The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 189 Of course I have to protect my students

Chapter 189 Of course I have to protect my students
When Yin Xuemei heard this, she couldn't help curling her lips, and said in a weird way: "I said it a long time ago, some students were admitted to the experimental class purely by luck and some improper means, and they didn't rely on real skills at all. Wait until Once the monthly exams are over, their true colors will be revealed. Keeping people like this in the class will only drag the class back."

At this time, Li Xu, who was immersed in the class scores, did not understand the other party's meaning for a while. When he slowly came to his senses, he hurriedly said: "Teacher Yin, you misunderstood. Lu Shi'an did quite well in the test this time."

"What did you say?" The expression on Yin Xuemei's face couldn't help but stiffen.

Li Xu looked at the score sheet that had just been tallied and said happily: "Student Lu Shi'an really gave me a big surprise this time. He did really well in the exam this time."

"How is this possible?" Yin Xuemei's expression became slightly distorted, and she said with disbelief, "Teacher Li, did you see it wrong?" After a pause, she continued, "Could it be that your class didn't pass the exam this year?" That’s great, so his achievements will be outstanding, right?”

Li Xu smiled and said: "No, our class did well in the exam this time. If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself."

Yin Xuemei stepped forward in doubt, and her face changed completely when she saw the score sheet in her hand.

Lu Shian not only did well in the exam this time, he was simply quite good.As Yin Xuemei expected, she would be kicked out of the experimental class after taking the exam. The combined scores of each subject even exceeded the average score of their class.

Not only did Lu Shian pass the average score of their class, but the scores of the entire Class 2 also exceeded those of Class 1.

And Lu Ning's score was the first in the liberal arts class.

It was a hard slap on Yin Xuemei's face.

In the office, Yin Xuemei looked at the performance statistics sheet in her hand, with a gloomy face as if dripping water.

Especially Lu Shian's results were completely beyond her expectations.Especially in the mathematics test she proctored, the opponent actually got a high score of 150 out of 148, which was only lower than Song Tingzhi in the science class.

Yin Xuemei couldn't help but tighten her hand holding the score sheet, refusing to admit that she had misjudged it at first.

Li Xu's voice rang in his ears: "Teacher Yin, what I said is right! This child is a talented person, and his progress in these two exams is quite obvious. Teacher Wu is right, he is a smart child, and he was thinking before Don’t focus on studies, cultivate them well, maybe in two years our school will have a talent like Tsinghua University and Nanjing University. Also, this Lu Ning is not bad. He actually got perfect scores in four subjects this time. If he can keep it up With this score, I will have a chance to reach the top spot in the province in the future. Speaking of which, I would like to thank Teacher Yin for giving me such a good student."

"Haha." Yin Xuemei tugged her lips stiffly, feeling extremely annoyed, and said in a sour tone, "Congratulations to Teacher Li for getting two good seeds. I have something to do in the class, so I'll leave first."

Yin Xuemei left the office with a dark face. Wu Hong raised his head from behind his desk and said, "Teacher Yin has such a temper. Why do you bother to provoke her? Now the students in their class will be in trouble again." ”

Li Xu took the performance statistics sheet and said with a smile: "Of course I have to protect my students."

Wu Hong also smiled when he heard this, "It's a good thing that those two children are in your class."

(End of this chapter)

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