Chapter 12

"System dad, show up quickly!"

"Sanqing is above, hurry like a law!"

"Dark Blue, add some!"

"Dawei Tianlong!"


In the room, Tian Hao was like a spirited boy, chanting all kinds of strange words, and making many shameful actions to cooperate, so that he continued to make trouble until the sun was high, and finally collapsed helplessly on the bed.

"Damn, what's the phone number of the Time Travel Administration? I want to file a complaint. This golden finger is so unethical!"

Depressedly complaining, Tian Hao felt that he was the worst of all the traversers, and could even be used as a negative example.

It took a full 18 years to awaken the golden finger, not to mention, I still don’t know how to use it after awakening, and there is not even an instruction manual, which is too stupid.

Changed to another protagonist, and by the time he had already pretended to be aggressive, picked up girls and became King of the Sea.


"Practice first. I have to teach Brother Zheng in the evening. Maybe this thing can't be officially activated until it accumulates to a certain level."

After a wave of self-comfort, Tian Hao lay down in a comfortable position to practice the basic breathing technique.

He has practiced to the point where he relies on breathing and breathing techniques to replace sleep, and he sleeps deeply, forming an instinct. He only needs to practice for three hours a day to be energetic for the whole day.

It's just that when she closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep, she suddenly noticed something unusual, and opened her eyes with a look of surprise.

"Is this the correct way to open it?"

Thoughtful, he suppressed his excitement and closed his eyes to continue practicing.



He started practicing at noon and continued until nightfall. Tian Hao took a long breath and opened his eyes, looking very excited.

It turns out that the absorbed power will only work during cultivation, and it spreads from the center of the eyebrows to the entire brain, and the whole head is hot.

I feel that my brain seems to have evolved, just like swallowing the nzt pills in the movie Never Ending, I am directly overclocked, and I have gradually understood what I didn't understand about the basic breathing technique before, and my inner breath has also Increased by [-]%.

You must know that the original basic breathing technique has been cultivated to a certain level by him, and the improvement speed of inner breath has slowed down a year ago.

According to the original speed, it would take at least half a year of penance to improve by [-]%.

As a result, it has increased by [-]% in one day, and the difference is evident.

"I'll go, what's the smell?"

After getting excited, he suddenly noticed a strange smell. When he looked down, he found that there was a layer of greasy stuff on his skin. It was sticky and uncomfortable, as if he hadn't showered in a month. The smell made him feel sour. I thought I had beriberi from my previous life.

Before he had time to think about what was going on, he hurried to the yard to wash his body with clean water, scrubbing away all the dirty things, and then returned to the room in a celestial posture, refreshed.

"It hasn't turned white, and its strength hasn't increased. It's not like washing the muscles and marrow in the novel, but I feel a lot more comfortable. Could it be that I have refined the stasis medicine that the master said?"

Looking at the unchanged body, especially the bronze-colored skin, Tian Hao immediately denied the cleansing of the tendons and cutting the marrow in the novel to regenerate the body. Obviously, what was on the skin just now was just impurities discharged from the body through pores.

Medicines are not taken indiscriminately, even tonics are not good. Part of the money from selling refined salt is used to buy bamboo slips to read and understand the world, and part is used to buy medicinal materials to assist in cultivation.

Without suitable prescriptions, the effect of those pharmacies' self-preparation will naturally be much worse, and there will also be some side effects, one of which is drug accumulation.

It should have refined part of the stagnant medicinal power before, which increased the internal energy by [-]%. Otherwise, even if the brain was overclocked, it would not be possible to improve so quickly with the breathing technique alone.

After roughly guessing what was going on, Tian Hao once again put food, grass and water on the cattle and donkeys, turned around and entered the tunnel from under the bed board, picked up the wooden pillars stacked in the corner and carried them to the end, planning to expand the place and make it into a tunnel. Classrooms, and even training rooms.

Since he was about to obtain a higher level of cultivation method, especially the magical skill of lightning step, which was good for running, it was natural for Zhao Ji and Ying Zheng to practice it, so as not to have to run with them when they were in danger.

As for the lightning step, he guessed that it must be related to the lightning god walking used by Toe Toe in the future. Maybe the two are the same, but the name is different, or the toe has integrated another footwork to form a suitable one for him. Lightning god walking.

But no matter what, since it is a footwork named after the electric light, the speed will definitely be very powerful. Whether it can bring Zhao Ji and Brother Zheng back to Qin safely depends on the electric light step.

Not to mention someone here who is preparing to make a classroom, the six-fingered black man on the other side returned to his stronghold and immediately went into seclusion to practice, stabilizing his state of mind that was almost broken before.

The state of mind is the state of mind obtained by practicing mental methods, especially the mental methods of various schools of thought are related to the ideas and theories of their own schools. The two core points of their Mohist mental methods are universal love and non-aggression.

The kid had ruined his idea before, and he even agreed with it in his heart. He fell into self-doubt, which made his mood damaged and almost went crazy.

In this regard, the state of mind is a double-edged sword, which can assist in training and fighting, but once the state of mind is broken, it will inevitably bite back on oneself. At the least, the martial arts will be lost, and at worst, the person will go crazy and explode to death.


Late at night, Mo Ban, who had been guarding the door, turned his head when he heard the noise and saw the six-fingered black man walking out of the room and hurried forward.

Although he is specialized in mechanics and doesn't pay much attention to the cultivation of Mohism's mind, he also knows the danger of broken mind. If Juzi falls, it will be a disaster for their entire Mohism.

"I'm fine, better than ever, don't worry!"

Heixia took a deep breath, looked up at the bright moon in the night sky, and was in a good mood.

"Jizi, you..."

Moban is puzzled, what is good, and it is better than ever.

You almost broke your mind, you've gone mad!

"His words had a great impact on me, and I almost felt emotionally unstable and broken, but they also made me see the possibility of going further."

Spreading his palms as if to catch the swaying moonlight, the six-fingered black man was filled with emotion.

This time, it was a blessing in disguise, which allowed him to spy on the threshold of the highest realm of the Mohist mentality. If he can break through, he will be the second strong man who has perfected the Mohist mentality after Mozi, the founder of the Mohist. The top schools of thought contend, such as Taoism and Confucianism.

There are old antiques in those few schools who have cultivated to the limit of heaven and man. For example, Xunzi of Confucianism, Beimingzi of Taoism, Donghuang of Yinyang School, and Guiguzi of Guigu School are all existences beyond themselves.

Only with that kind of top-notch powerhouse in charge can the Mohist family be worthy of being called the most prominent scholar in the world.

"What's the benefit of being possessed?"

Surprised, Moban didn't expect that Juzi would have such an opportunity, and then he was ecstatic.

As a direct descendant of Mozi's lineage, he is very aware of the power of the Mo family's mental method that has been cultivated to the extreme. If nothing else, the Yin Yang curse seal of the Yin Yang family can be ignored.

Compared with Confucianism, the Yin-Yang School is their deadly enemy of the Moh School. The two families have fought many times, and they often suffer from the Yin-Yang Curse Seal.

As long as Jizi cultivates the Mohist mentality to the perfect state, he will not be afraid of the Yinyang family, and even going to the Yinyang family's lair will not be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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