Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 218 Awakening to read minds

Chapter 218 Awakening to read minds
"During your meditation practice, you all heard some inexplicable noises?"

Tian Hao thought deeply and felt that it was not much different from what he had expected. At the same time, he also thought of some examples.

"In addition to hearing some sounds when meditating and practicing, I can also hear them sometimes when practicing swordsmanship with a sword. I even always dream about it when I sleep."

Hu Mei was very troubled by this and couldn't sleep well in the past few days.

"What kind of voice?"

Tian Hao had some guesses, but needed further confirmation.

"It's very noisy. It seems like there are many calls mixed together, but you can roughly hear the calls of some cows and horses, and some of the calls of birds. The rest can't be distinguished."

Hu Ya said that she felt very strange and uneasy about the sound she heard, and she had not had a good rest in the past few days.

"The sounds I heard were different from my sister's. They were some voices, but there were too many voices and I couldn't hear them clearly."

Hu Mei then said that what she heard was different from what her sister heard.

"Animal sounds and human sounds."

Tian Hao understood and guessed that Hu Ya should have awakened an ability similar to that of her daughter Nongyu, and could communicate with animals. In the future, Nongyu would even be able to create heartstring songs and attract hundreds of birds to pay homage to the phoenix.

The difference is that Nongyu's heartbeat is outputted outward, while Hu Ya's is received inwardly. The essence is the same, but the tendency is different.

As for Hu Mei, she should be able to listen to the voices in people's hearts, which is similar to the early Superman in DC. Because he hears too many sounds, it seems very noisy.

"It's my heartfelt voice!"

In the expectant eyes of the two women, Tian Hao answered in the affirmative.


The two women were confused, what did this mean?
"What you hear is the inner voice of other creatures, that is, the other person's thoughts. You can understand it as mind reading. This is real mind reading. What is read is not memory, but thoughts. It is more powerful than fire charm. profound.

However, it may be because you have just awakened and cannot control it independently, so it seems very noisy to record the voices of the surrounding creatures.

And the abilities of the two of you are still different, or there are tendencies. Hu Ya, you listen to the voices of animals, and Hu Mei, you listen to the voices of people.

In this way, I will teach you a Yin-Yang spiritual initiation technique, which is used for spiritual communication. It is similar to the Taoist sound transmission. It should help you develop and master this ability.

Well, Hu Mei, you can try to perform magic with your sister. If Hu Ya, you can raise a small animal to try to communicate, and master this power step by step. "

After saying that, Tian Hao used the fire charm technique to pass on the secret technique he obtained from the Yin Yang family to the two girls, and even gained some practice experience.

That was the secret sound transmission technique he got from Da Siming's memory. It was similar to what Xiaoyaozi would use on Gai Nie in the future. In other words, it was essentially the same, but it was renamed by the Yin Yang family.

After all, the Yin-Yang family was separated from Taoism, and its essence is still that of Taoism, except that some cultivation systems are more extreme, or are eager for quick success.

This is why the strong men of the Yin Yang family are all young, because most of the cultivation methods of the Yin Yang family are squeezing the potential of the body, and even the potential of the soul, making it difficult to live long.

In comparison, Taoism is different. It pays attention to the dual cultivation of life and life. Everyone lives a long life and gets stronger as they get older.

Therefore, in the Qin Shi series, the senior figures of the Taoist family are all painted as a group of old men, while the Yin Yang family are much younger, and each one with high heels and stockings is more eye-catching than the last.

"Small animals?"

Hu Ya fell into deep thought, what kind of small animal should she raise?
"Can't I practice with you?"

Hu Mei boldly asked someone, hoping to hear the person's voice and see what they were thinking.

"This is a very dangerous idea. Don't use this ability on strong people in the future, especially strong people who have understood the artistic conception."

Frowning and refusing, Tian Hao didn't like being tried to read minds, and the risk was too great.

His mind is not very peaceful right now. He has a lot of protective power, and his mental space has turned into a ghost realm. If Hu Mei dares to come here to read her mind, he doesn't know what kind of backlash she will suffer. Gotta turn into an idiot.

Such excellent and scarce talents cannot be scrapped like this.

"I feel like you are disappointed. Are you disappointed with the abilities we two sisters have gained?"

Staring into someone's eyes, Hu Mei saw a hint of disappointment.

"I'm a little disappointed. It's quite different from what I expected. It may be that you have just begun to awaken your abilities in this area, and it should improve in the future."

Tian Hao did not deny that he actually hoped that the two women could awaken the ability to absorb other people's souls like Gan Sha, which would be the source of the eight exquisites in the future.

Although there is no clear explanation in Tianxing Jiuge, it can be analyzed from the members of Ba Linglong.

Kunpo in Eight Linglong is Gan Sha's mother, and she was also the first one to attach herself to Gan Sha, which gave Gan Sha the ability to absorb the souls of others. Most of the Eight Linglong members were killed by Gan Sha.

In the end, Xuanjian killed Gansha, and Gansha's soul attached to Xuanjian, forming the so-called Eight Linglong Group.

As for some people who say that Ba Linglong is Xuan Jian's ability, it is not reliable, because Xuan Jian has killed too many people, and there is no reason to use a few weak people to become one of the Eight Linglongs, especially Dui Li is just a little loli.

Anyway, he did some experiments with Xuanjian and determined that Xuanjian himself did not have that kind of ability, and the ability of the black and white swords was not that.

Although the inheritance of the black and white swords is called the front edge to seek life and the reverse edge to calm the soul, it actually has nothing to do with the soul. It is just a means to enhance the power of the sword. The ability of the black and white swords is just sharpness, not that mysterious.

The existence of Ba Linglong is the painting style of the spirit witch, which is far beyond the mind-reading skills of Nong Yu and Hu Ya and Hu Mei.

It seems that if you want to understand the ability of the spirit witch, you still have to wait until Gan Kill appears.

He wanted to see if the spirit shaman could develop the ability to control ghosts.

"The initial direction I set for you was the intelligence system. The abilities you have awakened now are also very suitable. Hu Ya, you can develop towards animals and use animals, especially flexible birds, to obtain information.

Hu Mei, you can directly read people's minds, which is very suitable for interrogation and finding out the spies planted by other forces on our side.

Next, your task is heavier. After the decisive battle, first check the nine thousand young soldiers, then return to the mine base and target the craftsmen one by one.

At this stage, first determine the scope of your ability, and then bring people to you one by one for interrogation. "

The next task for the two women is to uncover the details of other forces sent to their side.

No matter who he is, even the three thousand bad guys under his command must live through it once before he can feel at ease.

"I'll get used to it as soon as possible."

After looking deeply into someone's eyes, Hu Mei nodded and would master this ability as soon as possible.

Before, it was just fear of the unknown. Now that we have understood the nature of the mutation, it doesn't matter if we think about it carefully.

“Is there any news about my child?”

Hu Ya asked suddenly. She had always remembered that child.

"I found the relevant records of that sword. Its name is Chi Lian. The person who can use that sword must be extraordinary. Under her protection, your daughter will be fine. I can find your daughter just waiting for her to show up.

But this requires a sufficiently complete intelligence system, and your abilities will come in handy. "

Tian Hao revealed some information. Although he only guessed that he had rescued Nong Yu for Zi Nu, even he did not know where Zi Nu was at this stage. He could only let things develop naturally and see if Zi Nu would still be in Xinzheng in the future. Purple Orchid Pavilion was established.

However, with a character like Zi Nu and her mysterious identity, she will definitely not live a life of seclusion and hiding from the world. As long as she comes out, they can find her.

"Red practice!"

Keeping this name in mind, Hu Ya felt at ease.

Just having clues is better than searching for a needle in a haystack. She will definitely be reunited with her daughter in the future.

"We will definitely find it."

Hu Mei and Yan Lingji on the side comforted her and said that they were also very concerned about this matter.

After Hu Ya calmed down a bit, Tian Hao instructed the two of them to practice the technique of Enlightenment, so that they could master this ability as soon as possible.

Perhaps because they were at a high altitude, and because there were only five people on board the Black Bird, the two women heard a lot less voices after meditating. Even Hu Ya couldn't hear them. After all, there were no animals on the Black Bird. .

After flying all the way, they arrived at their destination in the evening of the same day. The black bird stopped on the ice tower specially built by Tianze.This is a huge tower with a height of thirty feet, and the platform on the top is also ten feet long and wide.

"Looks like you have plenty of time!"

After getting off the machine, Hei Que walked to the edge of the city tower. Tian Hao looked down at the Great Wall of Ice and Snow below and sighed at Tianze's heroism for building such a huge ice tower.

"It's very cold to squat all the time, so I have to find a way to move."

Tianze smiled. They did have plenty of time here. They even came by boat before, so the soldiers didn't consume much energy.

In addition, it is too cold here, even inside the city walls, so the soldiers can only be active when they have time. Anyway, they bring enough dry food, and there is the Yellow River next to it, which can bring in a lot of fish, so work more Living can also warm up the body.

"It's quite cold."

Feeling the current temperature, especially the cold wind, Tian Hao knew that the environment here was difficult.

Because of the ice and snow city wall, large-scale fires cannot be made for heating inside. It is indeed not easy to live in that kind of temperature.

"Persevere for a few more days. Once the group of foreigners are cleared away, you can relax and prepare for spring farming. The first batch of people will almost arrive."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and the first phase of the plan here was finally completed.

"I'm afraid the Henan area will be difficult to fight in the future. Do we need to go to war?"

Walking to Tian Hao's side and looking into the distance together, Tianze asked about the next war in Henan.

"No need, that is Zheng'er's stage. Your target is only the Qiang Di on the high ground. Don't go directly up there for the time being. The environment there is quite stressful for ordinary people. Take down the basin to the west first. There are several There is a huge salt lake, I have discussed it with Zheng'er, and I will give you [-]% of the future profits from those salt lakes."

Shaking his head slightly, Tian Hao looked to the west. There were many treasures there.

It's not easy to live on the plateau to the southwest, but the basin to the west is good.

Moreover, this time was no more modern than the previous life. He sent people to investigate and found that although the vegetation there was not lush, it was still covered by half of the grassland.

If the mountains and rivers there are opened up and more water flows from the plateau in the future, the entire basin can definitely be transformed into a grassland, which can adapt to human life. If that basin alone is developed, it can support tens of millions of people.

It was much larger than Baiyue's original territory, enough to keep Tianze busy for several years.

"It's really nice over there."

Tianze also turned to look to the west. He had taken the time to take the Black Bird for a spin. The environment there was not bad, at least it was not covered by ice and snow all year round.

Moreover, the basin itself is also very closed. As long as you guard a few openings in the northwest, you will be safe and suitable for development.

Of course, the premise is to get rid of the Qiang Di there. There is nothing to say about this.

"This battle will be more difficult than the last one. Those foreign barbarians will fight tooth and nail."

Turning his gaze to the south, Tian Hao knew very well how difficult this battle would be, and the ship could capsize if he was not careful.

The main reason is that the opponent has an advantage in strength, with a total of 20 people, and they are all cavalry. In addition, they got the news that King Yuezhi has sent an order to Henan, and there are already more than [-] cavalry on the way. Come.

In fact, as early as the first war, King Yuezhi ordered more than [-] cavalry from Henan to be stationed nearby, so they could come so quickly.

But there are only 17 people on their side, and this city wall will be attacked from both sides, which is not easy.

"The fight between trapped beasts cannot be underestimated."

His face became more solemn, and Tianze also understood that this battle should not be taken lightly. After all, they wanted to completely annihilate each other. If they were not careful, they might make the other side desperate, and it was hard to say what kind of power they would unleash.

"Are the people from Henan going to eat it this time?"

Then he asked, and as soon as he came over, he arranged spies on both the north and south sides. He got information yesterday that a large group of cavalry came from the north, numbering more than [-], and had arrived a hundred miles away.

With the speed of the Yuezhi cavalry, they can arrive in one day.

"You focus on the battle situation in the south. I will deal with the situation in the north. Eat what you can."

Tian Hao is also quite greedy. If he can take this opportunity to kill the more than [-] cavalrymen coming from Henan, the next war there will be much easier to fight.

According to Qin's intelligence, the Yuezhi tribe in Henan has a combined population of nearly 200 million. Even if the opponent can mobilize all the people, the population base is there, and it is impossible to have unlimited troops.

Those who can be transferred by the Yuezhi King this time must be the young and strong among them, and they are the most powerful group of people. If these people can be swallowed up, there will be no suspense in the next war, even if Zhao Guo If someone comes over to intervene, it won't have much impact.

After all, after the Zhao State experienced the Battle of Changping and a series of subsequent wars, its young men and women suffered serious losses, and even women had to go out to fight against the invasion of foreign enemies. Even if they could send troops to cause trouble, the scale would not be too large.

Not to mention that the Xiongnu and Yan Kingdom are still watching covetously from behind.

"They're here!"

Suddenly his ears trembled, Tian Hao looked to the east, heard the noise there, and calculated that it was time.

"Let's go meet him!"

After Tianze said something, he jumped down from the ice building, grabbed a shield hanging on the edge of the ice building, stepped on it and used it as a skateboard to slide down quickly.

This ice building does not go straight up and down on both sides of the city wall, but an inclined arc. You can quickly slide down from the top of the ice building and slide quickly along the groove at the top of the city wall to both ends. With that momentum, you can slide down in one breath. Slide to the east and west ends of the wall for quick support.

This is the greatest significance of this ice building.

Tian Hao followed suit and quickly slid down on a shield.

With his Qinggong cultivation, he was able to master this method very quickly. He stabilized his body and slid quickly. It didn't take long for him to reach the east end of the Great Wall of Ice and Snow. As expected, the young army led by Ying Zheng, Zhao Ji and Hua Yu came over. , and at the front is Tian Hao's army of three thousand bad guys.

Tianze ordered his subordinates to entertain the delinquent army and the youth army, and he welcomed Ying Zheng and others to the tower, and let a few people experience the feeling of skating.

Yes, this is exactly the method of fast movement of the ice city wall proposed by Tian Hao. He also proposed the concept of skates, which was proposed together with the skis.

In this way, you can move quickly on the top of the ice wall with less effort.

It is impossible for the enemy to carry out a comprehensive attack when sieging a city. They will definitely choose a point to concentrate their efforts on a strong attack. This requires the mobility of rapid support. Otherwise, once the support cannot keep up, it will be easy for the opponent to break through the city wall and rush out.

"Life here is better than I imagined."

After taking a bite of the delicious grilled fish in his hand, Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

I thought it was very difficult here, but who would have thought that people would enjoy such a happy life, and it would be no worse than those over there.

"You don't have to endure hardships to fight, and you can't just focus on the enemy. In fact, the surrounding environment is also our enemy.

We humans are the spirit of all things, possessing wisdom that other animals do not have. It is precisely because of the existence of wisdom that we have conquered powerful enemies and even nature, thus becoming the masters of this land..."

Tian Hao swallowed the grilled fish in his mouth and started to fool around.

There was an interesting article about hunters in the primary school textbooks in my previous life, and there were also videos of people standing at the top of the food chain, but that was only a small reflection of human civilization, and did not truly reflect human beings' ability to transform nature.

That was just a display of hunting ability, and it was not reflected in subsequent animal husbandry, farming, etc.

While fighting, you also have to adapt to the surrounding environment, and then change the surrounding environment to adapt the environment to human beings and create survival factors suitable for themselves.

Otherwise, every battle will start with a hungry meal. Coupled with this kind of weather and cold wind, it is estimated that the number of troops will have to be reduced before the battle begins.

Ying Zheng and others were listening carefully. These ideas were very novel and very useful. Even Bai Qi and Sima Jin, who came here specially this time, put down their grilled fish and listened.

In the past, their understanding of war fortifications was only to dig trenches to block the enemy, but this was the first time they had seen such a rapid construction of a temporary Great Wall.

The Great Wall was built for long-term wars, and its main purpose was prevention. The wall has never been built for a war.

But I have to admit the advantages of this approach. With the blessing of such a city wall, as long as the ice and snow do not melt, plus those serial crossbows and crazy arrow reserves, it is impossible to break it even if millions of troops come. .

If this war is fought, it may be a miracle with zero casualties.

That kid has really brought his wretchedness to a new level. Even if they have to face such a wretched opponent, they will still have a headache, and even find it incomprehensible.

What the other party said is also correct. Although power is important, the wisdom to control power is even more important. This also applies to the art of war.

(End of this chapter)

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