Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 165 Refining Dragon Blood

Chapter 165 Refining Dragon Blood
Tian Hao didn't answer and explain his fiancée Princess Huayu's question, because there was no need for that.

The design of the Liannu is not as difficult as imagined. Even if you don't talk about the mechanism technique in this world, it can be designed and manufactured in the past life alone, just because of the existence of the gun, there is no need for that.

The key point now is the material, especially the manufacturing of spring steel. As long as he has spring steel, he can immediately make a crossbow in the form of a compound bow.

After communicating with Ying Zheng and the others, Tian Hao was arranged to live there. The next day, he followed Ying Zheng to the lake and saw Da Hei who had grown up a lot.

"Why are you so fat?"

Looking at the toy floating up from the water with difficulty, Tian Hao really couldn't associate this toy with a snake, he was really too fat, much fatter than after eating Tai Sui meat, he almost became a ball.


Dahei struggled to spit out the snake letter, but he couldn't spit it out, and could only make a faint sound.

No way, the food is great.

"Well, it has indeed grown a lot."

After looking at Dahei's body length, Tian Hao found that he had indeed grown a lot. He was estimated to be thirty feet tall, which was more than twice as long as when he arrived in Xianyang.

Sanqi no Orochi is really a great tonic for him.

"It's not just the growth of body size, but also the growth of dragon claws."

Ying Zheng said, this is what excites him the most.

Dahei really has the potential to transform into a dragon.

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Dahei turned around in the water to show off, revealing four depressions on his flanks. He could vaguely see claws inside, but compared to his huge and fat body, they were too small. Too compact.

Tian Hao was not surprised by this, and even expected it.

He didn't know if Dahei could turn into a dragon, but it was not difficult to grow claws.

Because the ancestors of snakes themselves had claws, but they were degenerated. Some special scales are also found on some snakes, which are the remnants of degenerated claws.

Some snakes may even exhibit atavism and grow part of their claws.

Dahei had survived long enough, and had taken so many supplements, especially the guidance of the dragon crystal in his body, that it was not difficult for his degenerated limbs to grow back.

"You really decided?"

After scratching Dahei's nearly invisible chin, Tian Hao asked Ying Zheng in a low voice.

"Teachers dare to take risks, so can politics."

Ying Zheng was very determined. He already knew the teacher's plan when he had a private chat with the teacher last night, and he was also yearning for that kind of dragon blood.

Furthermore, he is about to go to the land of Longxi to participate in the battle of the Western Regions, and strengthening his strength is a must.

"Your current cultivation level is not good enough, it is too risky to directly use the blood of the dragon, I suggest you use the blood of Dahei first.

Dahei can refine dragon blood, and based on it, he will definitely be able to refine dragon blood in the future. "

After thinking for a while, Tian Hao finally denied letting Ying Zheng directly refine the dragon's blood.

The main reason is that Ying Zheng is too young, his cultivation base is too low, his mental state is also not high, and the risk of refining is too high.

Even if he didn't have much confidence, if he didn't have a trace of dragon energy that could be driven as a base, and he urgently needed to improve his physical fitness to carry the rising yang energy, he would not directly refine the blood of the dragon.

"Politics listen to the teacher."

Ying Zheng did not refuse. He had absolute trust in this teacher, and he was indeed much worse than the teacher.

"Dahei, give me two drops of the dragon's blood and your blood."

Seeing that Ying Zheng agreed, Tian Hao discussed with Dahei in a low voice.

Dahei didn't refuse this, he opened his mouth and swallowed Tian Hao in one gulp.

Tian Haoxun was almost fainted by the stench, and then he saw a golden light flashing in front of him, and a golden spar was pushed into Dahei's mouth.

This is the crystal that sealed the blood of the dragon. Compared with the original, it has now completely turned into gold. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that there are countless fine golden threads inside, which are the blood of the dragon. Derived from energy, this is also Tian Hao's goal this time.

He didn't dare to refine the first drop of the dragon's blood. Tianze almost failed to refine the blood of a Yamaki Orochi. He didn't think his body could withstand the original dragon's blood, so he focused on those who relied on energy. The strength of the evolved blood will definitely be much worse than the original dragon's blood, and the difficulty of refining will be lower.

Without any delay, Tian Hao guided the controllable dragon energy into it, extracted a golden thread, and finally condensed it into a drop of pale golden blood and put it into the small bottle that had been prepared long ago.

Then he used a sharp thorn to poke a blood spot in the big black snake's mouth, took out a drop of blood and put it into another small bottle.

After doing this, he reached out and patted Dahei's mouth, and then he was thrown out.


Tian Hao jumped into the lake decisively, frantically cleaning the stench of mucus on his body, the smell was too offensive.

"Don't do this again, I will be smoked to death."

After cleaning for a long time, Tian Hao just walked ashore, feeling depressed in his heart.


Dahei neighed happily, showing more and more intimacy.

Just now, he sensed that kind of power again. Obviously, this shit shovel has initially mastered that kind of power, and his future can be more secure.

"You stay here first, and we will take you out when we become stronger."

After exhorting in a low voice, Tian Hao left with Ying Zheng.

Those royal masters guarding in the distance didn't doubt anything, mainly because Ying Zheng came to see Dahei almost every day, they were all acquaintances, so there was nothing to doubt.

After returning to the palace, Tian Hao asked Ying Zheng to take care of him from above. He entered the secret training room opened below and began to refine the drop of dragon blood.

"should be okay."

Taking out the small bottle containing dragon blood, Tian Hao took a deep breath, and used the traces of dragon energy to cause the dragon blood to float out, and finally fell into his palm.

Spiritual power combined with inner breath to perform the ancient refining secret method obtained from Tianze, guiding dragon blood into the body from the palm of the hand.

This refining method does not require much cultivation. The key point lies in spiritual will, resisting the spiritual imprint and animal nature in the blood of alien beasts, and maintaining one's own spiritual consciousness from being eroded.

In this respect, his spiritual will is not bad, at least not worse than that of Tianze back then, and what he refined was only a small drop of dragon blood, so the pressure would be much less.

As the small drop of pale golden dragon's blood sank into the palm of his hand, tiny golden lines spread around and caused severe pain, making Tian Hao feel as if a soldering iron had pierced his palm and he was constantly twisting it. .

The pain was even more severe than the last time he was hit by the Six Souls Fear Curse. Even with his willpower, he almost couldn't help but cry out in pain.

The veins all over his body were bulging, and he looked very ferocious, but what was more painful was the impact of the spiritual brand in the dragon's blood. The terrifying dragon power erupted in Tian Hao's mind, making his thinking almost stagnate.

It felt as if he had fallen into the bottom of the sea, and his whole body was about to be crushed and crushed.

Fortunately, he refined a trace of dragon energy to form a controllable dragon movement energy, which kept his consciousness awake and not completely suppressed.

He forced himself to run the refining secret technique, guide his spiritual power and inner breath, and the traces of dragon energy to resist the erosion of the dragon's blood, and refine it bit by bit.

After all, this is refining at the blood level, and the pain is unimaginable for ordinary people.

But as the saying goes, people have limits. If he wants to resist the backlash after the extreme yang energy, and even cultivate into a fairy, he must go beyond the limits of humans.

The ancestors of this world have already given the answer, which is to refine the blood of alien beasts and become the ancestral wizard, also known as the ancestral wizard.

After such a long time, the small drop of dragon's blood was finally initially refined, and at the same time, the internal energy was also broken through and transformed into internal force, which was faster than expected.

This is not over yet, the inner breath has not only broken through, but also incorporated a force.

"Dragon Qi can indeed be integrated into the power of inner cultivation."

Tian Hao looked at the dark golden arc on his fingertips and said, Sure enough, he had been trying to refine the dragon energy into his inner breath before, but unfortunately it didn't work, and the two seemed to have no compatibility.

You must know that the Yin Yang family's Hun Xi Long You can be integrated into the skill after being trained to enhance the strength. This is also the main reason why Hun Xi Long You is so powerful after training.

It's just that his dragon energy is foreign, not inspired by his own body cultivation, and he doesn't have that kind of blood, so it is naturally difficult to fit and integrate.

At that time, he was guessing that there might be a fit after he refined the dragon blood, so he directly focused on the dragon blood, and now he tried it, and it was true.


"Why is only the middle finger modified?"

Looking at the middle finger covered with dark golden dragon scales, Tian Hao felt quite depressed.

This is an ominous sign!
The body of refining the blood of the alien beast will be eroded, so that it has some animal characteristics. For example, Tianze's snake scales also have scales after refining, which are even stronger dragon scales.

It's just that the dragon blood he refined is only a derivative, not as good as the original dragon blood, and there is only a small drop, and the change is not big. He only completed the transformation of the middle finger.

Of course, this is only the initial fusion. As the refining and fusion becomes deeper and deeper, the changed parts will become larger and larger, at least covering the entire arm.

But why start with the middle finger?

“The missing foundation has indeed been repaired.”

No longer thinking about this depressing matter, Tian Hao felt the full feeling in his body and felt very comfortable.

It was really helpless to rehabilitate the last time. The skill was easy to recover, but it was too difficult to make up for the lost foundation.

What he thought of was to strengthen himself with the help of refining the blood of the alien beast, so as to make up for the loss of the foundation, and even obtain a great enhancement.

"Finished training?"

Just when Tian Hao was thinking about something, a plain hand stretched out from behind, sliding along the neck towards the solid pectoralis major muscles of the chest, and a seductive female fragrance came from behind.


"Don't even look at where this is!"

Lifting the goblin behind him in front of him, he slapped the elf in front of him.

"The slave family misses you!"

Zhao Ji was in pain, with a look of aggrieved attachment, and sat down in Tian Hao's arms. However, she soon realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously reached out to grab it. The terrifying vision made her take a breath.

"How did it get so big?"

Shocked and a little dazed, Zhao Ji was really frightened, and even subconsciously looked at her forearm, and then moved her eyes to her upper arm, her pretty face turned pale.

Can you bear it yourself?

"Don't pinch!"

Tian Hao hurriedly pulled out the bare hand that had started to pinch and verify, and slapped him again, which was very sexy.

Because in the Lishan King's Tomb, he didn't wear battle armor, but a wide robe, and the terrifying vision of a pillar supporting the sky was also specially bound by a belt inside, which was close to the dantian, which was originally thought to be enough It's hidden, but who would have thought it would be discovered by this bitch.

"Lu Buwei and Ying Zichu are about to attack King Qin. I need you to stay in Xianyang to watch them and take over the clan members who are dissatisfied with them."

Speaking of business, he needs Zhao Ji to take over the royal power after Qin Wangzhu's death.

Although Ying Zichu is now the prince of Qin, killing his father and ascending the throne has always been a taboo in the royal family, and some people will definitely be dissatisfied.

For this group of people, Ying Zichu will either pay a price to win them over, suppress them, or even erase them. He needs to win them over to avoid internal friction in the Qin Dynasty and pave the way for Yingzheng to ascend the throne in the future, and at the same time to fight against Lu Buwei and Luo Wang.

By letting Yan Lingji read Jing Salamander's memory, he learned some secrets about Luo Sheng. This is a deeply hidden organization. The sword slaves of Yue Wang Ba Sword are just a sign on the surface, but there are also hidden secrets inside. There is someone behind the scenes controlling this.

However, even Jing Salamander didn't know much about the people behind the scenes. He only knew that Zhanri was not the controller of the net, and he had some guesses, which showed how deep the other party was hiding.

And being able to secretly control the net must not be a certain person, but a party, most likely one of the hundreds of scholars, and the words of the Zhou royal family are also suspicious.

Maybe Zhi Ri, the leader of the Eight Swordsmen of the Yue King, knew something. Unfortunately, Master Six Finger Black Man's attack was too fast and he didn't have time to interrogate him. He could only wait for Luo Wang to train the next generation of Zhi Ri to see if he would be contacted by the people behind the scenes.

Therefore, the snare is extremely terrifying, and you must take precautions to avoid being deceived in the future.

"The slave family is going to wait for Ying Zhu to die and guard the Lishan King's Mausoleum for three years in the name of his husband's filial piety, and then suggest that Ying Zichu send those who are not convinced to guard the mausoleum."

Zhao Ji revealed her plan.

She has not only been practicing in the past few months, but also thinking about the next plan, especially the benefits that can be brought about after Yingzhu's death. It is also a great opportunity for them. As long as they plan properly, they will be able to A great harvest.

"The slave family has always protected you like a jade."

At the end of the sentence, Su raised her hand and stroked the solid pectoralis major muscles again. This solidity made her feel safe.

In particular, the talent shown by this man in the Battle of Baiyue was even more attractive, which made her even more obsessed.

I really want to swallow it alive, if I can swallow it!

Tian Hao happily rewarded her. This girl got itchy after just a day without taking care of herself. She didn't have the majesty of Princess Qin at all. It seemed that she still needed to be trained.


Zhao Ji, who was in pain again, rolled her eyes resentfully, knowing that she was bullying others.

"Are you injured internally?"

Suddenly she saw a wisp of nosebleed slowly flowing down from someone's nostril. Zhao Ji was shocked and asked with concern.

"It's flowing again."

After wiping under his nose, Tian Hao looked depressed at the blood on his fingertips.

Sometimes excess yang energy is not a good thing.

"There is something wrong with my cultivation. The yang energy in my body is too strong and needs to be calmed down."

Looking at Zhao Ji's concerned expression, Tian Hao thought for a while and told his own problems.

He had communicated with Tian Lao several times before and concluded that he was now racing against the growth of Yang Qi. He had to transform his body and meridians to a sufficient level before the Yang Qi reached its extreme backlash.

Self-cultivation is one aspect, and finding someone to slow down the growth of Yang Qi in the body is another way.

"No, people will die."

Zhao Ji was startled and jumped out of someone's arms. Her face was frightened, and her pretty face turned pale again.

Just now she has felt the terrifying vision, which is definitely not what she can bear, if she really wants to go into battle, she will die.

I don't know if there is a way to strengthen myself, otherwise this piece of fat is not easy to swallow.

"There is no need for that step of communication, just the transfer of skills."

Tian Hao persuaded him helplessly. Tian Lao said before that he should follow the stove combining yin and yang, that is, follow the path of the Yellow Emperor, and finally achieve the balance of yin and yang.

But that would treat the symptoms but not the root cause. With my current level of Yang Qi, if I wanted to neutralize it, I would have to sleep at least a thousand people.

Although that kind of life is quite cool, but the problem is that the current life is not stable enough, there are too many people who want to die by themselves, Lu Buwei, Luo Wang, the people behind the Luo Wang, Yin Yang Family, Trick City, Zhao Guo, Lord Xinling , South Korea, Chu State, Qin State's Chu lineage, etc., there are too many.

He must become stronger as soon as possible in order to resist the hostility of those people.

So he couldn't stop his footsteps, he could only walk the path where the yang gave birth to the yin.

Although this road is very dangerous, he is only [-]% sure now, but it is worth a try.

"Is it just a transfer of power?"

Zhao Ji breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't such a deep exchange.

Although she was very greedy for this man, she didn't want to die. At least she had to be prepared.

"It's just a transfer of skills."

Nodding his head, Tian Hao stretched out his hands, signaling to reach out.

After being further confirmed, Zhao Ji carefully stretched out her plain hand and pressed it into the big hand, and then felt a scorching electric current flowing in from her left hand, flowing through her whole body, and then flowing out from her right hand, which made her shiver. Eyes blurred.


Sensing the changes in Zhao Ji's body, Tian Hao's eyes twitched. He stood up and went to the side to get a coat, folded it and handed it over.

This secret room was used by Yingzheng himself to practice. The generator box that Moban built was here, so there are complete facilities in it.


It took a while for Zhao Ji to come back to her senses, and immediately her eyes were full of fire.

"Put it on first so you don't have to deal with it later."

Tian Hao signaled to put the folded set of clothes on it first, and at the same time he was quite satisfied with the practice just now.

Although the time was very short, and it only operated for one big cycle, the yang qi mixed in the internal force did ease a little, which proved to be effective.

"Come again!"

Zhao Ji's fighting spirit is rising. She is a little afraid of real swords and guns now, but if it is just this kind of confrontation in the air, she can fight for [-] rounds!
Tian Hao would not refuse. He put his hands together again and transferred his inner energy. His eyes fell on the middle finger covered with dark golden dragon scales. He thought of the reverse scale sword spirit. Maybe his original guess was right.

(End of this chapter)

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