Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 412 Worshiping Father-in-Law

Chapter 412 Worshiping Father-in-Law
While Tian Hao and others were discussing the Korean plan, thousands of miles away in the Prime Minister's Mansion in Xianyang City, Lu Buwei received the records of Li Si and Han Fei's words and deeds sent by Zhan Ri.

"He is an ambitious and courageous junior!"

After reading Li Si's words, Lu Buwei smiled.

He doesn't care if his people are ambitious, because ambition will give him the motivation to do things to the limit of his abilities.

He doesn't want to use that kind of character who has no ambition and can only lie down.

From Li Si's words and ideas, he seemed to see himself back then, but this young man was more courageous and luckier than he was back then.

"Are you really willing to give up your power?"

The Lord of the Snare next to him couldn't figure out what Lu Buwei was thinking, and his previous understanding had changed.

This kind of thing that was not under his control made him very unhappy.

This question made Lu Buwei turn his head and glance at the Lord of the Snare, feeling a little disappointed.

I have been constantly improving over the years, and my tactics and mentality have become more and more perfect. In contrast, the Lord of the Snare is still standing still.

In other words, the other party mainly focuses on cultivation and wants to break through that level and become a sage.

Although this is an improvement, it is not what he wants.

This kind of person is no longer qualified to play chess with him!
Without worrying about these, Lu Buwei explained calmly.

"It's not about letting go, but a kind of inheritance. Everything now is the result of my hard work. I don't want this hard-won achievement to be destroyed. It's better to find a successor.

Before I become an old fool, I can cultivate an outstanding heir. As a Chu native, he has an advantage over me.

This is my way to immortality, the continuation of the pursuit of will, which is different from yours. "

He agreed with Li Si's point of view. His identity as a Chu nationality allowed him to be close to the Chu family, at least to have a foundation.

As long as it is operated properly, the Chu family and its own strength can be integrated into one to form a whole and eliminate hidden dangers within the Qin State.

In this way, he can further promote his achievements and unify the world. In this way, he can leave his name in history as the founder of the unification of Qin and last forever, just like his ancestor Jiang Taigong.

"Where is he?"

After asking again, Lu Buwei wanted to meet the junior.

"They just crossed the border of Daliang City the day before yesterday. At their speed, they can reach Xianyang in ten days at most."

He replied, the Lord of the Snare is still very clear about this.

"Have you found out about Confucian Haoran?"

Lu Buwei nodded with satisfaction and turned to ask about another person's information, which he was also very interested in.

"No, he is very mysterious, and he seemed very close to Xunzi after he came out of seclusion. He was accepted as a disciple on the same day, and he valued him more than the three previous disciples. I suspect that he is a member of a certain lineage of Confucianism."

The Lord of the Snare expressed his own analysis. He could only analyze it now because he lacked enough information.

That Confucian Haoran was too low-key. There was no news, no trace, either before he came to the Little Saint's Village or after he left the Little Saint's Village.

Either the other party is good at disguise, or there is a huge force secretly helping it hide and erase traces.

"Don't you have infiltration into Confucianism?"

Lu Buwei was once again disappointed with the ability of his partner. If he couldn't find out anything like this, what use would he have to him?

Could it be that he only knows how to kill people?

"Confucianism is widely dispersed. There are eight main lines and more small lines. However, I guess he may be a descendant of Mencius. Xunzi's talent and power should be related to that person."

He had no choice but to explain that the Lord of the Net also wanted to fully infiltrate Confucianism and take it into his hands.

It's a pity that those Confucian people are not good at it, so they can only do it quietly.

Moreover, there are really too many lines of Confucianism, mainly because Confucius had too many disciples at that time, 72 of whom were famous alone, and they all left their own inheritance lines.

Not to mention Mencius after that, especially since Mencius's lineage had no inheritance outside the world, he guessed that he might have gone into hiding.

"Mencius' lineage!"

Thinking about the records about Mencius, there is indeed no accurate lineage passed down from descendants. This is very different from Confucius.

Confucius' lineage has now developed into a huge family, very powerful, and very powerful in Qilu.

But I have never heard of the Mencius lineage. Maybe it has not been passed down, or maybe it has escaped from the world.

Mencius's theory was rejected and denied by all countries at that time, and it was not impossible for his descendants to hide from the world out of frustration.

Moreover, at that time, the Kong family was very powerful and deeply rooted in Confucianism. If Mencius left his descendants within Confucianism, there would inevitably be disputes and conflicts, and the family might even be exterminated. It was a good choice to stay outside and live in seclusion.

"In this era of great strife, all forces have jumped out. Even the Taoist Tianzong, which has always been known as a retreat from the world, has come down. It is not surprising that a member of the Mencius lineage appears."

Looking at the sky outside the window, Lu Buwei lamented the grandeur of this era, and became increasingly determined to choose an outstanding successor to complete his unfinished business and promote the unification of Qin.

Otherwise, if the ability is insufficient, it may be difficult to suppress the various forces and talents emerging in this era.

The Lord of the Snare expressed his deep approval and helplessness to this sentence, as well as the difficulty.

The intensity of this world of great conflict far exceeded their previous expectations. Not only did a traitor pop up within their network, disrupting all their plans.

Now there are fierce and talented people outside, all of them are ambitious and want to get a piece of the pie in the final troubled times.

Facing so many forces and talents, even if they have a deep foundation, they still find it difficult.

"Has Master Xun not responded yet?"

His thoughts turned to Mr. Xun in Xiaoshengxian Village. Lu Buwei was still not sure about that son-in-law and wanted to gather more strength.

"No, he seemed to be frightened by Bei Mingzi's strength last time. He has been practicing in seclusion. He even practiced a hard skill to make up for his physical shortcomings. Maybe he was preparing for that step."

Shaking his head regretfully, the Lord of Luowang also hoped that Xunzi could participate, but unfortunately it didn't happen, but he could understand it.

Xunzi was defeated so miserably last time that he was defeated even with the Zhanlu Sword in his hand.

If you don't break through that step, I'm afraid you won't come to Qin.

However, Xunzi is the most promising person of their generation to break through to that point and become a sage. Maybe he can succeed.

Not to mention the discussion between Lu Buwei and the Lord of Luowang, Tian Hao on the other side discussed with everyone all day long and did not disperse until early the next morning.

There is nothing to discuss about South Korea itself, but this time he will attract all the six major national forces outside South Korea, causing South Korea to be completely chaotic, destroying the plot of Tianxing Jiuge to the maximum extent, and increasing Goldfinger's income.

“People want to go too!”

When setting off, Zhao Ji, who woke up, hugged someone's arm and acted cute and coquettishly like a young girl, expressing that she also wanted to go.

Not only do I want to accompany the little man, but I also want to go out and relax and see the customs and customs of other countries.

Not to mention that the upcoming drama in South Korea is so big, it would be a pity not to go and see it.


Tian Hao thought for a while and finally did not refuse.

Zhao Ji stayed in Qin Palace for nine years for them and never came out. She must be very depressed. It would be good to take her out to relax this time.


Seeing that the little man agreed, Zhao Ji jumped up happily and gave him a sweet kiss.

"Xiaoying, do you want to go see Mo Crow? He is also my subordinate now."

Tian Hao looked at Ying Ge. This girl had been following Zhao Ji and hadn't gone out for a long time.

"You still caused trouble."

After muttering, Ying Ge didn't expect Mo Ya to be harmed by this thing.

It was in order to protect Mo Crow that she gave in to that thing. In the end, Mo Crow still couldn't escape the clutches of this thing, and her original efforts were in vain.

After confirming, the five people flew to Chu State in the Black Bird, accompanied by a Chidori member who was responsible for driving the Black Bird back.

He did not go to the Chu State immediately, but went to Taiyi Mountain first, and got the Haoran Sword that had been rooted in the Double Blood Clone, and then turned to the Chu State.Because the distance was not too far, they arrived at Chu Kingdom the next night. Then the five people took advantage of the night to perform Qing Kung Fu and fell down. The Black Bird was controlled by the Chidori member and returned in a circle.

Although Tian Hao and Guang Tongchen no longer have the optical invisibility, because the black bird is originally black, it can also be invisible under the cover of night, so returning safely is not a problem.

After landing, the five people got four horses, Zhao Ji and the four girls rode horses, and Tian Hao walked.

There was no way, with his current body shape and the weight of the Haoran Sword, the horse would definitely not be able to carry him, so he could only walk.

Of course, the horses obtained are just ordinary horses, not big in size. War horses are strategic materials and are strictly controlled by all countries. They will not be left among the people, and they will not be allowed to trade.

The five people were not slow, heading north from Chu State, passing through Baiyue's hometown and heading to South Korea.

The homeland of Baiyue has now become the land of Chu State, and South Korea naturally does not dare to have the slightest idea about this.

Even though Chu State suffered several big losses at the hands of Qin State, it was not comparable to South Korea, and there were gaps in all aspects.

Not to mention that South Korea was also tortured very badly at the beginning, and it didn't dare to say anything.

After capturing Baiyue, the Chu State opened up the main road and became an important trade route between Chu State and South Korea.

Although the four girls were extremely beautiful, even after their disguises, they were still extremely beautiful in the world, but with a big man like Tian Hao standing nearby to intimidate them, and coupled with the Haoran sword, which was very heavy at a glance, they were definitely not easy to mess with.

Therefore, although there are many people on the business road, there are very few ignorant people who dare to come over to make trouble. Even if they do, they will be slapped away by Tian Hao, so as not to affect their mood.

The five people entered South Korea smoothly. When they were halfway through the journey, they suddenly disappeared one night and turned back to Huoyu Villa.

In order to avoid being suspected, they did not stop at Huoyu Villa, but continued to move forward, and did not return until tonight.

The five of them were all good at cultivation and very good at Qinggong. They traveled hundreds of miles to Huoyu Villa in one night.

The Huoyu Villa that was burned down that year has been rebuilt and has become a large trading market on this business road, and it is also under the name of Jade Tiger.

"Emerald Villa is indeed one of the Four Evil Generals in charge of wealth in the night, and they have a keen sense of business opportunities."

Looking at the plaque on the gate of the villa in the distance, Tian Hao sighed with emotion at the ability of the Emerald Tiger. He really had two skills to become one of the four vicious generals in the night.

"Sooner or later they will be destroyed."

Hu Mei said bitterly that although their disaster was mainly caused by Liu Yi, Ji Wuye and others were also responsible.

If Ji Wuye and others hadn't plotted against Brother Li Kai, how would Liu Yi have dared to take advantage of him?

Sooner or later, they will have to settle this account with Ji Wuye and others.

"Let's go!"

Looking sadly at the unfamiliar villa that had been rebuilt, Hu Ya turned around and left, heading to the burial place of her father and others.

This time I came here just to see this former home. The graves of my father and others were on another secluded hill. In order to avoid being disturbed by others, they did not even erect a monument at that time, and most of the corpses were burned into ashes and buried.

The five people came to the tomb. The Hu Ya sisters took out a brazier they had brought specially and took out the paper money they had prepared and lit them one by one.

Tian Hao also knelt beside Hu Mei. After all, Hu Mei was already his woman, and the two tombs in front of him were his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

As the saying goes, a son-in-law is half a son, so he has to kneel down.

Seeing Tian Hao kneeling down, Hu Mei was startled and her heart was full of sweetness.

Hu Ya also glanced at her benefactor who was kneeling down. Without saying anything, she continued to put the paper money into the brazier.

Tian Hao was not idle either. He took some paper money from Hu Mei's hand and gave it to her while controlling the light to cover up the fire.

This place is not far from Jade Villa, so there will definitely be someone arranged by Jade Tiger, so it’s better to be careful.

It's not that I'm afraid of being discovered, but I don't want some trivial things to affect my subsequent plans in Korea.

As the saying goes, details determine success or failure, so be careful and you won't make a big mistake.

The three of them were burning paper money while talking. Hu Ya was mainly talking, and Hu Mei and Tian Hao would occasionally join in and tell the elders about their lives over the years.

Zhao Ji and Ying Ge were watching not far away, and Zhao Ji also took the opportunity to communicate with Ying Ge about Mo Crow.

"I've never asked you before, how far has your relationship with that Mo Crow progressed?"

Zhao Ji respected Yingge's privacy, so she didn't take the initiative to ask about this matter.

But since I have come to South Korea this time and will meet Mo Ya, I have to figure out some things to avoid anything bloody happening.

Ying Ge glanced at something over there, and said secretly using the sound transmission of Tianlai: "Actually, it's nothing, Bai Niao is just a killer organization, or even a tool. Tools cannot have feelings.

At that time, Mo Ya and I helped each other, and we had some good feelings for each other, but we didn't have feelings for each other yet. "

She knew very well what happened between herself and Mo Ya back then. The two parties only had a little bit of affection for each other, and it wasn't even close to liking each other, let alone love.

Maybe we can develop further after getting along for a while, but unfortunately, I fell into the hands of that thing not long after I left. I have been working without pay until now, and the feeling I had for Mo Crow has long been gone.

I think Mo Crow is the same.

But even if they hadn't encountered that thing, it wouldn't have been possible for him and Mo Crow. As Ji Wuye's tool, Bai Niao was not allowed to have feelings, let alone that he had become the Cauldron favored by the Blood-clothed Marquis. , the final outcome will definitely not be better.

"There are some things you should really consider. Counting your age, you are almost thirty, and you are already an old girl."

Zhao Ji talked about this matter again and wanted to have another ally.

That girl Xingyun has been staying at Bashu's side. There are only two of them here, Hu Mei, and they can't stand it at all.

They suffered a lot last time. They had to increase their allies to share the firepower, otherwise they would be wandering between life and death dozens of times each time. The feeling was really hard to describe in words, it was far beyond their limit.

She had no way to persuade Hu Ya, so she could only let it develop naturally. Maybe one day she would be tempted and take the initiative to fall into the arms of the little man and share the firepower with them.

Now the only one who can be fooled here is the girl Yingge, and this girl is already a big girl, not even far from the old girl.

He has no relatives or elders, so he is considered half an elder, so he naturally has to worry about his life-long affairs.

After all, we can't go on like this forever.

Yingge was silent, struggling internally. She was indeed not young anymore, she was almost three years old.

Seeing that Yingge didn't refuse, Zhao Ji knew there was something going on and continued to deceive him.

"It was your fate that you met him in the first place. Although his methods were a bit rough and gave you a bad impression, we were enemies at that time, and we were not strong yet, so he could only do this.

After that, we will be our own people, and you can see what he is like. As a man, he is undoubtedly very reliable..."

Zhao Ji talked about the advantages of her little man, and she could say a lot in this regard.

Of course, it has its own shortcomings, but they are all harmless. When bullying their women, it is just like a slap in the face.

That in itself is nothing, after all, that's all they women can get beaten on their bodies.

"Would you like to find a chance to try? Don't peek around every time. It will make you feel even worse."

At the end of the day, I suggested that the most difficult thing about this matter is the first step. As long as you get started, it will be much easier after that.

These words made Ying Ge's fair and pretty face turn red immediately. After all, she was still a young lady, and it was really unbearable to talk about such a topic.

Not to mention that she really felt miserable every time she watched it, and her legs were a little weak last time.

"I will make arrangements for you after Xinzheng settles down."

Seeing that Yingge still didn't refuse or meant to exclude, Zhao Ji knew that it was done. She just needed to find an opportunity to make arrangements to overcome that hurdle.


Blushed with embarrassment, the parrot sang as softly as a mosquito's moan and responded.

In fact, she was not very repelled by this aspect. Even the time in the pool a few years ago, if the bastard had been tougher, she would have obeyed.

But who would have thought that the thing didn't do that, and instead slapped him until he was swollen, just to settle the score.

She was angry at that time, but now that she has taken that step, if she can't beat that thing in terms of physical strength, then she will defeat it on other battlefields and make the opponent kneel down and beg for mercy.

If you have a child in the future, then beat his child. This is called repaying the debt of the father to the son!
Tian Hao didn't even know that he had been targeted by a woman with hatred, so he was ready to squeeze him out and kneel on the ground singing "Conquer".

He even harmed his family and bullied his children. He really had the most vicious heart of a woman!
(End of this chapter)

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