Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 206: Organ Xingtian

Chapter 206: Organ Xingtian
Tian Hao did not explain, but connected his mental power to Wuming and transferred the memory fragments of the four murals he saw.

Compared to the three soldiers, Duanshui, and the souls of those killers, he trusted this unknown teacher more.

Although everyone was hostile before, the teacher's character is still trustworthy, especially now that not only have the conflicts been resolved, but there is also a master-disciple relationship, and some things can be done together.

Of course, only in this spiritual world, he could not release the nameless soul, otherwise the other party would know whether the other party would tell the secret to Confucianism.

The human heart is not easy to test or suspect, so it is better to let this teacher stay here to help him study those ghosts.

"It turns out that this is the history that was erased."

After reading the memories that came into his mind, Wuming suddenly understood. He knew that there was a period of historical records in ancient times that was blank, as if it had been deliberately erased. Even the Zhou royal family had explored it many times, but unfortunately there was no result in the end.

Nowadays, it seems that this is the history that has been erased. It is no wonder that it has to be erased, otherwise the whole world may be destroyed.

"I hope the teacher can study these ghosts and find their weak points. Once the seal of Yu Yuan is destroyed, we will have the confidence to deal with it."

Expressing his thoughts, Tian Hao's main task at this stage is cultivation, and he has no time to study these things. Moreover, his own artistic conception cultivation has just started, and he is far inferior to Wuming, the master of swordsmanship, so this person is the most suitable for research.

"Fusang tree! Is Yu Yuan sealed in Shu?"

After recalling the last mural, Wuming guessed the location of Yu Yuan's seal. As far as he knew, there was a towering tree named Fusang in the Shu Kingdom, and there was also a group of people named Yu Yuan's guards, all of which could be matched.

"But Yu Yuan's seal has been maintained for thousands of years, so why was it broken?"

I'm confused, why is it possible to be broken?

"One is the human heart, and the other is the heart of heaven!"

Tian Hao gave two reasons.

Judging from the Qin Shi animation series in the previous life, it was proposed by the Yin Yang family to remove many treasures from Shushan, especially the most critical Fusang tree. However, in this world, there are still beings who control the destiny of the world. I am afraid that the Yin Yang family's actions It is the will that exists in the dark, and the Yin Yang family itself is also in the destiny.

The Yin Yang family is easy to solve, but if the fate arranged by that mysterious being means that Yu Yuan's seal will be broken, it will be difficult to stop it.

For example, if someone suddenly dropped a thunder from the sky, destroying the Fusang tree and Yu Yuan's seal in Shushan Mountain, opening the passage that Chi You opened back then, and releasing countless evil ghosts, there would be nothing he could do to stop it.

Therefore, we must prepare for the worst and have the means to deal with the evil spirits over there.


Wuming thought thoughtfully and understood what the cheap student meant. This was not just someone who wanted to destroy the Yu Yuan seal, or what he wanted to do would destroy the Yu Yuan seal, but also the power of fate, which was indeed beyond the power of human power. resisting.

"Fusang tree, Canglong Qisu?"

Suddenly something seemed to come to mind, and Wuming understood that it must be related to that legend.

"Since the secret of Canglong Qisu has appeared and spread, it will be solved one day sooner or later. The greed of people cannot be stopped, and it is even difficult to distinguish between friends and foes."

Continuing to stare at the souls that were becoming more and more ghostly, Tian Hao never believed in the so-called loyal friendship. Strictly speaking, it was just a betrayal.
Sometimes inducements can make people rebel, and some people will use family affection and the like to coerce people into betraying. In short, there are many methods. There may be absolute loyalty, but it is definitely rare and rare.

Wuming opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

He understood that the student meant to persuade him. He was mainly talking about Confucianism. He did have a deep relationship with Confucianism and was a close friend of Xunzi.

It stands to reason that he trusts Xunzi, but it is hard to say that he has absolute trust in Confucianism.

After all, Confucianism is now a force with its own interests, and it is even divided into multiple factions. The people's hearts within it are very complex and unstable.

"Although great changes have taken place, the foundation is still the soul. If you want to deal with these ghosts, you have to start from the soul. Willpower such as sword intention should also be able to do it."

Putting aside those thoughts, Wuming turned his mind to the soldier leader and others who turned into ghosts outside the dragon energy shield, and expressed some speculations.

"The students also think so. In addition, the ghosts use the power of yin energy, and the opposing yang energy should be able to hurt them."

Nodding, Tian Hao proposed the power of Yang Qi.

Since the Yin and Yang family can use the Yang Qi gathered by the fire mulberry trees to suppress it for thousands of years, it is obvious that the Yang Qi has restraint. What they have to do now is to develop these restraint forces and form a complete system specifically to deal with this kind of energy. Fierce ghost.

"This dragon energy can protect the teacher from the erosion of the Yin energy and facilitate research. After the Battle of Longxi, I will collect the souls of foreigners and conduct large-scale ghost transformation research."

Mobilizing a dragon energy to blend into Wuming's soul to form protection, Tian Hao revealed the upcoming battle of Longxi.

It can be said that the whole body of those aliens is treasure. Their bodies can be buried in the ground as fertilizer, and their souls can be captured and corroded into ghosts. They can then become volunteers to assist in research and contribute to a better tomorrow for mankind.

Wuming didn't say anything about this. Although he didn't like killing people, he only targeted people from the Central Plains. It didn't matter how many aliens died. The Zhou royal family had been invaded by aliens many times in the past, with heavy casualties and blood feuds.

It is no longer just a racial war, but also a struggle of human civilization. Those alien races are really inhumane, and some of them are even cruel. They call them two-legged sheep. Many of the women caught are humiliated. Cause death and then be cooked and eaten.

That's barbarians. No matter how much you kill them, it's not too much. Using them for experiments like this is considered as atonement.

After exchanging some imaginative ideas with Wuming, Tian Hao's consciousness exited the spiritual space and immediately continued to practice. However, he was dragged out by Mo Ban not long after practicing.

"Brother, take a look at my latest designed machine giant."

Dragging Tian Hao into a huge mine, Moban pointed at the ten-foot-tall silver-white giant and said, looking very excited.

"Can you already make it this big?"

Looking at the behemoth, Tian Hao was very surprised.

Although this thing is far behind the Demon God of War and those bronze giants, compared to the previous machine creations of the Mo family, even the machine White Tiger and the machine Xuanwu are much stronger.

"The structure is well designed, but the main difficulty lies in the power core. Moreover, our mechanism is entirely made of steel, which is heavier and requires stronger power to move.

I was stuck on the power core before. The nine ancient power cores brought back by my brother this time gave me a lot of inspiration. I have further improved the original power core structure and can now perfectly drive a machine giant of this size. "

As Mo Ban spoke, he climbed up the ladder on the side to the shoulder of the machine giant, which was the control platform of the machine giant.

The main reason why such a ten-foot-sized mechanism giant was made was to use the power core structure of the ancient bronze giant to perfect the original one. This was the success.

Tian Hao followed him up to the machine giant's console and watched as Mo Ban pushed the push rods one by one. The ten-foot-sized machine giant began to move, its arms also moved, and he even grabbed a giant ax and a giant shield and swung them. The power displayed far exceeds the limits of human beings, even surpassing Daikoku.

"Isn't this big guy called Xing Tian?"

Looking at the shield and axe, and then at the location of the console, Tian Hao felt that this thing might be called Xingtian.

No way, it's too vivid. Not to mention a shield and an axe, this control console has also replaced the head, making it a headless giant.

"It was built according to the legend of Xingtian."

Mo Ban said with a proud smile that in the past, their Mo family's machine control console was at the lower position, including the machine Suzaku and the machine white tiger. This time, he placed it at the top instead of the head.

The main reason for this change is that this thing is positioned as an engineering agency, specially used to dig mountains and rivers. Placing the control room at the bottom will be very inconvenient and even dangerous. If it is placed at the top instead, it will not only be safer, but also better. Watch the progress of the project and get better control.

"Hurry up and see if there is anything that needs to be corrected, so I can make adjustments right away."

Then he urged, he dragged this brother over not to show off the mechanism giant Xing Tian he had made, but to show him where there were still deficiencies.

He had inspected it before, and also asked Master Xu and others to come over and try it out, and made some suggestions, but they were only minor suggestions.

He needs more and bigger suggestions to make another breakthrough in his machine skills. In this regard, he can only ask Brother Tian.

Their brains are much more flexible than theirs, and they can definitely come up with better ideas.

Tian Hao looked at it carefully, comparing it with the mechas in science fiction movies in his previous life, and quickly got inspiration.

"The power of the machine giant is sufficient, but its speed and sensitivity are far behind. There are two reasons for this shortcoming. One is the limitation of the machine creation itself, and the other is that the control method is not good enough. Can we convert this Under the transformation of this control console, the control rods are connected to our body hands and feet to synchronize our body movements with the movements of the machine giant. If possible, we can even use the machine giant to perform martial arts moves. In this way It can also reduce the difficulty of control and facilitate future popularization.”

There are many cartoons and science fiction films with this idea in previous lives, the most classic one being the Pacific Rim series. He also hopes to make that kind of giant mecha.

That kind of giant mecha can be completely realized using mechanism techniques in this world. The Demon God of War and the Bronze Giant are similar to them. Only in this way can they compete with the dragon.

In comparison, the Soldier Demon God is much smaller. This may be because the fallen stars are limited in size and can only be made so large. However, the Soldier Demon God is undoubtedly much stronger than the Bronze Giant. Otherwise, it would not be impossible to destroy it in the end and would have to be sealed. In Loulan.

However, the God of War's agility and speed are not very good, and Pixiu and Xiaoli evaded many attacks. If he could be as flexible as a human being, let alone compared to a warrior, as long as he could reach the level of flexibility of an ordinary person, his combat power would be great. Double growth.

"The body is in sync with the mechanism giant."

As he murmured those words, Mo Ban burst into inspiration, feeling as if a door to a new world had opened.

Tian Hao continued to lie: "We can make a kind of close-fitting machine armor to connect the machine levers. Although the movement will be limited, it only needs to show the flexibility of ordinary people..."

Along the way, Tian Hao explained the concept of power armor. He didn't need to make the kind of Iron Man, he only needed to make the kind in Wandering Earth. In this way, the advantages of manpower and numbers could be doubled, and many engineering plans could also be made. It can be expanded.

Of course, that requires a huge amount of steel, and a sub-base must be opened in Bashu to smelt steel in large quantities, especially after manganese ore is obtained. The structure can be designed now, and then mass production will be enough.

Not to mention the deceitful Tian Hao here, Chang Pingjun and others on the other side also received the information about the Eastern Zhou War. The details were brought by Zhu Hai himself, and everyone couldn't help but fell silent after reading it.

The one with the ugliest face was Lord Xinling. He didn't expect that his brother was so stupid and crazy that he sent Wei soldiers to die, and was wiped out by the Qin army in one fell swoop.

You must know that the training of Wei soldiers is very expensive. Not to mention medicinal materials, the food consumption alone is more than five times that of other soldiers, and they must have meat every meal, even if most of it is fish caught from the Yellow River. A huge burden.

In addition, the territory of Wei has continued to shrink over the years, and Wei's military soldiers have also continued to shrink from the initial peak of [-] to the current [-], and now even those [-] are gone.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad. Wei Wuzu is just an extension of the Armor Sect. This time, most of the disciples of the Armor Sect have been saved. As long as the Armor Sect is there, Wei Wuzu can be re-established."

Zhu Hai comforted him in a low voice. He was also very sad about this loss, but it had become a fact. No matter how angry he was, it was useless. He could only find a way to rebuild Wei Wuzu as soon as possible.

Fortunately, they escaped from the bottom of the river during the festival. With these fires, as long as the resources are supplied enough, Wei Wuzu can be reappeared in less than ten years.

"What General Zhu said is true. The key now is the battle of Longxi. The Qin army must be defeated. It is best to let the Yueshi Allied Forces invade the hinterland of the Qin State and force the Qin State to dispatch troops from other places to resist, especially those stationed in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and South Korea’s 20-strong army and the Golden Fire Cavalry, so that we can have a chance to breathe.”

Lord Changping followed, drawing everyone's attention to the Battle of Longxi again.

"The key to this battle is to kill the black dragon of Qin. Do you have any good ideas?"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Lord Xinling told the black dragon that if he didn't kill that beast, they would always be threatened in the future.

"The black dragon must die!"

Zhao Jie also said bitterly, extremely fearful of the black dragon of Qin State,

You must know that the land of Zhao State is also on the Yellow River, occupying most of that bend, and even part of the land is still on the south bank of the Yellow River, bordering Qin State.

If that beast is allowed to swim in the Yellow River, they will inevitably be cut off from that part of the country on the south bank of the Yellow River, and all fleets will be blocked and difficult to cross.

Once the Qin State divides it, that part of the country will be isolated and helpless, and it will only be a matter of time before it is swallowed up by the Qin State.

He's going to die now!
Xiang Chao, who had been silent all the time, glanced at Lord Changping cryptically and said, "I invited the Gongshu family. They are willing to help us fight against Qin and hunt the black dragon, but they proposed to take away the black dragon's body later."

"The public loses the family!"

The expression of the leader of the Moh family changed slightly. The Moh family has always been a sworn enemy of the Gongshu family, but now the young master of the Xiang family of Chu has come to the Gongshu family. This is too much.

"This war is related to the safety of all countries in the world and the lives of thousands of people. I hope that we will not have unnecessary disputes internally and put the overall situation first."

Before the leader of the Mo family could speak, Tian Guang spoke first to set the tone and avoid a quarrel.

The leader of the Mohist family didn't look very good about this, but it was hard to say anything else.

Seeing that the leader of the Mohist family had no objection, Lord Changping felt a little relieved, and the plan was finally completed.

After his last proposal to the Mo family to build war equipment for the Yuezhi coalition was rejected, he sent someone to contact the Gongshu family and used a piece of news he got by chance to persuade them to take action. This time, as long as the Mo family didn't object, they could gather their forces and have a chance of winning. Much larger.

Even if that news is true, they will have one more big killer weapon, enough to kill the black dragon.

"The armor on the black dragon of Qin also has mechanisms, which is very similar to the overbearing mechanism technique of the Gongshu family."

After looking at Xiang Chao and Tian Guang, Zhu Hai told a piece of information.

He had observed the Black Dragon of Qin at close range and was very sure that there was a mechanism in the thick armor, which was too similar to the domineering mechanism technique.

"That's just a superficial mechanism technique. Its core is the black dragon, not the mechanism."

Xiang Chao seemed to have expected Zhu Hai to say this, so he replied.

"And the kind of iron lump that can explode."

Zhu Hai expressed his last worry. The last explosion was still fresh in his mind. If he hadn't reacted in time and smashed a big hole in the ground with a hammer to escape, even his Dacheng realm's hundred-refined shield would not have been able to stop it. This time I almost died.

"We have discussed that kind of explosion. It is similar to the accidental explosion during the alchemist's alchemy. It should be a big explosion created by Huang Tianhou extracting the contents and gathering them together. However, judging from the size of the iron ball, it must require a huge amount. filling, otherwise the power will not be so great.

As long as we pay attention, we can even take action in advance to blow up the thing before the opponent throws it and injure the opponent, especially the black dragon. "

Lord Changping explained the situation and suggested ways to deal with it.

Chu Nan Gong had told him this before when he came back. Fortunately, Chu Nan Gong had a close relationship with the Yin Yang family and had some knowledge of alchemy, so he could guess the killing move used by Huang Tianhou.

That thing will only work for the first time. As long as you are prepared in advance, it won't be a big problem to avoid it.

Seeing what Changping Jun said, everyone felt that it was reasonable and felt relieved. At the same time, they all thought about finding some alchemists to study this thing later. They must have this kind of powerful killing weapon in their hands.

After everyone continued to discuss for a long time, they dispersed. Lord Changping, who was completely covered by a shroud, returned to the Qin army's camp, and was secretly sent back by Chu Nangong, who used illusions to cover his body.

"Can they really find the legendary bronze giant built by Chi You?"

Returning to his tent, Chang Pingjun said worriedly.

The key to this battle is whether the public losers can find the bronze giant based on that news and repair it. Otherwise, they will be very passive.

A long snake swam out of Chang Pingjun's sleeves, spit out the snake message and said: "The news is definitely true, but it is not yet certain whether the legend is a bronze giant, nor is it possible to determine the extent of the damage to the bronze giant. "

That's right, this long snake swallowed up Chu Nan Gong's soul and used his soul as a shell to cover himself.

After he was beheaded by Shen Yu, his soul escaped and turned into a snake egg to recover silently. It was not until Chu Nan Gong and Donghuang Taiyi broke the shell and took it out that he regained consciousness. However, he was too weak at the time and could only passively Fusion with Chu Nan Gong, and after Chu Nan Gong was killed, he found the opportunity to devour Chu Nan Gong's soul and power as a cover.

As for the news, Duke Nan of Chu sneaked into the Yuezhi coalition camp and used mind-reading skills to find out the news after he came to Longxi. He didn't take it to heart at the time, and it wasn't until Lord Changping mentioned it that the loser mentioned it as bait.

Of course, this is all in Chu Nan Gong's memory and has nothing to do with him, Xiang Liu. What he likes is Lord Changping.

This person has the fate of a hidden dragon, which is much better than the Chu Nan Gong he swallowed. If he can be swallowed in the future, many things will be much easier to do.

Fate itself only cares about the general trend, not the small trend, so there is room for manipulation.

"Fortunately, with the help of the Battle of Eastern Zhou Dynasty, they exposed the Black Dragon Armor method. Otherwise, if they faced each other without knowing it, the Yuezhi Allied Forces would be defeated, and no one in the Qin State would be able to check and balance them in the future."

Thinking of the powerful combat power displayed by the black dragon in the intelligence, Lord Changping was grateful but also filled with jealousy.

Why is the Qin State so lucky that it can obtain such a magical beast? How unfair is God!
But what Changping Jun didn't see was that Xiang Liu's eyes behind him were full of greed, greed for him, but this greed quickly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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