Chapter 591 Schizophrenia
"Asgaron, launch!"

As the flames from Asgaron's body spurted out, this huge mecha also flew into the sky.

As for why so many special aircraft were dispatched, it was because the string captain had his own concerns.

Since monster eggs were found there, there might be monsters of this type nearby.

The purpose of dispatching special air planes is to prevent these monsters from appearing and to fight in time.

"Captain Stringman, will there really be other monsters there?"

Anri asked the string captain through the news agency inside Gaozak.

"Believe me, Anri." Captain Xingren replied, "According to my understanding of monsters on the earth, they will protect their children just like ordinary creatures."

"That monster egg must be guarded by other monsters, but this monster didn't realize that the monster egg was dug out for a while."

For some reason, Captain Xianren felt a little uncomfortable when he said these words.

After all, he is also the father of a child, so Captain Xianren would think of himself and his son inexplicably.

"I understand, Captain Gento." Anri replied, "I will definitely pay more attention."

Soon, several special air planes arrived at the scene.

Asgaron walked step by step in front of the huge monster egg and pointed his gun at the monster egg.

Just as Asgaron was about to shoot, the monster egg cracked.

After a few clicks, a little monster ran out from the monster egg.

It's a little Dimaga.

The little Dimaga saw the huge Asgaron at first sight, and seemed to regard him as his mother. He ran over happily and hugged Asgaron's thigh.


The string captain was stunned.

Under such circumstances, it would be too inhumane for him to shoot this little monster.

"Captain Xianren, what should we do now." Chen Yu asked Captain Xianren, "This little Dimaga..."

"Stop attacking." After taking a breath, the string captain said, "If it were an egg, I could still make up my mind to attack, but it has already been born..."

According to the usual behavior of Captain Stringman, even the hatched little Dimaga can be attacked.

After all, he is the most classy man in the Earth Defense Force, and he has never seen anything like this.

But this time, Captain Xianren thought of his child inexplicably, and for a moment he couldn't bear it.

"Okay, let's go down and take a look?" Chen Yu suggested, "I see that the ground troops of the defense team are already going to attack this little monster."

"The ground troops... they want to attack, and we can't stop them. If we do, it will hinder their ability to perform their mission." Captain Xianren said, "Forget it, it's just a monster... Just deal with it."

Saying such words, the string captain felt uncomfortable.

But the string captain knows that as a captain, it is still necessary to kill decisively. In some cases, womanly kindness cannot exist.

At this moment, a nearby mountain suddenly shook.

Then, a large Dimaga broke out of the ground and roared.

Little Dimaga's shout finally woke up the big guy.

Seeing the appearance of the large Dimaga, the string captain knew that it was his hesitation that led to the appearance of a more powerful monster. "

However, now is not the time to blame yourself.

Captain Xianren immediately issued an attack order, and at the same time, he and Chen Yu controlled the special air plane and rushed over.

Two Gaozarks also emerged from the ground and released laser attacks on the large Dimaga. With two bang bang sounds, two sparks exploded on Dimaga's body, and two plumes of white smoke came out.

Dimaga let out an angry roar and struck Asgaron with anger.

A claw struck Asgaron, knocking Asgaron away.

boom! ! !
Asgaron, who had lost all hope, fell to the ground. Just when the captain wanted Asgaron to stand up, he found that Chen Yu had stopped moving.

Looking back, Chen Yu actually fainted.

For a moment, the string captain was confused.

Is Chen Yu's physical fitness so poor? Did he just fall to the ground and faint?

Before the String Man Captain could react, Blaze's bracelet had already appeared on the String Man Captain's wrist.

After a helpless glance at Chen Yu, the string captain took out the Blazer pyroxene, inserted it into the bracelet, and pushed it on top of the bracelet with his palm.

In the red and blue light, Blaze fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

At this time, the large Dimaga had already kicked one of the Guyozaks away, and was about to kick the other Guyozak away as well.

Fortunately, Tai Xin controlled it in time and allowed Gaozak to get into the ground, so he was not attacked.

Blaze rushed over, grabbed Dimaga and threw him to the ground.

This prevented Dimaga from chasing into the cave and attacking Gaozak.

In Asgaron, Chen Yu saw the captain of the string people transform and leave, and "awoke" very naturally.

This mother and son Dimaga played a big role in the original plot.

If these monsters hadn't helped at the end, the earth would have been riddled with holes by the bombs dropped by the final boss.

Due to both emotion and reason, Chen Yu felt that these two monsters should be kept.

However, there is no need to take action yourself yet.

Blaze has his own judgment. As a giant of light, he will not take action against weak beings.

Missiles from ground forces and air forces continued to fire towards Dimaga.

Dimaga sensed the crisis and lay down on the ground, letting the missiles hit him.

Explosions sounded one after another, making Blaze look very confused.

But soon, after the missile attack ended, Dimaga stood up again and released a rain of fire and stone towards Blaze.

Upon seeing this, the string man captain inserted Nijikajiaqi's pyroxene and summoned a spiraling rainbow light wheel.

Blocking the rotation of the rainbow light wheel in front of him, Blaze successfully avoided the attacks of these flaming stones.

Immediately afterwards, it turned the rainbow light wheel into a blue light wheel, spinning continuously towards Dimaga, releasing cold wind.

After a while, Dimaga was lying on the ground again, her body already covered with frost.

When Blaze saw this, the light wheel in his hand disappeared and he condensed the light spear.

Just when the light spear was about to be thrown out, Blaze's eyes spotted little Dimaga who was being protected by Dimaga.

The other hand quickly grabbed the hand holding the light spear and stopped it.

In the eyes of everyone, this scene looked like Blaze's two hands were snatching something from each other, moving left and right, which felt very strange.

After grabbing the back, Blaze even picked up his head, moving left and right for a while, as if he had a schizophrenia.

(End of this chapter)

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