Chapter 225 I was wrong!
After Lu Ning returned to the hotel and changed the original mobile phone card, she first called Tang Li to report that she was safe, and then downloaded WeChat and QQ. There were many WeChat messages, and Lu Shi'an sent the most messages.

At first I asked her when she would move back in.Later, when I saw that she didn't reply, I was probably worried, so I started several videos, and then I urged her to reply to the message.

Lu Ning still remembered that this guy left angrily that day and said he would never care about him again, and that he was nowhere to be seen for the next two days, so he left after reading all the news.

As for sending messages back to the other party, don’t be in a hurry.

Then she logged into QQ again. In addition to the message Jian Nian left for her, there was an application for adding a friend. Judging from her age, it looked like she had just applied for a new account.

The Q name is blank.

Lu Ning casually agreed, but who knew that the other person would say, "Hello, grandma!"

He immediately called Lu Ning a fool.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with this person. These days, I've never seen anyone call someone grandma, so I blocked him back.

On the other hand, Lu Shi'an downloaded QQ, and applied for a number with his mobile phone number. Because this number was not intended to be used to add others, so when he named it, he didn't bother to think about it and just entered spaces.

The first thing I did after registering and logging into my QQ account was to add Lu Ning as a friend. I originally just thought that I must have the other party’s contact information, but I didn’t expect that after applying, on the way to the canteen at noon, I suddenly received a notification that the other party had passed the friend application.

When Lu Shi'an got excited, he held his cell phone and texted the other party: "Hello grandma!"

Then he said "I was wrong." Then he waited impatiently, but after a long time, there was no response from the other side.

Lu Shi'an refused to give up and started another voice call, but no one answered.

I came over to find his statement in the cafeteria together. Seeing him staring at the phone all the time, I couldn't help but said: "Third brother, what are you looking at? Looking at you looking so distracted, you must be out of love, right?"

"You're wrong. Third brother hasn't even started falling in love yet, so it's not considered lovelorn. At most, it's just a confession and rejection. But there's nothing to worry about. It's not the first time anyway." Chu Nan said from him Come out from behind.


Lu Shi'an glared at the two of them angrily and continued to pick up his phone and send the girl a message.

Unfortunately, all the information seems to be lost in the ocean.

Lu Shi'an raised his head and glanced at the two of them and said, "Which one of you has QQ?"

"I have!" stated, "What's the matter, third brother?"

Lu Shian raised his phone and said, "Add a friend!"

"Oh!" Xiu Yu took out his phone and quickly added friends by scanning.

The next second, the statement found that the third brother's messages popped up quickly on the screen, and several messages were sent in succession.

Statement raised his head, looked at Lu Shi'an in confusion and said, "Third brother, what are you doing?"

Lu Shi'an said expressionlessly: "Confirm whether the message can be sent out."


They say people become stupid after falling in love. Is it true?
"Third brother, that, I think, if a person hasn't responded to your messages, either he was busy and didn't see you, or he blocked you. I don't think it's useless for you to stare at him all the time. Why don’t we go eat first?”

Lu Shi'an suddenly thought of something, looked at the statement and said, "Do you have that girl's QQ?"

(End of this chapter)

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