Chapter 206: A bit of a girlfriend
Lu Shi'an took the tissue and raised his eyebrows lazily: "It's okay, I have good resistance. It's okay for you to be hot and cold to me, what is this little cold?"

"Besides, if I really get infected by you, do you think people will think we did something intimate? Like this." He said, pinching the thumbs and index fingers of both hands, and then touching the fingertips.

Lu Ning: ...

"No, it's impossible, you're thinking too much."

"Okay!" The other party's tone sounded quite regretful.

At first she thought it was just a common cold, but who knew that after arriving at school, Lu Ning found that her head was getting heavier and heavier, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore and lay down on the table to rest.Drowsily, just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a knock on the table.Lu Ning reluctantly opened her eyes and saw a thermos filled with water in front of her.

Lu Shi'an handed the cup to her and said, "Drink more hot water if you have a cold."

While Lu Ning was feeling dizzy, she thought of the online joke about drinking hot water. My aunt is here, drink more hot water.If you feel sad, drink more hot water.If you have a headache or a cold, drink more hot water.Diarrhea, drink more hot water...

In short, in the eyes of straight men, hot water can cure all diseases.

Of course, apart from being a little troublesome to your girlfriend, there seems to be nothing wrong with drinking more hot water.

"Thank you!" But Lu Ning just wanted to sleep now. After taking a look, she closed her eyes again.

Lu Shi'an was a little worried about her. After staring at her for a while, he got up and went to the infirmary. He came back with cold medicine when the school bell rang. He was about to wake up Lu Ning when he found that the girl's face was flushed and her lips were red. white.

Lu Shian couldn't help but frown. He quickly reached out and touched her forehead, and found that the temperature was frighteningly hot.

"Lu Ning? Lu Ning?" He pushed her gently and called out twice.

Lu Ning was dazed at the moment. She heard the other party's cry and wanted to open her eyes, but found that her eyelids were heavy and she couldn't open them.

Seeing this, Lu Shi'an's heart jumped violently, and a flash of panic flashed across his face. He picked up the girl and rushed out of the classroom. At the door, he almost ran into the teacher who was rushing to class.Without any time to explain, he hurried towards the infirmary.

After leaving the classroom, being blown by the wind outside, Lu Ning barely regained some consciousness. When she opened her eyes, she saw a nervous-looking Lu Shi'an.

"What's wrong with me?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was hoarse.

"You have a fever. I'll take you to the infirmary." Lu Shi'an lowered his head and glanced at her. Seeing her waking up, his heart dropped by half.

He had called her several times just now, but seeing no response from her, Lu Shi'an felt anxious and flustered as never before.

Lu Ning's physique has always been very good and she rarely gets sick, but this time the cold hit hard.

The school doctor took a look at the thermometer - 39.2°, and then said to Lu Shi'an: "The fever is too severe. It's probably useless to take medicine. Infusion is needed. In addition, take care of her family. It's best to have someone watching over her at night." , the temperature may return again. If the high fever continues tomorrow, it’s best to go to the hospital for a check-up and do a routine blood test.”

"Then hurry up and give her the infusion!" Seeing the girl fall into sleep again, Lu Shi'an couldn't help but urge.

When Lu Ning woke up again, she found herself lying on the bed in the school infirmary, with an IV bottle hanging on the bedside and the tube connected to her hand.

As soon as Lu Ning moved, Lu Shi'an, who was sitting on the side and guarding the ground, stepped forward immediately, stretched out his hand to touch her forehead, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the temperature had dropped.

"How long have I been asleep?" Lu Ning asked.

"You've been sleeping for two hours." Seeing that she was about to sit up, Lu Shi'an immediately held her down and said, "Don't move around, be careful of touching the needle."

Lu Ning lay back down again, looked at him and said, "Are you always staying here?"

"Hmm! Would you like some water?" Lu Shi'an asked.

Lu Ning found that her throat was dry and sore, with a burning sensation, and she couldn't help but nodded.

Lu Shi'an stood up, poured a cup of hot water and set it aside to cool, then asked her, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's okay, I just have a sore throat and a little dizzy." Lu Ning hasn't been sick for a long time. The most recent memory in her mind was when she was a child. However, her parents were busy at that time, so she was sent to the hospital when she was sick. , other children are accompanied by their parents, but she only has a nanny to accompany her in the hospital.

And when I was discharged from the hospital, my parents had a big fight about it, blaming each other.

Soon after, her parents divorced, and Ms. Tang Li moved out of that home with her.

After moving, her health has been good and she hasn't had any major problems, but that memory has always remained in her mind.

"Then have a good rest and talk less." Lu Shi'an glanced at the infusion bottle and said, "It should be over in half an hour. I will send you back to rest first."

"I'm fine, I feel better," Lu Ning said, "Do you want to go back to class first?"

Lu Shi'an: "I have already asked for leave from Lao Li. Once you finish the transfusion, I will take you home first."

"No, I think I can hold on to the afternoon class a little longer," Lu Ning said.

"Don't be brave. The school doctor just said that the flu this time is quite serious. Many students in the school have been infected. Now that you are back in class, you are not only easy to infect others, but also prone to cross-infection. And your fever has just gone away. It is likely to recur in the evening and tomorrow and the next two days. It is best to go home and rest. Don't go back to school these days. Just stay at home to recuperate, and then come back to class when you are almost healed."

"As for school classes, you don't have to worry. I've already found someone to help take notes. With your ability, you won't be able to keep up just because you missed a few classes. The most important thing now is your body, and nothing is as important as your body. "He was really frightened by the other party today. Carrying her to the infirmary was the most worrying moment he had ever experienced.

He never knew that it was so uncomfortable to worry about someone and be nervous about someone.

It was like being roasted on a fire and suffering.

"Okay!" Lu Ning heard this and stopped insisting.

Lu Shi'an looked at her and said, "Well, the doctor said you may still have a fever at night. It's best to have someone around to keep an eye on you. Do you want to call Aunt Tang?"

Lu Ning didn't know what she was thinking of, and her eyes couldn't help but darken: "Forget it, my mother is so busy at work during the day, so don't disturb her. I'm fine."

Lu Shi'an looked at her look and suggested, "How about you stay at my house tonight?"

"No need." Lu Ning refused, "I feel much better now and everything will be fine."

"No, you can either stay at my house or call Aunt Tang. You can only choose one of the two." Lu Shi'an's attitude suddenly became tough.

(End of this chapter)

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