The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 364 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 57

Chapter 364 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 57
He looked at her, regretting for the first time his previous unreliable behavior.This girl felt from the bottom of her heart that she would not be in love for a long time, so when she saw herself talking to another girl, she decided that he had changed his mind and was not willing to listen to an explanation.

Jian Nian looked at him and said with a complicated expression: "Actually, you don't have to do this. It's just a breakup. We can continue to be friends in the future. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be friends. It's okay for us to be strangers."

Every time she said another word, Shen Yu's face became uglier. When Jian Nian's voice fell completely, Shen Yu's face turned completely dark: "You have never believed me, have you?"

"Yes, after all, how confident should I be that I can win over a Neptune? Facts have proved that there are really no exceptions." Jian Nian did not deny that she never felt that she could be his exception.From the day they started dating, she had been mentally prepared to break up.

"So, you decided to break up without even listening to my explanation. Because you have already decided that one day I will fall in love with someone else and break up with you, right?" She had no trust from the beginning. Pass him.

From the beginning, she didn't believe that he was determined to stay with her.

"Isn't it?" Jian Nian asked quietly.

She believed that she was not the most beautiful among his ex-girlfriends, nor was she the gentlest or most considerate of his ex-girlfriends. Her only advantage was probably that she had known him for a long time.

Other than that, she didn't think there was anything else she could compare to his ex-girlfriends.

So I never imagined that I would become his exception and preference.

During this period of time, the other party's thoughtfulness, meticulousness and gentleness made her almost forget that he was once a Neptune. Fortunately, the scene just now made her wake up in time.

He retreated before he got too deep.

Although it will be sad, at least it will not break your muscles and bones.

"Of course not." Shen Yu grabbed her shoulders, his expression more serious than ever before, "I said, I am serious this time, why don't you believe me?"

"I also want to believe you. Facts have proved that the nature of a country is easy to change but hard to change. Even if the King of the Sea comes ashore, he will not come ashore for me." Jian Nian removed his hand from her shoulder little by little. , strode around and left.

Shen Yu subconsciously wanted to chase her, but considering the girl's temperament, even if she chased him now, she would definitely not listen.

The hand hanging by his side couldn't help but clenched. Shen Yu didn't chase him out in the end, planning to wait for the other person to calm down before having a good chat with him.

On the other side, Jian Nian walked around the school aimlessly after leaving. It was already two hours after she returned to the dormitory.

Her mood was worse than she imagined, and she felt that she couldn't do anything energetically.

Simply lie on the bed and don't think about anything.But the fact is that when she closed her eyes, her mind couldn't calm down. The more she didn't want to think about it, the more chaotic her mind became.

The mess is all what happened between you and the other party during this period.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a sound in the dormitory.

First, Gu Shuang came back and glanced at her, seeming a little surprised.However, the relationship between the two was not good, and Gu Shuang did not take the initiative to talk to her.After a while, Xie Yan and Meng Shan also came back.

(End of this chapter)

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