Chapter 124
"Even if the mountain road is widened, it will be difficult to pass quickly in a short time. There is a high probability that we will have a fight with the Marquise, and we must use the geographical advantage to weaken them."

Tian Hao said while nibbling on multigrain cakes and jerky.

Through Zhao Da, he learned about all the mountain roads in the mountains on the border between South Korea and Baiyue. Although he chose a good mountain road for others to open up, it was impossible to open up a road. Those materials were transferred there.

It will take time, and by the time they get there, these war horses will basically reach their limits, and they will not be able to use cavalry and archery to fight against the White Armored Army. The battle must be well planned, otherwise the success will fall short if you are not careful.

"I've already asked people to collect hay and firewood there to arrange the place, and I'm just waiting to burn the old woman to death as soon as she arrives."

Tian Ze said grimly.

Their plan has been more than half successful, and they must not fail at the last part of the road.

No matter who his opponent was, he would knock them down and step over their bodies.

"Don't fight with the White Armored Army. We still need to save our strength and skills to plan for the southern camp of the Han army. Compared with these bows and arrows, food is more important."

Tian Hao doesn't plan to fight the White Armor Army now, because there is no way he can win.

Their high-level warriors are not bad, but their soldiers are far inferior to the White Armored Army. The warrior army is much stronger than the ordinary army, and there is no comparison at all.

That can no longer be fought by relying on numbers. After all, the army is not a machine. It knows fatigue and fear. Facing an enemy that is stronger than itself, when the battle damage reaches a certain level, morale will inevitably collapse and even be defeated.

Even in the history of previous lives, there were very few armies that could fight to the last man without retreating. Therefore, the White Armored Army really had no way to fight and had to use strategies to trap and kill.

"Then exhaust their skills. How much skill can a group of warriors with inner breath and inner strength have?"

Tian Ze also understands that it is difficult to fight against the [-] White Armored Army, but he has to exhaust his skills so that the White Armored Army cannot continue to chase and destroy their plans.

"The key point is to severely injure the Marquis, it is best to kill her."

Xuanjian, who had been sitting cross-legged in the carriage with his eyes closed and concentrating, opened his mouth, with a fighting spirit in his heart, waiting for a battle with the Marquise.

"That person is from the same era as Lord Wu'an, General Bai Qi. He has led troops in battles for many years. He is a veteran on the battlefield and is not so easy to plot."

Tian Hao doesn't think that kind of antiques can be easily calculated, and since the other party didn't rush to grab the two swords back after knowing Bai Yifei's death, it proves that the other party's heart is cautious.

It is estimated that they will basically not leave the White Armor Army and challenge them in a duel.

"She is practicing cold-attribute exercises, and the old man's poison fear is also difficult to work."

The King of Hundred Poisons beside him said helplessly that what he hates the most is the strong man with the two powers of ice and fire, and he is the nemesis of almost all poisons.

"Did you prepare too much kerosene?"

Tianze suddenly expressed his doubts. He had prepared a lot of things in that letter, the most important of which was kerosene. There were [-] barrels, which was no less than the last time against Sanqi Orochi.

"There is a river three miles away from the ambush site we chose. The river bed is very high. If the river embankment is dug, the river water will slope down and wash away the ambush site we prepared.

I would definitely do this if I were her, turning our advantage into her home advantage. "

Speaking of this, Tian Hao laughed. In his previous life, he liked reading Three Kingdoms novels, and found that those battles where the weak defeated the strong were basically offensives with water and fire. As long as these two points are used well, it is enough to dominate the battlefield.

"Fire oil just floats on water!"

Yan Lingji, who had been speechless all this time, suddenly realized, and immediately sighed secretly for someone's insidiousness.

"The fire and water strategy is indeed the only way to defeat the weak with the strong."

Tian Ze nodded in agreement. In this way, the White Armored Army would definitely fall into the sea of ​​flames. Even if they could resist it by relying on their skills, it would consume a lot of energy, and it would be difficult to have combat power in a short time.

At the same time, they can also take the opportunity to forcibly enter the White Armored Army, severely injure or forcibly kill the Marquis.

Several people discussed for a while, and then continued to set off.

After so many stops and starts, we finally arrived at the chosen location on the second night.

Handing over the convoy and horse team to the staff there, Tian Hao and Tian Ze led a thousand and one hundred Yue soldiers to hide in a section of forest road, which was the only road leading to the rear. If the pursuers wanted to pursue, they could only pass through here. .

Not long after, three thousand white-armored troops came galloping forward and stopped outside the seemingly silent mountain road.

"Master Marquis, the woods shouldn't be so quiet at this time of year, for fear of an ambush."

A lieutenant stepped forward and said, staring at the woods ahead vigilantly.

"Get a map."

The Marquise, who was hiding from Bai Yifei, looked around and felt that there was an ambush, especially the vague sense of peeping.

The guard at the side quickly brought out a map and unfolded it in front of the Marquise. It was a detailed map of South Korea, with every river and mountain road recorded.

"It's a dead end!"

Looking at the map, the Marquis smiled lightly, with an incomparably cold smile.

This is a dead end. If you want to pursue, you can only go through here, otherwise you have to make a big detour. If you really want to go around, people will have already fled along the mountain road.

In that kind of mountain terrain, even if the Baijia army went up, they might be wiped out by the entire army in ambush.

"Is anyone familiar with this area?"

Moving his eyes, he quickly found a river not far away on the map, and asked.

According to the map, that river is a tributary of the Yellow River, so it must be quite large.

"Your Majesty, my subordinate has been here before."

A guard quickly came forward to report that he had been to this place before and was quite familiar with it.

"How does this river compare to this place?"

Pointing to the river on the map and asking, the Marquis also knew that the other party would definitely use fire attacks to fight against the White Armored Army. If the other party really allowed the enemy to set the mountain forest on fire, the advantages of herself and the White Armored Army would be gone. She had to think Way to crack.

And if you want to break the fire attack, the best way is naturally the water attack.

"The terrain over there is higher."

The guard looked at the map, then turned his head to look at it, and thought about it for the next time.

"How many people are needed to quickly dig that river?"

She asked indifferently. Although the Marquise was a veteran on the battlefield, she was not arbitrary. She was not familiar with the environment here, so naturally she had to find someone familiar to make arrangements.

"Give it to 1000 subordinates, and they can dig it in half an hour."

The personal guard recalled the scale of the river bank, and gave an estimate of the number of people and the time.

As for the threat to the nearby people after digging the embankment, does this have anything to do with their White Armored Army?

"You take 1000 people there."

Ordering decisively, the Marquis continued to stare at the woods ahead.

She could already hear the noise not far ahead. It was obvious that those people were carrying the looted supplies back along the mountain road, but it was difficult to carry so much supplies, so she had enough time to wait.

The personal guard happily took the order and led a thousand white armored troops to rush towards the river.

"Brother Xing, you really expected it."

Standing on a tree, Tian Ze couldn't help sneering when he saw the separated torches, everything was in their calculations.

"It's a pity that the White Armor Army is too strong and we can't keep them."

Tian Hao regretted that it would be perfect if the White Armored Army could be retained this time. Even South Korea would most likely not dare to start another war.

After all, given the rugged terrain in Baiyue, it would have taken at least 20 troops to break through without the White Armored Army to clear the way.

South Korea's total military strength is only 30 million, and it is impossible to dispatch all of them to Baiyue.

It's a pity that the Warrior Legion is too strong. Unless there is a Warrior Legion of the same level to contain the confrontation, if the White Armor Army wants to leave, it is impossible for them to take it down.

"She has a famous sword with her."

Xuan Jian, who had kept his eyes closed for sensing, suddenly opened his mouth, and sensed a sharp edge not weaker than black and white double-edged swords from the Marquis, apparently also a famous sword.

Tian Ze and Tian Hao are not surprised by this. After all, Snow Cloth Fort has a long history, so it is impossible to have only two famous swords, but even if you hold a famous sword, it will definitely not be able to perfectly match its skill attributes, and you still cannot use all of its combat power. play out.

As long as they can't play it all, they have a chance of winning.

"The edge of a famous sword is not easy to resist."

Tian Hao threw the Kunwu sword on his back to Tianze. He would not fight with such a strong person. At most, he would just show off on the edge to distract the opponent's attention.


Taking a look at the sword, Tianze immediately recognized that it was the Kunwu sword.

"It's what I gained from General Ji's residence."

Shrugging, Tian Hao said that this was General Ji's treasure.

"Kunwu sword, Ji Wuye, Ji surname!"

After muttering something, Tianze also thought of something. It happened that the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was on the border of South Korea. It seems that our General Ji has a good background.

The few people stopped talking and rested their minds silently, waiting for the arrival of that battle.

Delay in this battle is the first goal, to buy time for the people behind to transfer the supplies along the mountain road as soon as possible, and the second goal is to consume or even severely damage the Marquis and the White Armored Army.

Without keeping a few people waiting, the other side of the river was dug half an hour later, and the turbulent water made the gap bigger and bigger, and the turbulence became more and more violent.

After another half hour of flowing, it finally reached this area. The water was nearly two feet deep and was submerged up to the knees.

With the support of Shuiliu, not only the Marquis, but also the Three Thousand White Armored Army breathed a sigh of relief.


After the 1000 people returned to the team, the Marquis decisively ordered the march.

In the center, three thousand white armor troops dismounted and marched forward.

After running for so long, those horses have already reached their limit, even if they are riding on horseback, they will not have the blessing of strength and speed.

Furthermore, those horses were not war horses, and they were fine for riding on the road, but not for going to the battlefield. Once they encountered an emergency, they would be easily frightened, and they might all be trampled to death by the war horses.

And after waiting for all the three thousand Baijia soldiers to enter the forest road, a group of Baiyue soldiers rushed out from the side and led the group of horses away.

Although these horses are not war horses, they come from the mansions of powerful people in Xinzheng City. They eat better than people and are kept fat and strong.

This is all good labor, and Baiyue is in short supply.

But the horses did not recognize people, and they were not wary of these Baiyue soldiers, especially when they saw the bread in the hands of the Baiyue soldiers, they stretched out their heads to eat, and slowly became close to them.

Not to mention the Baiyue soldiers who abducted the horses here, the White Armored Army on the other side entered the forest road and used the water under their feet to condense into a huge ice shield and hold it in their hands to guard against arrows fired from both sides.

They continued to move forward and had to stop when they reached the middle of the road, because the road ahead was blocked by countless wooden carts piled up, and even filled with kerosene.

Smelling the smell of fire oil, the face of the Marquis changed slightly, realizing that she might have miscalculated.

"Back up!"

Decisively ordered to retreat. If it was really what he thought, this was a trap of serial killing, and the opponent had figured out all his thoughts.


It's a pity that she reacted too late. With a loud roar, wooden barrels were smashed out from the woods on both sides, shattering and letting the kerosene inside pour all over the ground, and they were all floating on the stagnant water.

Along with the wooden barrel, six fire spirit hairpins flew out with flames, igniting the kerosene floating on the stagnant water, instantly turning it into a sea of ​​flames.

The White Armored Army reacted very quickly, and hurriedly used their skills to shape the ice armor on the surface of their bodies, temporarily resisting the burning of the fire.

It's just that although the ice armor can resist the flames, it can't provide them with oxygen. The surrounding oxygen is taken away by the fire, and the thick smoke from the kerosene burning makes them almost faint.

"Back up!"

The Marquise shouted again, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

After all, the White Armor Army is South Korea's elite army, and it is an army of warriors. Their quality is far beyond what ordinary troops can match.

Although he was not panicked, he still held up his ice shield to guard against arrow attacks from both sides, so that the Baiyue soldiers hidden in the mountains and forests could not find any chance, so they still retreated back in an orderly manner.

But this time Tianze brought out too much kerosene, and just now he threw out all the kerosene, sprinkled the road behind the Baijia Army, and all floated on the stagnant water and burned violently.

There were even warriors from Baiyue who cut off the trees on both sides of the rear and stacked them together to block the White Armored Army's retreat to the maximum extent and waste their skills.

At this moment, Tian Ze Xuanjian made a move.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the White Armor Army, the two rushed towards the Marquis, bursting out with all their strength as soon as they made a move, with a killer attitude.

"Dang! Dang!"

The two swords around her waist were unsheathed, and the Marquis sealed off the lore of the two, and even burst out a cold air that seemed to be able to freeze people's souls.

Terrifying cold air burst out, using the accumulated water under the feet to form a black ice cage in a blink of an eye, just like the one Bai Yifei used last time, but it was bigger and harder, and at the same time, it pushed away the fire oil and sea of ​​fire.

"Think of me as prey, but don't know that the hunter and the prey are reversed."

Looking at the two, a cold smile appeared on the Marquise's ruddy lips.

As early as she knew that she was tricked, she guessed that the opponent would come to attack and kill, and she also made preparations for this, secretly channeling nearly half of the internal energy in her body into the water under her feet, so as to quickly create such a cage, to put the opponent's The strong will kill them.

As long as the opponent's high-level powerhouse is eliminated, then the rest don't need to care.

"The hunter and the prey will be reversed, but the point is who prepares more backhands."

Tianze shattered the Xuanbing on his arm and sword, and also sneered.

At this moment, wooden barrels burning with flames were thrown in from above, hitting Senhan's ice wall and turning into a sea of ​​fire.

Although the cold air on the ice wall was extremely cold, it was difficult to extinguish the flames in a short time.

Moreover, too much kerosene was thrown in, and in a blink of an eye, the black ice cage was transformed into a sea of ​​fire, completely eliminating the Marquise's advantage.

At this moment, the Wushuang ghost and Yan Lingji who were outside were cooperating with each other. Yan Lingji lit the wooden barrel, and Wushuang ghost threw it in, quite tacitly and quickly.

Tian Hao watched from the side, protecting the two of them to prevent them from being disturbed.

"But in the face of absolute strength, you can't change the fate of death."

Looking at the sea of ​​flames created by the kerosene around her, the Marquis looked gloomy. With a wave of her hand, thick black ice thorns extended from the ice wall and swept towards the two of them.

Xuan Jian and Tian Ze slashed wildly with their swords, smashing the incoming Xuan Bing thorns one by one, and tried to get close to the Marquis and engage in close combat with her.

The Marquise was also troubled by the combat prowess of the two men. If it were not for the weakening of the sea of ​​fire, she would have been able to kill the two men with some effort. But now, at best, a tie could be maintained. The other party could not do anything to her, and she could not do anything in a short time. Nothing can be done to the other party.

Moreover, the sea of ​​flames outside is continuously consuming one's own skill, so dragging it down is not good for him.

Realizing this, the Marquise wanted to retreat, but then her expression changed slightly. She looked up at the top of a big tree next to the Xuanbing cage. There was a figure standing there, and the sword in his hand made her feel sad. A sinking.

"Shocking salamander!"

As a swordsman, she knew all the swords in the world, but she was no stranger to top-grade famous swords such as the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, let alone a special sword like the Jing Salamander.

"Two sky-level killers, Luo Wang really wants to kill me?"

With her heart sinking, the Marquis couldn't help but wonder if she had been caught in the net. Otherwise, how could two top-level killers be dispatched?
Now there are Xuanjian and Tianze entangled below, the startled salamanders blockade above, and the sea of ​​fire inside and outside the Xuanbing cage is constantly consuming his skills, which can be called a dead end.

And it is not known if there are other Tianzi-level killers in the dark.

Thinking of this, the desire to retreat became more and more intense, and he did not dare to fight anymore. He manipulated the mysterious ice cage to deform, turning into thick black ice thorns and rushing out like a giant python, knocking away the obstacles blocked by the trees behind, leading the still The struggling Baijia army retreated.

Xuan Jian and Tian Ze in the rear pursued closely, and at the moment when the Marquis manipulated the Xuanbing thorns to smash into the obstacle and stagnate, they decisively launched a killing move.

"The right edge is for life, the reverse edge is to control the soul!"

Xuanjian crossed his swords and slashed wildly, and the sword energy increased several times.

Tian Ze did not use a sword, but used witchcraft. The thick black and red inner energy turned into a giant snake and crashed into the Marquis.

Facing such an all-out attack, the Marquis did not dare to neglect, and manipulated the Xuanbing Thorn to block it.

But at this moment, she was locked by a vague sword intent, giving her a weird feeling that she couldn't escape no matter how far she went.

This abnormality caused the Marquis' complexion to change drastically, and she used more skills and black ice thorns to block the surrounding area.

The unavoidable feeling of locking made her understand that there was a terrifying swordsman hidden in the secret, who was probably a strong man in the heavenly realm.

That was much more threatening than the two behind them, and they were not on the same level at all.

Because of this distraction, the Xuanbing thorns at the rear were naturally unable to block Xuanjian and Tianze's full-force killing moves.

The thorns shattered, and the Marquis hurriedly used her two swords to block Xuanjian's sword energy, and at the same time used her skills to resist Tianze's witchcraft.

Even so, most of her attention was on her surroundings.

Although she would be injured if she resisted Tianze's witchcraft, it was still better than being attacked and killed by the one hiding in secret.

Countless black and red snake shadows hit the Marquis, knocking her body into the air. A mouthful of hot blood couldn't help but spurt out, obviously suffering serious trauma.


Ignoring the injuries on her body, the Marquis used the momentum to fall into the White Armored Army and commanded the White Armored Army to retreat faster.

Although there is a strong man in the Heavenly Realm hidden in the secret, even a strong man in the Heavenly Realm cannot compete head-on with the army, let alone such an army of warriors.

Of course, it can't be in the restrained terrain like the sea of ​​fire, otherwise the White Armor Army will not be able to protect itself, let alone provide support for her.

And when the Baijia army retreated and found that the original horse herd had disappeared, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood, but they didn't dare to stop looking, so they could only run wildly and retreat along the long road.

Xuan Jian, who chased out of the woods, looked around, with doubts on his face.

He saw that something was wrong with the Marquise at the end, as if she was guarding against someone, and paid more attention to it than the two of them.

Could it be that someone more powerful is hiding in the dark?
Thinking of this, Xuan Jian couldn't help thinking of that horse boy.

That kid has a lot to hide!

(End of this chapter)

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