() "There is also that broken logistics company, you don't care about it?" Zhang Yu said cursingly: "I want you to check the accounts for you, lest someone else package up and sell your company, and you don't even know! "

Yes, I also have a logistics company.This is really forgotten.In fact, the logistics company is not very useful to Wenfei now.Wen Fei took over the company originally to cover up his large-scale space-time smuggling.But when Wen Fei knew that after traveling, he would consume the energy in the jade pendant.I no longer dare to waste the energy of the jade pendant so recklessly.So the company's bankruptcy was really not a big deal to Wen Fei.

"How is the company doing now?" Wen Fei asked lazily.

"I despise people like you, do you know? Why are you so lucky? Is Boss Huang's head caught by a door panel? Such a good company is willing to sell it to you. Guarding such a large warehouse is simply You can make money while lying down!" Zhang Yu went mad with envy.

Wen Fei didn't have a cigar at this time, otherwise he would have blown out a puff of blue smoke arrogantly, and said lightly: "Brother is a good character!"

Zhang Yu was completely speechless, and originally wanted to talk to Wen Fei about the company's situation in detail.At this time, I lost interest.It seems that Wen Fei is not so lucky!

After hanging up the phone, Wen Fei suddenly remembered that he hadn't traveled through time for a long time.I don't know what's going on in the Northern Song Dynasty now?It seems that the famous Song Huizong invited himself to Tokyo City!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Zhang Canjun," Yang Jian, who returned to Tiandu Castle again, was a little anxious: "Why hasn't the assistant Taoist master come back yet, the officials are probably waiting impatiently!"

Naturally, the immortal master Fudao was not talking about someone else, but Wen Fei.In the imperial decree of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, Wen Fei was named Mr. Demon Slayer and Assistant Taoist. Now that Yang Jian saw Wen Fei's miraculous performance with his own eyes, he naturally followed Zhang Shuye's example and called up the immortal master.

Zhang Shuye smiled bitterly and said: "I can't say for sure, the immortal master has always been elusive..." There was also a feeling of being overwhelmed in his heart, this Yang Jian could ask him about Wen Fei's whereabouts eighty times a day, which made Zhang Shuye Are going crazy.

But at this moment, a laugh was heard: "Who are you looking for?"

Zhang Shuye was naturally very familiar with that voice, and excitedly called out: "Master Immortal..." Then he turned his head and saw that it was indeed Wen Fei.I immediately felt relieved!

Yang Jian jumped up directly, threw himself on the ground, and hugged Wen Fei's feet.Wen Fei was so startled that his hairs were on the verge of standing on end, he thought to himself, what does this dead eunuch want to do?

But he almost burst into tears: "Immortal Master, Immortal Master... Our family found you again, you can't fly away again..."

Wen Fei was baffled, he just disappeared for a few days, why was he so excited?

Hastily said embarrassingly: "Get up quickly, get up quickly... At worst, I won't leave this time."

Then Yang Jian stood up sobbing and crying, calling it "chrysanthemums with rain".Seeing Wen Fei felt a chill.An old face is wrinkled, just like an old chrysanthemum, plus the tears are first-rate...

It happened that Zhang Shuye relieved Wen Fei's embarrassment, and said happily, "Master Immortal, are you really back? I thought..."

Thought I was gone forever, didn't you?Wen Fei thought to himself, but of course he wouldn't say it out loud.He just smiled and said, "I just go back and deal with some things."

Yang Jian shouted: "Master Immortal, the official family is waiting for you in Tokyo!" He took out a painting and said: "The official family is very eager for the immortal master, saying that he is the king of a country. You can't wander around at will. Otherwise, you really want to come here to meet the immortal master..."

As he spoke, he opened the painting, and saw a Taoist priest standing on the top of a mountain with his hands behind his back, looking leisurely at the bright moon in the sky.The characters in the painting have fluttering clothes and demeanor, giving them an otherworldly feeling.Of course, the most important thing is that the characters above are actually five or six points similar to Wen Fei.

In an instant, Wen Fei's eyes filled with tears. When I went back to Tokyo City in the future, I used the words that Yang Jian reported to Song Huizong: "When I was a Wenxian master, I saw this painting, tears rolled down, and I was very moved!"

In fact, Wen Fei was certainly not moved.It's sad, this nima is the autograph of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty.And definitely one of a kind.How much can it sell for if you take it back to Hyundai?Maybe it can be sold for hundreds of millions, or US dollars!

Konima's, this painting happens to be newly drawn.Even if I take him back to modern times, others will see the new eye-catching, and they will still think it was painted by that unknown poor painter in modern times.

In later generations, after the Yuan Dynasty, that kind of ink and wash painting became popular, and it was only after paying attention to various artistic conceptions and other mysterious and mysterious things that it completely became a literati painting.But now at this time, the popular ones are still fine brushwork, and they still take the road of realism, using various watercolors.It is said that Song Huizong himself played a major role in the transition between the two paintings.Of course, an ignorant guy like Wen Fei would not know this.

I don't know if it is because of incense offerings or other reasons.Now there is often a hot current rushing to Wen Fei's eyes, and as soon as his eyes become hot, he sees all kinds of wonders in front of his eyes.

For example, when Wen Fei was looking at the painting, suddenly his eyes became hot, and he saw Yang Jian and Zhang Shuye at a glance.

Needless to say, Yang Jian, the two fires on his left and right shoulders were extremely strong, almost like burning torches.The flame on this shoulder represents Fulu, and it is so vigorous, so it shows that this dead eunuch is not such a small role as he imagined.It's a big man with a very high status!

Especially above his head a trace of purple air stood upright, extending into the dark void.Wen Fei turned pale in shock, this purple aura represented nobility, and such a little purple aura at the top meant that the dead eunuch had an extremely noble status.

Looking at Zhang Shuye again, although he is a little worse than Yang Jian, the flames of the talismans are also extremely prosperous.It's just that there is no such purple air on the top of his head.The fire of lifespan of the two is just ordinary, it seems that Fulu has nothing to do with lifespan!

Even the emperor and the son of heaven can give people high officials and generous salary, but they can't give people a long life.Even his own life cannot be guaranteed!Naturally, there is a deep causal relationship.

"Then the immortal master agreed to meet the official?" Yang Jian asked cautiously.

Wen Fei nodded, and said a little strangely: "Didn't I agree to come down last time?"

Taoist Tiger released a new book "Urban Edition Heroes Invincible", which is the original Ximen Feixue's new work.It's very beautiful, you can go and see it...

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