The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 340 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 33

Chapter 340 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 33
After coming out of the police station, Jian Nian looked at Shen Yu and said, "I'm so hungry, let's go have some midnight snacks! I treat you as a thank you for coming so late."

At night, because she was worried that the other party would cause trouble, she kept her guard up and didn't eat well.In addition, the fight just consumed a lot of energy, so I need to eat more to replenish it.

Seeing the girl's lively appearance, Shen Yu let out a breath, and then couldn't help but curl his lips: "Okay!"

She's fine and fine.

The two took a taxi to the snack street near the school.

At this time, the snack street is very busy, and you can see many students from S University.

The two came to the barbecue stall, and Jian Nian ordered a lot of food in one go.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the boss came over with a plate of grilled skewers. Jian Nian smelled the aroma and took a few skewers in his hand. Then he pushed the plate in front of Shen Yu and said, "You're welcome. If there's not enough, order more."

Then he started eating by himself.

Halfway through eating, he saw Shen Yu sitting still and looking directly at him. He couldn't help but stop and said, "Why don't you eat?"

"You're not hungry, you can eat!" Shen Yu said with gentle eyes.

"Oh! If you don't want to eat, then I'll eat alone." Jian Nian bit into the skewers and looked at the other person. Inexplicably, she felt that this guy was a little weird tonight.

Jian Nian ordered too much, but Shen Yu refused to eat it, and in the end it all went into her own stomach.

Finally, I rubbed my belly and felt a little stretched.

"I'm done eating, let's go back!"

Just as he was about to get up and leave, he saw Shen Yu suddenly leaning over.

Jian Nian subconsciously wanted to retreat, but heard Shen Yu say: "Don't move!"

The next second, the other party's fingers landed on her lips and said, "You have sauce on your mouth." As he spoke, his warm fingertips gently wiped her lips.

"Oh!" Jian Nian couldn't help but stiffen. The feeling when their hands accidentally touched each other in the cinema came back.

My heart beat a little too fast for no reason.

When he came to his senses, he immediately pushed back, picked up the tissue on the table and quickly wiped his mouth and said, "Okay!"

Seeing her panic, Shen Yu couldn't help but curled his lips, looked at her and smiled, "Are you nervous?"

Jian Nian couldn't help but flash his eyes and said, "No, who said I'm nervous? What's there to be nervous about?"

"But I'm very nervous." Shen Yu said.

"Huh!" Jian Nian looked at him in confusion.

Shen Yu: "I seem to have fallen in love with you."

"Plop, plop-"

Jian Nian's heart beat faster. She suspected that there might be something wrong with her ears. Otherwise, how could she seem to hear this guy confessing to her?
"Cough..." After coming back to his senses, Jian Nian suddenly choked on his own saliva, and then coughed violently until tears were about to come out. After a while, he stopped and said: "This is a joke. It is not funny."

"I'm not kidding you." Shen Yu looked serious, with a hint of helplessness, "Although I don't want to admit it, I do seem to like you, so, do you want to try it with me? I promise you, I will take it seriously this time.”

Jian Nian had completely calmed down at this moment. Her expression was not good-looking. She glared at the other party and said, "Stop making trouble, there is no chance between us." She was crazy to agree to the other party.

He's a handsome guy, doesn't he look good?Or is he not attracted to serious love? Why can't I think of falling in love with a guy who treats love as a game?
(End of this chapter)

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