"Haha... Mr. Wen really knows how to joke!" The person in charge obviously heard Wen Fei talking to himself and laughed.

Wen Fei was taken aback, it seems that such a habit of talking to himself is really bad, and he must correct it in the future!

"In recent years, Ming and Qing furniture has been heating up, especially some precious woods such as rosewood, huanghuali and the like..."

"Ah!" Wen Fei suddenly yelled, interrupting the person in charge, even startling him, standing up happily, wishing he could run back to the Northern Song Dynasty immediately.

The person in charge felt dissatisfied, and felt that Wen Fei was a bit out of his mind.But seeing that Wen Fei is a customer, it's hard to care about it.Just heard Wen Fei ask loudly: "Then how about the price of the golden nanmu? I'm talking about a whole piece."

The person in charge is quite familiar with Chinese antiques, and said with a smile: "It depends on whether the material is large or small. If it is large, it will naturally be valuable!"

When Wen Fei heard it, there was a door!Don't forget, Cai Jing said last time that he would give himself a house made of golden nanmu!Such things as golden nanmu are naturally extremely scarce in later generations, but in the Northern Song Dynasty, it was really nothing: "What if it is as thick as a golden nanmu?" Wen Fei gestured.

The person in charge said with a surprised smile: "That is a priceless treasure. You must know that this kind of wood grows extremely slowly. At the end of Ming Dynasty, the big wood has been cut down, and the small wood has not yet grown. If you really have it, then handle it well. Now, it’s not a problem if one can be fried to hundreds of millions!”

Wen Fei was overjoyed when he heard it, grandma's.Didn't expect something like this to be so valuable.I just get three or five and come here, isn't it that all financial problems have been solved?But this is just thinking about it, although there are many golden nanmu in ancient times.But if you make too many, it will be difficult to hype up such a price!At most it is two or three.

Having made up his mind, Wen Fei hurried back to the modern age.Go directly to Cai Jing and ask for golden nanmu.

It's a pity that such a large timber has to be transported thousands of miles from Yunnan, Guizhou, Huguang and other places.With such a tragic traffic situation in the Northern Song Dynasty, transporting a big tree to Tokyo City, at least within a few months, is not even a thought.

Wen Fei was dumbfounded for a moment, and finally found a piece of rosewood aniseed from the general prison.It's as thick as a hug.When it was brought to Hong Kong, it immediately caused a sensation.

You must know that this thing is extremely valuable. Since the Han Dynasty, red sandalwood has been considered one of the most valuable woods.It is often used as a material for vehicles, musical instruments, high-end furniture and other exquisite objects, and it is recorded in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The red sandalwood used by the imperial court in the Ming Dynasty was first purchased in southern China. Later, due to insufficient wood, it sent staff to Nanyang to purchase regularly.Therefore, a lot of rosewood wood is stored.Due to the slow growth of red sandalwood, it would not take hundreds of years to become useful. The red sandalwood in Nanyang was harvested in the Ming Dynasty. In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, most of the red sandalwood produced in the world gathered in China.

As of the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, most of the rosewood produced in the world at that time was gathered in China.All the red sandalwood used in the Qing Dynasty was collected in the Ming Dynasty. According to historical records, the Qing Dynasty also sent people to Nanyang to collect red sandalwood.But most of them are not thick enough to hold, and the curves are not straight.Not usable at all.This is because rosewood grows slowly.It would take hundreds of years for it to become useful. In the Ming Dynasty, the logging was exhausted, and in the Qing Dynasty, it had not yet been revived, and the source was exhausted. This is also an important reason why red sandalwood is cherished by the world.

Westerners such as Europe and the United States pay more attention to rosewood than China, because they have never seen red sandalwood and think it can only be used as small utensils.It is said that there is a five-inch-long red sandalwood coffin model in front of Napoleon's tomb. Visitors are all amazed and think it is rare.It was not until the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, when Western missionaries came to China and saw many great red sandalwood vessels, that they realized that the elites of red sandalwood were all in China.So many parties bought it and shipped it back to China.The red sandalwood utensils circulating in Europe and the United States are basically shipped from China.Due to the difficulty of transportation, they generally do not buy the whole utensil, but only those with patterns on the cabinet door and box surface.After being shipped back, a wooden frame was installed for display.

Wen Fei went to the Northern Song Dynasty. Although red sandalwood is still precious, it has not been harmed by the Ming Dynasty, so it is not too rare.Wen Fei saw seven or eight of them in the general prison. He chose the biggest one and sent it to the auction house for auction, which immediately shocked the entire Hong Kong Island.

Finally let Wen Fei know that selling wood is more profitable than any other business.In the Northern Song Dynasty, the woods that were basically extinct in later generations, such as the red sandalwood and the Hainan huanghuali, were basically cut down at the end of the Ming Dynasty.But in the Northern Song Dynasty, Hainan was still a barren land for exiled prisoners. It is conceivable that these precious woods are still waiting for Wen Fei to develop...

What's more, Wen Fei also saw another kind of precious wood in the prison, that is golden nanmu.This wood is very famous, and it is a precious wood unique to our country, but most people have only heard of it and never seen it, because since ancient times, golden nanmu has been a special timber for the royal family. In history, golden nanmu was specially used for the construction of royal palaces and a few temples And furniture, the ancient feudal emperor's dragon chair and throne must be made of high-quality nanmu. If someone uses it without authorization, he will be convicted for exceeding the etiquette system.Both the Ming and Qing dynasties strictly prohibited the use of golden nanmu in buildings other than the royal family.

This kind of wood was almost extinct at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It can be seen that my brilliant Ming Dynasty is like a locust, almost tossing the rare wood in Southeast Asia...

Sotheby's was overjoyed to see such a rare wood auction.In many cases, even if the auction house doesn't make much money, it still likes to auction those sensational and benchmarking things.For example, this kind of golden nanmu, a noble material used by the royal family, is almost extinct.

Those foreigners will naturally not be interested in these things.But the Chinese at home and abroad are completely crazy. Foreigners don't understand, but they know how to do it!Such a large piece of wood, among other things, can be used as a birthday material!

Although cremation is advocated in the Mainland, burial is commonly used overseas.Unexpectedly, this kind of longevity material made of golden nanmu will not rot for a thousand years, and it will not breed insects and flies.Originally, it was the most high-quality longevity material. Which one of the rich and powerful people in ancient times didn't need this kind of thing when preparing longevity materials?

Therefore, as soon as the news of the auction got out, there was no telling how much of a commotion it caused.It sometimes takes several months from the preparation to the holding of this kind of auction house, which is mainly used for operation.Wen Fei couldn't wait, so he mortgaged tens of millions from the bank first.

Wen Fei raised enough money, but he didn't stay in Hong Kong, and he didn't assign Ren Lechen any business at all.So I went back to the mainland first, ordered dozens of tons of rebar, and brought a car back to the Northern Song Dynasty. (to be continued..)

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