Chapter 174 Want to bite her

Shen Yu led Jian Nian towards the other side of the forest, and the remaining four people sat around the campfire.He saw Shui Yu take out a deck of cards from his pocket and said, "How about we play Landlord! How about the loser having a sticker on his face as punishment?"

Lu Ning: "I won't!"

Lu Shian turned his head and looked at him and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you!"

Half an hour later, they saw long notes plastered on the faces of Lu Shi'an and the other two people. Looking at Lu Ning's face, there was no note at all.

With the most notes on his face, he looked at Lu Ning with a look of resentment and said, "Sister Ning, didn't you say you couldn't do it?"

Lu Ning: "Maybe it's my luck!" Well, she didn't say anything, she just listened to them explain the rules, and she was afraid that they wouldn't be able to bear the blow.

Sure enough, after hearing what she said, Shen Yu and others were speechless.

After all, everyone knows that newcomers are lucky, but Sister Ning is also very lucky!

It's almost too good to be true.

It happened that Jian Nian and Shen Yu also came back at this time, but their faces were a little strange, and their cheeks were a little red, especially Jian Nian, whose eyes were still vaguely excited.

"What's wrong with you two?" Lu Ning's eyes swept across their faces.

Could it be that they were doing something in the woods?

The next second, Jian Nian's slightly excited voice was heard saying, "Guess what the two of us just saw over there?"

"What did you two see?" Aren't you going to see fireflies?Could there be something else?

Jian Nian smiled mischievously and said, "The two of us saw Yang Anning and a boy from their class. Tsk, the two of them were hugging each other and banging each other in the forest. It was so intense! We were both embarrassed to see it. It's over." If there weren't too many mosquitoes there, she thought she could watch it for a while longer.

Lu Ning: ...

I didn't see that this girl was embarrassed.

On the contrary, I thought she was quite excited to see it.

However, Yang Anning...

Lu Ning couldn't help turning her head to look at Lu Shi'an, the other party was still hugging Lu Shi'an just now, why did she hug another boy and kiss him again in the blink of an eye?

"What do you think I'm doing?" Lu Shi'an couldn't help but his face darkened.

Thinking of what this girl asked him before, his mood suddenly darkened visibly.

Lu Ning blinked, "I just want to ask you, do you feel a little lost without a loyal suitor?"

Lu Shi'an gritted his teeth and glared at her: "Lu Ning, are you trying to make me angry to death on purpose?" If there wasn't someone else here, he would have really wanted to bite her.

Lu Ning's expression was innocent: "No, I'm just asking. Really, it's not just me. I guess everyone must also want to know." After saying that, he glanced at the other people present and threw the pot away. .

Lu Shian turned around, and sure enough, he saw other people looking at him with expressions of gossip on their faces, expecting his answer.

While grinding his teeth, Lu Shi'an replied: "...No, are you satisfied?" He didn't like the other person, and it was none of his business whether the other person was talking to others!

He saw that this group of people were just trying to hold on after having enough to eat, and they only made trouble for him when they had nothing to do.

Especially that girl.

The more Lu Shi'an thought about it, the more angry he became, he couldn't help standing up, clasped Lu Ning's wrist and said, "Come with me."

Lu Ning blinked.

This guy is so fierce, maybe he wants to hit her?
Should she go or not?

(End of this chapter)

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