The school grass's delicate green plum is sweet and wild!

Chapter 68 Let’s leave it to the future third sister-in-law to try

Chapter 68 Let’s leave it to the future third sister-in-law to try


This is the first time, no one should take advantage of anyone!
Cooking rice is as simple as washing the rice, adding water, and plugging in the rice cooker.

If you just cook...

The two of them studied the dishes in the refrigerator for a long time, and finally took out a tomato and two eggs and said, "Just scramble eggs with tomatoes. This is the easiest."

Following the video tutorial on their mobile phones, the two first scalded the tomatoes with boiling water, then peeled them and cut them into pieces.

Looking at the tomatoes cut into small pieces with even shapes, Lu Shian gave Lu Ning a thumbs up and said, "Not bad, quite talented."

"Look at mine next."

They saw Lu Shian holding the egg with one hand and hitting it hard on the edge of the bowl, but he used too much force.I cracked the egg, and the egg liquid and eggshell fell out of the bowl.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

"Ahem, that was a mistake just now, let me do it again."

Lu Shi'an picked up another egg. This time he didn't dare to use too much force. The first time he knocked it, there was no response. The second time, he finally cracked the eggshell open, and then carefully poured the egg liquid into the bowl. After doing all this, I couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.

This is much more difficult than his game control skills.

Just knocking out one, Lu Ning went to the refrigerator to get another one and handed it to him.

With the experience of the first two times, it will be much smoother when cracking the third egg.

Next, stir up the egg liquid, heat up the pan, and pour in the egg liquid. Because I didn't control the heat well and didn't stir-fry in time, the edges of the eggs were a little burnt, but fortunately it didn't affect the eating.

After frying the eggs, then adding the tomatoes and stir-frying, these were not problems. It was just the last step of adding the seasoning that both of them had trouble with.Facing the spice jar, you look at me and I look at you.

"Don't look at it, just try it and you will know." In the end, it was Lu Ning who made the final decision.

This is indeed the easiest way.

Lu Shi'an reached out and twisted a few white crystals into his mouth, and tried the seasoning in another jar in the same way, then pointed to the two jars and said to her, "This is salt, and this is sugar."

It will be easier once you know what it is.

Lu Ning followed the video and added a small amount of sugar, salt, and chicken powder before cooking.

Lu Shian first acted as a guinea pig and took a sip, "It tastes pretty good." Then he took out his phone and took a photo and posted it on WeChat with the text: "It's your first time cooking. Is there anything you want to try?"

It only took a second for the message to be sent to the circle of friends, and someone responded quickly.

Statement: [Let's not try the third brother's first time, let's leave it to the future third sister-in-law to try! 】

Shen Yu: [Third brother has a future, boys should learn to cook by themselves, so that they can be easily deceived in the future...ah, it's easy to find a wife. 】

Chu Nan: [It looks pretty good, but are you sure it’s edible?Wouldn't it be poisonous?Do I need to call 120 for you in advance? 】

Jian Nian: [I just sent a message to Ning Ning. She is also cooking. Are you two cooking together? 】

Statement reply [Jian Nian]: [What?So the third brother’s first time was with Sister Ning? 】

Chu Nan replied [Statement]: [Fuck, Old Chen, you are so sexy! 】

After Lu Shian posted the message to Moments, he put away his phone and ignored the reply below.

He just wanted to show off the results of his first cooking experience, and the opinions of others were not important.

The two of them had a simple dish and a soup, probably because they cooked it themselves, and they were quite satisfied with the meal.

 PS: Merry Christmas
(End of this chapter)

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