The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 416 Extra: Lu Shian, please explain to me carefully

Chapter 416 Extra: Lu Shian, please speak to me properly
"Tsk, you're making me feel very unfulfilled." Lu Shi'an curled his lips, "Besides, why do I think you're not happy to see me at all?"

Lu Ning: "What does it mean to be happy?"

"For example, take the initiative to kiss or hug?" After saying that, he let go of her and stood up, indicating that the other party could take the initiative.

But Lu Ning rolled her eyes and said, "Be more serious."

"Okay!" Lu Shi'an shrugged and said with an aggrieved expression: "I knew that you were lying to me whenever you said you missed me. It's a shame that I ran back just to give you a surprise. I didn't expect that. You are so cold."

Lu Ning: She just watched his performance quietly.

Lu Shi'an was indeed acting originally, but looking at the girl's reaction, the original three points of grievance turned into seven points.

Can't this girl say a few nice words to coax him?

Lu Shi'an gritted his teeth. He really wanted to grab that girl and give her a good beating, but he could only think about it.

Not to mention a beating, even if you bruise a finger, you will feel very distressed.

This girl just knew that she didn't want to do anything to her, so she was very angry with him.

He wanted to be angry, but he also knew that the girl wouldn't coax her.

In the end, Lu Shi'an found a step and went down by himself.

Anyway, when facing that girl, he had no choice but to admit defeat.

The more Lu Shi'an thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, he couldn't help but grab the girl back into his arms, put it on his chest, put his chin on her shoulder blades, and said with grievance in his voice: "Can't you be nicer to me?"

This time he wasn't pretending, he really felt aggrieved.

Lu Ning's heart suddenly softened a little. She turned around, touched the other person's head and said, "Okay, I will be nicer to you in the future."

"Really?" Lu Shian raised his head and looked at her eagerly.

"Yeah!" Lu Ning was also in love for the first time, she didn't know what it was like to be in love with others, but compared to Lu Shi'an's treatment of her, she really didn't seem to be dedicated enough to him.

Only then did Lu Shian raise the corners of his lips with satisfaction.

At this time, a white figure ran into Lu Ning's room, put his feet on the sofa, and squeezed in between the two of them, rubbing his big head against Lu Ning's body.

Lu Shi'an looked at the guy in front of him who was blatantly competing with him for favor, gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that dog meat is delicious, especially the dog meat soup is very fragrant."

Lu Ning patted him and said, "Don't talk nonsense." Then he went to touch Hui Ying's head.

There was a knock on the door, and Song Tingzhi appeared at the door, saying to the two of them: "Aunt Tang asked you to go down for dinner!"

Lu Ning looked over and said, "Okay, we'll be there right away."

Song Tingzhi's eyes turned around the two of them, then turned and went downstairs.

Lu Shi'an looked at the back of the other party leaving, and thought of the two of them living under the same roof, he was instantly upset and said: "Is he usually knocking on your door so casually?"

Lu Ning glared at him: "Lu Shi'an, please speak to me properly."

Lu Shi'an snorted lightly, pinched her waist and said, "There are differences between men and women. Do you know that you are not allowed to enter your room casually in the future?"

"Do you think everyone else is like you?"

This man has been in her room since he was a child, and he almost treats her room as his own.He himself would still be in her room right now.

Tell her that there are differences between men and women, it’s only him who is different from other boys.

(End of this chapter)

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