The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 353 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 46

Chapter 353 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 46
Shen Yu: "Of course not. Although I was slightly injured, the other party was more seriously injured."

Then he leaned into her ear and said, "I'm just pretending to show the police. If I don't pretend to be more serious, it's hard to explain the injuries on the other party's body."

Jian Nian raised her eyes and looked at him. From what this guy meant, he should be seriously injured.

The other party's warm breath sprayed on her ears, with a slight tingling feeling. Jian Nian tried to control her heartbeat and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you originally. Now that you find someone following me, just call the police. There's no need to fight people."

Shen Yu lazily leaned back on the bed and said: "Even if you call the police before the other party takes action, the police will not accept the case. Even if they accept the case, they will let the person go after just asking a few questions and will not take it seriously at all. And I can't possibly When the other party takes action, it will be even less likely to put you in danger." Naturally, the only way is to strike first, beat the other party first, and then call the police. The police will not be able to do anything casually, and they must investigate clearly. .

Jian Nian's heartbeat started to beat out of control again, "Shen Yu, what do you like about me?"

Shen Yu said with a naughty smile on his lips: "Maybe I like you... but not me?"

Jian Nian choked for a moment. Do you want to tell him that you like him and then ask him to give up?

This guy has a pretty good idea.

Jian Nian rolled her eyes at the other person and said, "Did the doctor say when he can be discharged from the hospital?"

"I guess the police will come to question me soon. After they finish questioning me, I can be discharged from the hospital."

Sure enough, not long after he finished speaking, he saw two uniformed police officers appearing at the door of the ward.The leading police officer had already met last night. After all, he called the police immediately after beating the person.When the latter saw him, he went straight to the point: "We have already visited and investigated the issue you called the police. The other party was indeed entrusted by someone to cause trouble for a classmate named Jian Nian. You can be considered helpful this time. Just I won’t hold you responsible for hitting someone.”

Then he took another look at the gauze on his forehead and said, "I've already asked your doctor. Your injuries are not serious. They are just superficial injuries. Have a good rest. If you have nothing to do, go back to school as soon as possible."

"I understand, officer." Shen Yu didn't show any embarrassment on his face because he was pretending to be injured. Instead, he greeted the other party with a smile.

The latter glanced at him and then planned to leave.

Jian Nian couldn't help but chased him out, stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, hello, I am the Jian Nian you mentioned just now. I want to know how you are going to deal with the two people who are following me and those who instigated and followed me. ?”

The leading police officer stopped, looked at Jian Nian and said, "Don't worry, we have already educated them verbally, and I believe they will not cause trouble for you again. Of course, if you find someone following you or other dangerous situations again, You can also call us to call the police for help as soon as possible.”

"Okay, I get it!" Sure enough, as the guy said, even if they call the police, the most they can do is verbal mediation, rather than a beating to vent their anger.

When Jian Nian returned to the ward, she saw that Shen Yue had already got off the bed, and he even pulled out the needle in his hand.The other party picked up the coat on the bed and said to her: "Let's go!"

Jian Nian glanced at the gauze bandaged on his head and said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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