Zhao Ji was overjoyed: "Father Shang, don't worry, I will definitely build a splendid and magnificent fairy palace for Father Shang..."

A few days later, Li Jie had someone carry a model.Inspired by Wen Fei's rendering, Li Jie not only drew the design, but also made a model.

Although there is only one main building, it is an eight-story high platform like an American pyramid, shrinking layer by layer, until the top is the ninth floor, but it is a palace located on the high platform, which has the momentum of a palace in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Wen Fei was overjoyed immediately when he saw it, and thought that Nima's design really looks much better, and everyone has a kind of sacred solemnity.In comparison, the designs of modern designers are simply ugly...

However, the lower eight floors designed by Li Jie were based on rammed earth, which made Wen Fei dislike it.It feels like a waste of space, the lower eight floors should be like a modern high-rise building, it's good for people who can live there.

If the lower eight floors are hollow, the rammed earth and wood will definitely not be able to bear the weight.But what is the reinforced concrete that Wenfei prepared for?That's what I was supposed to do.

Wen Fei plans to use the lower two floors as a shopping mall...

I have been communicating with those craftsmen for more than ten days, so that those craftsmen have seen the effect of cement.Those craftsmen were shocked, and began to believe that the eight-story hollow building designed by Wen Fei could be built...

It's just that if it's just cement without a concrete skeleton, the quality of the construction can't be said.At least, Wen Fei himself would never dare to live in it.

"If it doesn't work, then build a solid one! At worst, I'll rebuild the mall!" Wen Fei gritted his teeth and thought about it.I had no choice but to compromise.Who made the steel production in the Northern Song Dynasty so tragic?

Even if Wen Fei's earlier design is changed beyond recognition, the Shenxiao Temple can't be built in a year or two, maybe it will take ten or eight years.

Just so so.Land is not enough.Now Cai Jing's family has not moved out yet. His family has a big business and hundreds of people. It is not so easy to move away.Wen Fei had no choice but to come to the door to urge him a few times.

An angry Cai You said in private with a dark face: "Wen Fei is too deceitful, what kind of Taoist palace he wants to build, he actually drove my family away."

Cai Jing said coldly: "Take care of your own mouth, the official family is still called Shangfu. You dare to nominate Dao's surname."

Cai You was even more annoyed: "Father, Wen Fei...Shangfu is just a Taoist priest, what's the big deal. He was at my door last time. He played ghosts for three days and three nights, let alone Daxiangguo Temple." Monk, even I can't bear it. It's fine if my father doesn't talk. Now he still wants to occupy my house. I was the only one who bullied others, but now I'm going to be bullied by this Wen Fei... Are you just watching helplessly? ?."

Cai Jing said coldly: "Short-sighted! A man accomplishes great things. Why do you care about things outside your body? Now the official family is relying heavily on Shangfu. We are officials of the official family, so naturally we have to be with the official family..."

Cai You shouted, "Father, do you really believe what the Taoist said? I think it's all nonsense."

Cai Jing sighed and said, "It doesn't matter whether the matter is true or not. What matters is that Shangfu can conjure hundreds of thousands of catties of grain. Yesterday he conjured tens of thousands of catties of good steel. Is this a means that ordinary people can have? Such a person, I should avoid and fear him, and make friends with him. I know that you and the prince have a good relationship, but let me tell you. Whether the prince can become the emperor is not certain!"

Cai You refused to accept.Xin Dao, when the official family was still King Duan, no one thought that he would ascend the throne as emperor.It happened that I was the only one who saw it, and I was very respectful, which is why the officials have so much trust in me now.My father is old, his ambition is not there...but he is old and confused...

"Building this Shenxiao Heavenly Palace is a waste of people and money. I don't think we should build it?" Chen Niwan was a little uneasy. He had noticed Wen Fei's actions recently. Although he didn't say anything, he was very uneasy in his heart.

Chen Niwan also said: "Yes, in the past, Kou Tianshi exterminated Buddhism in the Northern Wei Dynasty and built Jingluntian Palace. Xiao Ke, the bottom is extremely arrogant. Wanting to handover with the gods, he has done a lot of hard work, and he has not completed it until his death. As a result, just after Kou Tianshi died, the Jinglun Tiangong, which has not yet been completed, was ordered to be destroyed by Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao Go. Brother, don’t make the same mistakes again!”

Lin Lingsu stood up and said, "You two Taoist brothers, don't worry about geniuses. It was the Prime Minister Cui Hao who wanted to destroy the Buddha back then, and Kou Tianshi dissuaded him. The Jinglun Temple could not be repaired, but with my junior brother around , I don’t think there is any problem in building this Shenxiao Tiangong!”

Wen Fei thought in his heart: "What Kou Qianzhi didn't accomplish, let me do it, that's called skill! I heard that the wooden pagoda in Ying County is more than 67 meters high. It is said that it is the legacy of Jinglun Temple and has been preserved to future generations. The iron tower is also 60 meters high. It seems that my Shenxiao Temple is too conservative. It is only about 100 meters high. That's right!" Wen Fei checked the information after Wen Fei went back.

Wen Fei didn't even think about it, what they built was only a wooden tower, even the Kaifeng iron tower was actually a brick and wood structure.But what he wants to repair is a high-rise building... The technical difficulties of these two are completely different.

Chen Niwan shook his head: "I'm afraid that the construction of Shenxiao Tiangong will be too laborious and costly!"

Wen Fei laughed dryly and said: "Brothers, don't worry, haven't you all read "Guanzi"? The pipe said: Eggshell painting, wood carving. This is not a waste of money, but to promote domestic demand and expand consumption. In the treasury, there is always money. Even if there is a lot of money in the treasury, even the strings of money are rotten. The people will not get any benefit. Only by spending that money can the people get benefits! "

When Wen Fei said this, not only Chen Niwan was stunned, but even Lin Lingsu, who had always supported Wen Fei and never cared about means, was a little dazed when he heard such a theory: "Isn't Junior Brother's statement too fallacious? "

Looks like I have to teach you country bumpkins a lesson in economics.This is a problem that has been known to all women and children since the rise of Keynesianism.Wen Fei himself was a half-hearted person, showing off indiscriminately: "The money is in the treasury, is the money still money? If it is not in circulation, it is dead money. Only when it is spent in this way is it real money. For example, we How many craftsmen will be hired to build the Shenxiao Temple? Will these craftsmen be paid wages? Will those craftsmen sell more meat and buy more clothes when they make money?

And those who sell meat and clothes sell more and earn more money, will they spend more? "(to be continued...)

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