The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 215 What is the possibility of reconciliation?

Chapter 215 What is the possibility of reconciliation?

On the other side, Lu Shian regretted it after he left the door.

That girl must have a bad temper because of the fever and discomfort. He just let her light it up. Why should he care about a patient? Now that the words have been let out, he won't be able to lose face if he goes in again.

He had no choice but to take out his cell phone and call Tang Li again, telling him about Lu Ning's refusal to go to the hospital.

Tang Li was sitting in the car driving home. The driver was Song Wanzhou who came to pick her up at the airport.After hearing that the girl refused to go to the hospital, she was stunned for a moment, and then she said, "I understand, I'll find a way. Thank you for taking care of Ning Ning these two days."

"Aunt Tang, you are too polite. This is what I should do." After Lu Shian finished the phone call, he glanced at the door next door and thought about how likely it was that the two of them could reconcile now that he had gone in and bowed his head.

He was just about to go forward, but when he thought about that girl's resistance to going to the hospital and the hurtful things she said just now, if he went in now, there was no guarantee that the two of them would quarrel again.

She is still running a fever and is weak. It is better not to go in and make her angry.

Lu Shi'an thought that since the two families lived so close to each other, they could apologize and reconcile at any time, but it was better to wait until she got better after going to the hospital first.

What's more, what she said before was indeed excessive, and she should be given some time to realize her mistake.

It was half an hour after Tang Li returned to the community. Lu Ning's fever not only did not go away, but became even worse.

The whole person was groggy.

And because he and Lu Shi'an had just finished their quarrel, something was pressing on his mind, and his consciousness was sometimes sober and sometimes confused.

When Tang Li woke her up, her whole face was burning red.

But after hearing that Tang Li was taking her to the hospital, she refused to go.

In the end, Tang Li had no choice but to call a doctor he knew well and come to her home to examine her.

Because her temperature was close to 40°, the doctor gave her another fluid infusion.

It contains antipyretic medicine.

After Lu Ning finished injecting three bottles of fluid, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her head.

Tang Li filled a pot of hot water and gently wiped the sweat from her face. Seeing that the heat on her forehead had subsided a little, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he sat on the edge of the bed, holding her hand, and looked at the girl whose brows had relaxed a little, with a look of deep guilt in her eyes.

Others didn't know why the girl didn't like going to the hospital, but as a mother, she could vaguely guess.

Over the years, she thought she had taken good care of her.But he ignored her deepest thoughts and left her here alone. Even if she was sick and needed someone to take care of her, he was the last one to know.

She is literally the worst mother in the world.

"Mom?" As soon as Lu Ning woke up, she met Tang Li's self-blaming and guilty eyes.

Tang Li stretched out his hand, lifted her bangs that were wet with sweat from her forehead, and said in a gentle voice, "Why didn't you tell your mother that you were sick?"

"I'm fine, it's just the flu. Don't worry too much." Lu Ning's fever had just subsided and her voice was still a little weak.However, his consciousness finally regained consciousness.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to you moving back to live alone." Tang Li looked at her obviously smaller cheeks, feeling distressed, and blamed himself, "Since you don't like living in Song's house, then Mom also moved back to live with you."

(End of this chapter)

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