The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 384 Extra: Are you humiliating me?

Chapter 384 Extra: Are you humiliating me?

She had been keeping an eye on him since Lu Shi'an and his party entered the door. Seeing him reject several girls who came forward to strike up a conversation, she thought that the other party looked down on those girls, so she felt that it would be okay for her to take action.

She deliberately waited until the group was about to leave before taking action, thinking of having a close contact first, and then taking the opportunity to get the other person's WeChat ID. As for the future, with her methods, was she afraid that she wouldn't be able to seduce the other person?

As a result, who knew that the other party was probably suffering from some serious illness, and a beautiful woman came to her door on her own initiative, but she was unmoved and made her look so ugly in front of everyone.

She raised her head angrily, stared in Lu Shi'an's direction and said, "How can you do this? You don't help someone when they fall. Isn't it too ungentlemanly?"

"Will you be polite to a fly that actively sticks to you?" Lu Shian looked down at the other person with disgust in his eyes and his mouth was as mean as ever.

Gentlemanly, I'm sorry, but she doesn't deserve it.

The woman's face was distorted with anger. This man...this man actually called her a fly.

She has never suffered such a great injustice since she was a child. This is simply a shame for her.

"Um, do you want to get up first before we talk?" Lan He kindly extended his hand towards her.

The girl slapped her away fiercely and said, "Don't touch me with your dirty hands." None of these people were good, otherwise, why didn't they catch her just now?
Why are you pretending to be a good person by jumping out now?
If other people knew what she was thinking at this moment, they would definitely feel very wronged. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that she just deliberately pounced on Brother An. They just didn't want to ruin her good deeds.

However, they really didn't expect that Brother An would be so cruel. He actually avoided it and watched the beautiful woman fall into pieces in front of them.

Tsk, they definitely wouldn't be able to do it.

"Uh..." Lan He, who was kindly rejected, couldn't help but look at his hands and said, "Where are my hands dirty? They are quite clean! Oh, I know, this beauty must have bad eyesight. , otherwise why wouldn’t I be able to walk well and not be able to see clearly when I’m working together?”

"You have bad eyesight!" Feng Yun was so angry that his face was twisted. He endured the pain and stood up from the ground. He gritted his teeth and glanced in Lu Shi'an's direction and said, "People like you don't deserve to be liked by girls."

Lan He raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister, you guessed it wrong. There shouldn't be too many people who like my buddy. Look, didn't you just want to pounce on someone?"

"Shut up!" The girl gritted her teeth and glared.

Lan He shrugged and said: "Why don't people say anything these days? But you really don't have to worry about my buddy, he already has a girlfriend. Not only does he have a girlfriend, but his girlfriend is also a beautiful woman. You are like this..." He looked at the other person up and down and said, "Compared with his girlfriend, you are indeed a bit far behind. You can't blame me for not looking down on you."

"Are you humiliating me?" The girl's expression changed again, her expression gloomy.

Lan He: "I'm just telling the truth, how can it be considered humiliating?"

The boy on the side greeted him and said, "Okay, Lan He, what are you arguing with a little girl, let's go, it's time for roll call in the dormitory."

"Okay!" Lan He turned around.

But seeing the girl's eyes fall on Lu Shi'an, she said coldly with a sullen face: "Stop, who said you can leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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