() The besieged Taoist Wen Fei is even more familiar, he is obviously the old ghost who was suppressed.But at this time, he was surrounded by more than 100 officers and soldiers, his face was miserable, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "This is the sky that wants to kill me, the way is not clear, what can I do?"

But there was a cold voice shouting: "You monster dare to rebel? You are really looking for your own death, why don't you hurry up and catch it?"

The Taoist sneered and said, "I'm acting on behalf of the heavens, rebelling? Then Zhao Laoer killed his brothers and kings, and plotted to usurp the throne, so what? What's more, your emperor of the Great Song Dynasty ever regarded us Sichuan people as citizens? To exploit us like this, do you still want us to obediently bear it?"

When the general heard such rebellious words, his face changed drastically in fright.Don't want to waste words with this Taoist anymore, and shouted: "Brothers, kill this demon!"

The soldiers under his command shouted yes, and formed a battle formation to surround him.This Taoist martial arts is very high, he didn't want to stand still, so he rushed over first.The sword in his hand was like a flash of cold light, and with a single swing, some soldiers were split in half, including their weapons and their entire bodies.

But the battle was tight, the Taoist only beheaded a soldier, and his own arms, thighs, and younger generations were shot one after another.Large swaths of blood smeared!

"The way of the monster is the way of the monster, no matter how high your martial arts are. It is the unity of spirit, spirit and spirit, so what if you refine it into a peerless sword? Surrounded by armored soldiers, you are not looking for death!" The general stood in the battle formation Outside the circle, sarcastic remarks kept hitting that Taoist's confidence.

"The rebellious bandit leader Wang Xiaobo has been dug out to show the public, and Li Shun has also been arrested. He will only be sent to the capital, where he will be hacked to pieces... Hey, no one dares to rebel!" the general said. sneered.

The Taoist priest was heartbroken, although the end of the uprising had already been doomed.But when he heard the bad news, he still burst into anger, and shouted: "The thief dares you... Even if I die, I will be a generation of ghosts. Be the leader of millions of ghosts and destroy you Zhao Song Sheji!"

The general felt a chill in his heart, knowing that this Taoist was not an ordinary swearing oath, but that this Taoist was not only good at martial arts, but also inherited the demon law of the five buckets of rice and the Taiping Tao, which can drive away gods and ghosts.

After saying these two sentences, the Taoist was stabbed a few times.The strength in his body subsided like a tide, and even if he swung the sword in his hand again, the palpitating cold light disappeared.When this Taoist was dying, his consciousness was half awake and half unconscious, but he heard a nice voice saying: "Brother Dao, don't think too much, with me here, brother Dao's soul will definitely not escape... And now there is a master in the underworld, and it is no longer the time of the Three Kingdoms of the Later Han Dynasty. It is not a place for Dao brothers to run wild!"

Hearing this voice, the Taoist suddenly opened his eyes and saw the same Taoist priest appearing beside him at some unknown time, dressed in white fish beard clothes, crowned with a crown, crimson shoes on his feet, with a sword seal on his body, he couldn't help saying in amazement: "The Celestial Master Sword Seal..."

Wen Fei woke up suddenly, cold sweat soaked the pillow.He was about to groan twice, but he felt that there was interference in his throat, and he couldn't make a sound.I wanted to move, but found that I couldn't exert any strength from my fingers to my toes.

In the midst of anxiety, a cool feeling slowly moistened in from the lips.Feeling the coolness, like a traveler dying of thirst in the desert, desperately sucking in this sweet liquid.In a daze, I heard someone say again: "He has a fever, it's very bad..."

Then Wen Fei lost his mind and passed out again.In the dream, Wen Fei intermittently experienced the Taoist priest's life, the arduous pursuit of Taoism and practice in his youth.Travel all over the world famous mountains and great rivers, and visit the world's masters.Finally, in Qingcheng Mountain in central Sichuan, I found the Taoism left by the master of the five buckets of rice in the previous generation.

Practice hard in the mountains, go down the mountain to catch ghosts and demons everywhere.With such a great reputation, the people in central Sichuan all called him the Celestial Master.Until Houshu was destroyed by the Great Song Dynasty, the soldiers plundered wantonly, and transported the "heavy goods" such as gold, silver, jewelry, and copper coins and "light goods" such as silk and cloth stored in the treasury of the Houshu government to Kaifeng, the capital. Known as "Ri Jin Gang".For this reason, a large number of civilian laborers were forced to be transported by land and water, and it took more than ten years to complete the transport.

In addition, "Bomaiwu" was set up in Sichuan to monopolize the cloth trade and prohibit individual farmers and small traders from buying and selling freely.The powerful and powerful landlords took the opportunity to "release the cheap and sell the expensive", speculated, exploited the common people, and profited from it.As a result, poorer and poorer farmers continued to lose their family properties, many small traders were forced to lose their jobs, and farmers' cottage industries were severely damaged.

The court of the Song Dynasty also classified tea as a monopoly.Buying tea at a low price and selling rice at a high price caused the tea farmers to go bankrupt one after another and cut off their livelihood.

This is a desperate exploitation of Shu not as a territory under its own rule, but as a colony.The commotion was simply outraged, and finally in the fourth year of Song Taizong's Chunhua, there was a severe drought in Sichuan, causing a great famine.Under the coercion of natural disasters, farmers finally rose up to resist and launched a rebellion.

The leader at that time, Wang Xiaobo, also respectfully invited the Taoist to participate in the grand event, and was elected as a military adviser.

As a result, Wang Xiaobo was killed soon, and the successor leader Li Shun refused to listen to his advice, and sent heavy troops to attack Jianmen, the northern gateway of Sichuan, but to attack Zizhou and Meizhou, and waged a long and protracted war of attrition with the enemy. .As a result, not only missed the good opportunity to destroy the enemy, but also allowed the Song army to cross the Jianmen and break into Sichuan. The defeat of the Rebels.

In the end, the Taoist fled alone, but was caught up and besieged by the chasing soldiers at the place where the Jinhua Building is now...

When he woke up again, Wen Fei found himself lying in the hospital.He first touched his arms and found that the jade pendant was still there, he was relieved immediately.In order to keep the jade pendant's secret, Wen Fei sewed a secret pocket in his underwear, and put the jade pendant against his chest all the time, it was too unsafe to hang around his neck.Even a half-assed person like himself can see the extraordinaryness of this jade pendant from Chen Zhenghe, let alone other experts?And don't forget, the origin of this jade pendant, the members of the Chen family are all high-ranking and powerful... If they are recognized by negligence...

The jade pendant was still there, and Wen Fei felt a little relieved, it was his lifeline.He then touched his neck again, but the thunder mark on it disappeared without accident.

At this time the door opened.A nurse came in, obviously observing Wen Fei's situation at any time, and heard the voice.

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