Chapter 618 Miracle? Opportunity?

The tide of death energy has a powerful assimilation effect on all sub-beasts and dead beasts.

This Wang Ce used all his obsession to turn into a torrent, swallowing up all the dead beasts and sub-beasts, and making them become part of the tide of death.

There are not many dead beasts and sub-beasts that can maintain their form in this tide of death.

Apart from the four great apostles, there are only a few scattered figures who seem to be able to maintain their normal form.

Others have all turned into the most essential death energy and participated in the torrent.

The flow of the death energy tide was blocked, but these real "monsters" did not stop.

Soon, the monsters headed by the four apostles... came to the super power wall!

Among the four apostles, it was obvious that Watanabe, who resisted the most fiercely, was the strongest.

Facing the wall that is no longer transparent, various forces have been added, and countless elves have been mixed.

He seemed to still maintain some of his previous habits. His non-human body suddenly tilted to a huge angle.

Then, a black flash of light flashed from his hand.


A heavy blow seemed to hit everyone's heart.

"Watanabe" used his fist as a sword and hit the superpower wall hard!

Suddenly, the elves on the wall felt like they were struck by lightning, especially the elves on the "Watanabe" side, who were thrown away with just such a blow!

"Stinger jellyfish!"

"Stupid beast!"

"White sea lion!!"

Shouts of surprise came from the mouths of the students.

Although the power of the awakened ones does not conflict with the power of the elves, they are also not complementary.

Except for the contractor who can use the most essential spiritual power to "nourish" the ghost system, other awakened ones, no matter how powerful they are, cannot lend their power to the elves.

And even those powerful contractors cannot use spiritual power to repair this superpower barrier.

This also meant that they could only stand by and watch the elves fight.

At this time, seeing their elf pop up suddenly, several trainers felt their hearts pounding and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

After a moment, several white lights flashed.

Judging from the sad eyes of several trainers, at least in a short period of time, those elves will no longer be able to return to the battlefield.

Drug supply is a very important part of the elf battle.

Even when faced with a dead beast, the elixirs produced by the Elf Center can still treat the Elf's injuries and replenish energy.

But the impact of the death energy tide actually does not lie in physical blows!

The current elves have lent their power to Mewtwo and participated in the construction of the superpower wall.

Precisely because of this, it actually means that they, like Chaomeng, are also in direct contact with these dead energy!

Although due to the influence of the trainer's bond, these elves will not become completely violent.

But it's enough to make them temporarily lose their ability to fight!


The attack failed, and "Watanabe" mechanically assumed the posture again.

On the other side, "Tendou" once again had his iconic giant claw in his hand.

"Barrett" also raised his fist high.

"Purple Clothes" seems to have lost the ability to control the ice element, but under its control, the death energy in that area suddenly became more violent than before!

The four "apostles" are using their own methods to attack the superpower wall blocking the tide of death!

Under their leadership, other monsters that still maintained their form also let out terrifying roars and joined the attack one after another!

For a time, the battlefield was filled with dull "bang bang" sounds.

The tide of death energy keeps rolling, and the huge monsters standing in the middle of the tide keep smashing the walls like crazy!


“Bang!”       Bang!”

In front of the super-powered wall, elves kept flying out.

There was a slight sound of the Poké Ball opening, and it became a small piece in a short time.

All the elves that were knocked away, without exception, lost their ability to fight at this moment!

"Damn it!"

Su Bai looked at this scene and cursed secretly.

If this continues, we will really end up here!

Fortunately for him, the influence of these death auras on him is extremely limited, and he can retreat at any time.

But those students... missed the golden time at the beginning, and now it is impossible to escape this turbulent tide.

For a moment, he couldn't think of any other way except to hold on!


not far away.

The commander-in-chief watched this scene quietly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"Human beings...are they going to be seriously injured?"

"This kind of failure... is really unacceptable..."

Zishu looked at the commander-in-chief's appearance, his heart was in confusion.

As the leader of the secret force, he spends no less time with the commander-in-chief than Wei Yang.

But in all these years, when had he ever seen such a helpless expression on the commander's face?

This old man used his wisdom to prop up this dilapidated human society!

However, before the dawn of success is about to come, human beings would actually waste an entire generation of top combat power in such a daze? !

Don't think there's anything wrong with Zi Shu's idea.

That's actually it.

Among these students, there will be the future Wang Tao, the future Pei Jingguo...

Everyone grows from weak to strong.

Almost all young people with trainer talents are gathered here. Once these young people are here, it will not be enough for humans to just rely on the group of trainers and the federal army that have grown up.

As the person who ordered the gathering of students, the commander-in-chief must have felt extremely guilty at this moment.

"Students are students after all... They are too impulsive. Commander, you don't have to be like this..."

Halfway through Zishu's comforting words, he found that he couldn't continue.

Students are indeed impulsive, but who is not at this age?

In fact, isn’t it that humanity’s ability to survive to this day relies on such seemingly foolhardy courage?

Isn't this the most important thing that students learn from school?

"Don't comfort me..."

The Commander-in-Chief waved his hands feebly, looked up at the sky and said, "All we can do now... is to pray for a miracle."

In fact, the commander-in-chief has not completely given up.

Faced with the current situation, humans have no good solution.

It can even be said that mankind has exhausted everything in order to reach the current situation.

However, the current situation is different from before. Human beings are no longer alone.

In addition to humans, there are elves!

And the miracle in his mouth... naturally refers to the Phoenix King who once purified the entire jungle of life.

But he also knew that even someone as powerful as the Phoenix King needed an opportunity when facing the crazy growth of the jungle of life.

Facing the tide of death energy that is more terrifying than the disaster in the Jungle of Life... Even if the Phoenix King is watching from above, where is this opportunity?

(End of this chapter)

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