Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 127 More internal fighting

Chapter 127
Ji Wuye arranged a hundred birds masters in the southern camp, and the first time they encountered a surprise attack by a hundred thousand troops, some people ran out to chase the [-] troops who had left.

When the general who led the attack heard that the military camp had been stolen, he immediately understood that this was another plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. He did not dare to divide his troops any more, and hurriedly turned around and rushed back.

Compared with the supplies robbed by the [-] hundred Vietnamese cavalry, the food and grass gathered in the camp were more important.

That is already all the food and grass that South Korea can gather this year. If something goes wrong, it will definitely not be able to gather much more this year, and the [-] troops under his command will have to go hungry.

That's going to be a big deal.

"It happened!"

As they rode forward, looking at the smoke rising in the direction of the camp, all the generals' expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly speeded up. When they arrived at the camp, they found that everything had been burned to ashes. The tents that originally stretched to the end of the sight All were gone, leaving only some charred wooden sticks and countless similarly charred corpses.

Especially the newly built granary turned into ashes, not a single grain of food was left.

"General, we failed to hold the camp, please let the general punish us!"

Those commanders who escaped with their lives bit the bullet and stepped forward, knelt on the ground to plead guilty.

"In the end what happened?"

The lord general asked with hatred, and at the same time his head grew dizzy.

It's okay for the camp to be burned, but it's terrible that the food is taken away, even if I can't bear the responsibility.

Several commanders looked at each other, and finally said the set of words that had been discussed, and now they can only say so.

"General Zhao and the others are all dead?"

The general was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He originally thought about how to shift the blame, but now all the generals left in the camp have died, leaving only a few captains. These few people are not qualified to bear such a heavy responsibility.

"The Baiyue thieves sent a large number of masters to lurk in, and attacked the general and the others from behind."

Several people told the truth. There was no way to hide this kind of thing. After all, the body was still there.

"Write two military reports, one to the king and one to the general."

His complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and finally the Lord General decided to report.

This kind of big thing can't be hidden, after all, he can't conjure food and grass out of thin air, it can only depend on how the general and the king will deal with it.

Moreover, his expedition was ordered by the general and the king. Now those two people were mainly responsible for being sent away from the mountain. He was quite unjust.

Not to mention the frustrated Korean general on the other side, Tian Hao and others on the other side returned home with a full load, very relaxed and happy, but they soon became frustrated.

"Where are the supplies I brought back? And where are the war horses?"

Returning to the northernmost defense line of the mountain city, Tian Ze looked at the emptiness inside, and his face darkened instantly.

According to his order, the things that were snatched back should be temporarily placed here, but they are not there now.

Not only the crossbow arms and arrow shafts that were snatched back were gone, but also the three thousand war horses and three thousand healthy horses were gone.

"Taken away by... by the second prince, he is holding the king's order!"

The guard who was scolded by Tianze stammered in reply. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had personally told him to keep an eye on those supplies, but the second prince had the royal order and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"Second brother, father?"

Tianze's face became more gloomy, realizing that there were big problems inside. Tian Hao who was beside him also heard some problems, but he was not surprised by it and had even planned it for a long time.

'Is it finally unbearable? '

Smiling secretly in his heart, Tian Hao has been waiting for this day for a long time.

He only needs the population and talents of Baiyue. As for those powerful and high-ranking officials, he naturally has to find a way to get rid of them, lest they become a disaster in the future.

"It's this disgusting method again."

The young man who had been following the old man said something in disgust, obviously also saw the tricks in it, he was really a cunning rabbit, a lackey!

After hearing this, Tian Hao looked at the two people thoughtfully.

"Brother Xing, I will give you an explanation on this matter."

Suppressing his anger, Tianze first apologetically reassured Tian Hao.

They had negotiated before the action, and after the success, the two sides will share [-]% of the bill, and his side will take [-]%, which is quite a sincere division.

But now not only the looted things are gone, even the thirteen hundred war horses have been taken away, there is no such thing.

"I trust you, Your Highness, so you don't need to explain to me, but one thing Your Highness needs to understand is that those [-] horses are not my personal property, but belong to Great Qin."

Tian Hao waved his hand and gave him a trusting look, but he also revealed the key points.

The [-] war horses and the [-] Korean troops over there already belonged to Daqin, and they were the troops of the Qin State staying here, backed by Daqin.

"I see!"

With a solemn look on his face, Tianze also knew this, and he could see from the ten thousand golden fire cavalry last time that the military might of Great Qin was so powerful that he could never become an enemy of Great Qin.

"As for these grains and grass, I suggest you transport them all to the southern defense line.

Compared with the Korean army, which has been tortured so many times, the Chu army is our next biggest enemy. Whether Baiyue can continue to survive depends on that battle. "

Looking at the food and grass soldiers brought back from behind, Tian Hao reminded, so as not to be hacked by King Baiyue and the so-called second prince again.

Naturally, the stockpiles in that barracks are not only food and grass, but also a lot of weapons and armor, especially arrows.

The [-]-strong army even discarded their helmets and armor when they fled. They picked up all those things, including the Korean soldiers who died in the battle, and their armor and weapons were also stripped off.

"As you say."

After a little thought, Tianze responded to the matter.

Moreover, [-] of the [-] troops who fought this time were lost, and most of the rest were still injured. If the Han army jumped over the wall to fight back because they had no food and grass at this time, it would inevitably be another big battle. It is also good to go to the southern defense line to recuperate.

In this way, Tian Hao and Tianze's soldiers led the thousands of people to escort the loot south, while Tianze and his guards rushed to the Baiyue King's City to inquire about the truth of the incident.

"My son-in-law pays homage to his father!"

Arriving straight to the main hall of the palace, Tianze suppressed the anger in his heart and walked in to greet his father.

The King of Baiyue was speechless, just quietly looking down at Tianze who was kneeling below, his eyes deep.

"The widow thought you would come to hold me accountable."

After a long time like this, King Baiyue finally spoke, with a coldness in his voice.

"My son doesn't dare!"

Tianze's heart sank, but he still responded.

"Just dare not?"

With a sneer, the King of Baiyue became more and more afraid of this eldest son.

His ability was too strong. He first teamed up with the defeated Korean army to trick and kill South Korea's left and right Sima, and also tricked Korean General Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei of Xueyi Castle. By the way, he also tricked and killed [-] Korean elites. and a thousand elite cavalry.

After that, he formed an alliance with the Qin State and killed the big enemy. Now he led an army to attack and seized a large amount of supplies, especially grain and grass.

Such a great victory like a god of war will inevitably give him a very high reputation, which makes him very uneasy.

Sometimes a son who is too strong and capable is also a threat!

"Remember your identity, you are the prince of Baiyue, not from Qin."

"Take your people to the southern defense line, and you don't have to worry about things in the north."

With a word of warning, King Baiyue signaled to back down.

He does not want to keep this son in the north to continue to deal with South Korea, otherwise if he really wants to defeat South Korea, his reputation in the country will soar further.

But he can't stay in Wangcheng, and now he can only send him to the southern defense line, so that he can better support his second son to fight against it.

This is the way of balance for an emperor. He must balance not only his ministers, but also his sons, so as not to have unwanted thoughts.

"My son, take orders!"

Although Tianze has thousands of words in his heart, he can only accept his orders in the end.

He could hear the father's determination, and it was useless to say anything, after all, he was only the prince, and he had no right to resist the decisive order of his father.

Exiting the hall expressionlessly, Tian Ze went straight back to his mansion to pack up his things and prepare to move to the southern defense line.

But before it was packed, the younger brother brought someone here.

"Brother, I am very satisfied with the things you brought back. I am here to thank you."

Tianhe had a joking smile on his face and was filled with endless pride.

After so many years, he finally got his chance.

Looking at his half-brother indifferently, Tianze was too lazy to speak.

Tianze's aloof male demeanor irritated Tianhe, and even his face became more ferocious, and it took him a while to bear it down.

"My mansion is too small. I want to change it with you, brother. You won't refuse, will you?"

Continuing to sneer jokingly, he had already seen that his father was dissatisfied and even fearful of his elder brother. He had to seize this opportunity, so he came here today.

It's a pity that he overestimated himself, and also misestimated Tianze's courage.

With a wave of his hand, a black snake shadow rushed out and bit Tianhe and pulled him over. He just pinched his neck and lifted him up. No matter how much Tianhe struggled, he could not shake the claws covered by the snake lin.

"His Royal Highness, calm down, don't hurt the second prince, otherwise you will be punished by the king."

The guards who followed Tianhe were shocked and hurriedly tried to persuade him. If Tianhe was killed, they would also suffer.

Tian Ze paid no attention to these people, and stared at the younger brother with black and red snake eyes, with a cold light flickering inside, and even more murderous intent surged.

"At first, I thought you were a little brainy, but now it seems that I was wrong. You can take my seat, but you are not qualified now. When will you have enough ability to stand in front of me and say this? , otherwise don’t blame me for squeezing you to death with one hand, it will be very boring.”

After saying that, Tianze threw Tianhe away, and the huge force made him roll on the ground for several feet before he stopped.

"Your Highness!"

All the guards rushed over to help Tianhe up, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief, as long as there was no killer.

"Go away!"

Tianhe, who was supported up, kicked away the guards who were supporting him, and glared viciously at Tianze, wanting to speak cruelly, but he couldn't help but tremble when he touched Tianze's cold eyes, I know that big brother might really be the killer.


Tianhe left quickly with a gloomy face. He kept this account in his heart, and he would definitely trample that bastard under his feet one day.

"Is Baiyue really unable to continue?"

After the so-called younger brother left, Tianze looked at the sunset in the sky and couldn't help but feel confused.

The previous big victory against South Korea made him full of confidence, and he looked forward to the glory of defeating South Korea and Chu in the future, but no one wanted to be woken up by a blow as soon as he came back.

Now Baiyue has reached a moment of life and death. As a result, it is still playing tricks and struggles inside, and even the father no longer trusts him.

Can Baiyue really survive this disaster if this continues?
Not to mention the confused Tianze here, Tian Hao and the team on the other side traversed the entire Baiyue and finally returned to the southern defense line.

"Young hero, where is the horse?"

Zhao Da and the others transported the grain and other supplies from Tianze to the mountain city, and finally couldn't help asking.

They took away [-] war horses before, but now only the horse that the young hero rode has returned, and the others have disappeared.

"Temporary loan to Baiyue."

After replying casually, Tian Hao turned over and dismounted and said: "Zhao Da, gather all the brothers. I have something to say."

Seeing what Tian Hao said, Zhao Da couldn't say anything more. He nodded and turned around to summon the brothers.

3000 people were quickly summoned, including those still recovering from injuries.

"I have been waiting for a suitable time to have a good talk with you. You must have been thinking about what I said last time under Huoyu Mountain for a long time and have your own ideas.

The reality is so cruel. South Korea doesn’t want you anymore. Even if you go back, you will be captured and killed as deserters or even spies. Some people don’t want the truth to be revealed, and they will definitely do everything to silence them. Your relatives will also be implicated.

You are a group of people who have been forced into a desperate situation. I will point out a way out for you now, and that is the Qin State. I can now give you the identity of the people of Qin, but from now on you need to cut off everything with South Korea, including family and friendship. .

This is also very cruel, but neither I nor you have the ability to change this cruel reality, we can only adapt to it..."

Standing in the middle of 3000 people, Tian Hao spoke loudly about the reality and his own thoughts.

He wanted these people to truly surrender and be loyal, so that he could confidently fight against Chu, and finally bring these people to Qin.

At the same time, only by achieving good results with the Chu State here, will the Qin State identity he promised these people be recognized by the Qin State, or to be precise, by the Qin clan, because the Chu family will probably be unhappy.

But it doesn't matter, they are all enemies anyway. The key now is to prepare for war and defeat the Chu army.

"The identity given to you is guaranteed by me, and I will also bear the risk. Once some of you cause trouble, I will also suffer.

So now I give you a chance to choose, either join the Qin State and start over there, or run back to South Korea now to reunite with your relatives, or leave the same and go to other countries to wander or settle down, except South Korea , Qi State, Wei State, Zhao State, and Yan State, you can all try your luck. "

Finally, Tian Hao gave three choices.

He doesn't like to force others to be loyal. After all, force is not sweet unless it can be continued to the end. But he doesn't have time to keep an eye on these 3000 people, so he can only let these people make their own choices.

After Tian Hao finished speaking, everyone who was originally silent began to discuss and exchange with each other.

Although those words were cruel, they were not fools. They knew that this was the fucking reality and they had to make a choice.

"Zhao Da meets the general!"

Everyone discussed for a long time, and finally Zhao Da was the first to stand up and kneel down on one knee to Tian Hao to express his allegiance.

"Erdan meets the general!"

"Dafu sees the general!"


Someone took the lead, and everyone came forward and knelt down to show their allegiance. Even those who were still hesitating in their hearts eventually followed suit and knelt down to show their allegiance.

They were all trained by General Li Kai. They are not fools, and they are all self-aware. They know that they are not smart people, and they can only survive by following smart people.

In the past, they followed General Li Kai, thus winning victory after victory and surviving on the cruel battlefield.

Now it's just another smart person following him.

They have already seen the opponent's ability. They led them to trick the Korean army, burned the food and grass in the Korean army's camp, and packed up all the medicine for wounds.

What's more, they used strong alcohol to clean the wounds and sutured them with needles and threads to make them survive.

Among them, 2000 people would have been slaves of Baiyue, but they were finally rescued by that person.

They had previously led their troops deep into the hinterland of South Korea and had another great harvest.

These are all proofs of their ability, they are no worse than General Li Kai, and even outperformed in some aspects, they will definitely be able to continue to live with this kind of smart people, and thus live to Qin.

As for going to another country to hang out, I really thought it was my own home, so it would be fine if I didn't arrest you as a spy.

"Since you all choose to believe in me, I will definitely lead you to defeat the Chu army, bring all of you back to Qin intact, and start a new life."

Tian Hao solemnly promised that he has this confidence.

"I swear to follow the general!"

Zhao Da and others were infected by the confidence in Tian Hao's words, and they all shouted in response.

After fooling these three thousand horses, Tian Hao just walked towards a secret room inside the mountain city.

When the Black Man with Six Fingers was inside, he was cleaning the Canglong Bamboo Slip.

This time I gained a lot in Xinzheng, and the biggest gain was the Canglong Bamboo Slips.

Because I had too many things to do before, I didn't have time to study this thing. Now that I have returned to my hometown, I naturally have to study it carefully.

"The content above is not of much value, but there is a hidden power in it. It is very obscure. If it were not for the unity of heaven and man, I might not be able to sense it."

Glancing at Tian Hao who walked in, Six Fingers Heixia told his discovery.

The contents on the bamboo slips are indeed related to the Canglong Qisu, but they are of little value, far inferior to the illusion of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, but there is a power hidden in it, a very obscure power, which is the true meaning of the bamboo slips. The secret lies.

"Can you guide it out?"

Tian Hao looked at the unfolded bamboo slips, and was also curious about the hidden power inside.

"I can only feel it vaguely."

Shaking his head slightly, the Six-fingered Black Man felt a little regretful about this.

It's like the ancestors clearly saw that there was a big secret hidden in the phantom sound treasure box, but they couldn't crack it.

"I'll find two people to come over, it may be useful."

After looking at the bamboo slips for a while, Tian Hao turned and left. Not long after, he came with a beautiful woman and a young girl. They were sisters Hu Ya and Hu Mei.

The two sisters looked around the secret room curiously, and then looked at the figure in the secret room covered by a large black robe, and the bamboo slips in front of the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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