Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 129 The Killing God's Daughter

Chapter 129 The Killing God's Daughter

Standing on the highest point of the mountain city, Tian Hao looked to the south, and Chu State was his opponent next.

But Chu State is far beyond what South Korea can match. Both in terms of size and the number of civil servants, generals, and powerful men it has far surpassed South Korea.

He can lead his troops deep into South Korea alone, but he must not go deep into Chu State, otherwise he will definitely be left there.

Not to mention that there is a Chu Nangong watching secretly, so he won't risk his life.

Even if it wasn't for the cheap master Liuzhi Heixia sitting here secretly, he would have gone back to Qin country to develop wretchedly.

"This sneak attack on South Korea has made another huge profit. When we defeat the Chu army, we will definitely make even more money."

Thinking back on what he gained from attacking South Korea before, Tian Hao became more and more looking forward to it.

Before leading the army to South Korea with Tian Ze, the looting of supplies was only secondary, the key was to harvest that mysterious power again.

And changing the trend of a country can indeed gain much more mysterious energy than deceiving individual people.

At this stage, it is only to weaken South Korea. If South Korea's attack is completely defeated, or even the opponent's army is captured and transferred to Qin, the harvest will definitely be greater, let alone defeating Chu's army.

"You're lying to them!"

Suddenly a cold voice sounded from behind. Tian Hao knew it was the young man without turning around, and judging from the footsteps, the old man was also coming up.

"How did I deceive them?"

Turning around, Tian Hao looked at the disdainful young man with a funny face.

"Chu State is very determined to destroy Baiyue this time. It will mobilize at least 3000 troops, led by the Xiang clan. Not to mention your [-] people here, even if you add the entire Baiyue army, it is impossible to resist. "

The young man's contempt remained the same, and she believed that this person had been deceiving the 3000 people before, tricking them into dying.

As the most powerful country in the world, Chu State is second only to Qin State, and even stronger than Qin State in some respects. Both the army and generals are top-notch, far beyond what Baiyue can match.

Therefore, Baiyue will lose in this battle. The difference is nothing more than how much the Chu State paid during the war.

And the 3000 people who are arranged here will inevitably face the Chu army first, and will be crushed.

The old man did not speak in the rear, but he was also very curious about how the young man would deal with the Chu army.

"You don't think I'm going to take someone to a hand-to-hand fight with the Chu army, do you?"

There was a strange expression on her face, and Tian Hao felt that this girl was quite cute.

That's right, it's the girl. He had doubts when he was in the Han army camp before. He observed it many times on the way back and found that she was a woman, but she looked a little heroic and had a neutral beauty. Disguised as a man to enlist in the army.

"Could it be with those bows and crossbows?"

The young woman disdains that the equipment here is too poor. Although there are bed crossbows and trebuchets installed on the Baiyue city wall at the rear, the range is much worse, which is not as good as that of Chu State.

Moreover, wars are mainly fought with hard power. Chu has a vast land and abundant resources, and has more masters. There are even four major legions, all of whom are martial arts practitioners. Each legion has 1 people. It is similar to Wei Wuzu The same existence, ordinary city walls can't resist it at all.

"One of the core of war competition is weapons and equipment. Whoever has the stronger weapons and equipment will win. This time the advantage lies with me."

Tian Hao is very confident in the kind of big killer he has mastered, which can be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

After looking at someone suspiciously, the young woman was ultimately unable to judge what this man's trump card was.

"What is your relationship with Mr. Wu An?"

Tian Hao suddenly asked, while staring at the two of them closely. After seeing the subtle changes in their expressions, he became more sure of his guess.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The young woman denied it decisively and did not admit that she had a relationship with that person.

This is related to the life and safety of himself and Uncle Ma, and must not be leaked.

"How did you see it?"

The old man, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, acknowledging this relationship.

"Uncle Ma!"

The young woman looked at the old man in confusion, why should she admit it?
"There are some things where suspicion is enough."

The old man explained a few words, but his cloudy old eyes were still staring at someone, and there was a sharp light in them.

"Although the Tieying Ruishi is the most elite army in Daqin, it is rare to see people who can cultivate to your level. Your identity is definitely not simple, but you have hatred for Daqin. I guess you should be killed by Daqin's army." Certain forces, even the King of Qin, stabbed him in the back, causing grievances.

As far as I know, the only change in Qin State that involved high-level generals in the past ten years was the death of General Wu Anjun Bai Qi.

And Lord Wu An is also the general who has commanded the Iron Eagle Warriors for the longest time, so I guess you are related to Lord Wu An, either as relatives or subordinates.

But your identity must be closer. If I guessed correctly, you should be Wu Anjun's daughter or granddaughter. "

At the end, Tian Hao's eyes fell on the young woman. From the old man's attitude towards her, he could determine many things.

The young woman didn't respond, but her eyes became sharper, obviously she was right.

"Your father also died in the Battle of Changping. What do you think of Lord Wu An's death? Is it worth it?"

The old man also did not respond, but talked about the death of Tian Hao's father.

He had heard it last time in the Han army camp, and kept remembering it, and even felt a little familiar with it.

After all, they were all soldiers under Lord Wu An's command, and they could be regarded as comrades-in-arms. Many people did die in that battle.

"Death is not worth it!"

Tian Hao replied calmly, without any hesitation.

He did think that Lord Wu An's death was not worth it, but this was a congenital defect of the feudal system, and it was difficult to change it.

"Aren't you afraid of being beheaded if you say that?"

The young woman sneered, but she agreed with it a little bit more in her heart, and she also thought that her father's death was not worth it.

"Qin Wangji is dead, what am I afraid of?"

Tian Hao didn't care, his hole card was Ying Zheng, not Qin Wangji, not to mention Qin Wangji was already dead, even before long, that Qin Wangzhu would also be dead, and Qin Wangchu would not live long.

It will be the era when Lu Buwei will take power. What is he afraid of?
"He is dead, but our hearts have also died with Mr. Wu An. Now we only hate that country and wish to destroy it."

The old man said bitterly that as much as he loved that country before, he hates it now.

"That is a flaw in the imperial system. Countless generals have been robbed by this throughout the ages. Not to mention the incorruptibility of Zhao State also suffered from it, which led to the defeat of Changping.

That is just a microcosm of this era. I want to change this sick era, but my strength alone is far from enough. I need to bring together many like-minded people to fight together.

You and I have the same goal, and you should join hands with me to return to Qin and fight for Jun Wu'an's name, and I can guarantee that Qin will have an unprecedented king, and he will not do such stupid things that make people shed blood and tears. "

Tian Hao recognized the hatred between the two, but still expressed the invitation.

"Win Zhu? I don't see that he has such courage. He is much worse than Ying Ji."

The old man disdains, as the first general to follow Lord Wu An, he has followed Lord Wu An to meet many important figures in Qin State, naturally including the current Qin Wangzhu, who used to be Lord An, and he himself is just like that.

"Qin Wangzhu is naturally far behind!"

Tian Hao nodded in agreement. There was nothing to look forward to from a dying person.

"That Ying Zichu who worshiped a Chu woman as his mother and changed his name to please her?"

The young woman's sneer remained unchanged, and she was also not optimistic about Prince Qin Chu, and even looked down upon him a little.

Judging from the information she got, it was obvious that he was a person who could use any means to achieve his goal, let alone a man of courage.

"I'm talking about his son Yingzheng, who is destined to be an emperor who will lead the Qin Dynasty to destroy the six kingdoms and unify the world. It is far beyond the comparison of Qin's former kings."

Tian Hao revealed the existence of Ying Zheng, and at the same time wondered whether he could use these two people to win over the remaining power of Bai Qi.

Bai Qi was really at the top of his game in Qin back then, otherwise King Ji of Qin would not have killed him.

The forces under his command are extremely huge, and some of them have even joined the net. These people must be won over, and they cannot be consumed internally.

"The child who caused chaos within the Zhao Kingdom a few months ago?"

The old man remembered that there was a lot of trouble in Zhao country a few months ago, even he had heard about it in South Korea.

"Are you the snare killer who escorted the young master back to Qin?"

The young woman also reacted and made some guesses about the person's identity.

According to the information she received, Gongzizheng was rescued by Luowang, and the main force of Luowang attracted the attention of major forces in Zhao State. A Luowang killer took Gongzizheng back to Qin on a detour, and when he appeared again in front of the world, he had already When I arrived outside Xianyang City, I heard that a black dragon was brought with me.

"That's just a kid."

The old man was dissatisfied. As far as he knew, Gong Zizheng was only about ten years old now. What could a ten-year-old child see?

"Words are pale, but I hope you will follow me to Qin to meet Gong Zizheng. If you are not satisfied then, you can choose to leave."

Tian Hao didn't explain much, but just invited the two to meet Ying Zheng.

He is very confident in his training ability, and Ying Zheng has changed a lot in the past year. Not to mention making the two of them surrender, at least he can impress his eyes.

He believed that when Ying Zheng grows up, anyone who meets him will surrender. One emperor for eternity is no joke.

"If you are not satisfied, will you really let us go?"

The young woman and the old man looked at each other and thought this was too simple.

"As long as you are not an enemy of Great Qin."

He stated a condition, he can let the two go, but the two must not be enemies, otherwise it is better to destroy humanely as soon as possible.

"I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise I will make it difficult for you to live in Qin."

Staring coldly, the old man warned.

Although he faked his death and escaped, his family still had some influence in Qin's country. Coupled with the monarch's remaining powerful subordinates, it was enough to make it difficult for this person to live in peace.

"Please ask me your senior's surname."

Tian Hao didn't care about the old man's threat, instead he took the opportunity to ask.

It is always difficult to feel at ease unless the other party's name and identity are clear.

"The old man's surname is Sima, and the single name is Jin!"

Sima Jin proudly said that name that he had not used for a long time. Sima Jin also needed this identity to intimidate the other party and not have any bad intentions.

Their vengeance is enough to destroy anyone.

"Which lieutenant is Lord Wu An?"

Tian Hao was taken aback when he heard that name. This name is not low. He was the deputy general of Lord Wu'an Baiqi, and he was also the actual executor who killed Zhao Guo's 40 soldiers in the Battle of Changping.

Although the name of Bai Qi was deliberately erased in the State of Qin, and no one dared to mention it, but in the State of Zhao, he has been cursed by countless people, so he knows the name and what the other party has done.

Sima Jin had no words, the name itself was enough to prove everything.

"What about you?"

Turning his eyes to the young woman, Tian Hao was curious about her name.

"white night!"

After hesitating for a while, the young woman finally told her name. Since her identity has been seen through, there is no point in hiding it, and it is nothing to say it out.

"Mr. Wu An is yours..."

Tian Hao asked further, curious whether this was Wu Anjun's daughter or granddaughter.

"It's my father!"

Bai Ye replied naturally, even with a sense of pride, proud of his father!

"Old and strong!"

Tian Hao was amazed. You must know that Bai Qi is about the same age as Qin Wangji. The face and voice of the girl in front of him should be similar to him, which means that Bai Qi was already in his 60s or [-]s when he had this daughter.

Old woman ah!

Hearing something wrong in someone's words, Bai Ye decisively drew his sword and pointed it at someone's neck.

However, Bai Ye's strength was a bit weak. Although he cultivated his internal strength, his combat power was too weak, so he was easily blocked by Tian Hao.

"As the daughter of Lord Wu An, why is her strength so poor?"

Tian Hao was puzzled. You must know that Bai Qi is a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, and he still followed the path of killing. Didn't he leave any inheritance?


Bai Ye was so angry that he swung his sword and continued to stab, but Tian Hao easily stopped him.

"Your Majesty's martial arts are too domineering, not suitable for women to practice."

Sima Jin sighed. The martial arts he and Lord Wu An practiced were both domineering and fierce, and they could not be taught to Bai Ye. As a result, Bai Ye is only practicing a low-level breathing technique, and there is no good inheritance of swordsmanship. Otherwise it is not so.

"Senior, what do you think of junior's spear and sword skills?"

Tian Hao reached out and grabbed Bai Ye's sword-holding palm, and lifted him up. Then he asked Sima Jin and had some ideas.

Bai Ye, who was struggling and kicking, couldn't help being stunned by these words, and heard the meaning of someone's words.

"what do you want?"

Looking at Tian Hao in surprise, Sima Jin immediately turned to Bai Ye who was being lifted up and slipped away. Sima Jin thought about it and decided to agree, but he didn't know what this kid wanted.

"The younger generation has learned a little bit of military strategy, but it is still at the level of talking about war on paper. I also ask the senior to give some pointers to guide the younger generation to really get started."

He said what he wanted very frankly. Tian Hao was worried that he couldn't find an excuse to ask this person for advice, but now he came to his door.

Although Guiguzi was proficient in the theory of military art and battle formations, he was limited to theory. The opponent was a military strategist like Sun Wu, but he was not a true general, and he also lacked experience in commanding troops in combat.

This is equivalent to science and engineering in the previous life. Science is about theoretical research, while engineering is about applying theoretical research to practice.

Only the combination of the two is perfect.


Although Sima Jin was surprised, he still complied. This is not difficult for him, and the young lady really needs a set of swordsmanship to practice and has enough strength.

After all, he is already old and does not have a few years to live. In the future, the young lady will have to go on her own. With more life-saving means, he can go with peace of mind.

"Teacher, please be respected by the students!"

Tian Hao was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed and acknowledged the teacher.

"There are changes within Baiyue, and the war layout against South Korea will inevitably change accordingly. How will you respond?"

Sima Jin accepted this gift and immediately asked, which was considered a kind of test.

"That was just a change for Baiyue."

Tian Hao smiled. Although there were some changes, they were within his expectations and did not affect his ability to crack the Korean army.

When he first talked about the method of using poison, he specifically told the people in Tianze not to leak it out. King Baiyue didn't know.

So no matter how Baiyue fights with the South Korean army, and what kind of fight it is, it will not affect the use of its ultimate move.

"It seems that you have a deep plan for Baiyue."

After taking a deep look, Sima Jin understood that this boy's plan was definitely not trivial.

Tian Hao smiled and said nothing, not intending to tell the method used, after all, he still doesn't trust these two people very much, so it should be kept secret.

"I'll teach you the breathing technique first to transform the internal energy in your body."

Putting down Bai Ye who was carrying it, Tian Hao explained how to practice breathing and breathing.

Breathing technique has long since been practiced by him is not the original thunder breathing technique, it has integrated many characteristics of breathing technique, and it has become very complicated.

In other words, he had a golden finger to cheat and improve his understanding, and he continued to fine-tune it bit by bit during the training process, looking for the matching points of each breathing technique, and finally successfully integrated it.

Of course, this kind of fusion must be sacrificed. Each characteristic is worse than the original version, but the combination of various characteristics is far stronger than a single breathing technique.

"What kind of breathing technique is this?"

After listening to someone finish reciting the training method of the breathing technique, Bai Ye not only frowned, but Sima Jin who was beside him also frowned.

It's a hodgepodge, but it's a good fit. At least in his realm, he can't see any hidden problems. It's a whole, but those characteristics are independent of each other, which is really weird.

"It looks a bit complicated, but as long as it is integrated into the body's instincts, it will be much easier to practice. Like me, the breathing technique is running non-stop for twelve hours a day."

As an explanation, Tian Hao also knows that the current breathing technique is a bit more complicated, that is, he himself is a badass, otherwise it would be difficult to practice.

"You can practice this kind of technique in the early stages, but once it reaches a high level, the various characteristics within it will become more independent and powerful, and they will conflict within the body, which is very dangerous."

After pondering for a while, Sima Jin revealed the hidden dangers in the breathing technique.

"This breathing technique is my creation. It combines several breathing techniques. I am confident that I will continue to improve it."

Tian Hao's words seemed very confident, confidence in Goldfinger.

Moreover, the problem of the coexistence of multiple attributes can be solved in this world. For example, the Yin Yang family, whose initial alchemy can possess the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth at the same time.

You may have to focus on it in the early stages of practice, but you can master it at the same time when you reach advanced levels. For example, Moon God once personally demonstrated the five attributes of alchemy to Ji Ruqianlong, proving that at least the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can coexist. of.

Of course, what is even more powerful is the Farmer's Dize Formation. Not to mention the 24 solar terms attributes, the four attribute changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter are quite perfect, not inferior to the changes of the five elements of the Yin Yang family. If you can get it, you will definitely It is of great help to improve your own skills.

(End of this chapter)

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