The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 338 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 31

Chapter 338 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 31
She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then looked up at the place where she originally parked her car, and saw that the other party's car had disappeared.

Jian Nian asked doubtfully: "Mr. Wang, didn't you leave?"

"If I leave, won't there be no one to see you off?" The latter approached her and said.

The cold wind blew over, and the smell of alcohol from the other party's mouth hit her face.

Jian Nian calmly stepped back and put some distance between herself and the other party: "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness, but I have just picked up the car and don't need anyone to see it off. Mr. Wang, just leave first."

The latter squinted his eyes and noticed her little movements. Then he grinned and said with a malicious smile: "That's not possible. I promised your classmate that I will send you off well." Back to school."

Jian Nian couldn't help but want to scold her. Sure enough, good people can't do anything these days, and these people actually left themselves to Mr. Wang.

Jian Nian forced a smile and said, "No need, I've asked my boyfriend to pick me up at the school gate."

Mr. Wang narrowed his eyes and said, "Little girl, no one told you that the same trick won't work if you use it too many times. What's more, do I look like a fool?"

"Mr. Wang is joking." Jian Nian said with a stiff expression.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to school." Mr. Wang said, reaching out to grab her hand.

Jian Nian's hand was suddenly held, and the other party rubbed his disgusting big hand on the back of her hand. Jian Nian instantly had goosebumps all over her body, and her stomach felt nauseated. She suddenly changed her face and said: "What are you doing? Let me go." After finishing speaking, she was about to withdraw her hand.

But the opponent's strength was stronger than she imagined. Jian Nian struggled for a while and couldn't get away, and his face turned blue.

The latter smiled and said to her: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I think it's still early. Since you don't want to go back to school, why don't we find a place with few people and have a good chat?"

Jian Nian didn't want to continue to make excuses with the other party at this moment, so she said with a dark face: "Let me go, or I won't be polite."

Mr. Wang didn't take her threat seriously at all, and asked with a smile: "Really? What are you going to do to be rude? Why don't you tell me?"

The next second, a "boom--" was heard, and Jian Nian punched the opponent directly in the eye socket.

Mr. Wang never expected that this girl would dare to hit him. He covered his eyes and shouted angrily: "Smelly girl, you dare to hit me?"

Jian Nian: "You've already hit me, and you still ask me if I dare? Could it be that you think one punch is too little? I don't mind giving you another punch on the other side."

"You... court death!" Boss Wang raised his big fan-like hand and waved it towards her face in anger.

However, Jian Nian quickly raised her foot and kicked the other person in the stomach before his slap came down.

Having suffered two consecutive losses at the hands of a little girl, Mr. Wang couldn't help being furious, and he grabbed her wrist with his big hand and was about to drag her into the clubhouse.

The movement of the two people attracted other customers at the door, but no one came forward to help.

The gap in natural strength between men and women caused Jian Nian to be dragged back into the club by the other party.When passing by the front desk, Jian Nian saw a decorative vase on the table, picked it up, and smashed it on the man's head.

The movement was crisp and swift, and in one fell swoop, the person was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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