Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 137 Farm Layout

Chapter 137 Farm Layout
"Do you want to keep that dung coccidia in your body?"

Mo Ban then asked, always feeling that this method was too disgusting.

"That's called Dali Gu!"

Tian Hao corrected that he would never admit that it was a dung coccidia dung beetle or something, at least the color was different.

"There is no need to keep it in the body. According to Baiyue's Gu technique, the powerful Gu can be taken out after the body stops being fixed due to the changes caused by the powerful Gu."

After explaining, Tian Hao was also a little uncomfortable with this method, but fortunately he didn't have to keep that dung beetle... no, it was the powerful poison in the body, which could be taken out after the body's transformation was completed.

At that time, not only the transformation of the body will be completed, but also the attributes obtained from Dali Gu will be completely integrated and solidified in the skill, and one can cultivate it by oneself.

"Such evil methods will be used less in the future."

Six Fingers Heixia reminded him that he didn't quite agree with this cultivation method.

"The disciple understands."

Tian Hao hurriedly responded. He didn't like this kind of cultivation method. If he had no other choice, why would he do this?
I just hope that the changes brought about by Dali Gu won't be too harsh, otherwise I'm afraid it won't be easy.


At this time, a sound suddenly sounded from the abdomen, and a strong sense of hunger hit his heart, making Tian Hao feel as if he could eat a cow.

"There is a reaction so quickly, and the effect is immediate!"

He hurried to the canteen in Shancheng, ate and drank like crazy, and didn't stop until he ate three times the usual amount of food.

"It seems that the body can still grow, but I don't know how much my limit is."

Patting his belly and muttering, Tian Hao didn't know how far his body could grow with the blessing of the powerful Gu.

The Vigorous Gu is only capable of stimulating birth, but to what extent it can be achieved depends on the individual's physical potential.

It may not be as good as the Wushuang Ghost, or it may grow taller than the Wushuang Ghost.

It's just that I am different from Wushuanggui who was implanted with Dali Gu since childhood, since I am already an adult, theoretically speaking, the effect will be much reduced.

Not to mention that the characteristics of his powerful Gu are fused with the internal strength attributes of the Hundred Refined Shield Armor, so there will inevitably be changes, and he doesn't know what will happen in the end.

After thinking for a while, Tian Hao put on the black dragon armor and walked out of the mountain city to inspect the construction site outside.

The flat area to the north of the mountain city has now been turned into a construction site. More than 1 people are working hard with various types of Luoyang shovels, digging trenches, mixing the excavated soil with water into mud, and adding miscellaneous materials into it. Grass branches, etc. serve as steel bars and are shaped into fortifications.

There will also be sharpened and roasted spikes inserted on it, straight to the south edge, and used as a shed support on the trench to defend against attacks such as trebuchets.

Compared with the army of Chu State, their only advantage is the bows and crossbows of various countries obtained from South Korea. Since they have a large number of long-range attack weapons, they naturally have to play trench tactics, which are close to the way of warfare in the past and modern times. Fight a positional battle with the Chu army here.

There was no way. Although he had a trump card, he couldn't let the Chu army come in too easily, otherwise it would inevitably make people suspicious. He had to fight a battle to make the Chu army pay a certain price to enter the trap area, so that there would be no suspicion.

“There are not many people!”

Tian Hao found Tianze, who was also taking time to inspect, and expressed his doubts.

After cutting down all the mountains and forests on both sides, he had people dig trenches here. After Tianze was sent here to take charge by the King of Baiyue, he even led the [-]-strong army on the city wall to join in.

But today, I saw that there were only over 1 people on the construction site, which was much less than the last time I came out.

"South Korea has taken action, and the father has temporarily dispatched the army here, and it will be difficult to return in a short time.

However, I am already recruiting civilians, and soon there will be enough manpower to help us complete the excavation and shaping of the fortifications here. "

Tianze looked unhappy when he revealed the reason, because it was his second brother Tianhe who was in charge of the war in the north.

He is very skeptical of Tianhe's ability, especially in the military, and I'm afraid something will go wrong in this battle.

Don't look at them playing tricks on Han Jun one after another, but that is a trick in nature. They have never confronted Han Jun head-on.

South Korea can become one of the seven countries in the world, naturally it is not weak, at least for Baiyue, it is extremely powerful.

If South Korea did not need to worry about the neighboring states of Chu, Wei and Qin, the military strength gathered by South Korea alone would be enough to destroy them Baiyue.

Now the father really let Tianhe preside over the war against South Korea, it's ridiculous.

"Since South Korea is eager to fight, it obviously can't drag it on any longer. It wants a quick solution, which is more conducive to our plan."

Tian Hao didn't care. Anyway, he never thought of relying on Baiyue to defeat the Korean army from the beginning. Even the trump card made of salt was originally prepared for South Korea, but the poison of Yamaki no Orochi gave him one more choice. That’s all.

"I hope they won't make too ridiculous a decision."

Tian Ze looked slightly better, but still very worried.

"How's the investigation going at the farm?"

Tian Hao asked about the investigation of the farmer. He now needs the farmer's ability to observe words and emotions to improve his spear and sword skills and further enhance his strength.

"They moved to the north, where my younger brother took over, and my people have no way to track it down."

His face turned dark, and Tianze really wanted to beat that younger brother to death.

Now that Baiyue is at a critical moment of life and death, it is still resorting to these methods.

How can people be so stupid?
"It's a problem."

His face was also a little gloomier. Tian Hao didn't like this situation very much. Those people really had a way to kill themselves.

"Your Highness, there are some things that I shouldn't have said as an outsider, but you may have to make a choice at this point."

After thinking about it, Tian Hao finally reminded him meaningfully.

Tianze was stunned for a moment, then understood and couldn't help but fall into silence.

"In the eyes of some people, power and status are the most important, especially the so-called supreme position. In contrast, everything else can be given up. What such a person does is only their own king, not a real king. , will only lead the country to decline and perish in the end.

The reason why we, Luo Wang and the State of Qin, chose to cooperate with you, Your Highness, instead of the King of Baiyue, is because we saw that you have the potential to become a true king.

The future of Baiyue is in your hands, I hope His Highness can make a decision that you will not regret in the future. "

After saying this, Tian Hao continued to walk around to eat and inspect the entire construction site.

"A decision you won't regret?"

Looking up at the sky, Tianze thought a lot for a while.

Although it was cruel, this was the reality. Now that Baiyue's future was in his own hands, he had to make a decision as soon as possible.


Tian Hao was building infrastructure and fortifications in the southern part of the country, and was using it to let those people practice spear skills. Everything was going on in an orderly manner, while South Korea gathered a hundred thousand troops to make preparations for the newly built southern camp. After a month, they finally set out to kill Baiyue.

Tianhe, the second prince of Baiyue, imitated the fire attack method and wanted to use the fire to stop the Korean army or even destroy it.

It’s just that South Korea has been tricked so many times, so naturally it will not repeat the same mistakes again. Three thousand white-armored troops are in the front as the vanguard to open the way. Secretly, countless Korean masters lurk through the woods and kill those Baiyue soldiers who set fire to the mountains in advance. Assist the army to pass.

The war broke out here, and there was also an undercurrent diving behind the front line.

"Master, the intelligence can confirm that Tianze, the prince of Baiyue, did not get along with the king of Baiyue and was dispatched to the southern defense line to target the Chu State. Even if the Korean army called this time, Tianze was not dispatched. He only sent [-] troops to the southern defense line. The army is called in.

The northern part of Baiyue is under the control of the second prince Tianhe. At present, the people under Tianhe's command have not been found in our place.

The second prince of Baiyue and the king of Baiyue also looked at the approaching Korean army, and did not pay attention to us. "

In a hidden cave, Wu Kuang reported.

He is mainly responsible for investigating the intelligence of Baiyue's high-level officials, and he also knows that the Baiyue prince seems to have noticed their farm's infiltration, and sent people to investigate. They were dispatched to the southern defense line, and their subordinates were also dispatched, allowing them to hide in the northern area.

Otherwise, if the prince of Baiyue is really allowed to investigate, it will be difficult for them to hide and secretly investigate and decipher Baiyue's three witchcraft and poison techniques.

"Don't be careless. The Baiyue prince is not a simple character. South Korea has suffered losses one after another in his hands, and he is helpless."

Master Li turned around and warned, feeling a little wary of the Baiyue Prince.

It is not the strength of the other party that is fearful, but the kind of mental calculation.

Although South Korea is the weakest country among the seven countries, it is still a country after all. Now it is being played by one Baiyue one after another, and the shadow of the Baiyue prince is behind it.

The most important thing is that the prince of Baiyue seems to be in collusion with the net and has become more troublesome and difficult, which cannot be underestimated.

"Disciple understands that Prince Baiyue is recruiting civilian men to build fortifications recently. Disciple has already sent people to infiltrate him."

Wu Kuang should be, and told his own arrangement.

The Baiyue prince had a brilliant record and a high prestige among Baiyue. Naturally, he did not dare to look down upon him and had already made many arrangements.

"Is there any change in the whereabouts of Luo Wang Xuan Jian and the startled salamander?"

Nodding with satisfaction, Master Li asked about the two killers who were in the trap.

After knowing that Luo Wang sent people over, their actions became much more subtle, just to avoid running into Luo Wang's people.

After all, this is Baiyue's territory, and it would be very troublesome if they really met them.

"Xuanjian has been appearing near the mountain city in southern Baiyun. The whereabouts of the Frightened Salamander are even more mysterious. It has not appeared again in the past three months. I don't know where it is hidden."

Wu Kuang replied, very wary and wary of those two sky-level killers.

That is a powerhouse at the same level as the master, and he can deal with the most powerful masters at the level of killing words. If he really wants to face those two, he will definitely die.

This also made their farmers feel constrained in their actions in Baiyue, making them very uncomfortable.

"If you ask me, you should kill those two Luowang Sword Slaves first, so as not to be tied up like this."

The hot-tempered military master said dissatisfiedly, he didn't like such aggrieved state very much.

"The most terrifying thing about Luo Wang is not the sword, but the many plans hidden in the secret. According to the results of our investigation from Zhao State, Luo Net Covering the Sun was able to send people to sneak into Zhao State to dig tunnels a year and a half in advance, thus uncovering Qin Gong Zizheng. Bringing the injured back to Qin and turning so many forces around shows the depth of Luo Sheng's plan.

This time Luowang dispatched two Tianzi-level killers into Baiyue, the conspiracy must be serious, we must find out their purpose, otherwise the outcome of the next war will be unpredictable. "

Master Li shook his head and objected. With their strength, it was not difficult to surround and kill the two Tianzi-level killers. What was difficult was to understand Luo Wang's true purpose in Baiyue.

That's the point!
"The main purpose of our coming to Baiyue is to lead the juniors to practice, let Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang accumulate merits, and thus take charge of the Kui Kui Hall, so that the Tian clan can no longer occupy a high position."

Yao Wang also followed suit, saying that their invitation to help Chu State break the three techniques of Baiyue witchcraft and poison is only secondary. The real purpose is to allow Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang to accumulate merit and become the hall master as soon as possible.

"Those people are too greedy. They are not satisfied with letting Tian Guang become the leader of knights. Now they let the two brothers occupy Chiyou Hall and Lieshan Hall. They completely ignore us. If we hadn't been in seclusion to recuperate in the past few years, I would I should have killed those bastards already."

The soldier slapped the hilt of the sword with his palm, very angry about this.

Back then, the six of them followed the six elders of the previous generation of Liuxian Tomb to besiege and kill Bai Qi, and paid a huge price. The six elders died in battle on the spot, and the six of them were also seriously injured. They have been recuperating in retreat for several years.

But who would have thought that those people would elect Tian Meng and Tian Hu to be the masters of Chi You Hall and Lie Shan Hall behind their backs, when they knew it, it was a foregone conclusion.

Really hateful!
One must know that he reserved the position of Chi Youtang's hall master to his disciple Chen Sheng, but now he was snatched away by that reckless Tian Hu.

"The anger hurts the body, and my Lieshan Hall was also taken away."

Teacher Li persuaded him, feeling quite helpless in his heart.

He originally wanted to pass the position of leader of Lieshan Hall to his disciple Wu Kuang, but who wanted to kill Tian Meng halfway.

Now I can only plan for the position of the head of Kui Kui Hall, a good friend, for two disciples, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

"Sheng'er, you have to perform well this time. After this battle, as a master, I will go to the Tomb of the Six Sages and take out the sealed Juque Sword and pass it to you."

The master of the army also knew the importance of the matter, so he suppressed his anger and told his disciple Chen Sheng that if he could get the Juque sword, his disciple's strength would definitely be greatly enhanced, and he would be qualified to succeed the hall master.

"The disciple will definitely live up to the expectations of the master."

Chen Sheng, who had been speechless, replied seriously, with a ball of fire burning in his heart.

"We not only have to keep an eye on Baiyue and Luo Wang, the two brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu are not good at fighting each other, especially Tian Meng. He is cunning and cunning, and the city is very deep. I am afraid he will do something outrageous."

The calendar teacher hesitated for a while, and finally expressed a guess anxiously, which was what he was most worried about.

"Impossible, with Xia Kui leading them, it's impossible for them to act recklessly."

The King of Medicine was taken aback. This time they divided into two teams. Xia Kui Tian Guang led the two brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu and some farm disciples to the state of Chu. Three techniques.

Although he also saw that the two brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu were not good at fighting, but they recognized Tian Guang as the hero, and they were the ones who recommended Tian Guang to become the hero.

According to his understanding of Tian Guang, it is absolutely impossible for the two brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu to do something out of the ordinary.

"Of course I won't do it obviously. I'm just afraid that those two boys are causing trouble secretly."

The calendar teacher is still worried that if there is a problem within the farm, things will be troublesome.


In the southern mountain city, Tian Hao was surprised when he saw the information brought by Tianze.

"Even the stronghold can be found? The ability of the farmer is not so bad, is it?"

Looking at the location recorded in the information, Tian Hao doubted the authenticity of the information, and it might even be a trap.

Moreover, last month Tianze said that he could not send people to investigate in the north, but now he has obtained the stronghold of another farmer's family. It is quite strange no matter how you look at it.

"Someone sent it."

Tianze replied that he was indeed continuing to secretly investigate the traces of the farmer's people sneaking into Baiyue. It is certain that there are not many people in the south, but the north has been controlled by Tianhe, and his people have no way to go there, so it is difficult to confirm.

But who would have thought that someone suddenly sent this piece of information, and it was difficult for him to determine whether it was true or false for a while.

"The information is too detailed. It should be the work of someone within the farm family."

Tian Hao was thoughtful, and roughly guessed that it was the information sent by the farmer, so the credibility would be very high.

"Power struggle?"

Tianze was stunned, and immediately sneered.

"It was my fault to kill someone with a borrowed sword."

Those people were too presumptuous, what did Baiyue take for them?

"It just so happens that we are about to set off to capture South Korea's [-]-strong army. As soon as we succeed, our golden fire cavalry from the Qin State stationed on the Qin-Korean border will rush over to respond and take away the Korean prisoners. At the same time, Will support a batch of food and grass."

Tian Hao didn't care about this. They were preparing to go north anyway.

Relying on Baiyue's troops can at most resist the attack of the Han army, and it is impossible to take down the [-] Han army.

"If we leave, the arrangement here may be spied on by the Chu people."

Tianze pays more attention to the layout in the south. After all, even if South Korea attacks, it will not be able to hold on for long if it does not have enough food and grass. As long as it drags on, it can only retreat, so it is not a worry. However, Chu State is far from what South Korea can match.

"These on the surface will be discovered sooner or later. It doesn't matter. Our real arrangements are hidden deep underground, and we don't need to leave openly."

Tian Hao grinned and said, since the fortifications are going to be built, he is naturally not afraid of being seen, and even that is for the Chu State to see.

If he doesn't do anything, people will become suspicious, and when the time comes to change the place to fight, the arrangements he made here will be useless.

As for the mountain city, there is no need to worry. After he leaves, Master Xu and others will go into the deepest part of the mountain to continue work. With the heavy stone gate mechanism blocking it, even if a strong man like Chu Nan Gong comes, he will Don’t even think about wearing them all.

Even if Chu Nangong really dared to go in, he would be very happy. The organs set up inside are enough to kill the Heaven and Man Realm.

After all, those passages are all inside the mountain. Although the Heavenly and Human Realm experts are powerful, they are still unable to split the mountain. Once they are buried alive, they will still die.

"It's not too late, let's start as soon as possible."

Tian Hao didn't waste any time, nodded to Tianze and walked to the canteen in Shancheng, ready to have a big meal first.

Since the implantation of Dali Gu, his food intake has increased by more than three times, and he would be too hungry if he didn't eat a meal.

However, the effect is also obvious. In just one month, my body has grown a lot, and my height has increased by an inch.

It is the severe pain, itching and discomfort caused by the rapid growth and development of muscles and bones, and he has not yet fully adapted to it.

(End of this chapter)

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