() Secretly, he was always on guard against Huang Cheng's move... But he never expected that Huang Cheng would come after he had been on guard for so long, and he would show his surrender in such a large crowd, under the eyes of everyone, that he would not be able to do it for a while. I don't know how to make a sound!

Wen Fei didn't react either, Huang Cheng let out a wry smile, thinking that Wen Fei and the others knew what he was doing in private, and refused to accept it so easily.He smiled bitterly and said: "As a Taoist priest, Huang Cheng has offended the leader. If the leader refuses to forgive..." He knelt down like pushing a golden mountain down with a plop.

Lin Lingsu was shocked immediately, and when she came to her senses, before Wen Fei could speak, she shouted loudly: "What is Huang Daolu doing? Hurry up and invite me!"

Huang Cheng smiled wryly again: "Huang's life is not long, and he just wants to ask the leader to forgive him before he dies. If the leader refuses to forgive, then Huang Cheng is willing to repay it with death!"

At this time, even Zhao Ji stood up in shock.Although since Wen Fei came to Tokyo City, Huang Cheng and others have long been forgotten by him.But after all, this person is still the abbot of the Longevity Palace that he personally appointed.Taisu doctor, Mr. Chong Sujingyi, leading Yutang Gaoshi, Zuojie Dudaolu and Duanguan door official, food seals for [-] households, and purple gold square talismans.

He used to be an extremely trustworthy expert, but seeing Huang Cheng like this now, he couldn't bear it.But the emperor's mind was different from others, and he didn't speak to persuade Wen Fei.

He just thought to himself: This Huang Cheng kept saying he was sorry for Shangfu, did he use some shady means to deal with Shangfu?But I never heard that Father Shang mentioned it to me?In this way, he is courting death by himself!

Lin Lingsu couldn't care less.He jumped off the stage, helped Huang Cheng up and said, "Brother Dao, what are you doing? Why bother? Let's talk slowly in a place where there is no one else!"

Lin Lingsu has always been afraid of Huang Cheng.But in essence, both of them are the same kind of people.If Huang Cheng was killed directly, Lin Lingsu might not even blink.But now seeing Huang Cheng humiliating in front of the entire Tokyo city, hundreds of thousands of common people, gentry, royal relatives, and even the officials so humbly admitting his mistakes.

At that moment, Lin Lingsu felt a great sadness in his heart.This is the sorrow of the rabbit and the fox!

Da Jingzhi showed a wry smile.Watching the scene silently, he bit his lower lip tightly with his teeth, and a trace of salty taste mixed with bloodshot echoed in his mouth.

Xu Zhi's complexion turned miserable when he saw it, no matter how wrong Huang Cheng was.But now, admitting defeat in front of so many people has already caused sympathy in the hearts of most people.

This is the case in this world, an ordinary person is unlucky, and not many people sympathize with him.But a hero overlord.At the end of the road, when the hero is singing a sad song, it makes people feel even more miserable.Just like the singing of Farewell My Concubine, for thousands of years, I don’t know how many tears of sympathy it has earned...

Damn, isn't this guy just trying to bear the burden of humiliation for me?Waiting for the gentleman to take revenge.Ten years is not too late?Or are you ready to try your best?

Wen Fei had such thoughts in his stomach, using his villainous heart to save the belly of a gentleman.Wen Fei didn't even say what kind of human Huang Cheng was, so there was no sympathy and feeling for some hero's end.All kinds of conspiracy theories keep coming and going in my heart...

I thought in my heart, this heavenly master is not willing to be that kind of woman's benevolent idiot!To learn from Taizu, it is advisable to chase the poor with remaining bravery.Never give this guy a chance to stand up!

Just as he was about to speak, Chen Niwan also came to Wen Fei's side at some point.With complicated eyes, he said softly: "Junior brother, no!"

Although Wen Fei and Lin Lingsu were the closest, when it came to understanding Wen Fei, it was Chen Niwan who knew him best.He said slightly: "Now you have to show your magnanimity, and you must not chase after and beat him... Now people are sympathizing with Huang Cheng!"

Wen Fei was startled, and looked up, and sure enough, even Zhao Ji stood up, with a look of unbearable expression on his face.I finally understand that many times, the enemy bows down in front of you, not because you don’t want to beat him to death with a stick, but because if you really do this, you will lose everyone’s hearts...

"What are you doing?" Wen Fei put on a smiling face and was about to say this.But even he himself felt that his smile was quite stiff.But Chen Niwan said in his ear again: "I think Huang Cheng really surrendered this time, he has few days to live!"

"A few days to live?" Wen Fei was a little puzzled.However, Chen Niwan said with regret on his face, "Didn't you see it? This person has been backlashed by luck, and it is already very rare to be able to live until now! It must be protected by some treasure..."

Wen Fei groaned again, and was lightly tapped on the back by Chen Niwan, and a wave of heat rushed into his body.His eyes lit up slightly, and he saw countless black evil aura, blue evil aura, and various miscellaneous auras around Huang Cheng's body, like a maelstrom.Constantly washing the whole body of Huang Cheng.

The three fires on Huang Cheng's body had already dimmed to the point that there was only a small flame left. If it wasn't for the golden light bursting out from time to time, protecting Huang Cheng's whole body, the three fires on him would have been extinguished long ago. The dead can no longer die.

But it was obvious that the golden light was already very dim, leaving only a thin layer, which seemed to disappear at any moment.

Chen Niwan withdrew his hand, and Wen Fei couldn't see this vision.After all, he himself is still low in Taoism, and he doesn't even have enough cultivation in the Qi Wang technique, so it's hard to see these secret things.He wondered in his heart, what the hell did this guy do to make his surroundings so chaotic?If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would have been struck by lightning long ago!

When a person is about to die, his words are also kind.When a bird is about to perish, its song also mourns!Wen Fei was silent for a while, and then said: "Brother Huang Dao doesn't need to do this, the debt of death will be eliminated. You can rest assured!"

Huang Cheng bowed his head respectfully, and suddenly let out a long laugh.There was a sound like glass breaking, as if the magic weapon of the body had broken.Then his whole body became old, his hair turned white rapidly, and his face was covered with wrinkles.Then the waist also bent up, and the whole body curled up, turning into a mummy.

Then, not even a mummy was saved.His body was shattered inch by inch, turning into a pile of black ash, blown by the wind, leaving no trace...

The Taoists present all began to recite the scriptures of saving people softly.No matter what Huang Cheng was like in his life, but now he is in front of everyone, and it is still so tragic, there is no trace of his three souls and seven souls left, they are all twisted into ashes, and his soul and soul are all wiped out!

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