Wen Fei travels for so long, and the only earth immortal master he has encountered is the one suspected to be an earth immortal master, and that is the mysterious and unpredictable Daoist Luo.But whether he is an Earth Immortal or not is unknown.

At least for Chen Niwan and others, although their cultivation is high, they obviously haven't reached the level of Earth Immortal.At least Chen Niwan didn't turn the primordial spirit into a pure yang to become a yang god. When it disperses, it becomes wind, and when it gathers, it takes shape.

The two of them talked, but they didn't stop on their feet.Suddenly Wen Fei heard a huge tremor coming from a distance, he couldn't help but hold Bai Yuchan and said, "Do you feel any movement?"

Bai Yuchan broke away from Wen Fei's tugging, and said: "Such a big movement, even the dead can feel it!" The dense fog suddenly dispersed, and criss-crossing lightning flashed before his eyes.Not far away, clear light and black air spread across the surrounding vegetation from time to time.

"It's Master, Master is fighting someone!" Bai Yuchan yelled, and wanted to go over to help.In fact, Wen Fei had seen it a long time ago, so he gave him a hand, and said, "You still have the kung fu of a three-legged cat. Let my Dharma protector general go!"

He summoned the Dharma Guardian God General again, but General Li was seriously injured, and he had already returned to the statue enshrined in the temple to recover from his injuries.There was no movement for a long time.

At this time, Chen Niwan and the ghost beat Xie Yanzhang inextricably, and a burst of green energy rushed out of Chen Niwan's head, turning into a cloud of auspicious clouds, in which dragons and tigers entangled and met, and every time there was a muffled thunder. There was a sound, and a bolt of lightning struck.Bring a huge piece of black air on Xie Yanzhang's body.After a few strokes, the black energy on Xie Yanzhang's body faded by half.

"Damn it. Ge Erlang. Your master is really awesome!" Seeing such a scene, Wen Fei's eyes almost bulged.This kind of green air above the head turns into auspicious clouds and the like.Doesn't it only appear in novels like Fengshenbang?For example, when the Twelve Golden Immortals of Interpretation and Education appeared on the stage, they all had this appearance.

Now that Chen Niwan is so ordinary suddenly, don't mention how surprised Wen Fei is.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, why don't you hurry up and help!" Bai Yuchan yelled at Wen Fei, concerned about his master.

"Grandma, this kid is getting worse and worse! Let's see if I will ask Brother Chen to clean him up in the future." Wen Fei said dissatisfied in his heart, but at this time.When it was really not time to talk nonsense, Wen Fei didn't bother to say more.Seeing that the Dharma Protector General couldn't be summoned, he felt a little annoyed.Out of my body.Transform into a ghost emperor and release the remaining ghost soldiers.

These ghost soldiers were all selected from the souls that Wen Fei protected or believed in Wen Fei.Loyalty is much higher than that of General Li.Just let it out.Just kill him without saying a word.

Seeing that a helper was coming, Chen Niwan immediately cheered up, and killed again. In the Qingyun above his head, the dragon and tiger kept spinning and roaring, the situation was extremely mysterious.

A series of thunder and lightning was born, blasting towards Xie Yanzhang head on.

At the same time, there were more than 300 ghost soldiers remaining.He shot an arrow transformed by Yin Qi and shot at Xie Yanzhang.An arrow made of Yin Qi.Halting and spitting, like a strange snake constantly spitting out the letter in its mouth.

Xie Yanzhang let out a strange cry, turned back, the expression in his hands was airtight, and the fog around him kept rolling, as if some huge monster was about to rush out of the dark fog, and groups of Black Crow Army came from here It was formed in the mist to block the hundreds of Yin Qi arrows, but it has not waited for the final formation.A few thunderbolts burst out, blasting away the black crow army that hadn't fully formed together with the mist.

Xie Yanzhang let out a scream, and his body, which was originally thick like ink, became much lighter.His body eagerly wanted to return to the surrounding fog, as if only that place could bring him safety.

But how powerful are Chen Niwan's few thunderbolts, the heart and kidney intersect, turning into a dragon and tiger fighting, the wind follows the tiger, the cloud follows the dragon, the wind and cloud tear apart, sparking thunder and lightning.The fog in the vicinity of tens of feet has been completely dispelled.

It can be clearly seen that they are still in the garden of Shangfu Mansion.You can even see Lin Lingsu surrounded by a golden-armored general, who is extremely mighty, fighting someone.

Wen Fei and Bai Yuchan had been running for so long just now, and it felt like they had run for at least dozens of miles, and the surrounding area was empty, like an open field.Unexpectedly, it is still in this small back garden, just an inch of space.

"Damn, what is the spirit world? Why is it so magical?" Wen Fei couldn't help but swear.

Bai Yuchan saw that Wen Fei and Chen Niwan were attacking Xie Yanzhang, and the famous general of the fifth generation was unable to fight back, so he felt relieved and said with a smile: "Although I call you uncle, you are really ignorant. Here It’s the cave dojo!”

Wen Fei listened to it several times, but never understood what it meant.However, based on Wen Fei's own experience, this so-called Dongfu Dojo is actually quite similar to the underworld.

"Do you know the blessed land of the cave? These are the blessed land dojos opened up by people with great achievements in cultivation, or ghosts and gods. They are in the gap between the yin world and the yang world, which is very special." Bai Yuchan was afraid that Wen Fei would not I understand, I need to explain.

However, Wen Fei had already suddenly realized that the Dazun Palace in the underworld was lucky for him to suddenly rise up into a high mountain, which can actually be regarded as a cave.If it can wrap the entire underworld city under the mountain, then it will become a blessed land in one leap.As for the dojo, the scale is even smaller, at most it is the residence of ghosts and gods on the scale of land in the spirit world.

"This is the spirit world?" Wen Fei said in shock, "But what I saw just now are all things from my Shangfu's mansion?"

Bai Yuchan's face was gloomy, and he couldn't tell why.However, Chen Niwan, who was in the middle of the fight, said angrily: "Someone must have used an incredible magic weapon to cover the entire Shangfu Mansion into the spirit world. Are you two just chatting? "

While speaking, he heard a strange cry, and saw a thunderbolt shining brightly, hitting Xie Yanzhang on the head.Xie Yanzhang was knocked to the ground immediately, Bai Yuchan hurriedly called out: "Master, don't kill him. This ghost king is rare, we don't have a Dharma protector yet!"

Chen Niwan had seen Wen Fei and Bai Yuchan a long time ago. Hearing that the two of them were still talking nonsense just now, they didn't know the severity at all.Without curiosity, he said: "Junior Brother, now my faction has consecrated 36 thunder generals, if you had summoned them earlier, the spirit world of Lao Shizi would have been broken long ago!"

Wen Fei let out an "ah", just now he was struggling out of his inner demons, and encountered such a situation along the way, he had already forgotten the 36 thunder generals. (To be continued..)

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