Chapter 28
"Juzi, I want to go to Qin."

Walking to the side with Six Fingers Black Man, Mo Ban looked around to make sure there was no one around before speaking in a low voice.

The realization and ability of machine tools gave him a taste of the sweetness, but he would not be satisfied with this. He wanted to get more inspiration to continuously improve the machine skills.

I definitely can't do it by myself, I have to find Brother Tian, ​​and I will definitely get more inspiration.

"Wait until Ying Zichu becomes Queen of Qin before you go there. Be careful when selecting people. You will need absolute confidentiality there for a long time to come."

Six Fingers Heixia did not refuse, but stated the conditions.

Mo Ban's actions represent not only himself, but also the Mo family. He needs to test the kid. If it is true that Ying Zichu quickly becomes the king of Qin as he said, it will be enough to prove the kid's inference.

At that time, Mo Ban would bring people over to help the boy and Ying Zheng secretly develop and grow. Even if Ying Zheng could quickly become the King of Qin, he would make additional investment.

After all, as a powerful son of the Mo family, the most important thing to consider is the inheritance of the Mo family, otherwise he would not make an exception and accept a royal prince like Yan Dan as his disciple.

If Qin was a better choice, he wouldn't mind investing there, and it would even be possible to move the entire Mo family there in the future.

Of course, that's really impossible. After all, most of the Mohist sects are hostile and disgusted with Qin State. It is absolutely impossible for this part of people to bring them over. They can only bring those factions that are neutral and gentle to Qin State, especially the mechanism art line. a member of.

At the same time, when the Mohists join the Qin State, they can also find ways to influence the Qin State from the inside, so as to cause less crimes in the future unification war. This is much more effective than their running back and forth to stop the war in the past, so it does not violate the Mohist School's principle of both love and non-attack idea.

At the beginning, I agreed with the kid to teach the Mohist mind method to Ying Zheng, and I also had this consideration. I hope that the two pieces of mind method of Jianai Feigong can affect Yingzheng, at least not to become a bloodthirsty person.

"I will choose carefully!"

Nodding his head, Moban can naturally understand the importance of this point. Before Yingzheng takes power, it is best for them not to show their faces, at least not to the public, otherwise they will definitely be targeted by some people and forces.

It can't even let the inside of the Mo family know, after all, there are quite a few people in the Mo family who are hostile and disgusted with Qin at this stage.

"I want to retreat in the forbidden area for a period of time. You send someone to send all the bamboo slips in the history books in the organ city. I want to learn."

Six Fingers Heixia talked about retreat, although he originally arranged other things to do, but now that the Mohist mentality has an opportunity to break through, he should focus on it.

In this era, after all, the strong are respected. Their Mohists have never had a strong person in the realm of heaven and man since their ancestor Mozi. Compared with Confucianism, Mencius and Xunzi have appeared successively. It's a bit hypocritical to be the two great scholars in the world.

Their Mo family must have a strong person in the realm of heaven and man, so as to be able to welcome the great era that is about to open.

"Ji Ziyou is about to break through?"

Mo Ban was shocked, then overjoyed.

The Six-Fingered Black Man has reached the limit that all the scholars of the past can achieve. No one has reached the perfection of the mental method except the ancestor Mozi. If the Six-Fingered Black Man can perfect the Mohist mental method, it will have immeasurable benefits for the entire Mohist family. benefit.

"At least [-]% sure, but don't tell anyone about my breakthrough."

He warned solemnly that the Six-Fingered Black Man did not want to reveal his breakthrough in advance, which would inevitably attract more attention to the Mo family, such as the old rival Yin Yang family.

It may not be said that Donghuang Taiyi will come to the door in person, and there are also strong and weak people in the heaven-human realm. He has just broken through and is definitely not as good as Donghuang Taiyi who has achieved the heaven-human realm for many years.

In addition, he has other ideas.

"Juzi wants to test Prince Dan?"

Moban was thoughtful. He had partnered with Six Fingers Heixia for many years and knew his way of thinking very well. Obviously, this old partner was still influenced by the kid's words.

"Yan Dan already has quite a rich city at a young age. I don't know whether it is right or wrong to accept him as a disciple. I can only test it with time, and there are some things that I can't control even if I am a disciple."

With a helpless sigh, Six Fingers Heixia is not sure which path Yandan will take in the future, nor is he confident that he will be able to teach Yandan well.

After all, he is the prince of a country, and people from the royal family are different from normal people, especially because they have a much greater desire for power, so it is difficult to teach them to become a qualified Mohist.

"Is it really good to bet on both sides?"

Mo Ban thinks it's not good to play like this, and it may cause the Mo family to collapse.

"He's right. The Mohist family has been passed down for so long, and there have been internal problems that have tied the Mohist family to the two countries of Yan and Zhao. We can't solve this kind of problem. We can only break through and build up!"

The Six-Fingered Black Man felt helpless and powerless about this.

The Mohist school has existed for a long time, and it is inevitable that factions will be formed within it, especially when the Mohist school was divided into three parts. Most of the members of their main branch came from the two countries of Yan and Zhao, and gradually the position of the Mohist school was biased towards the two countries.

The reason why I made an exception to accept Yandan as a disciple also had internal influences, and it was a helpless choice.

I can't help myself!
"I have to mention the selection criteria again."

Scratching his head, Mo Ban didn't have a good solution to this kind of thing. Breaking and rebuilding was the only option now.

However, I have to raise the selection criteria to another level. Ability is second, and the key is attitude and attitude, so as not to leave hidden dangers for the future.

In the final analysis, it was just a separation, and the purest Mohists who had no external standpoint were removed and brought to Qin as the basis for development. What they can develop in the future depends entirely on their own efforts.

However, he believes that his choice of thinking is correct. If Jizi can use Brother Tian's new ideas to break through the Mohist mentality to perfection, it will prove their correctness even more.

Their goal is great love and long-distance love, which is a further interpretation of the concept of ancestors.

"Take a copy of various classics secretly, and then completely cut off the connection with the organ city, and you will take it away if you are not attacking."

He took out Fei Gong from his sleeve and handed it to Mo Ban. Six Fingers Heixia had already had the same idea as Mo Ban, and took the opportunity to establish a sub-base for the Mo family in Qin State.

Even if the organ city is destroyed in the future, their Mo family can still pass it on.

As for Mo Mei, he will stay here in the organ city, and continue to stick to the organ city, trying to continue to protect the inheritance here.

If he still can't prevent the demise here, he will try his best, and he has no regrets.

"What happened?"

Seeing the determination of the Black Man with Six Fingers, Mo Ban sensed that something was wrong, did something happen?

"I took a trip to Linzi and Xinzheng, and the results I saw were shocking. Maybe this troubled world is really about to come to an end."

He did not hide anything, and when he revealed his previous itinerary, the Black Man with Six Fingers became more and more convinced of that cheap disciple's inference. His terrifying wisdom, as long as there are no accidents, the unification of the world is almost inevitable.

In the face of such a general trend, their Mo family can't stop it, and even the organ city may not be able to hold it.

All he can do is to live and die with the Mohist family and Guancheng, because he is a powerful son of the Mohist family, and he must not abandon the Mohist disciples and escape alone.

It's a pity that there are many factions within the Mohist family, and many things are difficult for him to change even as a child, otherwise he would not have gone to that extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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