Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 298 3 British Battle Ceremony

Chapter 298 Three Heroes Battle Ceremony

"You should think about how much effort you have to exert in Daliang this time."

Tian Hao turned to Han Fei and reminded him seriously.

They didn't say anything about this on the way, but now that they have arrived in Wei State and entered the Wei Palace, they will inevitably be involved.

You have to think about it.

This time he came as Haoran, and it was up to Han Fei to decide how to fight and to what extent.

But if there is a particularly strong person on Wei Wuji's side, as long as they are not plot characters, they will all be killed.

Especially for those who are strong in the realm of celestial beings, those who can break through and become celestial beings at this time must have obtained the power of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess. I have been collecting this kind of power. The more of these good things, the better.

"You are from the royal family and have experienced some things. You know how far the battle here will progress. I think it is secondary. The key is to make a decision. This should be a test left for you by Senior Brother Fu Nian. "

Li Si also spoke. He was no longer considered a weakling, especially when racing, he dared to fight even a strong person in the inner energy realm.

Of course, this is a melee, so you have to be careful when fighting one on one.

“There’s nothing to think about and nothing to decide, just give it a try.

And I may have become the target of some people, and keeping a hand is equivalent to seeking death. "

Shaking his head, Han Fei looked to the south. There must be many people there who didn't want to go back by themselves.

"If nothing can be done, I will take you away."

Tian Hao told the bottom line that he was here to be a bodyguard this time, and he had to save Han Fei's life, otherwise the subsequent plans at Little Saint Xian Manor would be difficult.

Nodding to express understanding, Han Fei also knew that everything had a limit. They couldn't fight to death here, it would make no sense.

There are already a lot of preparations here. If Lord Xinling still succeeds, it can only be said to be God's will and cannot be forced.

He couldn't really take his two junior brothers to die.

"Sleep. In a few days, when the general is free, we will go ask him for advice. Whether it is the practice of hard skills or royal skills, he will definitely be able to give us better guidance."

Seeing that Han Fei could understand, Tian Hao turned around and went back to rest.

Han Fei and Li Si didn't stay here long and went back to rest.

In order to take care of each other conveniently, they live in a palace, so that even if someone comes over to assassinate them, they can better detect and resist them.

Of course, the likelihood of that happening is slim.

Lord Xinling's first goal must be the throne, and he will not take action until the critical moment.

What the three of them thought was correct. The next few days were very peaceful, and nothing unexpected happened until the ceremony took some time out.

“Hard Kung Fu cultivation is not as exquisite as internal cultivation. Many secrets are hidden in the use of strength, which needs to be reflected through combat.

You use all your strength to experience the use of my strength. "

Arriving at an open space, Jianqing said to the three people opposite.

He also wanted to see what the hard skills of the Confucian line were like.

Not far away, under the palace, Queen Mother Leling, Mei Sanniang and the young King Zeng of Wei were watching the battle.

Except for a few of them, there was no one else, and even if they marched, they would only stand guard from a distance.

"Then we're welcome!"

Tian Hao smiled when he heard this, and then winked at Han Fei and Li Si.

Both of them were also very excited. This was their first actual battle, and they were facing a top powerhouse like Jianqing.

It's so exciting!

Tian Hao gave the order and took the lead to pull the heavy chariot and drive away.

Li Si and Han Fei followed closely behind, pulling chariots, and the three heavy chariots were pulled faster and faster.

The three of them knew how powerful the ceremony was, so they didn't hold back. Once they struck, they exploded with all their might.

The three of them did not attack the ceremony immediately, but circled around the ceremony, slowly approaching in a spiral posture, and thereby further increasing their speed.

There was no carelessness in the ceremony. Although no battle ax was used, he would not underestimate any opponent, let alone this line of hard skills passed down from Confucius.

The three people in the palace also stared closely, very attentively and very puzzled.

Why do you need to pull a chariot during a competition?

Even that Haoran didn't carry a sword. Did he have to use a chariot to fight?

How to use it?
Even though Mei Sanniang had heard about the three people's racing outside the city that day, she had never seen it with her own eyes. Without a clear understanding, it was difficult to imagine it.

But this time she could see it with her own eyes, and the next scene made her eyes and mouth wide open.

"The sacred car swings its tail!"

"Total Annihilation!"

After Tian Hao and Han Fei approached the ceremony, they suddenly separated. Tian Hao drifted and drove the chariot towards the front of the ceremony.

Han Fei also drifted towards the ceremony, but from behind, hoping to attack from both front and back.

“Interesting play!”

His eyes lit up, and Jianqing did not flinch. He clenched his fists and punched each other back and forth at super fast speeds, smashing the two tanks that hit him and stopping them in place.

"The disaster star destroys the world!"

At this time, Li Si, who was at the back, also took action. He stepped hard on the ground with his feet, and with his body as the center of the circle, he used the momentum of inertia to swing the chariot, drift and tail, and then hit the ceremony from above.

"Show you the absolute power."

With a grin, Jianqing struck with his fist and knocked the chariot upside down.

However, Tian Hao and the other three were already accustomed to head-on collisions with racing cars, so they did not pause at all and took advantage of the situation to continue running with the chariot.

It was still a circle and then rushed towards the ceremony. Tian Hao was still in the lead, and the method was still drifting and tailing, but this time the three of them drifted and flicked neatly and in the same direction.

Jianqing seemed to have noticed the fighting methods of the three, but did not retreat. He still punched and chose a hard bar, but this time he stepped with the sole of his foot, and the combat boots penetrated half a foot into the ground to stabilize his body.

The force of this blow will definitely not be small.




Tian Hao's chariot hit the festival fist first, then Han Fei's chariot hit Tian Hao's chariot, and then Li Si's chariot.

The superposition of the inertial force of the three chariots was extremely terrifying. Even with the cultivation level of the ceremony, the muscles and bones were shaken violently, and the feet that were stuck in the ground slid a foot away, leaving two deep grooves.

This was not over yet. Tian Hao and the other two were like assassins. After one blow, they pulled the chariot away and circled around again to accumulate power.

"Hahaha... feel good! Be careful, I'm about to attack!"

Throwing his hands, Dianqing smiled heartily and took the initiative after giving a reminder.

The huge combat boots stepped on the ground like war drums beating, leaving deep footprints, which showed how powerful they were.

Tian Hao and the others did not shy away. After increasing their speed to a certain level, they collided with each other again. They still drifted and swung the chariot to smash it.

This is their only means of attack now, and they must run. Otherwise, their strength alone will not be able to shake the several thousand kilograms of bronze chariots.

This is a flaw, and one that the festival has seen through.

After a few rounds, the three of them had to abandon their chariots and join forces to fight the ceremony in close combat.

The three of them had often fought in the past, so they didn't mess up and seemed to have a tacit understanding.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Dong dong dong..."

The three of them launched a fist and kick offensive, using their fists, elbows, shoulders, knees and feet as weapons to launch an all-round attack and withstand the heavy blows of the ceremony.

They hit the body of the ceremony with a dull thud, like hitting a stone.

When the heavy fists of the ceremony fell on the three of them, there was a muffled sound, like the sound of a big bell being struck.

Dianqing could even feel the strength of his fists being rebounded, which was better than the hundreds of shield and armor exercises he had practiced. It was worthy of being a unique skill passed down by Confucius.

The four of them were fighting each other wildly. Although Jianqing was strong, Tian Hao and the other three were not bad at all and were very durable, and they managed to survive.

"Mother, is this what Confucianism is like?"

The young Wang Zeng of Wei had a silly look on his face and didn't understand why the three Confucian disciples were different from the great Confucians he had seen before.

The painting styles are so different.

"It belongs to the secret line of Confucianism. Master Kong Sheng was a wizard with both civil and military skills, and his father was a peerless general of that era who could hold up city gates..."

Queen Mother Leling was also confused, but she still explained it to her son.

"Confucianism is indeed one of the two most prominent schools of thought in the world!" At the end of the sentence, Queen Mother Leling couldn't help but sigh.

The foundation of Confucianism is truly unfathomable.

Not to mention the Queen Mother Le Ling's thoughts, Han Fei and Li Si on the field were still young after all. After holding on for half a quarter of an hour, they finally couldn't hold on anymore. They were kicked out by Dianqing and fell to the ground. I couldn't get up, and all the internal energy in my body was shaken away.

Now only Tian Hao was left struggling with the ceremony. He took advantage of his relatively small size and responded with flexible and coquettish steps. He persisted for half a quarter of an hour longer than Han Fei and Li Si before he was knocked out.

However, his hard work of protecting the body was not broken, and he didn't even suffer any injuries. In the end, his body flipped in mid-air and landed on the ground, pretending to stagger while breathing heavily.

"The general is worthy of being the number one in hard work today, Haoran admires him!"

After taking a breath, Tian Hao stepped forward and blew.

"Your hard skills are not bad, and you even practice soft skills. Such qualifications are rare."

Jianqing was very surprised. When he fought with this person, not only would some of his energy be counterattacked, but some of the energy that he had fought with would also be removed.

This is also the main reason why he has not been able to break through the defense of his hard skills for so long. The application of this counter-attack is just right, and it is really rare to be able to practice external skills to this extent.

Of course, it was mainly because he did not use the hard power of the Heavenly Realm, otherwise one move would be enough to defeat the three of them.

Well, except for the chariot style, that is borrowed power, not their own strength.

"My martial arts talent is not very good, and the Golden Bell Body Kung Fu is also developed with the help of many precious drugs. It is difficult to continue to improve with hard skills alone. I can only practice flexible external skills to improve my strength."

Tian Hao lied in a serious manner, with a helpless expression.

"Don't belittle yourself. Being able to practice both hard and soft skills is a rare talent. As long as you persist, you will definitely reach my level in time."

Dianqing is very optimistic about the young man in front of him. His external skills may not be as good as those of Han Fei and Li Si. This can be seen from the growth in body shape after training.

However, external cultivation is different from internal cultivation. Talent is important, but acquired hard work is more important. This person's perseverance is much stronger than that of the Korean Ninth Young Master and Li Si, and his future achievements will definitely be higher.

"Thank you General for your good words!"

Tian Hao's face showed joy, and he also had more fighting spirit.

"Please understand the use of my strength just now. I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you to discuss it."

After admonishing, Dianqing nodded to Queen Mother Leling on the other side of the palace, turned and left.

As the enthronement ceremony gets closer and closer, there are more and more things happening on his side, and he needs to be more vigilant and prepared. It is rare to be able to spare so much time today.

At the same time, I was thinking that the tank style is very good. Although it is not very useful in single combat, if applied to melee or even on the battlefield, it is a very effective weapon, especially for their armored doors. master.

After you go back, you can also have someone build a bronze chariot like that. Well, it should be bigger and heavier.

"Brother Haoran, you are hiding something secret, which makes me sad!"

Han Fei, who finally sat up, was very resentful. It wasn't that he was complaining, but that the posture he had just landed on was too awkward. In comparison, Haoran was able to maintain his figure and landed on the ground, which made him full of envy and jealousy.

Li Si next to him was also very envious. He also wanted that cool carp landing method, instead of his just flat buttocks landing style.

If he hadn't been thick-skinned, his face would have been disfigured by just wiping it on the ground.

"Okay, if you are ambitious, I will teach you the flexible external skills of breaking the liver and intestines tonight!"

Two slaps fell on their shoulders, Tian Hao looked relieved, and finally waited until the two of them spoke.

The practice of flexible external exercises is quite painful, even more painful than the so-called Golden Bell Body Exercise. It is an internal training of the muscles and bones, and the external methods are similar to the yoga of the previous life.

It's the kind that can bend its head downwards.

"I'm just saying it!"

Seeing Tian Hao's expression, Han Fei had a very bad premonition, and suddenly expressed with a sad face that he didn't want to practice.

Just the word "heartbroken" makes people's heads tingle.

"Look at how hopeless you are. There is no need to hesitate when you have this opportunity in front of you. Let's practice!"

Queen Mother Leling came over, frowning and scolding.

Outsiders can't even ask for such a great opportunity, and yet you refuse.

"My great aunt taught me that I am not wrong."

Han Fei responded with a mournful face. He wanted to cry but had no tears. He wished he could give him a slap in the face.

Why is your mouth so mean?

"Confucian imperial skills are indeed unique. No wonder Master Kong Sheng was able to lead his disciples to travel around the world. I am amazed when I see it today."

Turning her eyes to Tian Hao, Queen Mother Leling finally saw that this was the true successor of the line of Confucian hard work, and that her nephew and Li Si were just passing by, or they had just started.

Han Fei's eyes twitched when he heard these words. He wanted to explain that Master Kong Sheng's imperial skills were not like that, but he held it back in the end.

I have to say that that kind of royal technique was very enjoyable and exciting, and he fell deeply in love with that kind of gameplay.

"Your Majesty, you are so complimentary. What we have learned is only scratching the surface, and we are still far from the realm of our ancestors."

Tian Hao was modest, saying that the imperial skills he just performed were just a hint, and the true essence has not been revealed yet.

"I think you need to understand what you learned from the battle with the general as soon as possible. I won't disturb you anymore. If you need anything, please ask."

Empress Dowager Leling did not stay long. After saying a few words, she left with her son Wei Zeng.

She also had a lot of things to be busy with. Mei Sanniang also left, but she frequently looked back at the three of them and the chariot, and was very interested in the previous imperial skills.

"Congratulations to the Queen Mother!"

After the three people sent them off respectfully, Tian Hao and Li Si looked solemn, while Han Fei's expression collapsed.

"The difference is huge!"

Even though they had been fighting with Dianqing for so long just now, that was because Dianqing did not use all his strength or weapons, otherwise one punch could break their physical protection.

The gap is too big, they are not on the same level at all.

"That person is a master of hard skills. He is several levels higher than us. He has been practicing for longer than us. It is already very good to be able to achieve this level."

Tian Hao rolled his eyes and went over. What's so frustrating about losing at the hands of a fierce man like Jianqing.

Not to mention Han Fei and Li Si, even if he exploded with all his strength and only used hard skills to fight each other, he would definitely not be a match for the ceremony.

That's a matter of talent, there's really no way to compare.

"We have reached the level of being beaten with a copper hammer. How should we practice next?"

Taking a deep breath, Li Si asked in a deep voice, eager to start the next stage of training.

After this battle, he had a clear understanding of his own strength, and he became more and more eager to be in the realm of top experts.

The Golden Bell Body Skill requires external force to strike. They have experienced six levels: dry towel, wet towel, leather whip, wooden stick, copper stick, and copper hammer. They don't know what the next level is.

Han Fei was also curious about this. What kind of auxiliary training should be used next?

"Didn't I always ask you to practice?"

After replying, Tian Hao had already asked the two of them to start preparations.

Li Si was stunned by this and didn't understand what it meant.

However, Han Fei, who was more flexible in his mind, seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly looked at the three bronze chariots, swallowed his saliva and said, "Are you going to hit them with those chariots?"

"So cruel?"

Li Si also looked over and took a breath.

This is too cruel!

You must know that the newly built chariot this time is not ordinary. It is not only larger and heavier, but also has rows of conical spikes on the edge. If it hits the body, it will have to make a hole.

And even without those sharp cones and spikes, the force of the chariot's swing is too strong, and one blow is enough to knock out their hard defense.

"You are not yet ready to practice. Firstly, you have not yet condensed your inner Qi. Secondly, you have been practicing with drugs as the main aid in the past six months, which has accumulated a large amount of medicinal power and even poisonous drugs in your body. It will take several years of precipitation and running-in before you can continue. The next step of training.”

Shaking his head, Tian Hao had no intention of letting the two of them practice the next stage immediately.

Although he has personally assisted the two of them in their cultivation in the past six months, minimizing the hidden dangers, they cannot be completely eliminated.

Moreover, it is not a good thing to practice martial arts too quickly in the early stages. It would be better for the two of them to slow down in this regard for a few years.

"That's okay, that's okay!"

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that he would practice like that right away, otherwise he would die young if he was not careful.

"Go back first to realize what you gained from the battle just now. I will teach you how to practice Rou Gong tonight."

After saying this, Tian Hao walked towards the chariot and prepared to pull it back.

This is his main battle weapon in Daliang, Wei State, and he has to keep it with him to be safe.

Han Fei and Li Si also went over and pulled their chariots back. At the same time, they recalled the battle with Dianqing just now, especially the domineering power that the opponent had penetrated into their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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