Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 208 The Arrival of Fighters

Chapter 208 The Arrival of Fighters
In Tian Hao's preparation and expectation, the snow finally came. To be precise, it was the northwest wind and the cold air originating from the plateau. The temperature suddenly dropped to below zero, and many places were frozen, even some gentle rivers. Sections were frozen.

At the same time, Lord Changping's plan also started. He secretly contacted Lord Xinling and others to take action. As Tian Hao expected, he destroyed the gap in the river that was originally dug and cut off the water source of the Xinhe River.

They even invited several masters of ice-cold attribute techniques to freeze the water in the gap to further strengthen it.
With the current temperature and weather, it is basically impossible to melt as long as it freezes.

King Yuezhi and King Qiang, who received the information at the same time, commanded their armies to take action, preparing to cross the frozen Xin River to storm the base.

As far as he knew, the prince and princess of Qin were there. If they were captured, it would definitely be a serious blow to the morale of the Qin army. He even wanted to play with the king and queen of Qin in front of the battle in order to further damage the morale of the Qin army.

Of course, if it can stimulate the morale of the Qin army, it would be great to let them go out of the Great Wall to fight.

In addition, that place seems to be hiding some big secret. According to the information he got from the Central Plains, it may be related to the new steel.

That is a good thing. You must grab it. At the same time, you can also try to force the Qin army to go out of the Great Wall to fight.

Anyway, he didn't want to fight on the Great Wall, nor was he suitable to fight. What they were good at was fighting in the flat terrain. Because of this, they had been delayed for several months, just to wait for an opportunity to force the Qin army out.


"Reporting to the general, the entire Yuezhi coalition forces are dispatched to attack Huang Tianhou's territory. In addition, the water of the Xinhe River has been cut off, and the river surface and the swamps beside it have quickly frozen."

In the Qin Army's camp inside the Great Wall, a soldier quickly returned on a hang glider to report the latest intelligence.

"finally come!"

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Ying Qi, who was sitting in the main seat, stood up and said sternly: "All the soldiers in the army will listen to the order and immediately lead the troops with me to support Huang Tianhou's territory and form a defensive front behind Xinhe. We must hold on until Huang Tianhou and the others open up." The water source of the Xinhe River has been cut off. No mistakes must be made, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Many generals in the big tent also stood up to accept the order, and immediately hurried out of the big tent to summon their troops.

Ying Qi also walked out of the tent, summoned [-] Iron Eagle warriors, and mounted his horse to get there first.

Lord Changping also followed closely on horseback. He also had some cultivation skills. Although he was not strong, it could at least enable him to withstand the severe cold, resist the bumps of the galloping horses, and keep up with the marching speed.

There was no point for him to stay in the camp. If he went to the battlefield, he would see more, especially what was hidden in Huang Tianhou's mountain. He had always been curious.

It's a pity that there is no connection with the Qin army's camp there. It seems that only Ying Qi knows what is going on. It is not easy for him to inquire, lest he expose himself.

"What are you hiding there?"

While galloping on his horse, he looked at the mountains in front of him. Lord Changping felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This kind of unknown is what he dislikes the most, it means variables, and the previous plan will collapse if he is not careful.

However, he also had some confidence in his heart, because Gongshu Qiu sent a letter a few days ago and found the bronze giant from ancient times. He had already taken a detour to the source of the New River. As long as the black dragon appeared, he would show up and kill him.

With those ancient bronze giants in hand, I believe that no matter what variables there are, it will not help.

Not to mention the rapid march of the Qin army here, Tian Hao and others on the other side also got the latest information about the public losers.

"Tsk tsk... I was thinking of digging out the bronze giant after the war, but unexpectedly someone took the initiative to bring it to my door."

After seeing the information obtained, Tian Hao sneered.

The public losers thought they were being hidden, so they made a large circle from the Qiangdi plateau and squatted at the bend of the Yellow River to wait for the fighter planes. However, they did not know that they had not relaxed their surveillance over there.

Not only did they send people to dig snow caves in many hidden locations and keep track of them with telescopes at [-] hours a day, they also sent out Mechanical Blackbirds to patrol in the air, which could perfectly hide the blackened Mechanical Blackbirds especially in the dark night.

Not to mention that the mouth of the Yellow River is the focus of surveillance, and manpower has been deployed on several distant mountain tops to fully monitor it.

Although the surveillance would not be very clear due to the distance, it would be difficult for such a big man like the Bronze Giant not to see it.

But they didn't expect that Gong Loser would secretly participate and dig out the bronze giant, and it was still in its complete form.

This made him feel like a pie in the sky.

"It must be that old boy Gong Shuqiu."

Mo Ban sneered, guessing that it must be the bronze giant that Gong Shuqiu led the team to activate.

"Old Ban, can you handle it?"

Tian Hao gave a look. It was difficult to deal with such a big man with manpower, so he could only use mechanical creations to top it up.

"If I had come here half a month ago, I would have been unable to stop them, but if I come here now, I will kill them."

Mo Ban is very confident. In the past, the machine giant still needed a joystick to control, making it difficult to respond quickly. However, after being improved according to the idea provided by Brother Tian, ​​the flexibility has been greatly improved.

Although it is not as agile as a warrior, it is already comparable to ordinary people. This is an epoch-making impact on the previous machine arts.

"Okay then, I'll leave the bronze giant to you.

Brother Xuan, if you bring someone to cooperate, there should be many good players there for you to kill. "

After assigning combat tasks to Xuanjian, Tian Hao would not let Mo Ban lead the agency Xing Tian to fight alone. The necessary masters must also be matched.

Xuan Jian nodded in agreement, the fighting spirit in his heart also rising, while the embroiderer behind him was playing with a bloody silk thread.

This is the blood silk silk she found from the Yin and Yang family. It is not only extremely tough, but also extremely poisonous. It seals the throat when it sees blood, which is perfect for her own killing moves. She even found a nest of blood silkworms, which she can slowly cultivate in the future.

"Brother Tian, ​​after the war breaks out, you can lead people through the tunnel. Enough ships have been prepared there, and arrows and other supplies have also been moved up.

Remember to take it easy when you go to some river sections with high drops, and let Brother Mo use the Scourge Legion to shape the ice track to slide down. Those boats are all rushed work and cannot withstand the bumps. "

Then looking at Tianze and others, Tian Hao paid more attention to this. Only by cutting off the retreat of the Yueshi Allied Forces could they be wiped out, at least the ordinary soldiers.

Tianze didn't say anything, but the six chains behind him were dancing.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

"Others are going to make final inspection preparations. The Qin army should arrive the day after tomorrow. We must complete the equipment replacement as quickly as possible and teach the [-]-strong army how to operate it."

After scanning everyone present, Tian Hao issued the final order.

The war is about to begin!

Preparations are being made here, and Ying Qi led [-] Iron Eagle warriors to arrive one day in advance.

"Take me quickly to see those crossbows that Yu Yatou mentioned."

Arriving at the base at the base of the mountain, Yingqi didn't say much nonsense and signaled to go check out the new equipment.

When he left Xianyang, he knew that this guy was designing and casting new crossbows, but he didn't have much idea until his niece Hua Yu came over on the black bird machine and told him about those new crossbows, and then he was very itchy. .

This time he led [-] Iron Eagle warriors over here just to take a look at the new crossbows first, so that he would have a good idea.

After all, it was a matter of life and death for a hundred thousand troops, so he couldn't help but ignore it.

"Uncle Wang, please follow me."

Tian Hao and Ying Zheng also didn't waste any time and led Ying Qi to another shooting range. As for the original shooting range, it was already being used to accumulate arrows.

There was no way, too many arrows were produced, and at the same time, there was no moisture in the arrows. The lower mines could not be stored, so the mines on the upper side of the mountain could only be freed up.

"This is a single-handed crossbow..."

Ying Zheng first introduced the lightest hand-held crossbow to Ying Qi. The new winding method almost made Ying Qi's eyes light up. He held one in his hand and couldn't put it down, as if he was caressing a peerless beauty.

"Uncle Wang, there is something even more powerful."

Hua Yu couldn't stand the pervert's appearance anymore, so she opened her mouth to remind him that there was something even more ruthless.

"Yes, yes, there is something even more powerful. That is the new type of crossbow you are talking about!"

After coming back to his senses, Ying Qi glanced around and landed on a strange crossbow standing not far away. Comparing it with what his niece said last time, he was sure it was the new type of crossbow.

"This is called a serial crossbow..."

Ying Zheng walked over to explain, but before he finished speaking, Ying Qi had already put his feet into the pedals, tightened the belt buckle on them, fixed the soles of his feet, and then began to step continuously, and the arrows in the quiver were They shoot out continuously in groups of three, and the frequency of shooting can even increase with the speed of stepping.

It wasn't until all the arrows in a quiver were fired that he stopped without wanting to finish.

Although he wanted to continue trying, Yingqi was more interested in the crossbow that his niece mentioned last time, which was the real killer weapon. "Come quickly and pull the cart, Uncle Wang is waiting to try."

Hua Yu jumped on the chariot first and asked someone to pull the chariot. She even grabbed the reins of the chariot, as if she wanted to use the chariot as a horse.

Then Yan Lingji dragged Yingge up, Bai Ye also dragged Lu Xingyun into the car, and even Hu Mei, who didn't want to be isolated, dragged her sister to follow.

Even Zhao Ji, who accompanied her, was very moved, but in order to maintain her status as queen, she could only hold it back.

Ying Zheng, who was originally the commentator, remained silent and pretended not to see it.

It is not easy for him as a junior to get involved in the affairs of his elders, especially the teacher's large family.

"Hurry up, Uncle Wang is waiting to see!"

Hua Yu urged, she would not miss such a good opportunity.

"This girl!"

Seeing that there was no place to stay on the crossbow, Ying Qi shook his head in amusement and stood quietly on the side waiting to watch.

There were all girls in the car, and they all had a close relationship with the niece and son-in-law. How could an elder like me squeeze in there?


Tian Hao, who felt that he was being targeted by the girls, had a black line on his forehead. He felt that he had been trained too lightly before, which made all these girls rebel in the back of their heads.

After looking at the expectant Ying Qi beside him, Tian Hao had no choice but to step forward, lift the shaft, and pull the ballista to run.

As the crossbow travels, the gears connected to the wheels rotate, transmitting power along the rotating shaft to the crossbow, which in turn drives the steel cable to be wound up and the arrow fired.

The power of the cart crossbow is far greater than that of the chain crossbow. The arrows shot penetrate the wooden wall. The power of it makes Ying and Qi's eyes wide open.

In particular, the lasing frequency displayed by the crossbow shocked him even more. He is a battlefield veteran himself, and he can understand the effectiveness of this kind of crossbow on the battlefield. It is a huge killer that can sweep the battlefield. .

"With this murderous weapon in hand, no wonder you are so confident in this battle."

It took a long time for him to come back to his senses. Ying Qi was filled with emotion and finally felt relieved.

They are bound to win this battle. No matter how many Yuezhi coalition forces come, they will all die.

"What's the quantity?"

Turning to the quantity, this kind of mass murderer can only be rampant if it reaches a sufficient scale. If the quantity is not enough, it will not be able to decide the situation of the battle.

"The [-] chariots brought have all been modified and equipped with such crossbows. Each crossbow can carry thirty arrow boxes, and is equipped with a charioteer, an archer and a special replacement The man with the quiver.”

Speaking of the extreme configuration of the crossbow vehicle, Tian Hao felt that it was enough to give the Yuezhi coalition a head-on blow in the first round.

There are ten thousand crossbow carts, each of which is equipped with thirty arrow boxes, and each arrow box contains 99 arrows, which adds up to nearly 3000 million arrows. If the arrows are rained down like this, even if the hit rate is only [-]% One, is enough to take away many people.

In this aspect, only the charioteers who control the horses need to be handled by senior personnel. The rest of the archers and those who change the arrow boxes only need a little training, and there is no difficulty.

At the beginning, he had considered the issue of popularization, so the whole operation was fool-proof and easy to get started.

"Where's the arrow reserve?"

Upon further inquiry, it turns out that these weapons are powerful, but consume too much, and the arrow reserves must keep up.

"I can't count, but it shouldn't be a problem to supply this thing ten times."

Tian Hao really couldn't say this. The main reason was that the production speed of the thing was too fast, and there was no time to measure it in detail. The warehouse itself was also transformed from excavated mine holes. The size and shape were irregular. There was no way to calculate it, so it could only be estimated. Come up with a rough idea.

This still allowed Tianze to take away all the special arrows for the serial crossbow, otherwise the number would be even more insane.

This is the change brought about by the new production technology. Just like the industrial revolution in the previous life, it is a complete dimensionality reduction blow to the previous production model.

"I have never fought such a wealthy battle in my life!"

After being stunned for a moment, Ying Qi complained that this battle was too rich and it would probably be easy.

He had absolutely no idea how the Yuezhi Allied Forces, who were only wearing leather armor, could think of a way to withstand such an arrow-swept offensive. No army in the world could withstand it.

“These chariots are very heavy when fully loaded, and even if they are pulled by two horses, they consume a lot of energy. We need to prepare the horse replacement in advance.

In addition, we have also built some large carriages specifically for transporting arrows, which also require at least [-] horses, and oxen are also acceptable. "

Speaking of the key points of the crossbow cart tactics, Tian Hao can solve the problem of arrow supply, but the oxen and horses pulling the cart must be won and abandoned to solve the problem.

"There is no problem with the war horses. The [-] war horses we brought from Xianyang this time are specially equipped for the Iron Eagle Warriors. They are all excellent war horses, no worse than the Golden Fire Cavalry.

The land to the southwest of Longxi was previously captured with nearly [-] war horses, [-] ordinary horses, and [-] oxen, which was enough.

It's a pity that Chu's war horses are not very adapted to the environment here, especially in winter. Otherwise, it would be easier for us to bring those war horses over. "

Yingqi had already prepared for this. The horses and oxen captured last time were all raised at his place to prepare for this battle.

Because it is close to the Longxi Great Wall of the Qin State, the Qiang Di stationed three large tribes here, raising more than [-] horses, and more than [-] people who can control strings. It can be said that the young and strong people in the tribe do not care. Both men and women can mount horse-drawn bows, which is quite difficult.

If they hadn't used tricks in the first place, they would have suffered a lot if they wanted to capture those three tribes.

In addition, the Qiang tribe in the north sent [-] cavalry to support them, and they captured them with the help of Xinhe. The war horses became trophies, and they even went up the mountain to clean up several Qiang tribe villages, which also gained a lot. , just take it out and use it this time.

"Also, the battlefield must be cleaned as quickly as possible. Those arrows need to be recovered, the ones that can be used continue to be used, and the ones that cannot be used are recast. It is not easy to win the land in Henan."

"20 civilians have been recruited. After the first battle is won and the Yuezhi coalition forces flee, civilians will be arranged to come over and clean up the battlefield."

Ying Qi replied that this was what his eldest niece came over last time and it was considered to be the boy's tactical arrangement. He had ordered someone to arrange it at that time.

It is definitely not possible to let those temporarily recruited civilians go directly to the battlefield, but it is not a problem to just follow behind and clean the battlefield. They have even done this often before and are very familiar with it.

Of course, the premise is to repel all the enemy troops and provide a safe environment. Otherwise, if they are attacked by the enemy, the civilians who are not in formation will not be able to stop them and will be massacred.

They are all the people of Da Qin, so naturally they cannot let others suffer such disasters.

"It's a pity that if we continue fighting like this, we will be able to harvest far fewer horses in the end."

His eyes swept over the three types of crossbows, especially the last bed crossbow. He felt sorry for the victory and abandoned it. He felt sorry for the war horses of the Yueshi Alliance Army, which he had regarded as the assets of Great Qin.

"This is something that cannot be avoided. There must be gains and losses. Compared with the casualties of our Daqin soldiers, the casualties of war horses are much lighter. Anyway, there are many war horses on the Yuezhi and Qiangdi side, and there are also many fertile ones. The pasture, after we take over their land, we will raise horses ourselves. As long as the scale is established, we can have as many as we want in the future."

Shrugging, although Tian Hao felt a little regretful, he valued people more than war horses.

In his future plans, population is the most important foundation. The more the better, especially soldiers who can go to the battlefield and need to be protected.

"Just think of it as extra food for the soldiers."

He quickly calmed down and realized that the lives of the soldiers were more important. The next battle in Henan would require the efforts of these soldiers.

"One more thing needs to be kept secret. I have prepared a lot of cloth, which needs to be covered before the actual confrontation with the Yueshi Allied Forces."

Speaking of the last point, Tian Hao knew that the core of this battle was surprise. In the first round, he gave the vanguard of the Yuezhi coalition a head-on attack. It was best to crush the opponent's vanguard.


Yingqi frowned instinctively, and was very dissatisfied with this request, thinking that this was his niece's son-in-law's distrust of himself and his own abilities.

You must know that he personally presided over the selection of the [-]-strong army, and the generals are all his own, and many of them are members of the royal family. It is impossible...

"You mean people from the Chu family? It's impossible!"

I quickly realized that it was impossible to win or give up.

After all, those people from the Chu Clan are also people from the Great Qin. Although they have a deeper relationship with the Chu State, they at most make some small moves when they go to war with the Chu State. Now they are at war with foreign tribes like the Yueshi, Qiang and Di, and the Chu Clan has no Reasons to do things.

"Be careful and make no big mistakes!"

Shrugging, Tian Hao did not explicitly explain the problem of Lord Changping. Since Zheng'er decided to keep him first and become a bait to prepare for the complete eradication of the Chu clan, he would not interfere and would just train Ying Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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