The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 334 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 27

Chapter 334 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 27
After being with Xu Yan, she would unconsciously compare the two.

Xu Yan also knew this. As a man, his self-esteem made him not want to be compared with others, so he spent much more money on Xing Yan than Shen Yu.

Although the two had just been together for a short time, Xu Yan already clearly felt that the original living expenses were not enough.I just had it with my family not long ago.

It's just that Xu Yan's family conditions are average, and even if his parents give him money, it's not much.

No, it's almost running out again.

After dinner, they had to continue running for sponsorship in the afternoon, but it was not as smooth as in the morning. They ran to several companies and were rejected. Only one company accepted their proposal and said they would consider it.

After coming out of the last company, the four of them were preparing to go back to school. At least they got one in the morning, so it was not like they had gained anything.While waiting for the bus, Xu Yan received a call, then looked at the others and said: "Mr. Wang, who just said he would consider sponsoring, called us and said he wanted to treat us to a meal and discuss the sponsorship in detail. I will do it for you." You agreed. He said he would drive over to pick us up later."

To be honest, Jian Nian didn't really want to go, because when he went to see the other party just now, he could see that Mr. Wang was not an honest person and kept glancing at her and Xing Yan.

The so-called invitation to dinner and discussion clearly means that the drunkard's intention is not to drink.

"We are still students, and we represent the student union. Wouldn't it be bad to go out to eat with others in private?" She frowned and said.

Xu Yan didn't know whether he was pretending to be stupid or really stupid. Hearing this, he looked at Jian Nian and said, "Mr. Wang said he just left it to a friend. So far, he is the most promising person to sponsor us. If he agrees to sponsor, our mission will be over." It’s done, and there’s no need to run out again tomorrow. Even if the other party doesn’t agree, and we just have a meal together, we have nothing to lose. What’s more, I just agreed to the other party, and the other party should be on the way to pick us up now. "

Jian Nian didn't believe that the other party really couldn't see Mr. Wang's intention, or maybe he saw it but didn't care. After all, what he wanted was to achieve his goal.

However, why did the other party make decisions for them without their consent, did they really regard themselves as leaders?
"Then you go, I have something else to do, so I'm going back first." Since she knew that the man's intentions were impure, she would not be stupid enough to send herself into the tiger's mouth.

Hearing this, Xu Yan couldn't help but frowned and said: "Sister Jian Nian, I know you don't want to have dinner with Mr. Wang. However, he is the only one who agreed to our consideration this afternoon. I think we should try it."

"Besides, aren't you coming to the External Relations Department just to train yourself? When you enter the workplace in the future, social gatherings like this will definitely be inevitable. Do you plan to excuse yourself every time? If that's the case, I don't think you are Not suitable for the external relations department.”

Although she was dissatisfied with what the other party did, she had to admit that there was some truth in what the other party said.

Xing Yan looked at her with a cold face and said with disgust: "What are you worried about? Mr. Wang just wants to treat us all to a meal. You don't think he will do anything to you, do you? What kind of status would someone like you take? You are taking yourself too seriously. Besides, Mr. Wang has already said that he is inviting us all to have dinner together, but you have to leave first. It is too lack of team spirit. If you can’t do it, why don’t you leave the External Relations Department as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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