The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 366 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 59

Chapter 366 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 59
The Literature and Art Department is also having a dinner tonight, and it happens that the two departments are in the same place.Jian Nian and Meng Shan took a taxi to the dinner venue and found that there were quite a lot of people.

There are two NO.30 people in one department, and five NO.60 people in total.

Because there are a lot of guests today, and the small private rooms are full, the boss discussed whether they can be arranged together in a large private room.

They are all from the same school, and they all belong to the student union.In addition, the literature and art department were all beautiful women, so the people in the external relations department naturally had no objections. The literature and art department also agreed. When Jian Nian and the others arrived, they found people from the two departments sitting together.

Among the crowd, Jian Nian saw Xu Ziqiao.

Xu Ziqiao is from the Department of Literature and Art, one year older than them, not only the school belle of S University, but also the head of the Department of Literature and Art.Looking at the group of people surrounding the other party at this moment, one knows how popular the other party is.

At first glance, Xu Ziqiao looked like the kind of person with long sleeves and good dancing skills. He was also pretty, so Shen Yu didn't refuse his approach, and Jian Nian wasn't surprised at all.When the other person looks like this, even girls find it hard to refuse, let alone boys.If you were a boy, you would probably fall in love with the other person.

Although the two departments were in the same private room, they were at different tables. Jian Nian and Meng Shan separated after entering the private room.

The senior sister who had solicited sponsorship last time also came. When she saw Jian Nian, she waved to her and motioned for her to sit over.When Jian Nian saw Xu Yan sitting on the other side of her, she paused for a moment, but finally walked over.

Xu Yan's gloomy gaze fell on her. Ever since the last incident, the other party's eyes had always been sinister every time he looked at her.

However, as long as he didn't take the initiative to provoke her, Lu Ning didn't intend to ignore him.

Halfway through the meal, a voice suddenly came from the door of the private room.

"Shen Yu? Why are you here?" The owner of the voice was Xu Ziqiao, who had just returned from the bathroom.

Hearing a familiar name unexpectedly, Jian Nian subconsciously raised her head and looked out the door.

She was just in a position where she could see the door. Not only was the name familiar, but the person was also familiar.Then Shen Yu appeared at the door of the private room. Opposite him stood Xu Ziqiao. The latter flipped his hair and smiled softly and generously at the other party.

"Hey, who is that? It can't be our minister's boyfriend, right? He's quite handsome."

"Yes! The two of them look so well matched together."

"You can't be here to pick up Senior Sister Xu, are you? That's so considerate!"

"If I had a schoolgirl girlfriend, I would definitely keep an eye on her."


There were whispers in the ears, and everyone was staring in the direction of the door and talking quietly.

Jian Nian couldn't help feeling sour in her heart, so, are these two already together?
Really seamless.

Sure enough, he has Shen Yu's style.

Shen Yu suddenly seemed to sense something. He raised his eyes and glanced inside, just in time to meet Jian Nian's eyes.Jian Nian then silently looked away.

But thinking that he had done nothing wrong, both of them were so high-profile, and his ex-girlfriend seemed to have nothing to hide, he then looked back openly.

At this time, the senior sister next to her suddenly raised the cup in her hand and said, "I never had the chance to say thank you to you for what happened last time, and... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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