The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 212 Do you know what minutes mean?

Chapter 212 Do you know what 10 minutes means?

Song Tingzhi thought for a moment about the appearance of the other party he had just seen. He looked good and had no mental problems.

"It should be fine," he said.

"It's good that she's fine. She's a little girl living outside. She has no one to take care of her when she gets sick. It's so pitiful." Uncle Li sighed.

Song Tingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the community in front of him through the car window, and saw Lu Shian slowly walking out of it with a schoolbag in one hand and a pocket in the other.

Lu Shi'an walked to the car and knocked on the door. The window was halfway down, revealing Song Tingzhi's face in the car. After confirming that he had recognized the car correctly, Lu Shi'an opened the door and got in. He said without sincerity: "I'm sorry, please wait. It’s been a long time, now it’s time to go.”

"Uncle Li, drive!" Song Tingzhi said to Uncle Li who was driving.

Uncle Li glanced at Lu Shi'an sitting next to Song Tingzhi through the rearview mirror and recognized him as the young man who often followed Miss Lu Ning. He did not expect that he had such a good relationship with Young Master Tingzhi.

"Okay!" Uncle Li responded, then looked away and started the car.

Even though he has been a veteran driver for decades, it was still too late to send him to school in two days, and the school bell had already rang.

The guard was not surprised at all when he saw Lu Shi'an. After all, he had been a frequent latecomer in the past and had already become familiar with him. However, he was slightly surprised to see Song Tingzhi.

There is an honor roll on the school's bulletin board, where photos of outstanding students are often posted, and Song Tingzhi's photo hangs on it.

Even the guard knew that the other person was the kid who often came first in exams. He didn't expect that the other person would come to school with Lu Shi'an, and they were both late together.

Looking at the two figures walking in together, he couldn't help but shake his head. No wonder others say that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. No, good students are led astray.

The two of them are not in the same class, but they are on the same floor, but the classrooms are on both sides of the stairs.

The two separated when they reached the stairs.

Lu Shi'an was a veteran, so he didn't feel nervous even if he was late. He waved to Song Tingzhi and said, "Thank you! I'm really sorry that you were late."

He said he was sorry, but there was no apology on his face.

Song Tingzhi, on the other hand, was late for the first time in his life.However, there was no emotion on his face. He just said lightly: "It doesn't matter!" and walked towards his classroom.

Lu Shi'an also turned around, walked to the door of his class and shouted "Report", and then heard the head teacher's roar: "Do you know what time it is now? You are actually 10 minutes late. You are 10 minutes late." Do you know what it means? How many more words and knowledge points can you recite? Do you still have the consciousness of being a high school student? You are all in your second year of high school now, and you only have the last 500 points left before the college entrance examination. Days of work. You are still so lax and can’t even do a small thing like getting up on time. What else do you think you can do well? Just stand outside and reflect on it. "

Lu Shi'an raised his eyebrows and said lazily: "Teacher, you also said that our time is very tight now. Wouldn't it be a waste of more time for me to stand outside?"

Seeing that he dared to talk back, Li Xu was so angry that he glared at him and said, "If I ask you to stand, just stand there honestly. When you have stood enough, let me in."


(End of this chapter)

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