Chapter 35
Not long after, Ying Zheng returned, followed by a reluctant Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji's eyes were once again full of resentment as she walked over. This thing was no longer a human being.

Tian Hao had already lit many oil lamps and hung a bronze mirror on them to reflect the surrounding candlelight onto Tieshan's body, further increasing the brightness.

"This person's name is Tieshan, and he is a disciple of the master of the Pijiamen. He has cultivated the unique hard skill of the Pijiamen, the hundred-refined shield armor, to the state of fifty-refined. With the skill running, even the Mohist crossbow is hard to hurt. .

Even if he died now, without the blessing of skill, the toughness of his skin was still far beyond that of ordinary people. "

Ignoring the resentful eyes of an aunt, Tian Hao introduced Tieshan, and at the same time took out an ordinary butcher's knife and handed it to Ying Zheng for verification.

Ying Zheng took the butcher's knife, scratched the blade of the butcher's knife with his thumb to confirm its sharpness, and then pulled it up on Tieshan's abdomen, but felt that the skin was like tough leather armor, and it was not cut open.

After that, he slowly increased his strength, but it only left white marks on the bronze skin, and they recovered quickly. Even with the blessing of inner breath, they still couldn't cut through.

"Hard skills have been cultivated to this extent?"

Zhao Ji was very angry and curious, is this still a body of flesh and blood?

Before, I only thought that the defense of hard skills was all based on the blessing of special skills. Who would have thought that the body's essence could also be improved by practice.

If Zheng'er can accomplish this kind of hard work, he will be able to guard against many surprise assassinations and save his life.

After all, killers pay more attention to sudden attacks, and it is often difficult to react and run defense skills. If the body itself can cultivate such a strong body, it can at least carry it and buy time for the defense skills to run.

Even if it only takes a blink of an eye, your life can be saved.

"The Hundred Refined Shield of the Armored Sect is mainly used for defense. Although it does not increase the strength too much, its defensive power is unparalleled in the world. It is the strongest type of hard skills practiced by military strategists."

Nodding, Tian Hao asked a lot of things from Tieshankou before, especially the military hard skills system.

The method of hard work is popular among military strategists, and the main development direction is to improve strength and defense, among which the strength is the most improved.

For example, Xiang Shaoyu, Big Iron Hammer, and even the farmer's Sheng Qi and Tian Hu inherited the art of overbearing killing in the lineage of the farmer's Chi Youtang. It is said that it was inherited from Chi You. The oldest lineage of military strategists.

At that time, the master of the army in Liuxian Tomb was Shengqi's master, so Shengqi is strictly speaking a military strategist, at least in the martial arts system.

When Tian Yan revealed his identity as Jingshao and faced off against Wei Zhuang, he also said that Wei Zhuang had injuries caused by external forces from the peasant family. This proved that Sheng Qi majored in military hard skills and was biased towards strength. .

However, the shield armor of the Pijiamen is more defensive, and its strength is not too strong. According to the animation effect, Dianqing's strength is not even comparable to Wushuanggui's.

In the animation, Shennongtang was ambushed, and it was difficult to lift even a stone lantern during the ceremony, but the Wushuang ghost was able to lift a giant cauldron and hit people, and swung half of a stone pillar as a weapon.

This is not because the shields are weak, but because they have different tendencies.

To use an analogy, Wushuanggui's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is like a specialized power, while Dianqing's Shield Armor Hundred Training is like the Vajra Immortal Kungfu, there is no way to compare the pros and cons.

However, on the battlefield, defense is more popular than strength, at least the survival rate is higher, and you can resist even if you are attacked.

Look at Wushuang Ghost, he was taken down by the young Wei Zhuang who broke his defense.

Thinking in his heart, Tian Hao's subordinates were not slow, and used the dismantled fish gut gun head to remove Tieshan's skin, revealing the muscles and tendons of his body, and Zhao Ji vomited immediately.

Ying Zheng, who was holding back by force, couldn't help throwing up on the corner of the wall, and his face became even paler.

Tian Hao was not in a hurry, he was studying the skin of Tieshan while waiting for the two to get used to it.

It took a while for the two of them to regain their strength, and Ying Zheng came back first, suppressing his discomfort and looking at the bloody corpse.

Zhao Ji wanted to leave, but after being glared at by someone, she could only come back like a bullied little daughter-in-law, and cast even more resentful eyes.

"I taught you to prioritize attacking the enemy's vital points before, but you don't know why those places are critical. Today I will use this corpse to explain to you.

The first is the heart, which is responsible for supplying blood to our whole body and allowing the blood to flow. The blood contains things that our whole body needs. It is responsible for transporting the essence obtained from food to all parts of the body, so it is very important.

But it doesn't matter to a certain extent. For example, if the breathing technique is cultivated to a certain level, we can integrate the power into the blood and drive the blood to flow in the blood vessels. Even if the heart is pierced, we can still live.

Afterwards, all he has to do is find a way to repair the wound in his heart.

The next two sides are the lungs, which are responsible for breathing air, obtaining the essence our body needs from the air, and then carrying it to the whole body through the blood..."

Tian Hao used the biological knowledge he learned at school in his previous life to explain the structure of the human body to the two, and changed it into a way that can be understood by this era.

Following Tian Hao's explanation, Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji's mother and son gradually became engrossed in listening, forgot the bloody feeling, and listened carefully, even Ying Zheng stretched out his hands to see more clearly.

“In addition to these vital points on the chest, abdomen and head, there are also secondary vital points in other parts, mainly tendons, blood vessels and meridians.

I stabbed the tendon of this person's hands and feet before, just to prevent the opponent from counterattacking hard.

A blood vessel is a channel for transporting blood, once cut open it will bleed, if it is a thick blood vessel bleeding faster, too much blood loss will definitely make the opponent fall into a weak state, or even die, similar to the effect of piercing the heart..."

After explaining the vital points of the organs and head, Tian Hao started to explain the muscles, tendons, and visible blood vessels, especially the aorta, which were fatal weaknesses.

Both Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji carefully memorized that these can not only be used for attack, but also for defense, to avoid the opponent's fatal attack and avoid causing greater harm to themselves. This can save their lives at critical moments, so the two of them naturally cannot Dare to neglect.

After finishing the explanation, Zhao Ji suddenly took the head of the fish intestine spear out of Tian Hao's hand, ruthlessly chopped off the brother of Tieshan's mother, and then aimed her eyes at someone's vital parts, the threat was beyond words.

Watching this scene, Tian Hao had a black line on his forehead, and felt that this bitch was out of control again.

"It's getting late, everyone hurry up!"

Ignoring the smug and threatening little eyes of a certain aunt, she motioned to go up quickly, and then transferred the fragmented iron mountain to the hole dug over there.

Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji also knew they couldn't stay here for long, so they washed off the blood on their hands with clean water and left quickly.

Tian Hao pushed in the soil on the edge of the pit, poured a bucket of water to stuff it, and finally pushed the remaining soil up, stepped on it with his feet, and the excess soil was stepped on the side, so that it was inconspicuous , even if someone comes here in the future, they will not find that someone is buried here.

After finishing all this, Tian Hao took a sip of water and gnawed a pot helmet pad to cushion his stomach, and glanced at the practice methods of the Hundred Refined Shield Armor carved on the wall, especially the breathing technique.

There is nothing to say about external cultivation methods, and there is no such thing as incompatibility. The key lies in internal cultivation methods. Without the assistance of internal cultivation methods, practicing external cultivation methods will not have much effect. It will hurt you.

Therefore, the core lies in the breathing technique of internal cultivation. As long as the breathing technique is integrated, one can also practice the shield armor hundred refinements.

During this time, he has almost mastered the Thunder Breathing Technique with the help of Golden Finger's improved understanding. He only needs to comprehend the Hundred Refining Breathing Technique to a certain level before he can start the fusion.

With his understanding of the Thunder Breathing Technique, and the original explanation and guidance of the Six Finger Black Man, he already has a very good understanding of the essence of the Breathing Technique, and it is much easier to use it as a basis to understand the Hundred Refinements Breathing Technique. At least it will be easier than before to master the Thunder Breathing Technique.


(Kneeling for recommendation, kneeling for collection!)
(End of this chapter)

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