() "This prescription was originally a dan furnace dan formula, which was refined by Fei Dan method. It is now prepared separately. The efficacy of the medicine is 45, but the dosage has been modified. It is combined with the method of refining internal medicine. The first [-] pills, On the tenth, forty-fifth and sixteenth day of the lunar calendar, the moon is bright enough to be taken, cloudy and rainy.” Old Doctor Ye pondered, “This prescription has not been verified, so I dare not prescribe it. You can try my medicine first…”

Nonsense, of course Wen Fei believed in Chen Niwan more.In any case, old doctor Ye must help me prepare all the medicinal materials.Most of these medicinal materials are not expensive, but the preparation method is more troublesome, let Wen Fei go to the medicine after a day.

When Wen Fei returned home, he even forgot about serious matters.Looking left and right in the mirror, he really found that his lips were red and his teeth were white... Ah no, it should be that there was a faint greenness in his pale complexion, his eyes were dull, and he really looked like he was too drunk.

"Hey, why do Taoist priests have nothing to look at in a mirror? You are not a woman, why are you so beautiful!" Fat Zhang Yu asked while lying on the sofa, counting copper coins carelessly.

Wen Fei was looking at this fat guy, his face was full of oil, and even Yintang could reveal some joy.Immediately, there was great grief and indignation, and there was an urge to spurt blood.Nima, that fat man was a five-time man for one night last night, and he still looks so energetic.But what about myself?He didn't even hold a girl's hand, so he ended up with a deficiency syndrome.Fuck, who am I to reason with!

Northern Song Dynasty

Chen Niwan's dilapidated shed, Wen Fei took good wine and told about himself.

There was no market at this time, Chen Niwan was humming a ditty, sipping a little wine, and said to Wen Fei while holding the barrel: "The doctor you are looking for is not good enough, you are obviously using your Yin soul indiscriminately, and excessively consuming your energy What a sudden mistake. What kind of bed thing is too much!" Chen Niwan said casually.

"Ah!" Wen Fei was both surprised and happy, happy that he finally got his revenge, and removed the hat of being greedy for beauty.But what is the meaning of this abuse of Yin soul?Could it be that there is also a problem with his own ghost getting out of his body?

"Let me ask you, what are you doing out of your body when you have nothing to do?" Chen Niwan glanced at Wen Fei lightly, the light in this glance was like lightning, as if he could see Wen Fei clearly from the inside out.

Wen Fei wept bitterly: "It's fun, there is no physical restraint, you are free. And you can run around and see things that you can't normally see..."

Chen Niwan's face was obviously relaxed, and there was even a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his tone was still serious: "You are looking for death, you know!"

Many years later, Wen Fei gradually understood.Many monks with dishonest intentions specialize in the practice of ghosts leaving their bodies, committing crimes.The first time Chen Niwan saw Fu Yue, he misunderstood him as that kind of scum monk!Although Wen Fei's behavior, according to the ethics and morals of the Northern Song Dynasty, can indeed constitute a scum...

Wen Fei was taken aback, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

"Who is your master?" Chen Niwan asked seriously, "Didn't you even teach you these things?"

Wen Fei suddenly whispered: "I don't have a master, I just practice blindly according to what is written in the book!"

"Nonsense," Chen Niwan's face suddenly became serious: "Your life is pretty big, and you can't be more fragile. Let me ask you, what should you do if you encounter evil spirits? They are other day and night wandering spirits. , Land City God, lonely souls and wild ghosts, who can't easily tear you apart! Not to mention thunder and wind, solar eclipses and lunar eclipses..."

Wen Fei let out an "ah" and was dripping with cold sweat, only then did he feel scared!He never thought that there would be so many dangers in traveling with ghosts.

"Hmph, I see that you are not just as simple as a false loss. It seems that you have been frightened by something. You know exactly what you encounter!"

Wen Fei thought of the two stone lions he had met, and it was hard to imagine that two ordinary stone lions at the entrance of the bank would turn out to be so terrifying!He just said the matter, of course he didn't say that he wanted to go to the bank to feel the atmosphere.He just said: "I was wandering in the street, and the stone lion at the door of someone's house suddenly came alive and rushed towards me, scaring me to death!"

Chen Niwan sneered: "It's your fate, otherwise, what do you think the door gods and stone lions pasted on the door of those rich people's houses are for? These are just rich people's houses. If the yamen of the imperial court is located, they will naturally have royal protection. If you dare to step into that kind of place, you will be beaten to death immediately!"

so dangerous?Wen Fei was sweating profusely. Originally, he had planned to go to the zheng fu building at night.He even fantasized about how he would go to play tricks on those corrupt officials when he has the ability. Now that he thinks about it... that would be courting death!

"Don't act recklessly just because you know a little magic, you must know that there are still many dangerous places in this world!" Chen Niwan said earnestly.

Wen Fei hurriedly said: "If you beat me to death in the future, I won't dare to get out of my body!"

Chen Niwan nodded, went into the house, and took out a box: "The pills inside are made from the prescription I gave you last time. You take it. This prescription was originally received by my Taoist gods. Prescription. It can greatly nourish the essence, strengthen the muscles and bones, strengthen the qi and blood, nourish the qi and spirit, combine the spirit and life, and has infinite magical effects. But remember not to use this method to practice evil ways, this is the most important thing.”

Wen Fei took the wooden box with great gratitude, and thought to himself: It seems that I haven't brought white wine with me these days.

Curiously, he opened the box and saw that the elixir inside was the size of a peanut, which seemed to be sealed with wax, and he couldn't see why it was inside.He wanted to crush a pill and take it, but was stopped by Chen Niwan, and said, "Apart from the out of body, have you ever learned any method of guidance?"

Speaking of this, Wen Fei felt a little ashamed.He is lazy, the Taoist method of moving exercises, those stances and the like, he is too tired, and he has not exercised well.I had no choice but to dawdle and say: "I have learned Jindan's foundation-building meditation method..."

"Oh?" Chen Niwan's eyes moved, and he stared at Wen Fei: "Have you ever learned the art of inner alchemy?"

As soon as Wen Fei said that, he almost scolded himself for being stupid.At this time, the Northern School had no shadow yet, and the Southern School was still at the stage of esoteric transmission, with secret inheritance from master to apprentice.From Zhang Ziyang's lineage to Chen Niwan's hands, it has never been passed on outside.

"Hey, I was just thinking about it!" Wen Fei decided to play dumb.

"I figured it out by myself? How did you figure it out?" Chen Niwan's eyes were like lightning, staring at Boss Wen Fei feeling uncomfortable.

"That, isn't it just sitting quietly. Then reverse abdominal breathing, that is, the abdomen is naturally drawn in, and the lower abdomen is naturally bulged out when exhaling. Sitting like this, wait until the yang energy is replenished, and then collect herbs..."

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