Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 255 Gathering Spirits and Gathering Stars

Chapter 255 Gathering Spirits and Gathering Stars
"Is that the zodiac chart?"

Looking at the zodiac star chart above the cave, Mu Xuzi was shocked.

The Zodiac Star Chart has been sealed in the Hall of Morality. Generally, only the headmaster and elders can enter there. He is not qualified to enter the Hall of Morality and has never been there, let alone see the Zodiac Star Chart inside.

Today is the first time I saw it, and you can imagine the shock in my heart.

"This is the zodiac star chart that our ancestors created for us, and it has been passed down in our Taoism for hundreds of years."

Tian Hao glanced vaguely at the new generation of Chu State's high priest not far away, and replied with a hint of pride in his voice.

No matter who asks, this zodiac star chart was created by the founder, Lao Tzu, and has been passed down in Taoism for hundreds of years. It is definitely not the one from Chu. After all, the size is much different. How could it be from Chu? Country?

Didn’t you see that even the high priest sent by Chu State said it was not the case?
It was all Xiaoyaozi's slander before. Those who wanted to refute had the ability to resurrect Xiaoyaozi to confront him. Someone in his field and Taoism could withstand anyone's investigation and test.

"Uncle Master, you have practiced the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation before. You can start to sense the Big Dipper, then expand to the Five Dippers, and finally slowly expand outward until you can sense the entire zodiac star chart."

With a change of expression, Tian Hao proposed a route to Mu Xuzi.

He had high hopes for Mu Xuzi, a guinea pig. Although he had gained something before, it was not enough.

Ever since he got the curse seal from the Yin Yang family, he had a bold idea, which was to create those spiritual roots in the novels of Xiuzhen Xianxia, ​​so as to transform the body's meridians and accelerate the absorption and refining of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Mu Xuzi has to do this. Whoever allows him to practice the Great Zhou Tianqi Movement, which can gather the vitality of heaven and earth, is the best guinea pig to verify this path.

Of course, this aspect is also inspired by Naruto's Uncle Snake's curse seal system, which is used to absorb and fuse external energy to form the so-called magic.

This can be used to mass-produce low-level cannon fodder. After all, cultivation requires talent. There are only a few people with this talent. If you want to explode troops on a large scale, you have to drive and overtake in corners.

"I got it!"

Nodding solemnly, Mu Xuzi looked at the zodiac star chart in the sky with enthusiasm. At the same time, he felt more and more glad that he was connected with Junior Nephew Chunyang. Otherwise, he would not be as prosperous and prosperous as he is now.

After arranging Mu Xuzi here, Tian Hao transferred to a secret room deep in the mountain, where his master Bei Mingzi was in retreat.


After opening the mechanism of the secret room according to the technique passed down by his master Chi Songzi, Tian Hao bowed to Bei Mingzi who was kneeling and practicing inside.

Compared to the paleness that day, Bei Mingzi's complexion was a little more rosy today. It was obvious that he had almost recovered from his injuries. The reason why he could recover so quickly was not only the assistance of Xue Ji, who contained the vitality of heaven and earth, but also the contribution of He Shibi.

His master had quietly told him about the Heshi Bi before. He really didn't expect the Taoist people to be so decisive in doing things, and they directly took out the most precious treasure of Zhao State.

But it makes sense to think about it carefully. Although the Taoist group is indifferent to external affairs, they are extremely persistent when it comes to matters such as seeking Taoism and practicing cultivation, especially the Tianzong group.

In order to cultivate Taoism, people have forgotten their feelings and are so cruel to themselves, let alone others.

There is also a reason why Xiaomeng in the future can kill the disciples of Xiaoyaozi and Mu Xuzi without hesitation.

Although Taoists do not like killing, they are not taboo about killing either.

"These are the essence of the Yin Yang family's skills. You can refer to them to improve your own skills, but you must not practice them. The Yin Yang family's cultivation methods are very extreme. They squeeze the body's potential and pursue the limits of heaven and man, which is not the right path."

Opening his eyes, Bei Mingzi pointed at the rolls of animal skins on the side. He had taken the time to write down his insights on the Yin-Yang family's secret skills in the past few days. With his cultivation level, he could not master the Yin-Yang family's supreme skills. The Dharma was completely copied, but it was still only [-]% to [-]% understood.

After all, the Yin-Yang family is separated from their Taoist family. Both families also major in Yin-Yang and the Five Elements. It's just that the Yin-Yang family's techniques are more extreme, but the essence is the same.

With this as the foundation, it is not difficult to understand, even if it is just in battle, it is enough.

"The apprentice understands!"

Tian Hao responded and glanced at the Heshi Bi in the copper box, which was glowing with precious light, and then picked up a roll of animal skin and looked through it.

Coincidentally, what he picked up was the secret skill of the Yin Yang family's fire department.

The Yin Yang School's supreme secrets are no less than those of the Taoist School, and are even more numerous. Each of the Five Elements Division alone has at least three supreme secrets.

For example, the Water Department's Supreme Goodness Ruo Shui, Bai Lu Qi Shuang and Jiu Shui Feng Qi all have their own characteristics.

The Fire Department also has four secret arts. The yin and yang combined mudra and the skull and blood mudra that Dai Siming is good at are only two of them. The other two are focused on internal cultivation.

In addition to the five branches of the Five Elements, there are also the three major guardian systems of the sun, moon and star. Each system also has at least three unique supreme secrets, not to mention those of the Donghuang Taiyi lineage.

Of course, although the Yin Yang family has many supreme secrets, they are only powerful and still have many flaws in nature, which can easily backfire on themselves and even shorten their lifespan.

Therefore, few people in the Yin and Yang family can live long, and most of them do not live to be 60 years old. Some have shorter life spans. For example, few people from the Shao Si Ming lineage live past thirty.

"Gathering Qi into a Blade!"

After reading the essence of Huobu's skills, Tian Hao picked up the next animal skin scroll and read it, and found that it was a secret skill of the Star Soul lineage. The first one was the most famous one of gathering energy to form a blade.

This is exactly what he wants, which can be used to perfect his giant sword technique and Baihong Sword Qi.

"Too domineering, too extreme!"

After reading the essence of gathering energy to become a blade, Tian Hao couldn't help but frown.

This cultivation method of gathering energy to become a blade is more extreme than the secret skill of the Fire Department. It also causes a lot of damage to the body's meridians. And the deeper the level of cultivation, the greater the damage. Every time it is used, it will cause damage. If this accumulates, the body will collapse sooner or later. Lose.

No wonder the future Star Soul has always been a dwarf. This is a side effect of the Star Soul lineage technique. Even if the Qi Gathering Blade is used too high, it will cause backlash, causing it to go crazy.

This is completely a life-threatening technique. It is no wonder that the Yin Yang family has been able to create so many supreme techniques.

If a Taoist with this kind of flawed secret knowledge wanted to do something about it, he could do a lot of it, but he would just disdain it.

Continuing to read, he soon saw the most fundamental cultivation method of the Star Soul lineage. It was a method that could draw the brilliance of stars into his own spirit. This was exactly what he wanted, and it could help improve his own system. .

Read this carefully, and after an hour, read all the contents on the animal skin scrolls.

Although they are only some essences, and the calculation of specific cultivation methods is very rough, but that is only secondary. Overall, this time I have gained a lot.

He immediately turned his attention to the Heshi Bi in the copper box. This thing was also available in the previous life, but it was definitely not as mysterious as this other world.

"This treasure is mysterious and has extraordinary power. It can only be studied and cultivated in this secret room."

Bei Mingzi said something and used his skills to push the copper box in front of Tian Hao.

"The apprentice understands!"

Solemnly, Tian Hao raised his hand to catch the copper box. He did not immediately study the Heshi Bi inside, but looked at the encapsulated copper box.

This kind of copper box is very unusual. It is the same style as the seven copper boxes in Canglong Qisu. A copper box was also found in Dongzhou Middle School, but it was empty. Apparently someone had taken away the contents. .

After studying the copper box, I found that this material is very special. Inner Qi cannot be injected into it, and even the spiritual power is isolated. Only my own Qi can break through it. No wonder it is used to seal He's Bi. A treasure of special power.

I'm afraid that if it weren't for the master's advanced cultivation, it would be difficult for someone else to go to the Zhao palace, let alone seize He's Bi, or even find it.

After confirming that the copper box was only made of a special material and had no other secrets, Tian Hao turned his attention to the Heshi Bi inside.

He reached out and picked it up and looked at it carefully. It was a piece of green and white jade, five inches in size and roughly spherical in shape.

He had heard Master Chisongzi say before that the characteristics of this treasure were that it was a special treasure formed by gathering the essence of the sun, moon, stars, and the essence of mountains, rivers, vegetation, and represents the meaning of the universe.

After thinking for a while, Tian Hao tried to inject his true energy into it.

His true energy is not weak now, especially with the help of the star power that devoured the zodiac star chart of Chu State, the true energy has been refined a lot, and the proportion of star power in it even exceeds the power of the sky thunder.

With the injection of true energy, the precious light of He's Bi became stronger, and even the green precious light below attracted the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth and blended with it.

Seeing this scene, Tian Hao continued to inject Qi into it.

Bei Mingzi also noticed something unusual here, turned around and was very surprised.

"Are you really angry?"

Thoughtfully, he realized that this was a change brought about by the true energy.

He had also studied the Heshi Bi before, but unfortunately neither his own inner energy nor his spiritual power could react to it. He even took it to the zodiac chart, but there was still no big reaction. Now it has merged with his disciple's true energy. .Obviously, it is more compatible with the special energy of Zhenqi.

Of course, it may also be due to the fact that his disciple's true energy refined a large amount of the power of the stars and the vitality of heaven and earth.


At this moment, a clicking sound sounded, which surprised both Tian Hao and Bei Mingzi. Looking carefully, they found that there was an extra crack on the white half of the Heshi Bi, and silver-white starlight seeped out of it, and it appeared in the The crystal clear white light is very conspicuous.

The palms of his hands trembled, and Tian Hao quickly stopped the infusion of zhenqi and put on an innocent expression to show that he didn't do it on purpose.

But he was very curious about the starlight seeping out of the crack. It seemed that there were other secrets hidden in the jade.

And I just vaguely sensed that the star power after refining my true energy seemed to be in conflict with the inner energy, which caused the Heshi Bi to crack.

"Continue to instill vitality."

Bei Mingzi also looked thoughtfully at the silver-white starlight seeping out from the cracks, and motioned for his disciple to continue.

After receiving his master's approval, Tian Hao continued to inject true energy.


With the continuous injection of true energy, the conflict with the inner star power became more and more intense, and the cracks in the white half of He's Jade became more and more cracked, until the entire white half was covered, and finally it naturally shattered.

Streams of starlight rushed out from it. If you look closely, there is a silver-white jade bead at the core of each starlight. The sizes are different, the big one is the size of a soybean, and the small one is smaller than a sesame seed.

"It should be that the absorption of different starlights makes it difficult to fuse, so these star beads were born internally."

Raising his hand to catch a star bead, Bei Mingzi roughly understood what was going on.

The upper part of He's Bi has absorbed the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars for countless years. However, these starlights have different properties and are difficult to fuse, so they converge inside the jade. Coupled with the limited space inside, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, part of the jade is combined to form this star bead.

"These star beads can be inlaid on the corresponding star swords to further improve the quality."

Tian Hao had an idea about these star beads. Although jade cannot be blended into gold and iron to make a sword body, it can be inlaid in it.

Xue Ji had three pieces of jade, which were on the hilt of the sword and the scabbard. Unfortunately, in order to carry the zodiac star chart of Chu State, the jade on them were damaged to varying degrees.

However, this method is feasible and should now be applied to these star beads.

"This method is feasible, but what should the main sword be made of?"

Bei Mingzi nodded in agreement, but also proposed the casting of the main sword.

These star beads each have different attributes, and none of them match the main sword.

After all, the main sword must integrate the star power of all the stars in the sky, and even carry it when performing the giant sword technique, so its own star power attributes cannot be biased. These star beads are not suitable for making the main sword.

"Master, what do you think of this copper box?"

Looking at the copper box, Tian Hao made some guesses about its material.

I was familiar with the material of this copper box before, but it was only just now that I remembered that it was very similar to the Minghong Dao.

The Minghong Sword is a sword made from the same furnace as the Xuanyuan Sword. It is made of the same material as the Xuanyuan Sword, but it does not have as many blessing effects as the Xuanyuan Sword.

If this material is used to build the main sword body, it will definitely be able to withstand the infusion of a lot of star power.

"The material is fine, but how does it fit with the power of the stars?"

After thinking about it, Bei Mingzi thought it was feasible, but it was still not enough.

The main sword must not only have sufficient material strength, but also must have sufficient fit.

"How about we try to shape a star bead?"

Looking at the surrounding star beads being dragged by the energy of heaven and earth, Tian Hao felt that he could imitate one.

Although star power has many characteristics that are difficult to combine, his true energy can refine all star powers and merge them into one. It should not be difficult to use it as a foundation to create a star bead with all attributes.

"With your Qi characteristics, you can give it a try."

Slightly startled, Bei Mingzi smiled, and then he used his strength to lift up the broken white shell of He's Biying, and used earth-attribute Taoism to aggregate and deform it, finally forming a jade ball the size of an egg.

The power of Taoism is extraordinary, and it can do many incredible things, such as changing the material and aggregating some gravel into a stone.

Of course, this method can only be applied to ordinary stones. It is difficult to do it if it is a jade that contains special power. Especially a top-notch jade such as He's Bi, which is rare in thousands of years. If you are not careful, it will be destroyed. destroyed.

However, there is not much star brilliance in these outer skins, and it is not difficult to simply polymerize and deform.

Taking the jade ball, Tian Hao hesitated and said, "My disciple has a bold idea about this piece of He's jade, and I would like to ask my master to estimate whether it is feasible."

"tell me the story."

Bei Mingzi became interested. Although it was very difficult to perfect the ideas of this disciple, they were indeed very good. They would be good this time. Once completed, they would definitely be of great help to Taoism.

Looking at the remaining half of He's Bi in his hand, Tian Hao said: "Our human body itself communicates with the vitality of heaven and earth, and can even absorb it independently, but the speed is too slow and can almost be ignored.

However, the existence of He's Bi proves that increasing the concentration of heaven and earth's vitality and incorporating this special vitality can very well assist cultivation.

The disciple's idea is to use the method of the Great Zhou Tian Qi Movement as the basis to create a formation method combined with the Shibi specifically to gather the vitality of heaven and earth and increase the concentration of the overall vitality of Taiyi Mountain..."

That's right, what he wanted to tinker with was the spirit-gathering array in the Xiuzhen Xianxia novels, the kind that could cover the entire mountain.

If it is really worked out, the Taoist side will really take off.

At the same time, Taiyi Mountain is within the territory of Qin State and not far from Xianyang City. In the future, the two sides can take care of each other and better deal with some powerful enemies.

Coupled with his increasing prestige in Taoism, strengthening Taoism means strengthening oneself. Taoist disciples are the followers of someone else, and they are one's own people.

"In addition, there is the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. We can use the formation to draw the starlight to gather. It can also assist in cultivation. We can even expand it based on the Zodiac Star Chart, and finally create a super giant that covers the entire Taiyi Mountain. The zodiac star chart comes and even covers the surrounding mountains.

In this way, the starlight can assist the disciples to improve their spiritual power, and even open up a starry spiritual space like the disciples. Secondly, the gathered vitality of heaven and earth can assist in the improvement of skills and achieve comprehensive improvement..."

After talking about the Spirit Gathering Formation, Tian Hao then talked about the idea of ​​the Star Gathering Formation. This idea was earlier and existed together with the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. It was just that there was no basis for implementation at that time, but now Heshi Bi and Nei The emergence of Zhongxingzhu gave this idea a foundation to be realized.

Bei Mingzi was a little stunned when he heard this fantasy idea, followed by infinite surprise, and then distress.

"You can really cause problems for people."

Bei Mingzi complained gloomily, knowing that once the effects of these two formations are formed, their Taoism will achieve a qualitative transformation, but it is not easy to achieve it.

The more bases there are in the formation, the more difficult it will be to deduce it. Even if the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation can be deduced based on the zodiac star chart, the difficulty will be reduced a lot, but it is still not easy.

Before, he was troubled by the rudiments of his disciple's secret skills, and now he had to do two big jobs. Now he was no longer worried that he would die suddenly from doing it, but that he would definitely die from exhaustion doing it.

"It's all for Taoism!"

Tian Hao chuckled, "Those who are capable should work harder!"

If this kind of spirit gathering array and star gathering array are created, he will also benefit from it and can be applied to other sub-bases to cultivate more and stronger bad guys.

"Okay, let me try it!"

Waving his hand to signal someone to get out of here, Bei Mingzi decided to retreat for a while, trying to get these two formations out as soon as possible, at least a prototype first, and then slowly improve and expand them based on the actual situation.

"Disciple and grandson leave!"

Tian Hao bowed and exited.

He has great confidence in this master. Although his realm has fallen out of the realm of gods and humans, his cultivation and vision are still there, which does not affect his deduction ability.

Furthermore, even if you really die from exhaustion on it, it is a glorious sacrifice that will be recorded in the annals of history, and someone else will also wear sackcloth and pay tribute to him. This is true to his word.

(End of this chapter)

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