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Just looking at it from Wen Fei's eyes, it seems to be no different from your other old courtyards in this city.They are all old, gloomy looking houses.Almost all such courtyards are very large, some are similar to the courtyard houses in Beijing. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they are often distributed to more than a dozen families to live together. One can imagine the mess!

"Doing business in this bloody place? Are you stupid?" Wen Fei looked at the courtyard where there was hardly any sunlight in the daytime, and always felt that there seemed to be a kind of yin that seemed to be there, which made people feel uncomfortable. Chill.

"Look, demolish all these houses that were rebuilt and built later, and all these messy things. Probably the original appearance of this house can be restored!" Zhang Yu looked at it with great interest: "Don't say I didn't tell you something good, I wouldn’t be surprised if this kind of yard will sell for tens of millions or hundreds of millions in ten or twenty years’ time!”

Wen Fei rolled his eyes vigorously, although the housing prices in this city have been rising in recent years.However, the intention of planning a new district in the city is very clear. Instead of spending so much effort to demolish and renovate the old city, it is much more convenient to build a new city!Enough lessons have been learned from the demolition over the years, so simply, the city plans to create a new district, and it has already taken shape.

This old city has been preserved in the name of protection, but in fact it is almost becoming a forgotten corner.

"I lied to you? Do you know what the old Beijing courtyard looked like?" Zhang Yu said disdainfully.

Wen Fei roughly remembered watching some on TV, and the situation of the courtyard house in old Beijing seems to be similar to that here.

"Do you know what the price of those courtyard houses is now? A square is 10,000+, and there is no market for the price." Zhang Yu said lightly.

Wen Fei was convinced, he knew that Zhang Yu had a wider vision than himself.This fat man is just lazy and has no motivation to work hard, otherwise he would be a millionaire now.Even now, if you mess around with anything, you won't have to worry about food and clothing, and your life is very chic!

"Although our place is definitely not as good as the capital city, it has developed in the future. Wealthy people have a lot of sao bags. Let's talk about fun. At that time, it was not difficult for such a yard to sell for tens of millions! Let's buy it and open it. Even if you don't make money, you will have this house in your hands in the future... Hehe..." Zhang Yu winked at Wen Fei.

Wen Fei's heart was moved, and he hesitated: "This yard occupies such a large area, and it costs at least a few million to buy it? I don't have any money, do you have it?"

Zhang Yu suddenly laughed: "If it's not so expensive, I guess I can get it for 100 million."

"So cheap?" Wen Fei was taken aback. Although this place is in the old city, a corner almost forgotten by urban development, it occupies at least several acres of land.Only 100 million won, isn't that the same as picking up for nothing? "

"Of course, when did I ever lie to you!" Zhang Yu said brazenly, "But..."

Wen Fei's heart was so hot being teased by this fat man, and he felt a little cold when he heard only two words. It must not be that simple!

"Do you think there is anything different in this yard?" Zhang Yu asked in a low voice.

Wen Fei wondered: "It's not the same, what's the difference?" But then he reacted, and the draft happened to blow through for a while, and the familiar chilly feeling hit his back again.

Wen Fei shivered tremblingly: "You mean...?"

"Don't you know an expert? It's the one you used to please with wine... Invite him to clean up the house..."

Just as I was talking, I don't know if it was just a coincidence or what kind of a weathered tile fell down.Seeing that Zhang Yu was about to be smashed, Wen Fei had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and pulled him away. The tile didn't hit his head, but his back.Fortunately, this fat man had rough skin and thick flesh, so he just grinned in pain, but he was not injured!

Zhang Yu didn't know why, but he still raised his eyes to look on the roof.Wen Fei's complexion changed drastically, he grabbed Zhang Yu and pulled him out involuntarily.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Zhang Yu was still a little puzzled.

Wen Fei's face turned serious: "You did a good thing yourself, and you still ask me what's wrong? The tile didn't hurt you just now, did it?"

Zhang Yu was taken aback, and even his voice changed a bit: "You mean that just now...wasn't a coincidence!"

"Nonsense!" Wen Fei said seriously: "If it happens to happen, it's impossible to sell it to us so cheap!"

"Ah!" Zhang Yu, a fat man, cherishes his life like gold, and starts to back off when he hears that there is danger. Anyway, this guy is not long-lasting.But he has a very good relationship with Wen Fei, the kind who grew up with bare buttocks, and he is very familiar with Wen Fei, and he became anxious when he heard this tone: "If there is such a business, you still want to buy that yard?"

Wen Fei asked, "How much money can you give?" Wen Fei is different from this fat man, this guy has a wide range of hobbies, and they are all 3-minute hot.Probably because of the family background, since I was a child, I have everything I want, although I am not from a family of billionaires, but I have raised such a somewhat playful character.But Wen Fei was different, he didn't have the insight and foresight like Zhang Yu, but once he identified something, he couldn't pull back even nine bulls.Maybe it's because the two people have such different personalities, so they can play together from childhood to adulthood?

"Are you really going to buy it?" Zhang Yu muttered, looking at Wen Fei's firm gaze, he knew that Wen Fei had already made up his mind.Immediately, I became excited again: "I only have more than 30 in my hand, and I can borrow another 50 from my parents. How about it, can you really find an expert to deal with the things inside? At that time, you count as a technical investment , pay a hundred thousand!"

Wen Fei was silent for a while, without being pretentious, and said: "Okay, it's a deal. I'll take care of the house, and you buy the house. I still have more than 7 yuan...you know it. At that time, I asked my family for tens of thousands of yuan."

Wen Fei's more than 7 yuan was all money he earned as a time-space dealer recently, otherwise he really couldn't afford it.

Zhang Yu took it all in: "Don't worry, this matter can't escape!"

Wen Fei suddenly remembered: "If you want to open a private restaurant, you need at least two to three million yuan. If we buy the house, will we still have money to open it?"

Zhang Yu immediately closed his mouth, he always thought of it.Buying this yard was just a temporary idea, and it was not thoughtful at all in advance.

Things didn't go well, and Zhang Yu later said to Wen Fei in frustration: "That one won't sell, at least it will cost 300 million. 100 million would rather be left to rot somewhere!"

Wen Fei was very surprised. When the two of them went to see the house, it seemed that no one had lived in the yard for a long time.The inside of the house is very gloomy and damp, obviously it will not be comfortable to live in.And the inside is not very clean, the owner has already moved out, but he still refuses to sell it?

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