Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 187 Ancient Demonic Hand

Chapter 187 Ancient Demonic Hand
Following the map given by Master Xu before, we arrived at the power generation room deep in the mountain. A giant generator was built there. The power source came from the river water guided through the holes. It was a kind of hydroelectric generator.

At this moment, Dahei was lying on the ground, with a copper rod in his mouth and a chain wrapped around his tail. Under him was a dry insulating board, and electricity was constantly flowing in his huge body.

The power generation capacity of the large generator is quite terrifying, and even Tian Hao dare not use it at full power, but it is just right for Da Hei, and he even keeps humming comfortably.

"I will enjoy it."

Tian Hao complained, that big guy is becoming more and more spiritual and humane.

"Thunder and lightning suits him very well. Over the course of the day, his claws have grown bigger and his body has become thicker, becoming more and more like a dragon."

Moban, who had been watching from the side, said that he was very surprised by Dahei's growth.

Dragons are very different from snakes. In addition to their unique claws and horns, their bodies are also thicker.

Because only a strong body can provide power for the dragon claws. Otherwise, a body as slender as a poisonous snake will not be able to explode much power even with dragon claws.

This is a characteristic of the body structure. To put it simply, it is a kind of coordination.

Dahei was originally the size of a snake. Although it was very large, its overall proportions were slender, but now it has become thicker and its claws are growing and enlarging further. It is obviously transforming into the form of a dragon.

"Can I get that kind of armor?"

Tian Hao asked about something he had mentioned to Mo Ban before. When Mo Ban led him to the shooting range, he mentioned his thoughts about Dahei.

Moban, who had been staring at Dahei closely, replied: "It is difficult for Dahei's strength to drag steel armor of that size flexibly. We have to add auxiliary mechanisms. There are two difficulties now. One is Dahei's body shape. It is growing, and it is hard to say to what extent it will eventually grow. We will have to wait until it completes this transformation before it can be finalized and manufactured.

Second, the current production of that kind of alloy is not too high. It can supply tens of thousands of troops, but it will be very difficult to get that kind of armor for Dahei.

My idea is to cast it with first-generation carbon steel on the inside, and cover it with a layer of second-generation carbon steel on the outside to prevent corrosion. "

He was also very interested in this proposal. After arranging accommodation for Tianze and others, he came to Dahei to calculate the data and even had some ideas about the model.

This is not difficult for him. He has been designing and manufacturing new types of mechanical giants before, and he is very experienced in this kind of giant mechanical creations.

It's just that the existence of those two difficulties makes things not easy to handle, and we have to wait.

"There's no rush, as long as we can get it out before the decisive battle, we can use this to attract some people."

Tian Hao was not in a hurry. Dahei's main role in the battle of Longxi was to be a bait, luring some people to attack and kill them, and then kill them in turn.

"Who hurt Dahei like that?"

Hearing this, Mo Ban asked in confusion. He could see seven scars on Dahei's body that had not yet completely healed. The scales there had not yet grown up. From the scale of the scars, he could tell how serious the injury he had suffered.

Someone can actually hurt Dahei to such an extent, who is it?
"He is the owner of the Han Light Sword, a strong man in the heaven and human realm."

Speaking of this matter, Tian Hao's face was extremely solemn. He didn't know if the unknown sword master would appear this time. It would be great if he could be killed here.

"Contains a lightsaber!"

Hearing the light sword, Mo Ban's expression changed slightly and became serious as well.

"what happened?"

Hearing the abnormality in Mo Ban's tone, Tian Hao turned his head and looked inquiringly.

"My ancestors lived in an era very close to Confucius, and they were from the Song Dynasty. They knew Confucius and Confucianism very well, and there were many conflicts. According to the records left by our ancestors, the Hanguang Sword was once wielded by Confucius, and he used it to Enlightenment and ultimately becoming a heavenly being.

But since Kong Sheng, Hanguang has never been born again. I guess it is either sealed in Confucianism or in the Zhou royal family. Now that Hanguang has an owner, it must be related to the two. "

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Ban revealed the records left by his ancestors and placed the target of suspicion on Confucianism and the Zhou royal family.

"The Zhou royal family, no wonder!"

Tian Hao suddenly understood, and the doubts in his heart were solved.

He had never understood why the unknown swordsman came to assassinate Dahei. It would make sense if it was related to the Zhou royal family, or even a member of the Zhou royal family.

It’s no wonder that in the future Wuming will send Yan Lu to live in Confucianism to save his life, and Yan Lu can even become the second head of Xiaoshengxian Village. It turns out that they have been connected for a long time.

Moreover, Confucius and Confucianism have always respected Zhou rites and had a close relationship with the Zhou royal family. These are important clues.

"There is another Eastern Zhou Kingdom. I have to visit it then. It's best to find an opportunity to destroy Wuming."

After thinking about it, I thought of the Kingdom of Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

As early as more than 100 years ago, the Zhou Kingdom split into two Zhou Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Zhou Kingdoms. King Qin Ji ordered the destruction of the Western Zhou Kingdom. Now there is still an Eastern Zhou Kingdom. Calculating the time, it is almost destroyed, and it was destroyed by Lu Buwei.

If Wuming is related to the Zhou royal family, then he will definitely appear when the time comes.

Moreover, a few years later, Luo Wen hunted Wu Ming, and there was even a copper box that was the same as the Canglong Qisu Treasure Box where Wu Ming was located, but it was empty. This proved from the side that Wu Ming was most likely a member of the Zhou royal family, or at least had a close relationship with him. .

Even if Wuming really comes to attack Dahei again this time, it will be difficult for them to keep him because they have nothing to worry about here and can leave at any time.

Therefore, if you want to kill Wu Ming, you have to set up a trap in the Eastern Zhou Kingdom. If you really can't do it, you can wait for Yan Lu to appear before attacking him.

It doesn't matter whether it's despicable or not. After all, Wuming has already taken action against them, so naturally he must be killed as soon as possible at all costs.

"There were many people who wanted to sneak in or attack by force. Most of them were from our side, and a few were experts from the Qiang Di and Yuezhi. We asked for some information, and one of them was very interesting. There is a legend in the book that deep in a desert there is a huge demonic hand from hell. It is very big, one finger is much bigger than an ox or a horse, and it is made of bronze."

Moban suddenly revealed a piece of information, and had some guesses about the huge magic hand.

"Chi You's legend of the bronze giant?"

Tian Hao realized that according to the statement given in Dragon Soaring Ten Thousand Miles, Chi You once created 81 bronze giants. He had also seen it on that mural. The strongest one was the Demon God of War made of fallen stars.

As a result, the Demon God of War was sealed in Loulan, which is located deep in the Western Desert. The Western Desert may have been the battlefield between Huang Di and Chi You. It is not surprising that the remains of the bronze giant are buried in it.

Moreover, the air in the desert is dry, and the material of the bronze giant is difficult to corrode and corrode, so it is not impossible that it can be preserved to this day.

If they can get the remains of a bronze giant, their machine giant technology in the machine city will undoubtedly be qualitatively improved, and they can even directly imitate the bronze giant. Even if it is not as good as the weapon demon god made from the fallen stars, it will definitely be used to dig mountains and dig rivers. That's enough.

"It should be, otherwise with the methods of the barbarians in the Western Regions, it would be impossible and unnecessary to build such a huge bronze hand."

Mo Ban thought so too, and was very excited about it. If he could get his hands on it, his mechanism skills would definitely be improved by several levels.

"After the Yuezhi is disabled this time, we will go there. However, if it is buried deep in the desert, it will be difficult to dig it out by manpower alone. There must be enough gimmicks and gimmick beasts."

Tian Hao was also very excited. He originally thought that he would have to work hard to find Loulan, but who would have thought that the bronze giant would be discovered so soon.

"It's already being built. The iron ore in this small mine is enough to create ten three-foot-tall machine giants and machine beasts."

Mo Ban also knew that it was almost impossible to pull out a bronze giant of that size with human power alone, so he could only use the power of mechanism.

"I will practice here for a while."

After gathering his thoughts, Tian Hao said hello to Mo Ban, then he leaned forward and lay on the big black head to practice, absorbing and refining the electric current in his body, and at the same time, he transferred his own thunderous inner energy to blend with it.

Dahei is also eager for Tian Hao's inner energy that has been refining and integrating dragon energy. In addition, he is also refining dragon blood and transforming himself. The compatibility is extremely high. The two inner energy quickly merge into one. The bodies of both parties are constantly flowing, learning from each other's strengths, sublimating and transforming.

With the guidance of the dragon energy refined by Tian Hao, the compatibility between the dragon crystal and Dahei was greatly improved. The pale golden dragon blood in it flowed out and merged into Dahei's body, further guiding his body to transform towards the dragon.

Dahei's transformation was accelerating, and Tian Hao also began to accelerate his transformation.

The dark golden dragon scales that originally only extended to the wrists spread upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is using Dahei to speed up the process of dragon transformation.

Although he could slowly deepen his dragon transformation on his own, it was still too slow relatively speaking. He needed to refine that drop of dragon blood as soon as possible to further improve his physical fitness and drive the shield armor to continue to improve.

The further the Hundred Refinements of Shield Armor goes, the harder it becomes to improve. Even if he can cheat, he can't do it overnight.

With the help of that thunderbolt, I broke through the bottleneck of forty refinements. Although there is no bottleneck in each subsequent refinement, you only need to practice hard and accumulate to improve, but that also takes time.Now we are about to fight again, and anything can happen. At the same time, the battle is also a kind of training for ourselves, making us stronger.

These are unavoidable, so improving defense is crucial. Whether or not you kill the enemy is only secondary. The key is not to be killed by others.

This is not over yet. With the double cultivation with Dahei, the powerful Gu insect is also extremely excited and active, assisting the further improvement of the powerful Gu technique, making the muscles and bones of Tian Hao's whole body bulge endlessly, getting bigger little by little, inspiring Tian Hao to The final potential in this regard.

The essence of practicing the powerful Gu technique is to stimulate the body's potential, thereby guiding the body's muscles and bones to grow stronger, but this part of the potential varies from person to person. For example, Xing Tian, ​​the founder of the powerful Gu technique, increased his body to a height of ten feet, which is about the same. It is the limit of human beings.

Wushuang Ghost also has this potential. His original body size reached seven feet. After training in the Hundred Refinements of Shield Armor, he has taken a step further. Now he has reached nine feet. Although the growth rate has slowed down, he should not be able to reach one foot. question.

The Armored Sect's celebration should also have this potential, but I don't know if it can be fooled in the future.


After practicing like this for an unknown amount of time, Tian Hao stopped when his stomach growled with hunger.

"I'll come back to practice with you tomorrow."

After saying hello to Dahei, Tian Hao quickly ran out to the canteen and ate and drank to replenish his body.

Whether accelerating dragon transformation or accelerating body growth requires the consumption of a large amount of energy and nutrients. Energy can be replenished through internal energy, but the nutrients required for growth can only be obtained from food.

This is a conservation and a rule of heaven and earth that no one can break.

After a hearty meal, Tian Hao started walking in the heart of the mountain, and finally came to the place where the three thousand guards lived.

It was a huge mine, all covered with pavements. Fortunately, it had complete ventilation facilities and other daily necessities, and even a large bathroom, so living there was no problem.


Seeing Tian Hao approaching, everyone quickly stood up to greet him.

"Sit down, sit down!"

Tian Hao motioned for everyone to sit down, looking very easy-going.

He doesn't like to engage in the condescension of this era. That kind of army has no soul. In the previous life, the only one he truly recognized and recognized was JFJ. That was the strongest army in the entire history of China, because they had ideas and souls. He has created many miracles and has the spirit to fight to the last soldier without giving up.

He didn't know how to train this kind of army, but he could learn from those anti-war dramas in his previous life, especially Captain Li in "Bright Sword".

All 3000 people sat down cross-legged and looked at Tian Hao with bright eyes.

Looking at everyone present, Tian Hao said with emotion and relief: "I said at the beginning that I would bring you all to Qin to start a new life. I did this, and no one is missing."

These words moved everyone very much. When they first heard this, they didn't take it too seriously. After all, no one would die in a war.

Who would have thought that this person really did it? Although that kind of play is very wretched, it is a good play if it can save your life.

Having been on the battlefield, they cherish their lives more than anyone else, and they also like this kind of wretched general more than they did the former General Li Kai.

"The previous commitments have been fulfilled and things have come to an end. Now I want to ask you what are your thoughts on the future?"

Looking at everyone again, Tian Hao asked these people what they really thought.

He doesn't like being forced to serve as a soldier. Volunteers are the best. These people were forcibly recruited in South Korea, and they are more or less reluctant and even resentful.

This is not good and will affect the overall atmosphere.

So this time I came to ask, it also allowed these people to make a choice.

This statement made everyone stunned and immediately fell into thinking. Some people were even confused and caught off guard.

"General Mengwu led the army to help South Korea clean up the banditry. You all know how the banditry was formed. At that time, I gave General Mengwu a list of the addresses of the family members of the [-]-strong army led by General Li Kai. Including yours, they all took over.

I promised you that I would give you a new start in Qin, and now I have exceeded my promise. Next, you have two choices. One is to continue to fight as a soldier under me. This will be dangerous, and I can't do it. I guarantee that I can lead all of you to survive every battle, I can only do my best.

The other is to be demobilized and return to the fields. I will arrange a piece of land for you to grow and settle down. There is no guarantee of prosperity, but there will be no problem with food and clothing. You deserve these.

There is no need to answer immediately. Think carefully, this is related to your future. Making a rash choice is not only irresponsible to you, but also irresponsible to your family. "

Tian Hao said it very seriously. This is a serious topic in itself.

"General, will I continue to fight with you in such a vulgar way?"

At this time, someone suddenly asked, and then everyone laughed. The word "obscene" was so appropriate, and they were also laughing at the boy's stupidity.

They all knew this word, but it was different when they said it, let alone saying it in front of the general. It was quite embarrassing.

As soon as the black line appeared on Tian Hao's forehead, he immediately retorted and cursed: "You know a hammer. That's not called vulgarity, that's called tactics. Do you understand tactics?"

It's okay if there is no explanation. Once the explanation was given, many people who were holding back laughed, and Tian Hao's face turned dark with laughter.

It took a while for the laughter of these people to stop, and they looked at their general again.

"That's how things are now. Compared to when we were in Baiyue, the situation is much better, manpower is no longer tight, and you have more opportunities to choose.

I don’t like to force others to do things, especially things like leading soldiers in war where one can lose one’s life at any time..."

After the laughter stopped, Tian Haofang continued to speak, detailing the current situation. He hoped that these people could think about it before making the final choice.

Everyone also listened attentively, knowing that the general was really thinking about them, and even the family members behind them. They had to pay attention to this.

At the same time, they also knew that the general meant what he said, but they had to think about the pros and cons themselves before making a decision.

"General, if you don't let us come here with armor and crossbows, do you have new weapons?"

After Tian Hao finished speaking, Zhao Da suddenly asked.

This time they were all traveling lightly, bringing only a spear and no armor or crossbows. It was obvious that there was new equipment here, and it might even be better.

"That's a military secret!"

Tian Hao smiled and did not explain, but this smile could be regarded as an answer, which made Zhao Da and others' eyes shine.

The last time they fought fiercely with the army of Chu State, they fought very frankly. Even if they rushed out of the tunnel that time, they didn't die, mainly because the equipment was too good.

Not only the crossbows, but also the armor on the body.

That armor was much stronger than the iron armor they had in Korea. Arrows could not penetrate it at all, and it was difficult for spears and spears to penetrate it, not to mention that there was a set of chain armor inside that covered the whole body.

Coupled with the inch-thick steel shield, it is almost impossible to solve.

As for the strong men in the army, they also have masters here to deal with them. They only have to deal with ordinary soldiers, and they are almost crushed.

But now that we have abandoned those steel armors, there must be something better, and if we wear them, we will be more secure.

"I hope you can make a careful decision this time. This time it is more important and serious than the decision I asked you to make last time in Baiyue. Once you choose to stay under my command, you can only follow me for the rest of your life, and there is no possibility of quitting midway. , even if you are disabled, I will arrange for you to work internally and provide for your retirement.

That's because you will be exposed to more secrets. Taking those secrets out will only make you a target for some people and bring danger to you and your family, so you can only stay under my command.

Maybe you will all die in a battle or somewhere..."

In the end, Tian Hao reminded them again with serious words that these people will be the first batch of bad people and must be treated with caution.

Although they have been brainwashed and deceived many times before, it is inevitable that there will be people who want to get rid of their weapons and return to their fields and live a stable life. This cannot be forced.

(End of this chapter)

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