The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 327 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 20

Chapter 327 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 20
Can she say she did it for a few skewers?

Must not.

"He and I have an ordinary schoolmate relationship, but we have been classmates for a little longer. We just happened to pass by that night. I didn't want to see such a good girl like you continue to waste time on him, so I cooperated with that guy to lie to you that I was his. Girlfriend, just to make you give up as soon as possible. A girl as beautiful as you should find a boyfriend who really loves you, that guy is not worthy."

Jian Nian said it with such seriousness that she almost believed it herself.

Girl: "As you said, I still need to thank you?"

"That's not necessary. After all, everyone is responsible for classifying scumbags."

The girl looked at her with a strange look again, and said after a while: "I don't know which of your words is true and which is false, but I don't want to know anymore."

Love that has changed in quality is like expired bread. There is no point in struggling with it anymore.

At first, she couldn't figure it out and was obsessed with it, so she wanted to find the other person to save her.

Now, she feels it is a shame to mention him even more.

"What I said is true." Jian Nian said.At least she didn't lie that she and that guy were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

The girl looked at her and sneered: "You said that you two just have an ordinary relationship as classmates, but in order to prevent me from causing trouble to you, he actually came to me in person to apologize. So I believe every word you say. "

"He went to you to apologize?" Jian Nian was stunned for a moment.

"That's right, he went to apologize to me and told me not to trouble you again. He protected you in front of so many people that day. Do you think I will believe that you are just classmates?"

Jian Nian: "Is there any misunderstanding? Maybe he just felt sorry for you, so he apologized to you?"

"That's enough!" the girl interrupted her: "I have nothing to do with the other party anymore, and you don't need to act in front of me. In short, you make me feel sick."

"Hey, how do you talk?" Meng Shan felt that the other party's words were too much, and couldn't help but want to speak for Jian Nian.But Jian Nian stopped her and said, "Forget it!" At least the other party didn't rush up to splash her with water like last time, and it's good to be able to calmly listen to what she said just now. As for the other party, don't believe it if you don't believe it.

Meng Shan looked at her with hatred and said: "It obviously has nothing to do with you, but it makes me smell like a fish. The same goes for Shen Yu. If he doesn't handle his feelings well, he will drag you into trouble."

"He probably didn't expect it to be like this, and it's my fault, so he shouldn't be nosy. Okay, don't think about it. Anyway, the matter has been solved and the interview should start soon. By the way, which department do you plan to interview? ?”

Meng Shan said: "I plan to interview for the Art Department, what about you?" She had studied dance for many years before, so she should have no problem getting into the Art Department.

"Me? The External Relations Department." After registering and going back that day, Jian Nianyou thought about it carefully and felt that given her personality, it would be more appropriate to go to the External Relations Department. "It is said that there will be many activities in the university, and the External Relations Department is mainly responsible for external affairs. There are many opportunities to contact companies directly, and I think this is a good opportunity to improve my abilities.”

"Well, let's work hard together!" Meng Shan smiled.

When it was time for the interview, Jian Nian discovered that Shen Yu's ex-girlfriend was being interviewed by the External Relations Department.

(End of this chapter)

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