Xiaobai's Counterattack: The Great God of Glory Lives Next Door

Chapter 204 The first professional game begins (1)

Chapter 204 The first professional game begins (2)

The two teams had a fierce confrontation in the BP stage based on their own advantages and the enemy's usual play style.

First of all, he banned the more powerful Baili brothers and Lao Fuzi, but also unexpectedly banned Nezha, Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei.

"Hey? Does Zhuge Liang want to be banned too?" Luo He asked Gu Huaisheng with some confusion.

Although it was difficult to see Gu Huaisheng's expression clearly in the dark, Luo He still felt that Gu Huaisheng gave her a blank look.Because she received the radio wave of Gu Huaisheng's disgust. TT.

"Classmate Luo Xiaohe, don't you usually watch other people's games?"

Someone retorted: "Look, but I only look at teams that are good-looking and famous, like ES, AC, MY, etc.~~"

Helpless sighs came from around him again. Since Luo He came to the team, Gu Huaisheng seemed to have sighed all the anger he had spent in the past 19 years at once.

"What do you mean by watching? You watch every game of every team and analyze it thoroughly. That's what you call watching!"

"...Where do you get so much time? You are busy playing games every day, running live broadcasts, practicing heroes, and studying the game videos of each team. Huaida, I'm afraid your day has 72 hours!"


"Don't talk too much, time is like water in a sponge, there is always time to squeeze it in!"

"Okay...Gu Dawenhao..."

Gu Huaisheng continued to explain why even Zhuge Liang was banned, "Have you seen that girl from the psl team?"

Luo He nodded and said "Yeah". As a rare female player in the KPL arena, Luo He noticed the young lady as soon as she came on the stage.

"Her name is Lu Sheng. Their PSL team was promoted from the four major regions. During the spring qualifiers, she defeated Zhuge Liang once and scored 10-2. It scared all the competing teams. Dare to release Zhuge Liang..."

wakaka!Amazing!Luo He couldn't help but want to applaud her!

"It is said that before she became a professional, she was the main player of Da Qiao, and she has the title of the best Da Qiao in the national server. Zhuge learned this skill later~"

! ! !Later, the practice can be so awesome!
As if he saw it, Luo He was stunned, and Gu Huaisheng smiled in a cold voice: "So, look at how good the other young ladies are~"

"Hmph, but she Zhuge is still not as powerful as me. After all, I am the strongest Zhuge in the national server hahaha!"

Hi, this melon rind!Zhuge, who is the number one in the national server, was actually mocked in front of his face by a person who only had the title of the strongest, but he still couldn't get over it.This TM's mood is a bit complicated.


The two teams in the first group match were of similar strength, so they played a full three games.At the beginning of the third game, Gu Huaisheng asked them to get up and go backstage to prepare for their entrance later.

While waiting, Luo He stared at the TV screen in the lounge, as nervous as if he was competing.

Is this kid a little too nervous?

"No, drink some water!"

Gu Huaisheng handed a cup of steaming hot water with glucose to Luo He.

"Thank you!"

Luo He took a sip of the sugar water, and the negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, and boredom in his heart were instantly suppressed.

The scene of PSL blasting the enemy's crystal happened to be shown on the TV. Lu Sheng's team won the first set of tonight's duel!
"Let's go!"

The four of them followed Gu Huaisheng and walked towards the stage.

There will be the place where Luo Hemeng begins.

 The four major competition areas refer to the KOC city competition, QGC competition area, TGA competition area and WGC competition area of ​​Glory of Kings, the four major secondary leagues.

(End of this chapter)

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