Chapter 119
"It has been fully stimulated and awakened, and is confronting the blood power of Yamaki Orochi."

Tianze's face darkened, and Tianze was worried about this.

Part of the reason why he went berserk was that the Teng Snake blood in his body was stimulated to fully awaken, and the blood pulse of Sanqi Orochi suddenly stopped refining.

"In this way, we can only find a way to balance the two, or merge them, or use one to swallow the other.

The Teng Snake bloodline is the blood power inherited by His Highness, and it has been integrated with His Highness. It is the foundation, and the Teng Snake blood can only be used to swallow the blood power of Sanqi Orochi. "

Tian Hao thought thoughtfully. Although he was not very clear about this bloodline power, it was just a kind of power. As long as it was power, the methods of controlling it would have something in common.

"The best solution is to use the blood of the Soaring Snake to devour the power of the Sanqi Orochi's blood, and use it to nourish and enhance the power of the Soaring Snake's blood."

Tian Ze also prefers the last method. After all, the Teng Snake bloodline was inherited by him, and it has long been perfectly integrated with the body, so it is impossible to separate it.

Instead of letting the two bloodlines fight in his body, it would be better to swallow the other one and turn it into nourishment. He could only choose the Soaring Snake bloodline.

"There should be more rewards!"

Turning his head to look at the swamp, Tianze stepped in. The black-red inner energy spread out and repeled the poisonous water, and immediately his whole body was submerged in it.

After refining the blood of Sanqi Serpent before, he sensed something below, which is also the lair of Sanqi Serpent.

It's just that the poisonous water in the swamp is extremely toxic, and even a strong person at the inner energy level can't get down, but he is different.

He refined the blood of Yamaki Orochi, and the poisonous water was ineffective against him.

Tian Hao and others stared at the swamp, thinking about what kind of treasures there were below.

Not long after, Tianze's body emerged from the water, holding a dark green egg in his hand, which was covered with snake scales, which was very weird.

"Snake eggs?"

Several people stared at the dark green egg, and they could all understand that it must be the egg of the previous Sanqi serpent, and there must be another Sanqi serpent inside, and it was just conceived and not yet born.

This made a few people even more excited, and if they could be tamed, it would be a great boost.

After all, this is an ancient beast!

However, just when Tianze walked out of the pool, the surrounding scene suddenly changed. Then Tianze lightly touched his hand, and the snake egg disappeared.

"court death!"

The black and red snake eyes shrank, Tianze shouted angrily, and the black and red violent inner energy burst out, forcefully exploding the illusion created, and a figure suddenly appeared on the side.

"Young man, don't be so angry!"

The visitor easily blocked Tianze's internal energy attack, and his body flew back more than ten feet.

Tian Hao and the others also took a closer look, and found that it was an old man with long eyebrows and beard, and the aura he displayed was even more shocking.

"Heaven and Human Realm!"

His heart sank, Tian Hao saw that the other party, like Six Fingers Heixia and Gui Guzi, was a strong man in the realm of heaven and man.

Apparently the other party had come long ago and had been hiding in the dark until Tianze brought out the snake egg from the swamp before showing up to snatch it.

And the other party is proficient in the way of illusion, they didn't realize it just now.

Xuan Jian, who had been resting with his eyes closed all this time, also jumped over, with both black and white blades in hand, staring solemnly at the person who came, seeing that the other party was very strong, which made him feel pressured.

"The old man took this snake egg away, see you by fate!"

The old man had no intention of staying, and his figure dissipated strangely.

No way, the [-] troops on the side also reacted, and all of them were holding Korean crossbows. If they really wanted to shoot a volley of thousands of arrows, even if they were the strongest in the realm of heaven and man, they would have to peel off their skin if they didn't die.

At this time, if you see a good one, you will accept it, and you can get a snake egg of Sanqi snake, which has already been earned.

"He should be Chu Nangong, the sage of the Chu Kingdom, but he never expected to achieve the realm of heaven and man."

Tian Hao expressed his guess and roughly guessed that the other party was Chu Nan Gong.

He once asked Liuzhi Heixia and Guiguzi about the powerful men in the world, not only those who are in the heaven and man realm, but also those of the next level, among them is Chu Nangong, who is dressed with long eyebrows and long beard It is the characteristic of the opponent.

It's just that compared to his appearance in Xiaoshengxianzhuang in the future, his long eyebrows and long beard have not completely turned white.

Unexpectedly, this person also secretly became a realm of heaven and man, and I don't know how many such old silver coins there are in the world.

"Mr. Chu Nan!"

With an increasingly gloomy and stern look on his face, Tianze kept this account in mind, and he would definitely make the old guy repay him a hundred times a thousand times in the future.

No one can take away his Tianze without paying a price, not even a strong person in the Heaven-Human Realm.

"Brother Xing, will you follow me back to Wangcheng, or to the southern mountain city?"

Suppressing the anger and murderous intent in his heart, Tianze looked at Tian Hao.

"Since people from Chu State have come, Master Xuan Jian and I have to go there as soon as possible to take a look."

Tian Hao didn't want to go back to the Baiyue King's City. Now that a powerful man like Chu Nan Gong had shown up, the Baiyue King's City was no longer safe. It would be better to go to the southern mountain city arranged for the three thousand Korean troops.

At that time, Master Liuzhi Heixia will also go to sit in the town, and it is the safest place for him.

"Take care of yourself!"

Tianze bowed his hand, and immediately ordered the [-] troops stationed here to set off and return to Baiyue King City as soon as possible.

Now that Sanqi Orochi has been removed, some things can be arranged as soon as possible.

Tian Hao and Xuan Jian didn't delay, and rushed to that place with lightness kung fu.

It wasn't too far from here. The two of them used Qing Kung along the way and arrived the next day.

"The terrain is bad."

Standing on the top of a hill, Xuanjian looked at the dilapidated mountain city opposite and gave a not-so-good evaluation.

This is the best entrance to Baiyue from the Chu Kingdom. Although there are roads that can be entered in other places, they are all winding and winding, and it is easy to be ambushed. However, here is almost a flat river, and it is impossible to set up an ambush.

"Baiyue had deployed heavy troops here to resist the attack of the Chu army. However, the Chu state was too strong and occupied this mountain city. Baiyue also poisoned all the wells and water sources here, making it uninhabitable. In the end, It became a ruined city.”

"What do you want to do in such an abandoned city?"

Xuan Jian didn't quite understand why he agreed to settle here in the first place, it was not a good place no matter how you looked at it.

Even Baiyue gave up here, and it was obvious that they had no good intentions in giving them this place.

"What I'm looking at is not the mountain city, but the open area more than 20 miles behind."

Pointing to the large open land to the north of the mountain city, that's where Tian Hao planned.

The terrain in that area is flat and there are no mountains and forests. It is full of weeds. This is the main reason why every time the Chu army attacks Baiyue, they will choose this place as a breakthrough point. Here they can fully deploy their army without fear of being attacked by surprise.

Even if we continue deep into Baiyue from here, the terrain will not be too complicated, and we can directly attack the hinterland of Baiyue and even the Baiyue Royal City.

Of course, this is also the key point of Baiyue's defense. In the relatively narrow section behind the open land, Baiyue built a thousand-foot-long city wall and stationed [-] troops.

"War pays attention to the right time, place and people. This large open area is convenient for the Chu army to deploy in an all-round way. Fighting here is not good for Baiyue, but it has to be defended. Therefore, every time the Chu army comes to Baiyue, it will suffer heavy losses. This is also the main reason why Baiyue has been unable to develop for decades, and it has all been consumed by the Chu State.

But factors such as geographical advantage can be changed. I want to transform this place into an environment that is beneficial to us and unfavorable to the Chu army. "

Looking at the endless open area, Tian Hao looked forward to it very much. It will be his home field in the future, and it depends on whether he can fight a miraculous war.

If he could help Baiyue win this war, he would definitely be able to obtain a large amount of that mysterious power, which would be used by Goldfinger to assist him in his cultivation.

This is his ultimate goal of coming to Baiyue, everything else is just secondary!

"I'm only responsible for killing people."

Xuanjian also glanced over there, unsure of what his Ma Zai wanted to do, but he knew what he could do, and he couldn't do anything else except kill people.

"The transformation of the geographical environment needs to be kept secret. I am afraid that Master Xuan Jian will not have time to put the sword back into the sheath. But if you are a warrior, please save your life. Those are the best experimental materials."

Tian Hao also knew that this boss could only hack people, so he had to do the next security work.

"No one lives under my sword."

Still maintaining his cool male god style, Xuan Jian has no habit of showing mercy.

"My lord has killed enough before, what is lacking now is control. Killing an opponent is very simple, you just need to attack with all your strength, but if you want to only injure but not kill, and how much you injure, the requirements for control are extremely high.

If adults want to master the black and white double-edged swords and the accompanying swordsmanship, they might as well start with control. "

Tian Hao fooled around, just like a great man said, there are always more ways than problems, if you want to fool people, you can always find a way.

"Your mouth is sharper than your marksmanship."

After being silent for a while, Xuan Jian couldn't help but spit out a few words, he was convinced.

"That's because the subordinates only talk about good suggestions that can be adopted. This is a necessary quality for an excellent subordinate, and it's not just making trouble for adults."

Smiling modestly, Tian Hao said that he was an excellent Ma Zai and that he served Master Xuanjian in everything he did.

"His vision is as good as ever, I'm not as good as him!"

Xuan Jian said with emotion that he really admired the colleague who had died, no wonder he can be the first of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue.

Immediately, he stopped talking and left, intending to take a look around first to see if there were any mice hiding in the dark and staring.

Tian Hao didn't stay here long and walked towards the mountain city.

It is said to be a mountain city, but it is actually a small city built on a small hill, using the geographical advantages of the mountain to defend against foreign enemies.

This mountain is very interesting, it happens to be stuck at the exit of the large flat area behind, and it divides the exit into two, leaving only two entrances and exits less than three hundred feet away.

And the outside is also Yimapingchuan, which is very suitable for marching and stationing.

"Young man, you are here!"

Seeing Tian Hao's appearance, Zhao Da and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried forward to greet him.

Although he was led by an army from Baiyue to live here, after all, they had been hostile before, and many people died on both sides. He was really afraid that those Baiyue people would do something wrong.

Fortunately, this one is finally here.

"How are your brothers doing?"

Tian Hao did not delay and directly asked the soldiers about their recovery from injuries.

"Your method of cleaning the wounds with strong alcohol and then suturing them with needles and threads is very effective. Basically, they have recovered. Only some of the injured bones and internal organs still need to be repaired."

Speaking of this, Zhao Da grinned. He was considered a veteran. He had experienced nine wars and had seen too many wounded soldiers who died after the war because their wounds could not heal.

Although there are ointments and powders, they are not a panacea. Some wounds are too large and deep, and even applying medicine will not help.

But now that I have used that method, almost everyone has survived, which was unimaginable before.

"Let the brothers take good care of their wounds, and don't leave behind any hidden illnesses."

After warning, Tian Hao didn't have any good methods for internal injuries, but he knew a little about external injuries.

The hospitals in the previous life basically cleaned the wound for trauma, and then surgically sewed it up.

He didn't know what to use to clean the wound. The only thing he knew and could come up with in this era was alcohol.

Although that thing is a bit painful to use, it can save your life.

Of course, thanks to the fact that soldiers in this era pay great attention to the maintenance of weapons to avoid rust and corrosion, otherwise, if there is a wave of tetanus, he will have nothing to do.

At this moment, a group of people came, the leader was Yingge who had resumed her attire, followed by two sisters, Hu Yahu Mei, and several teenagers and girls in tights.

"It looks like you succeeded."

After glancing at those young girls, Tian Hao understood that Yingge must have succeeded.

There were two letters that Xuan Jian had brought back, one was addressed to Ying Zheng and the other to Ying Ge.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Qin clan to lead the army into Korea, Bai Niao's old nest for training new recruits was destroyed.

At that time, the eyes of all forces in South Korea will inevitably be fixed on the Golden Fire Cavalry, which is the best time to take action.

So far it's a success.

"Thank you!"

After a moment of silence, Parrot Song thanked her.

This time she rescued more than 300 people, all children under the age of 15. If she had not passed, at least [-]% of those children would have died.

Bai Niao's training is so cruel, using death as oppression to stimulate the potential of those children, and only [-]% of them become successful.

Seeing the parrot song and bowing to express their thanks, the boys and girls who followed hurriedly followed suit.

They were all rescued from that place and were very grateful for it. After all, that place was too cruel. They saw with their own eyes that many of their companions could not bear the cruel training and vomited blood and died of exhaustion. Some wanted to escape, but they all Brutally murdered.

Sometimes they were even forced to fight one-on-one, and they were forced to kill many former friends, and they were always condemned in their hearts.

Being able to take the opportunity to escape this time is equivalent to gaining a new life.

"Next, I will build some fortifications in the back. It needs to be kept secret. You take them around and fight if you can. If you can't fight, send a signal. Lord Xuan Jian will rush over to take care of them.

This can be regarded as your adaptation to your future life. Although you are not required to be a killer, you do need to protect some people and what is required is absolute loyalty. "

After ordering the next task, Tian Hao attaches great importance to these people, and this group of people will also be the capital of Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji's self-protection in the future to deal with some assassinations.

"I will pay attention to the guidance."

Nodding solemnly, Yingge knew what their future tasks would be. Compared with being a killer, it would be easier, but it was not easy either.

"What about that woman?"

Tian Hao asked about the condition of the startled salamander. He kept Yingge guarding the woman, and she still had some value, so she couldn't die for the time being.

"She's dishonest and too strong."

Mentioning that woman made Yingge feel a little depressed. Detaining a strong man is not an easy task.

"I'll have a new set of chains crafted to tie her up."

Tian Hao expressed his understanding, and after Mr. Xu came over, he got a set of fine steel chains to fasten the startled salamander.

"Zhao Da, tomorrow you will arrange for the brothers who are not injured to go to the mountains on both sides. I will cut down all the trees there and use horses to pull them back. I will be useful. I will also cut the weeds and bring them back."

Looking at Zhao Da again, he was about to clear the mountains and forests on both sides of this gentle area.

Cut down those mountains and forests, no one can hide there, and it will be much more convenient to patrol.

"Manpower is fine, but we don't have axes and machetes in our hands."

Zhao Da said that it is no problem to deploy manpower, but he lacks suitable tools.

"No axes and machetes."

Tian Hao took the long spear that Zhao Da had been holding in his hand, looked around, selected a wooden pillar, braced his horse, and stabbed quickly with the spear.

This time, I didn't use the gun-shaking technique, just a series of stabs. However, by integrating my own strength, I could stab faster and harder.

"Beep beep..."

Just like a woodpecker digging into a tree, a huge gap was soon carved out of the wooden pillar that was as thick as a human waist, occupying half of the wooden pillar.

"Is this also one of your spear skills?"

The eyes of Zhao Da and others were straightened. They could see clearly that this was pure speed and skill, and there was no power blessing such as sword energy. Can spear skills be practiced so fast?

"This can be regarded as the first spear technique I practiced, and it was also your kind of hard-grabbing that I first practiced. After I had enough foundation, I figured out the method of flower spear."

Standing with his gun closed, Tian Hao briefly explained.

At first, he followed his father to practice the spear-fighting method. The long pole should be hard and straight. Only if it is straight can the strength be gathered. If the long pole is not strong enough and becomes bent, it will be broken if it suffers a strong impact.

So at that time, I just practiced at a fast pace. It was not until I figured out how to do it that I started practicing the flower gun.

"But that would cause a lot of wear and tear on the tip of the gun, and it won't be long before the gun is useless."

A personal guard like Zhao Da raised an internal question. Although their guns are of good quality, they are not as good as the indestructible swords and famous swords, which will wear out during use.

Compared to a machete and axe, the tip of the spear is too thin and will wear out faster.

"You don't have to worry about this. A swordsmith and a group of craftsmen will come over in a few days and cast enough spear heads for you to use.

During this period of time, I will raise those horses well. After a while, I will go to South Korea to get some guns back. "

Tian Hao has already made arrangements for this, and even found iron ore here in Baiyue. Although there are not many, it is enough to make some gun heads.

After all, these people are just ordinary people, even after a lot of training, it is difficult to use a pure iron spear for a long time, and it is best to use a wooden handle.

However, he needs to go to South Korea to harvest the tough wood that is specially grown there for gun shafts and crossbows.

South Korea is famous for its strong bows and crossbows. Naturally, there is a garden dedicated to planting materials for bows and crossbows. According to his understanding, it is a royal garden. There are large areas of special trees planted in it. Some are used to make arrow shafts, and some are used to make gun shafts and crossbow.

Next, he wanted to rob the place and use the advantage of the cavalry to launch a blitzkrieg.

There are not many cavalry in South Korea. Of the two thousand cavalry before, one thousand were killed and one thousand were taken down. Even if they got the news, they couldn't stop them in time.

As for dispatching masters, unless it was Dianqing's invulnerable iron lump, he would still be shot into a sieve under all arrows.

And it's not that they don't have masters here, it's true.

"You actually want to go to South Korea?"

Everyone was shocked, this is too crazy, they don't pay attention to South Korea at all.

"None of you would have thought that I would go to South Korea. I believe people in South Korea would not have thought of it either. I was caught off guard."

Tian Hao laughed, as the so-called soldiers, deceitful way also, what they pay attention to is a way of change, and only by fighting with means beyond the opponent's imagination can they grasp the initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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