Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 203 The Mind of Killing God

Chapter 203 The Mind of Killing God

"Your father is Bai Qi, Lord Wu'an. He became a heavenly being with his killing skills. Have you received his inheritance in this aspect?"

Not paying attention to the weird looks in everyone's eyes, Tian Hao said what he was thinking.

What needs to be solved now is the increasing amount of Yin Qi and murderous intent. He has a way to deal with the Yin Qi, but there is no good way to deal with the murderous intent. Even the Seven Kills Spear Spirit cannot quickly swallow and refine so much murderous intent. .

Therefore, he needs a technique to use or cultivate murderous aura. For this technique, he must find the killing god Bai Qi.

I don't know if she is traveling around the mountains or hiding in a ravine to recuperate. I can't find her. I can only find a solution from Bai Ye, the daughter of the God of Death.

"Why should I give it to you?"

Bai Ye said something instinctively, he didn't want to see someone get what he wanted.

"You need a stroke, don't you?"

Raising his palm, Tian Hao didn't like this attitude.

Not to mention that now is a serious matter, a major matter, and there is no room for nonsense.

This raised slap made Bai Ye tremble instinctively, and she grabbed her father's sleeves tighter, obviously there was already a shadow in her heart.

Seeing this scene, I frowned and jumped, and I wanted to chop that thing into pieces even more.

Bullying my daughter in front of me, do you really think that I, Gongsun Qi, can't lift a sword?

"I can give it to you, but you have to promise me one thing."

Recalling the past dominated by that slap, Bai Ye knew that the adulterer was a person who must pay back every penny he spent. He hesitated and finally chose to compromise, but he also put forward conditions.


Signing to speak, Tian Hao now only wants the inheritance of the God of Killing.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

With a roll of his eyes, Bai Ye suppressed this condition for the time being until the need arises later. Anyway, with his father here, he is not afraid that the lewd thief will not admit his fault.

"it is good!"

Still no hesitation, Tian Hao has his own principles for this kind of thing. If the conditions proposed are reasonable, he can do it. It doesn't matter if he meets it, but if he makes trouble unreasonably, he will let the girl know what the Lightning Demon Subduing Palm is.

"give him!"

Seeing someone agree, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief and immediately signaled his father to deliver the goods.


Seeing that his daughter was betrayed so easily, Bai Qi felt depressed.

"Your Majesty integrated the murderous aura into your mind back then, and used it to break through the limits and become a heavenly being..."

Although he was depressed, Bai Qi still explained his cultivation of murderous aura as a dowry for his daughter.

Back then, due to the influence of the sword recast with fragments of the Tiger Wing Evil Sword, his murderous nature became stronger and stronger, and he finally condensed a huge murderous aura.

At that time, he was about to get the murderous aura backfired, completely losing control and going crazy. In the end, he survived, integrated the murderous aura into his state of mind, achieved a murderous state of mind, and broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop to become a heavenly being.

After that, he understood the way of killing through the realm of cultivation in the realm of heaven and man, and combined with his own experience to deduce a set of mental methods to specifically cultivate the way of killing with murderous intent.

"Does this mental method have a name?"

After hearing that set of mental methods, Tian Hao asked casually.

"Your Majesty did not give me a name."

Bai Qi also casually replied that he originally created this set of mental methods just to sort out his mood and killing path, and had no intention of passing it on, because this set of mental methods was too dangerous, and he was not confident that it would succeed even if he tried it over again. , so I’m too lazy to name it.

If his daughter had not spoken this time, he would not have said it.

"The murderous aura in you has begun to be successful, and you have barely reached the qualifications for cultivation. However, it is extremely dangerous to induce the murderous aura to merge into the state of mind. It is best to have a negative mood as a bridge, otherwise once the murderous aura and the state of mind conflict, the consequences will be disastrous.

Back then, Your Majesty used anger as a bridge to temporarily balance murderous intent and conflicting emotions. "

Glancing at the girl next to him with a slightly worried look in his eyes, Bai Qi sighed inwardly and gave a reminder.

"negative emotion."

Tian Hao was thoughtful, thinking about which emotion he should use.

"As for anger, I don't think there are any particularly angry things or experiences."

After carefully reflecting on my two lives, I found that I was not particularly angry about anything, at least not in my memory.

In his previous life, he was an ordinary person. He was born in a peasant family, went to school normally, and worked after graduation. He didn't have any big ideas, and even lived a somewhat hazy life. It was difficult to have major conflicts in such a life.

As for my mentality after traveling to this world, I have a relatively peaceful mind, and I am not particularly angry about anything.

Even if he was targeted many times by that mysterious being, his only intention was to find a way to kill the other party. He had murderous intent and was just as angry.

"There are not many emotions that match murderous intent, only anger and hatred. If anger doesn't work, what about hatred?"

His mind turned to hatred. Tian Hao first thought about his life in this world and found that he didn't seem to hate anyone or anything in particular. He then thought about his experiences in his previous life and thought for a long time before he found a suitable goal.

"Is this okay?"

I couldn't help but murmur in my heart, feeling a bit unreliable. The hatred for that target was definitely strong enough, but the target itself was not serious.

"Try first!"

After thinking about it, Tian Hao finally decided to give it a try. What if it works?
Just do it when you think of it, lean on the wooden pillar behind you, close your eyes and silently practice the murderous mind method, and use your spiritual power to guide your murderous intention into your state of mind.

In fact, the principle of Bai Qi's Killing God Mind Technique is very simple, which is to integrate murderous aura into the state of mind and achieve a murderous state of mind. The difficulty lies in the danger inside. If one mistake is not made, the murderous aura will enter the heart and be controlled to become a madman who only knows how to kill people. magic.

Seriously speaking, this thing has similar settings to the Demon Sword in the Storm, The World's No. [-] Dominate the World, and the Three Swords of Abi Dao.

However, Tian Hao is very confident. First, because he often used the ferocious and evil energy of Greedy Wolf Spear to sharpen his will, and he has strong resistance to such negative forces.

The second is the existence of dragon energy, which can form a second layer of insurance.

The third point is the golden finger and broken jade piece. I believe that thing will help him keep his mind from being eroded by murderous aura.

With these three trump cards as your strength, what else is there to be afraid of?

Of course, when he was running the Killing God's mental method to guide the murderous intention into his state of mind, Tian Hao did not forget to recall his hatred for that person in his previous life, and used onmyoji to hypnotize himself to strengthen that hatred.

With the yin and yang technique to hypnotize himself, he practiced the Killing God Mind Technique very smoothly. The murderous aura cultivated in the war emerged, turning into black air currents that circulated around Tian Hao, and finally converged towards his eyes.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. From here, murderous intent can be directed directly into the mind and thus the state of mind can be accessed.

The state of mind itself is a spiritual state, an illusory existence, existing in the mind.

The murderous aura merged with the hatred, and indeed did not conflict with the state of mind. It even smoothly merged with the state of mind using hatred as the pivot.

But after all, it is integrated with the state of mind, and it will inevitably have an impact, which will soon become apparent.

"You can lose the team battle, but Teemo must die. Kill him for me!"

He stood up suddenly, picked up the seven-kill gun stuck on the side and killed Lu Xingyun, who was the shortest. His face looked very ferocious, and his eyes turned black and red.

Lu Xingyun, who was originally just a melon-eater, felt bad all over when he saw the lewd thief suddenly staring at him, especially being stared at by those black and red eyes. He felt as if he was in a cruel battlefield with corpses all around. There were many ferocious-looking enemies in front of him, and they could chop him into pieces in the blink of an eye.


A long sword stopped the thrusting Seven Killing Gun, and it was the six-fingered black man who had been staring at it who took action.

In the eyes of everyone, it was the Six-fingered Black Man who took action, but in Tian Hao's eyes, it was the Wuji Sword Master who took action, and it was the skin of the Legend of Jade Sword Wuji.

He wanted to chop Teemo into pieces, but was blocked by the Infinite Sword Master. Apparently they were in the same team.

"Don't think that you are the only one who has teammates. I also have...well, where are my teammates?"

Tian Hao stood proudly and showed no signs of timidity.

Although I don’t understand why I fell into this illusion, since I’m here, I’ll have a good time. I haven’t played for many years, so I miss it.

Not to mention that this is a real-person battle type like an online game novel. Is there a bunker?

He just looked around and didn't find his teammates around him.

"A pair of two?"

After confirming that there were no teammates around him, Tian Hao held the gun in his left hand and took off the buckler on his back with his right hand.

"This will be my immortal moment, a day that the gods will remember!"

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!" He raised his gun and swore with a sacred and solemn face, then charged forward with a roar.

The Seven Kills Spear danced in his hand. Different from the flexible Greedy Wolf Spear, the rigid Seven Kills Spear was not as agile and changeable, but it was more suitable for bursts of speed. A long spear was stabbed by Tian Hao at super fast speed. A phantom appeared, most of the sharp points pointed at the flaws of the Six-fingered Black Man's sword moves, or the places least likely to receive force and receive support.

This is the hard side of the spear art created by Tian Hao. He is best at head-to-head combat, and his speed is also faster. It truly embodies the concept that in the world of martial arts, only fast is invincible.

And because of the current state, the physical instincts and mental instincts have been brought to a limit, which is more perfect than in the conscious state.

Even under the influence of instinct and the understanding blessed by golden fingers, some flaws were perfected, making the spearmanship even more perfect.

"Don't just defend, use offense to suppress him."

Bai Qi, who was watching from the side, reminded that simple passive defense was not enough, it had to be suppressed.

The six-fingered black man understood, took out the handle of the gun with his backhand and stuck it on the hilt of the sword, and started to attack with him.

"Holy shit, can I change roles?"

Tian Hao couldn't help but curse when he saw that the other party suddenly turned into Ju Huaxin, the general manager of Debon, with dark skin and sunglasses like a secret agent.

Is this fantasy game so wild?

Although he was surprised in his heart, Tian Hao kept attacking, using his dragon-shaped left arm to burst out with greater strength and speed to stab with a spear, and the shield in his right hand resisted the opponent's attack.

At the same time, I was confused, feeling that the other party's moves were a bit similar to the master's.

Is it a character formed from my memory?
"not enough!"

Bai Qi spoke again, signaling to increase his offensive, wanting to see where the boy's limit was.

At the same time, I was wondering about the boy's behavior and his weird words before. I felt that it was very different from my own behavior at the beginning, but generally speaking, it was okay, and he was not obsessed with murderous rage.

"I come!"

Xuanjian, who had gained some fighting spirit, drew his two swords and joined the battle group. The huge two swords struck in succession, forcing Tian Hao to dodge with his body skills.

"The Demon-Sealed Sword Soul! Wherever my unyielding spear is headed, I will move forward indomitably!"

Seeing the Demon-Sealing Sword Soul suddenly coming out, Tian Hao remained fearless, fighting one on two without losing the slightest bit.

This was not over yet. Xiu Niang followed Xuan Jian and the two of them joined forces to attack with the Four Seasons Sword Formation. They even popped out flying needles from time to time to carry silk threads to cut the restrictions.

She had been thinking about revenge, so since she had the opportunity this time, she couldn't miss it.

Moreover, she and Master Xuanjian's Four Seasons Sword Formation have almost been adjusted to each other, and they even have a vague feeling of being connected, and their combat power has been greatly improved.

"A Spider Queen dares to join in the fun!"

Glancing at the Spider Queen who popped out, Tian Hao basically ignored the opponent's offensive.


Suddenly there was a bang, and a bullet was shot from the outside. It was Yan Lingji who took action.

She had always wanted to fight that bad master, and this time she took action.

However, Tian Hao seemed to be aware of it. He deflected the shield immediately. Although he could not completely avoid it, he used the side of the shield to meet the bullet. Not only did he minimize the impact of the bullet on himself, he also deflected the direction of the bullet and fired instead. To seal the demon sword soul.


The bullet hit Xuanjian's thick breastplate, almost embedded it, and even made a dent in the thick breastplate.

Yan Lingji has not been idle in the past few months. She has been working hard to practice. Not only has she transformed her internal energy into internal energy, she has also improved her pyrotechnics a lot, and the bullets she fired have become more powerful.

If he were to face a top-notch armor like the Seven Seas Dragon Armor, he would definitely be able to shoot a hole through it.

The huge impact made Xuanjian take a few steps back. He looked down at the bullet embedded in his breastplate and continued to attack fiercely with his sword.

Although it didn't use all its strength and was just swinging the sword, its combat power was not low.

The six-fingered black man didn't stop either. He wandered around the perimeter and took a shot when he had the opportunity, but Tian Hao dodged it or missed it as if he was predicting the unknown.

"There's actually Piltover policewoman Caitlin. Now we're in trouble."

Tian Hao was wary, but he didn't expect that there was a Piltover policewoman lurking in the dark, sniping at him. He almost didn't react just now.

Fortunately, the murderous aura and the mind's eye merged to form an all-round perception method, otherwise he would definitely have been shot from the front.

I just don’t know what kind of skin that Piltover policewoman has.

The four of them were fighting fiercely, and the battlefield was constantly moving. They were fighting from one side to the other, and then back again. Tian Hao became more and more relaxed as he fought, but the six-fingered black man and the three of them became more and more depressed.


Another bullet came, pointing directly at Tian Hao's left shoulder, but he was shaken by his body. Just like last time, he contacted the bullet with the slope of the shoulder armor to minimize the impact, and then changed the direction of the bullet and shot it towards the six-fingered black man. .

"Girl, stop cumming!"

After narrowly dodging the bullet, the Six-Fingered Black Man broke into a cold sweat and quickly reminded him.

"How does he escape every time?"

Yan Lingji was very unhappy for accidentally injuring her teammates again. Although she had no intention of killing the bad master, she just wanted to make him suffer, but it was difficult to realize even such a small wish. It was too disgusting.

"Perfect level movement?"

Hua Yu frowned slightly, and couldn't help but recall the original concept of the realm of body skills.

At first, she only saw the subtle mental skills of the lewd thief, but she didn't expect that the other party would come up with the perfect physical skills so quickly.

According to the concept of the realm of body skills, the subtle level of mind skills is to dodge the attack with the smallest range of movement, and the perfect level of body skills is to have absolute control over the surrounding environment and the opponent's offensive, so as to avoid and counterattack the opponent.

This method of dodging and deflecting bullets is very similar to the concept of perfect body skills. Has that thing really been developed?

"I'll try it too!"

Mrs. Xu was delighted to see the hunting heart, and stepped forward to join the battle group with the Shadow Sword. She and the six-fingered black man formed the day and night changes of the Dize formation. Array.

"Why is there still a Peerless Swordswoman?"

Seeing the Peerless Swordswoman joining the battle group, Tian Hao felt even more stressed and puzzled at the same time.

"Where are my teammates? Are they all dead?"

With the blessing of the perfect Dize formation, the four people quickly suppressed and restricted Tian Hao. Tian Hao could only continue to dodge the attacks in the increasingly narrow space, and used their strength to deflect the four people's attacks. To others, the painting style is similar to The Great Shift of the Universe.

Of course, being able to withstand the siege of four people does not mean that Tian Hao's strength has reached a level that is superior to the four people. The main reason is that the four Six-Fingered Black Man did not really exert their strength, and the strength they exploded was less than [-]%. In particular, the Six-Fingered Black Man was the most lethargic. , only one burst of success would be enough to kill Tian Hao instantly.

After all, they were only assisting in training and were not really enemies of Tian Hao. There was no need to kill him. Even Xuanjian and Mrs. Xu were just a little itchy.

However, this was the first time they had seen Tian Hao's method of leveraging strength. They all suffered a bit at the beginning, and it took them a while to get used to it.

Facing the four-man attack, Tian Hao's perfect movement skills became more and more stable, his understanding of them was constantly improving, and he could barely hold on.

"It doesn't look very dangerous!"

Bai Ye didn't understand. She had thought about learning her father's mentality before, but she was severely rejected. There was no room for negotiation. She said it was too dangerous and almost impossible to survive.

But now looking at the behavior of the lewd thief, although his condition does look wrong, his consciousness should be clear and he has not gone crazy.

Not to mention Bai Ye didn't understand, Bai Qi was also very puzzled.

Why is that kid's mental method so different from his painting style back then? Are they really practicing the same mental method?

"He seemed to be in a hallucination."

Yan Lingji hesitated for a moment and expressed her judgment. She felt that the bad master must have fallen into a fantasy, otherwise it would be impossible for him to kill Lu Xingyun and say so many strange words.

"I see!"

When Yan Lingji reminded Bai Qi, he suddenly realized that he had been wondering why the painting styles were so different. It turned out that the boy was trapped in a fantasy.

Although he was in a bad state when he integrated murderous intent into his mind, he did not create an illusion. He was just so angry and murderous that he could not control himself and went to the battlefield. After the battle was over, he killed many people. The crisis was later overcome.

Especially that time when he was besieged by several powerful men, they suppressed his murderous aura and prevented him from completely losing control and going crazy. That's why he had the Six-Fingered Black Man suppress the kid before.

Who would have thought that people could enter the illusion directly and avoid the backlash of murderous aura and mental state fusion to a large extent.

"It's a good idea, you can use it to improve your mind."

With a twinkling light in the old eyes, Bai Qi felt that he could follow this line of thought and perfect his mental method. By then, his daughter should be able to practice, and avoid being bullied by that boy again in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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