Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 197 Wei Wu is dead!

Chapter 197 Wei Wu is dead!

"Do you really want to kill all Wei soldiers?"

After leaving the Qin Army camp, the Six-fingered Black Man showed his unbearable expression. After all, there were tens of thousands of people there.

"It's not up to us to decide. It mainly depends on whether King Wei's heart is that greedy."

Shrugging, Tian Hao was powerless to do anything about it. People were already planning to attack him, so he couldn't let them just kill him.

If Wei soldiers are really allowed to land and fight, the Qin army will definitely suffer heavy casualties in a head-on battle, not to mention the [-] Wei army behind them.

As a member of the Qin State, he could only find ways to kill the enemy at the minimum cost so as to protect his own side.


With a sigh, the Six-fingered Black Man knew that this was a dead end, and he had no way to influence King Wei's thoughts. At the same time, this was also a major source of troubled times.

Maybe only through unification can this troubled world be changed.

The two of them stopped talking and returned to the Luoshui fork in silence. Tian Hao took Dahei back to the Yellow River, and fed Dahei with the help of the fish there to prepare for the war three days later.

At the same time, maintain those cowhide and sheepskin bags. After all, they are fur. Even if it has been tanned with chemicals, it is still a test to soak it in water for a long time.

They would need to use this to return later, but they couldn't let those air bags rot and break.

Not to mention Tian Hao's arrangements, in the Qin army camp on the other side, Meng Tian selected [-] people who were somewhat aquatic and boarded the boat to spear fish in Luoshui.

"Let's see how long you can last."

After receiving the report, Lu Buwei sneered and didn't take it to heart.

There are indeed a lot of fish in Luoshui, but those soldiers are not fishermen, and they don't have fishing nets in their hands. How many fish can they get by spearing them with their long swords alone?

At most, it was just to improve the food. However, what Lu Buwei didn't expect was that Meng Ao and Tian Hao's idea was to improve the food for the soldiers and prepare for the big war three days later. It was also a way to recharge their batteries.

At the same time, Meng Ao stepped up the construction of the trebuchet and obtained many stones of suitable sizes, as if he was going to fight decisively.

However, even though there were less than [-] troops here, Gongcheng still did not dare to send troops to attack, and even the armies elsewhere in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were waiting and watching.

The name of the Tiger and Wolf Army of the Qin State was gained through fighting, especially after the Bai Qi era. The name Qin Army can stop children from crying at night. No one wants to fight with the Qin Army head-on, especially those of the Eastern Zhou State that have not been around all year round. In the small vassal state where the war was fought, the soldiers had basically never been on the battlefield. It was okay to bully the common people, but to fight against the Qin army, it was pure courting death.

And it is true that no one can see through the Qin army's arrangement, because it looks normal.

The food and grass of the Qin army were burned, so people naturally had to find a way to get some food and grass. They were leaning on the river and had some small boats in their hands. It was normal to use them to catch fish. No one could associate it with practicing interpolation, even if The ten thousand Qin troops also thought that they were just catching fish.

As for stationing troops at the ferry, it is normal to even send the Golden Fire Cavalry there. After all, there are tens of thousands of Wei warriors at the ferry downstream, so it would be impossible to defend them without sending more troops there.

In this way, three peaceful days passed. Meng Ao personally went into battle and commanded an army of 1 to launch a general attack. He sent [-] troops to each city wall, and finally left [-] troops to support and deal with abnormal situations.

All the soldiers of the Qin army pushed forward the trebuchets, and other soldiers also pushed forward specially made thick wooden carts to resist the crossbow arrows shot from the city wall.

Although the bed crossbows on the walls of the capital city of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were just ordinary goods, they were not comparable to ordinary bows and arrows. They could not be carried with a shield, so only this kind of cart could be used, which was made of thick wood tied together. wooden wall.

This was what Meng Ao had ordered his soldiers to build in the past few days. Not to mention how durable it was, it would definitely not be a problem to withstand a day of arrow fire.

Neatly tied wood was also tied to the trebuchet to form a wooden wall to block the arrows, so that the Qin soldiers behind could easily carry the stones and pull the trebuchet.

"Bang bang bang..."

Stones were thrown out one after another and hit the city wall, so heavy that the Eastern Zhou soldiers did not dare to show their heads at the top of the city. Many bedsteads and crossbows were even hit and damaged, especially those near the city gate.

"Master Xiang Guo, if this battle snare can kill all the guards in the four towers, it will be considered the first achievement of the Xiang Guo."

After watching for a while, Meng Ao just said to Lu Buwei, which was considered a promise.

He knew that Lu Buwei needed a real military merit, and it had to be the first merit. Only with enough military merit could he intervene in military affairs.

In this case, let's just give him a favor to prevent this thing from causing trouble again.

"That's what General Meng said."

After looking at Meng Ao, Lu Buwei agreed and immediately signaled to the Six Sword Slave behind him.

The Six Sword Slaves understood, and disappeared in a flash, using various means to sneak into Gong City.

Then the snare killers who had already sneaked into Gong City took action, gathered into four groups and forced their way into the towers with four walls, killing the inner guard.

Although such a forced killing in broad daylight would make Luo Wang lose its greatest advantage and cause huge damage, Luo Wang only focused on the task. As long as the task could be successful and the final reward was worthwhile, then it could be done.

As the defenders in the towers on all sides were killed, the defenders on the top of the city fell into chaos. Meng Ao took the opportunity to order a strong attack and soon advanced the battlefield to the top of the city.

At this time, several birds flew out of the city and flew in different directions, and one of them flew to the east.

After glancing at the bird flying towards the east, Meng Ao continued to command the army to attack with an expressionless face, and steadily ordered the soldiers to form formations and advance at the top of the city to minimize losses.

There is no need to end the battle prematurely now. After all, his target is not those Eastern Zhou soldiers, but some of them, especially the Hanguang Sword Master who assassinated the black dragon.

The real decisive battle has not yet begun.

After the battle situation above was initially stabilized, Meng Ao climbed up to the tower above the main gate, looked at the rotating bases under the bed crossbows, and clearly understood Huang Tianhou's last reminder that night.

In itself, this kind of rotatable base is not very useful. At least this kind of base that can rotate in all directions is not necessary. After all, the bed crossbow is a tool used to defend the city. It is mainly used for external use. It really wants the enemy to penetrate into the city. , the top of the city has almost fallen. Having a bed crossbow that can be turned into the city will make it easier for the enemy to target the city.

"Tian'er, lead someone to seize these bed crossbows, turn them all towards the palace, and shoot them hard."

Meng Ao decisively gave the order to Changsun, and it was time to follow Huang Tianhou's plan.

"Yes, General!"

Meng Tian took the order and led a thousand-man brigade to occupy and control the bed crossbows.

This thousand-man brigade is Grandpa's personal soldiers. They have been following him for more than ten years. There is no problem with their identity and status, and they can avoid problems to the greatest extent.

Not to mention the arrangements of Meng Ao and his grandson here, the King of Wei in Daliang City of Wei State on the other side quickly received the intelligence from Feiqiao and immediately ordered Wei Qing to quickly attack the Eastern Zhou Kingdom and rush to Gongcheng to assist in the defense.

Gongcheng is very important. Once the Qin army captures it, it will be difficult for them to attack it. In this way, the Qin State will have another direct route to the Wei State, and they will become more passive.

Gongcheng must be captured and defended at all costs before the Qin army has completely broken through and gained a foothold.

Wei Qing, who originally had some ideas, received the urging from the King of Wei, but had no choice but to lead his army upstream by boat with the help of the wind, and quickly reached the ferry.

It is not easy to land on the shore. You must have a suitable ferry, otherwise you may sink your whole body if you jump into the water rashly. At the same time, you also have to look at the topography of the river bank, so there are not many suitable ferry crossings. Plus, time is tight, so the choice is difficult. Less.

The only way to cross was by force, and sacrifices were inevitable.

Thirty thousand Wei warriors sailed upstream in hundreds of large ships, traveling close to the center of the river. Only there could they make the most of the wind to move upstream, otherwise the ships might have to be pushed eastward by the river.

Soon arriving a hundred feet away from the ferry, Wei Qing looked at the tens of thousands of Qin troops waiting in formation at the ferry, as well as the golden fire cavalry wandering behind, knowing that a fierce battle would follow.

However, he was confident of winning, because he led Wei Wuzu, the strongest and largest warrior army in the Wei Kingdom, which was enough to compete with several times the enemy's army.

Not to mention that there are still [-] troops behind them. After they land, the ships will return and bring in another [-] troops. They will also have an advantage in terms of strength.

Therefore, the advantage is mine, and I will win this battle!
"Get closer and fight ashore!"

After looking around to make sure there were no other abnormalities and no more hidden ambushes, Wei Qing ordered a landing attack. The huge Dianqing walked towards the bow of the ship, preparing to be the first to rush ashore to open up the situation.

A group of masters from the Armored Sect also came behind Jianqing, preparing to be the vanguard of this battle and clear the way.

The Wei warriors on the boat behind also took out their large shields to guard against the arrows that the Qin army would shoot later.

But before the fleet could get close to it, the front hull suddenly shook and started to shake violently, as if it had been knocked down by some kind of giant object. The violent swing even threw some soldiers off the boat and fell into the cold river water.

Then the hull began to sink rapidly, and the shaking became more violent.

"what happened?"

Stabilizing their bodies, Dianqing and others hurriedly ran to the side of the boat and looked towards the river. They saw a row of huge, bright blades moving quickly across the river, like connected saws, quickly cutting or even shredding the bottom of the boat. Let the river water flow into the hull.

Even through the turbid river water, they could vaguely see something huge swimming by below. Before they could react, the bottoms of dozens of large ships in front were cut into pieces and they sank quickly.

Then the underwater thing quickly swam towards the rear fleet, sweeping left and right, as if it was going to destroy the entire fleet.

"Send the order, let the fleet behind them disperse as soon as possible and avoid the underwater things." Wei Qing was a qualified general after all, and he quickly reacted and responded.

The order is correct, but unfortunately the ship is neither a human nor a horse. It is difficult to change the direction, at least it is difficult to change quickly and it takes time.

This moment of time became a reminder for them. Before the fleet could disperse, Dahei swept through the entire fleet in a zigzag pattern, destroying the bottoms of all the big ships and cutting them with the dorsal fins of the blades on his back. .

This is an attack method designed by Tian Hao for Dahei Armor. There is a row of huge triangular blades on the back, which are like sawtooths when connected. They can shred the bottom of the ship as long as they walk over.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to use against modern iron ships, but it will be absolutely accurate against wooden ships of this era.

After taking care of Wei's fleet, Tian Hao signaled Dahei to change direction and go to Luoshui, and then go to Gongcheng through Luoshui.

There is no need for him to take care of this place anymore. A group of Wei soldiers in the water are just lambs to be slaughtered. Most of them will be dragged into the bottom of the river by their heavy armor. Even if they take off their armor smartly, they will still have to face the Qin army. The ultimate kill of those [-] harpooners.

As for landing, do you really think that the [-] troops on the shore are just a display?
The armored sect masters who were waiting for the ceremony on the ship were so angry that they almost wanted to vomit blood, but there was nothing they could do.

If internal martial arts practitioners fall into the water, they can still use light skills to run on the water, but hard skills warriors do not have that ability, and their weight is much greater than ordinary people. If they really fall into the water, it will be difficult to float, and they will directly Sunk to the bottom of the water.

Tian Hao didn't pay much attention to the Wei army here. He had already met the Qin army fleet that was going down the river. The two sides passed each other, but the Qin army fleet was on the river, and Tian Hao and Dahei were In the river water, it is difficult to see due to the turbidity of the Yellow River.

The Qin army fleet here passed by, and the Wei army's ship just sank, leaving only some logs floating on the river. Some Wei warriors who had taken off their armor were holding on to the logs and floating to save their lives.

But before they could take a breath, [-] Qin soldiers arrived in small boats, armed with spears, swords, and even crossbows. Seeing the remaining Wei soldiers, they could not help but feel despair. .

This is a series of lore, they are over, completely over!
Not to mention the desperate Wei soldiers on one side, Tian Hao and Dahei on the other side swam quickly in the water, upstream along the Luoshui River, and then turned into a tributary and came all the way to the vicinity of Gongcheng.

"Take a breath first."

Signaling Dahei to slow down for a while, Tian Hao waited for Master Six Finger Black Man to come over and see if the situation in the city was right. If he could, he would fight. If not, then retreat. There was no need to hold on here, his own safety was the most important thing.

"There's something weird in the palace."

Not long after, the Six-fingered Black Man jumped over and briefly explained his findings.


Raising his eyebrows, Tian Hao guessed that the plot set up by those people should be in the palace.

"Just a feeling that I might have been spotted."

Telling what he had discovered before, the Six-Fingered Black Man felt that there must be something wrong with the palace, or even an ambush, and that there was an extremely special and powerful person there.

"Have you been discovered, Master, or has the Sun-Concealing Sword in your hand been discovered?"

After looking at the cheap master in front of him for a while, his eyes finally locked on the sun-shielding sword, and he had some guesses in his heart.

After watching so many martial arts from other schools, this master's cultivation strength is not bad. In addition, the Mohist Kung Fu is good at concealing aura, and now that he has the Sun-Concealing Sword in his hand, it stands to reason that as long as they are not facing each other face to face, The likelihood of being detected by perception is slim.

However, now it has been discovered that the problem is definitely not with the Six-Fingered Black Man. If you look closely, it is only the sun-hiding sword that has the problem.

Although the sword was recast, it referenced the spirituality of the original Sun-Shielding Sword.

"A net?"

He was slightly startled, then looked down at the sun-covering sword in his hand, and the six-fingered black man understood.

"That proves that the fish really took the bait."

Grinning, his smile was very ferocious, this is what Tian Hao was waiting for.

Not to mention the person behind the trap this time, he must at least see through the opponent's identity so that he can target him later. Otherwise, his eyes will be darkened and he will not even know who his opponent is. He is too passive.

"It will be an inevitable fierce battle."

The six-fingered black man sighed, and immediately took out a short stick from behind, put one end on the hilt of the sword, and pressed the button. The original four-foot-long stick became six-foot long, plus the three-foot-long sword. The body has turned into a nine-foot-long spear.

He also practiced the Hundred-Refined Shield Armor and the Powerful Gu Technique, and his body had reached seven feet. It would be too light to use a sword, so he asked Master Xu to make a handle for the new Sun-Shielding Sword. The last set is a long spear, which can bring out its own strength advantages.

With such an energetic fellow practitioner, he has the confidence to fight even against a veteran Heavenly Realm powerhouse.

At this time, four more figures came, and they were the four of Tian Ze.

"Why are you? Where is my teacher?"

Tian Hao was stunned as he looked at the bald old man walking towards him.

It was previously agreed that Sima Jin would come, how come he became this person?
"I'm here to protect the young lady."

Bai Qi replied expressionlessly, feeling very unhappy inside. He wanted to spend more time with his daughter, but unexpectedly, he was ordered by his daughter to come over and act as a guard for this boy.

"Can you do it?"

Hearing that it was Bai Ye's arrangement, Tian Hao instinctively felt that it was unreliable, and her style of painting was also very unreliable.

"Want to try?"

The big yellow teeth were exposed, and the cold smile made Tian Hao couldn't help but shudder, and a chill hit his heart.

"No need, no need."

He quickly waved his hand. This murderous aura alone was enough to prove his strength. He was by no means worse than Sima Jin. In terms of strength alone, he might even be stronger.

Sima Jin is a commanding general, not a fierce general who charges into battle, and his combat power is only secondary.

This man was probably a fierce general who was good at leading charges and stabbing people, and when he got old, he was arranged to live in the Wu'an Lord's Mansion.

"Did anyone find anything?"

Turning his attention to Tianze and the others, Tian Hao needed more information.

"I have discovered the master of the Hanguang Sword. He is a man wearing a pink robe."

Mrs. Xu opened her mouth and revealed her discovery. Kong Zhouzhou's swords were in a series and had mysterious connections with each other. She was holding the Shadow Sword and felt the Hanguang Sword. She could find people as long as they were close to a certain range.

"The Yamaki Orochi bloodline in my body resonated once."

Tianze spoke immediately and revealed an unusual discovery.

"Is Mr. Chu Nan here too?"

Tian Hao immediately thought of Chu Nan Gong and didn't know what he had done to himself and the snake egg.

"Tai'a sword is also in the city."

Bai Qi said, he vaguely sensed a familiar atmosphere in the city, and he was afraid that he would meet someone he knew.

"Confucianism? Is it Xunzi?"

When Tian Hao heard about Tai'a Sword, he immediately thought of Confucianism. The contemporary swordsman of Tai'a Sword was none other than Xunzi of Confucianism, who was passed down to Fu Nian in the future.

Fu Nian hasn't grown up yet, so Xunzi can only come.

Given the relationship between Confucianism and the Zhou royal family, it is not surprising that someone will come, but I don't know if that person will directly intervene.

In the end, Xuan Jian was speechless because he was not very interested in probing. The only thing that interested him was killing people.

"It's probably these people, plus at most Donghuang Taiyi from the Yin Yang family. When this thing detonates, you all come to me and let Dahei protect us, otherwise we will die."

After thinking about it for a while, Tian Hao pointed to the oversized bomb stuck under the big black head, which was a big killer.

"Can this thing kill a heavenly being?"

Bai Qi stepped forward and looked at the round iron lump. He didn't believe it. According to his senses, it didn't react at all. It was just a dead thing and had no sense of threat.

"If you're close, you'll definitely be killed. If you're farther away, you'll still have to peel off your skin. Let's take the opportunity to beat up the drowned dog when the time comes."

Shrugging, Tian Hao didn't finish his words. The destructive power of this thing will weaken rapidly as the distance increases, and there are many unreasonable things in this world. It is too difficult to kill a heavenly being.

(End of this chapter)

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