() Master Wen Daxian is not some kind of selfless, compassionate Holy Mother.Naturally, he refuses to sit in that kind of self-sacrificing business.I really thought about it in my heart, should I deal with this surname Wu first?

But Zhou Qiang also yelled: "It's so cold, I feel so cold too!"

Wen Fei shivered subconsciously, only to realize that the temperature seemed to have dropped a lot again before he knew it.He felt something was wrong, so he asked Huang Sheng: "Is this building so evil every night?"

Huang Sheng looked unhappy: "No, I've seen it at night before. I've never been so evil like this night!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Wen Fei's mind, and he thought that the building had become like this now.Is it related to Chen Zheng and that guy?What the hell is that guy doing in this building?

This kind of thing is all guesswork.It must be impossible to guess.If you can guess without any clues, then this person is not the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang, but the author has arranged for it.Wen Fei didn't have the ability to do this, so he had no choice but to let go and think about it.To put it bluntly, it is still safe to take advantage of this time, and it is serious to continue collecting earth energy!

He sat cross-legged on the ground to gather energy, and the others felt uneasy.Subconsciously getting closer and closer.Wen Fei wasn't overly panicked, he was also thinking of ways to save his life.In the worst case, you can fill up the earth's qi, and use the method of self-suggestion to pretend to be a ghost to escape this catastrophe.What's more, there is still a thunder mark hanging around his neck... maybe it will be of great use when it comes to the critical moment!

But this kind of thing is out of control after all.And uncontrollable things, people can't be too relieved... It's better to collect qi honestly.

This time, my heart was not as urgent as before.After all, Wen Fei had practiced for so long, so he calmed down.Let out the breath of your own body, continuously extending downward, imagining passing through the heavy cement, directly touching and entering the depths of the earth.

This time, it went very smoothly.Soon an extremely cold air was communicated.That feeling almost froze Wen Fei into a popsicle.

Wen Fei was startled, why is the air so strong?You must know that the air of the earth belongs to yin, and the xing belongs to cold.The colder it is, the better the quality of the earth's atmosphere.Even when mules and horses gather, the atmosphere of the earth is not so cold.How could there be such a chilly atmosphere in the Jinhua Building where the thick concrete foundation was poured?

When it was over, Wen Fei's lips turned black and blue in an instant, and his teeth chattered up and down.Fortunately, Wu Shibo has been paying attention to Wen Fei and sees that his situation is not good.After hesitating for a moment, he stepped forward and pushed Tweet Fei's shoulder.

As soon as he touched Wen Fei's shoulder, he almost cried out.Intuitively, what I touched was not a person, but a large ice sculpture in the shape of a human being.A chill also rushed towards him.Invisible to the naked eye, the Yang fire on his body suddenly dimmed...

Fortunately, such a push interrupted Wen Fei's process of adopting earth energy.Taking the opportunity, Wen Fei's qi was separated from the extremely cold earth qi, and without saying a word, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket.He stuffed a pill into his mouth.

In just such a short moment, Wen Fei had already collected enough Earth Qi.He also didn't care about thinking about what happened just now, the yin energy in his body was strong, and he could naturally see things that ordinary people couldn't see with the naked eye.

I saw that even in the guard room there are many lonely ghosts floating around, floating up and down around them.It's just that I'm afraid of the Yanghuo on their bodies, and I dare not pounce on them.

It's just that Wu Shibo was unlucky. He used to be an official, so he had a little official air to protect him.It was quite safe at first, but he pushed Wen Fei. Although Wen Fei was saved, a bit of chilly air was tainted.The three sun flames on his body were all dimmed...

"Not good!" Wen Fei was excited, stepped forward and slapped Wu Shibo.Wu Shibo was feeling chills all over his body, and he was slapped on the face for no reason, and he was annoyed in his heart, but he heard Wen Fei shout: "Don't think wildly, concentrate quickly. If it's not right, you can bite the tip of your tongue!"

Wu Shibo was taken aback, and thought to himself, did I ever think about committing suicide?But he immediately realized why Wen Fei said that.A cold feeling that seemed to carry an evil will suddenly descended on him.It spread quickly all over his body, wherever it passed, that body seemed to be another person's.I don't feel the slightest bit anymore.

What's even more frightening is that although Wu Shibo is sane.But that body didn't seem to be his own anymore, and he moved involuntarily, watching him stretch out his hands and pinch his neck.

Fortunately, Wen Fei was standing beside Wu Shibo, seeing that he was in a bad situation, his eyebrows fluttered.The person on Wu Shibo's body was not an ordinary wandering ghost, but a fierce ghost.Now things are serious!

It is rare for people who died of illness to turn into wandering ghosts, only those who died violently, because most of them still have lingering grievances and obsessions.

However, most of these can't make any climate. In this world, they are tossed by all kinds of yang energy, even blown by wind and rain, and slowly dissipate cleanly.Only a very small number of ghosts with special opportunities, or the nourishment of earth energy, will transform into real ghosts.And from ancient times to the present, the things that ghosts harm people are said to be such fierce ghosts!

To deal with this kind of fierce ghost, with Wen Fei's half-hearted skill, it is really very mysterious.But now, Wen Fei has no choice but to bite the bullet and go on!

Thinking of this, Wen Fei didn't dare to neglect, a palm of lightning struck him.This thunder in the palm was not emitted by his own yang energy, but by the earth energy.A blow hit Wu Shibo's body, and the ghost hadn't completely occupied Wu Shibo's body, at least not the most important brain.After eating this blow, he let out a scream and was beaten out of Wu Shibo's body.

Everyone heard the voice, and their faces changed in fright.Wen Fei breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly, the power of the earth's thunder method is greater than what he imagined!

The earth qi is collected in the body, so naturally it is not indifferent.It is also necessary to refine the pill in the dantian, which is more powerful when used.However, when Chen Niwan taught Wen Fei, he made it clear that it was best not to practice this step.The dantian is the condensate of the whole body's blood energy. Here, the Yin and cold earth energy is used to form a fake pill, but it will do too much harm to the body.Therefore, ordinary Wen Fei temporarily stores the collected earth energy in the arm meridians.

But this time the matter was critical, and Wen Fei couldn't control it too much, the collected earth energy was continuously squeezed towards the dantian, and condensed into a blue-black bead.Now an experiment, the power is really not small.Unexpectedly, with just one blow, the ghost was knocked out of Wu Shibo's body.

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