu Shi'an's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and he always felt that his thoughts were being seen through.But he also felt that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to make things clear with the other party, so he hesitated for a moment, and soon made a decision. He looked at Lu Ning and said, "What if I say, it's because of you?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Ning frowned.

Lu Shi'an: "It means that I can't bear the two of you getting too close, and I don't want to see you getting too close to him, because... I will be jealous."

Lu Ning's heartbeat suddenly stopped, and her eyes looked at him with surprise, shock, and more of doubt and complexity.

Is he... joking, or is he serious?

Since this guy always said some specious things recently, Lu Ning couldn't tell for a moment how true or false this guy's words were.Are you sincere, or are you just talking casually and jokingly?

At this time, Ji Shu's voice sounded, interrupting the two of them: "You two, wash your hands and go over to eat."

Lu Ning suddenly came back to her senses and glanced at the other party with a complicated expression. Seeing that the latter was still looking at her directly, as if waiting for her answer, Lu Ning's breathing was a little messy for a moment, and her mind was confused. It was very confusing, and then he quickly turned his head and answered Ji Shu: "Aunt Ji, you'll be here soon."

After speaking, turn around.

But Lu Shi'an grabbed his wrist and said: "Hey, little girl, I said I like you, and I mean it this time, do you want to consider it?"

Lu Ning glared at the other person and said, "Stop making trouble, this joke is not funny at all."

Lu Shi'an said with a rare serious face: "I'm not joking with you, I'm serious." He held it in for a long time before making up his mind. This girl had to give herself an answer no matter what.

"What are these two children talking about? Is there anything you have to say that can't be left until after dinner?" Ji Shu saw the two standing still, couldn't help looking over suspiciously, and urged.

"Here we come." Lu Ning was inexplicably panicked when she saw him, and she felt guilty for no reason. She quickly pulled her hand away and ran towards the dining table without giving the other party a chance to hold on to her.

Until I sat down at the dining table, I still felt that my heart was in a mess and my mind was also in a mess.

How could that guy suddenly confess his love to her?

(End of this chapter)

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