Chapter 1
In the capital of Zhao Kingdom, before dawn, strange ox carts were waiting at the city gate and being inspected.

The soldiers at the gate of the city were checking the large wooden barrels on the car one by one with wooden sticks, stabbing and stirring them constantly, checking whether there were other things hidden inside, or people.

Now the country is at war, the army of Qin State is in the west, and the Yan State in the northeast is also joining in the fun. The above has explained it many times, and there must be no mistakes.

"It's so thick again today!"

When it was stirred into a large wooden barrel on a bullock cart, the soldier obviously felt a lot of difficulty, and the clear soup was much thicker and less watery than before.

"Give more money for thick ones!"

The burly young man beside the bullock cart grinned, revealing two rows of big white teeth.

"You come to get on the big three cars every day, so you won't be afraid of getting tired and falling ill!"

The soldier was amused, and immediately looked at the two carts connected by ropes behind him, jokingly said that he was familiar with the young man.

The men beside the bullock carts also turned their heads, looking at the three carts connected together and the big wooden barrels on them, they were all moved.

It's nice to be young!
"There is nothing more terrifying these days than the disease of poverty!"

The burly young man sighed and uttered a sentence that silenced everyone, even the inspecting soldiers couldn't help sighing.

Yes, is there any disease more terrible than poverty these days?
"It should get better after the war!"

After casually comforting him, the soldier continued his inspection mission.

After the soldiers finished checking, the time came not long after, and the closed city gate opened. The drivers of the convoy put the ropes on their shoulders, assisted the oxen in pulling the heavy carts forward, and soon left the city, and then along the way They followed a remote road to the large cesspit they had dug long ago.

That's right, they specialize in pouring Yexiang, and that's why they left the city so early. After all, this stuff doesn't taste good, and it would be bad if they ran into those rich and powerful men. It is a long-standing rule to open the city gate to them fifteen minutes in advance.

Everyone came to the edge of a large manure pit several miles away and poured the night fragrance from the cart's wooden barrel one by one. Only the burly young man pulling three carts was resting and drinking water on the edge. His linen clothes were soaked with sweat. The strong black cow was also panting heavily.

Everyone is used to this. After all, people are pulling three carts connected together, and there are big barrels on them. Even if the cart is pulled by a cow, people have to follow suit, and naturally they will be very tired.

This kind of exertion is very harmful to the body. It’s okay to be young. Once you pass the age, your legs and waist will have problems. But as people say, is there any disease more terrible than poverty these days?

So they didn't persuade this young man who had just entered the industry for a year.

"Mouse, we won't wait for you. Lao Zhang slaughtered a sheep yesterday and kept the water for you. Don't forget to get it!"

After the big men simply cleaned the barrels with water from the nearby creek, they called out to the young man who was still resting, and then returned together.

After the convoy had gone away, Tian Hao stood up and untied the three connected carts, then pushed the cart to the edge of the manure pit and slowly tilted the big wooden barrel. But unlike others, he poured out Mostly sticky slime.

After pouring out the mud in the bucket and washing it with the stream water beside it, Tian Hao reconnected the three carts, then picked up the sickle hanging on the carts to mow the grass, and waited until the carts were full of grass , just put on the big black cow that was grazing on the side and returned, while thinking in his heart.

"Time is running out. We must get into Brother Zheng's lap as soon as possible, otherwise we might be captured and enlisted in the army as cannon fodder!"

Thinking in his heart, Tian Hao decided to speed up the excavation of the tunnel and see brother Zheng, mother and son as soon as possible.

According to the results of his observation, Ying Zheng is now nine years old, and according to history, he is about to return to Qin, and he must get in touch with him before then, otherwise he has to wait until the plot of Tian Xing Jiu Ge starts if he wants to see Brother Zheng again.

That's right, he is a time traveler who traveled to the end of the Warring States period, but this end of the Warring States period is not very serious, there are martial arts masters who come and go, and some even wear silk stockings and high heels, which are quite eye-catching.

After accidentally seeing a young lady dressed like that the year before last, he guessed that the end of the Warring States period he traveled through was probably not serious. After many investigations, he was roughly sure that it was similar to an anime from his previous life.

"Brother Zheng, we will meet soon!"

Looking at the city gate not far away, Tian Hao was looking forward to it.

He also wants to imitate Lu Buwei to come to a wave of rare goods to live in, and as a time traveler, he knows who the biggest strange goods of this era are than anyone else. Now investing in Brother Zheng is definitely a huge profit.

With that expectation in mind, Tian Hao went into the city to go to the butcher Zhang to get the offal of the sheep, but what he got were the intestines, stomach and lungs, three parts that normal people would not eat, and they were also the cheapest. The person who feeds it to the dog is also in line with his personality as a poor person today.

When I got home, I untied the big black cow and tied it to the cowshed, put in the fodder and clean water, and then started to clean up the offal of the sheep I brought back, especially the slender intestines, which were an important tool to untie.

First clean the sheep's stomach and nourishing lungs and put them in a clay pot to cook, then add some salt in them, and finally put a pack of medicinal materials in and cook them together.

After the sheep intestines were cleaned, the stomach and lungs were almost cooked, I picked some vegetables from the yard, washed them and put them in. Then I took out a piece of the pot helmet made the day before yesterday and broke it into pieces to serve with a bowl of mutton steamed buns.

Although the taste is not good due to the lack of seasoning, especially the smell of mutton that is unbearable, it can only be like this in this era. Tian Hao has long been used to it, and he fills the pot with mutton. After soaking the buns, rinse them with water to drink up the oil and water inside.

After patting his belly and resting for a while, Tian Hao took out one of the three donkeys he kept and hung the lock on the big millstone push rod in the shed on the other side. The donkey spun up intelligently and automatically, driving the stone mill. turn.

If you have good hearing, you can definitely hear the faint sound coming from under the stone mill. Obviously, this stone mill is not simple.

Tian Hao poured the millet he had prepared long ago as a disguise, went to the house, took out a pack of herbs, crushed them with stones, soaked them in water for a while, poured them into the intestines with a wooden funnel, and finally took off his clothes. , crawled into the tunnel under the bed with the guts filled.

It was a very deep tunnel, three feet deep. Fortunately, the terrain here was high and the underground water level was low, otherwise water would have flooded the place.

The tunnel below has two directions. Tian Hao hangs the sheep intestines filled with potion on the side first, lights up the oil lamp and walks in one direction. As he walks, he checks to see if there is any sign of collapse.

Although the soil here is hard and dry, and the excavated tunnel is not large in size, basically it will not collapse, but I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

As I walked, I checked, and finally came to the end, which was a steep downward slope. At the end, the light of the oil lamp was reflected on the water surface, which was obviously connected to the water.

Hanging the oil lamp on the wooden stick next to the wall, Tian Hao decisively slipped into the water, took a deep breath and swam downwards. It didn't take long to find the square rock, which was the foundation of the city wall, and outside was the moat. .

Yes, this is the escape route he prepared for himself. If he fails to meet Brother Zheng or is discovered by others, he can use this tunnel to leave the capital of Zhao State as soon as possible to avoid being blocked here.

In this not-so-serious late Warring States period, we must be careful and careful!
After confirming that there was no problem with the escape passage here, Tian Hao returned to the original position, picked up the sheep intestines hanging on the side and walked to the other side of the passage. When he reached a position, he picked up the two pieces that had been made and hung there. Wooden funnels were placed on both ends of the sheep's intestines and filled with water.

Fix one end parallel to a funnel that has been fixed on the side, and then carry the other end forward, arranging the intestines as you go to avoid bends that may cause the medicine inside to be blocked.

After walking forward like this for more than ten feet, he soon reached the end. Fortunately, the sheep intestines were long enough. This sheep intestine was fifteen feet long, which was almost enough.

Looking at the water level in the funnel, after comparing it, Tian Hao fixed it in one position, frowning slightly.

"It's a bit high, so it needs to be lowered, but calculating the distance, it should be faster."

Yes, what he made out of sheep intestines was a simple horizontal pipe. In his previous life, he often used it on small construction sites, but later he replaced it with a laser level. In his previous life, his father was a professional mason, and they had these at home, so it was very familiar.

The potion poured in before was considered a kind of poison, which could prevent corrosion to a certain extent and extend the life of the sheep intestines.

It is precisely because this kind of gut is used for level measurement that there is no digging deviation. At least there is no need to worry about digging halfway to the ground suddenly, or digging close to the ground and being discovered by people hearing the movement.

That would be embarrassing and fatal!

I stretched out my hand and tried the bamboo tubes spliced ​​and extended from the corners of the passage, and I could clearly feel the wind coming out. It felt similar to yesterday's wind, and obviously the airtightness was still good.

These spliced ​​bamboo tubes are the ventilation ducts. He made a simple blower and installed it under the millstone. Turning the millstone can drive the blower to rotate and send fresh air along the spliced ​​bamboo tubes after opening. come over.

At the same time, the sound of the grinding wheel can also cover up the sound of the blower, so that ordinary people cannot hear or detect it.

With a fresh air supply, the biggest oxygen problem of digging underground is solved.

After confirming that everything was fine, Tian Hao took a sip of water, wrapped a piece of clean long cloth around his head, and covered his nose to avoid inhaling dust and damaging his lungs.

Then he picked up a long pole on the ground, stood upright with his legs slightly apart, and stabbed the hard soil at the end of the tunnel with the long pole.

The front part of this long pole is not the tip of a gun, but like a cut water pipe. It is the famous Luoyang shovel from the previous life, which is most suitable for making holes.

Even if the underground soil here is hard, it can still be dug bit by bit.

Tian Hao's digging method is also different from ordinary people's. It is said that he is digging, more like practicing guns, which can be regarded as a kind of cultivation.

He has practiced this kind of training with his father since he was a child. His father was once recruited into the army. Although he was at the cannon fodder level, he received training and had a certain foundation. Then he followed the training. It has been 13 years now, and his foundation is considered solid. .

In addition, he also purified and refined refined salt and sold it to get money to buy a piece of breathing technique. People are much stronger, and their explosive power, endurance, etc. are also stronger, so that this tunnel with a total length of more than 300 feet can be dug in one year.

This Luoyang shovel is already seven of No. 30 that he has used. The soil here is inherently hard, and in this era, bronzes are mainly used, which are far inferior to steel in strength and are easy to wear and tear.

Even though he made the shovel head of Luoyang shovel very long every time, such a long passage still wears out quickly, but the efficiency is quite high. After a year, he can dig an average of one foot per day, which is almost reaching Yingzheng's shovel. The place where the mother and son live.

Yingzheng's mother and son have long been under house arrest by Zhao Wang's family in a palace, and there are people watching all the time. He got in a few times with the help of Dao Yexiang's work, and knows a little about the layout of that mansion, especially the courtyard where Yingzheng's mother and son are. s position.

After digging for about two hours, when I felt stuffy, I squatted down and found that there was no wind on the bamboo tube, and I realized that the donkey up there was tired.

Tian Hao immediately returned, climbed up, untied the tired donkey and tied it back to the hay shed, where fodder and water were supplied.

After all, the donkey is a living thing, not a machine, and it will get tired. Even if he deliberately smoothed the inside of the millstone to minimize friction, spinning for two hours is still a huge workload.

This is also the main reason why he has three donkeys, which can come in rotation.

Putting on another donkey, he continued to pull the millstone and the blower below. After resting for a quarter of an hour, Tian Hao went down to dig holes again.

It was not until late at night that the day's digging work was completed, and the excavated soil was transported out and put into large buckets. Well water was poured in to mix it into a thin mud. It was only waiting for dawn to cover it with a layer of night fragrance before transporting it out of the city.

Anyway, Yexiang's business is quite chaotic, how much you can receive depends on your own ability, and there is no way to check if you want to, so you are not afraid of showing flaws there.

As for why it is not poured out from the moat, the main reason is that the moat is too clear. Although it is not possible to see the bottom at a glance, if muddy water does appear, it will be easily discovered. If you find the hole you dug, you will be trapped.

In addition, the passage I dug myself was too long, and there was naturally a lot of soil dug out. If I really wanted to dump it all from the moat, I was afraid that the moat would be blocked in a short time.

After finishing the work, Tian Hao didn't take a rest. He climbed to a big tree in the yard, took out a telescope made of crystal and bamboo tube, and observed the mansion where Ying Zheng was.

This was the main reason why he chose this yard a year ago. He could see the residence of Yingzheng's mother and son from the big tree, and with a telescope, he could even see the thatched yard they lived in.

After watching, he wrote down the calculation angles for drawing on the ground. He had to be absolutely accurate without any deviation. Otherwise, once he dug outside the house and was discovered by the people in the mansion, his success would be in vain.

After the calculation was confirmed to be correct, Tian Hao just cleaned himself and sat on the bed to practice the breathing technique he bought. After years of hard training, he had already perfected the breathing technique to the point where it could even replace sleep. During the day, The medicinal materials boiled in the mutton soup are tonifying the body, and can assist the practice of breathing and breathing to a certain extent, and better accumulate internal energy.

After working like this for half a month, Tian Hao finally arrived at the calculated destination, which was directly underneath the house where Ying Zheng's mother and son lived. Even if there was an error, it wouldn't be too big.

Carefully use a short knife to cut and dig upwards. After all, there are people living on it. If they really make a movement, they may be discovered. The closer to the last moment, the more careful they are.

After digging like this for another three days, I finally touched a layer of wood.

Seeing the simple but neat layer of wooden boards, Tian Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

The courtyard where Yingzheng's mother and son lived was surrounded by land, and it was obvious that this layer of wood was the floor of the thatched house.

After holding his breath and listening for a moment, Tian Hao made sure that there was no movement above, then he expanded the hole more carefully and gently, and then opened the wooden boards piece by piece.

The houses of Ying Zheng, mother and son are all thatched, and even if they have floors, they must be the simplest. Naturally, there are no nails or mortise and tenon structures to fix them, they are simply arranged, which is convenient for Tian Hao.

After lifting the boards one by one, and listening again to make sure there was still no abnormal movement, I carefully poked my head out to observe, and then saw a familiar scene.

This is exactly the place under the bed. The entrance to the tunnel on his side is under his bed. It feels like he has seen it before.


Muttering secretly, Tian Hao crawled out from under the bed, but when he was halfway out, he heard an unusual noise. He instinctively turned his body to the side, and a short sword grazed his left ribs and stabbed him.

The dagger was so sharp that it pierced through the wooden board and penetrated deeply into the ground.

It's just that the attacking person seems to be weak, unable to pull the dagger out of the wooden board in time.

Without hesitation, Tian Hao jumped out decisively, then turned around and held down the woman on the bed, covering her red lips with her palm to prevent her from shouting.


The woman struggled hard. Tian Hao was only wearing a pair of big shorts, and the woman was only wearing a bellyband. The two struggled so hard that they couldn't avoid contact. The unprecedented touch made Tian Hao's blood boil.

Then the woman seemed to feel something, her body couldn't help but stiffen, and her face looked frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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